Reiryuu Academy Student Council
121 Vampires and countdowns
"The time limit is 10 minutes. The two remaining officers are now Kamiyoshi-kun and Nanahara Mei-ho. Students, I wish you good luck."
Such a broadcast echoes in the ears of bud grenades walking down the elevator and alerting their surroundings. This is the last part already.
"Where's Nanhara Bud Grenade?!?
But the only thing that sounds in the school building is a voice looking for bud grenades. Boys and girls, their aim was completely squeezed into bud grenades.
"Over there!
A boy student leaves the hallway of the second grade building with a bumpy, busy noise.
The bud grenade looked hygomatic from the columns in the hallway where the boys students had passed so much.
"Gone... right"
Make sure it's not popular around, bud grenades show up there. Even though I say it's not popular, as soon as time goes by, someone comes along and chases after the bud grenade thing.
"I can't hide because I have a camera"
The bud grenade exhaled.
Because special cameras are installed everywhere, if you move poorly, you will quickly find out where you are. Of course, there are exceptions.
"Where is Kamiyo-kun..."
Lai Luo said that since the beginning of the show, he has never been seen on camera footage. Thanks to this, all of the female students who found it impossible to find the Xu have migrated to a bud grenade aim in order to earn points.
In other words, the aim of all school students is to concentrate on bud grenades.
"Ahhhh! Where are you going?
Fengya looks at the big screen and screams. Officers caught and exited came out to the school yard to prepare for an audience raffle that began at the end of the mess.
"The last time I saw him was on the roof of this building."
Come Luo will answer Fengya's question for you. But Fengya doesn't want to know where she is. He called out to the disturbing wind so that his advantage could be forgiven.
"Nanhara-san will come out when she gets pinched."
"It would already be a pinch"
Shotaro reacts to the favorable words. Fengya and Lailuo, and Favor looked back and solidified when he saw Shotaro.
"Hey, what?
"... Psst, ahahahahahahaha!!
Shotaro's zombie look makes us all laugh as usual. It's funny how many times I look at it. Regardless of the advantages you're trying to enjoy laughing at, Kazuya and Laila burst into laughter.
"Lotus Moon, Shu... I laugh too much"
There was a buzzing sound of something hanging up from Shotaro. Advantage speaks that way, but time is already late.
"You guys want to get beat up!!
That's what Shotaro grabbed was Fengya's wolf ear.
"Shotaro Kung! Why just me!? Where's Lai Luo?
"I don't have a hobby for hitting women"
"Sasasu but Sho"
"No, no, because it's just the outfit! Relax, Shotaro Kung!
In front of the three people who have such usual interactions, the advantage is one exhales.
"Nanhara...... good luck"
In the screen, I saw a bud grenade that even kept running, and the advantage squeaked so.
"There he is! Nanhara sprouts! Let's surround it!
Running down the hallway in the third grade building, the bud grenade was found by a foursome female student. The female students who contemplated pinching the bud grenade in the hallway split second-hand.
But this time, four girls. There's nothing you can't cut through. The bud grenade stopped on the spot and started leaping with Piong Piong.
More and more female students shrink their distance from the bud grenades. The bud grenade finally gave up - yes, the bud grenade doesn't show any evil or haste as much as everyone thinks.
"Earn points -!
That said, four students reach for the bud grenade, but every one of those hands cuts the sky.
"Where have you been?!?
There's nowhere in the bud grenade that's supposed to be in the middle of the four. One student shouted while everyone was stunned.
"- Go!"
Everyone looks up at the ceiling to be led by that voice. And I rounded my eyes.
The bud grenade jumps up in the shade of the ceiling and kicks the ceiling against his body. And landed behind the female students trying to turn around.
"Oh, you can do it."
Bud grenades do it themselves and impress me. I tried something that was a scene from the drama Kei was watching before.
The female students behind the back of the happy bud grenade are flashing.
The audience watching the big screen outside was also noisy. Even the two student union officers and the Langtang family were surprised to open their eyes. The only ones that haven't moved are Shigeji and Mariko.
"Bud Grey, that's right"
"I could fly well dressed like I couldn't move."
The motor nerve virtues of bud grenades are intimate, and Shigeji and Mariko are well aware of each other. Hence, I was so calmly impressed with the bud grenade behavior.
And the bud grenade ran off the hallway as it was.
Run up and down the stairs and run all the way through the hallway. Sometimes I jumped out the window and landed in the outer hallway downstairs and kept running anyway with five minutes left.
"... Ha, ha, ha"
Five more minutes - but bud grenade fatigue had reached its peak. Paralyzed legs won't allow me to keep running for five minutes.
The bud grenade came to the outer hallway without students connecting the main building to the second grade building, and collapsed on the spot.
If we can find it here anymore, there's no means left to escape to the bud grenades.
"Nobody's coming. Okay..."
Kotsuki...... Kotsuki
I get the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground in the ears of bud grenades that meditate on my eyes as I wish. The sound came closer and closer to the bud grenade and stopped behind the bud grenade. The bud grenade slowly opened his eyes and looked back.
- One person with such a unique air, as far as bud grenades know.
"... Kamiyo-kun"
Even in the sight of a resentful bud grenade, he stood with an extra grin on his face.
The wind blows, and the hair and the black cloak shake.
"Do you have something to say?
Xu asks the bud grenade with a gentle face. The bud grenade stares up at the crouch and tells him quietly.
"I'm almost done, why did you come out?
Perhaps this is where the CCTV footage shows up. I don't see why Bud Gwen showed up here when he never showed up on camera before. Because if you don't show up here on purpose, you'll get away with it.
"I wonder why."
That's what he said and misled.
Then he crouched down in front of the bud grenade and matched the bud grenade's gaze.
"Kamiyo-kun. They'll catch you?"
"Is that okay?
"It's not good."
The bud grenade looks troubled in his answer. If it's not good, we should put down the sprouts and get out of here right now. But I won't.
"Bud ho, I'll tell you the best solution that neither you nor I can get caught"
He puts his hand through the hair of the bud grenade and lowers it so that it combs.
"Drop your makeup now, get dressed in your uniform... then there will be no students after you, and I'll just have to hide again"
"But the rest of the time, now that the sprouts can't even stand up, I can't do that anymore."
Suggest yourself and deny the proposal that way. The bud grenade clouded his expression because he didn't know what to think.
"So the best thing right now... is to put me down and Kamiyo-kun escapes, right?
The budding grenade grabs the hand of the bamboo touching his hair and pushes it back. That's not a rejection, it's a pushback. Like the other officers who helped the sprouts, the sprouts also wanted to help the sprouts. I don't want to get caught, but I'm not willing to take you on the road to the next one.
"There he is!
"There's Kamiyo-kun too!
And just in time, the students find the two of them.
You found out on CCTV footage, half of all the school students were pushing over.
"Ten seconds left!
Such a broadcast echoes in the footsteps of the students.
"I'm not the only one who can be a thin lover."
The shovel shook back the hand that the sprouts had pushed to send out the shovel. By means of a tightly connected hand, neither the garnet nor the sprouts could escape from it.
"You're gonna get caught by two?
"No way."
Xu laughs his bud grenade opinion with his nose. And he drew the hand of the bud grenade and embraced it as if it were enclosing the bud grenade.
"Five, four..."
The voice of the countdown echoes.
The bud grenade finally realized what the best way to do it was there.
"Kamiyo, let go of me!
"Oh, I forgot to tell you something"
The students' hands had already reached that far.
"Three, two..."
At the same time as the signal of 1, someone's hand touches the shoulder of the
But bud grenades weren't if they were turning a blind eye to that.
"It's so... beautiful"
In the great cheer of the students, an undisputed voice reaches the ears of the bud grenades.
"It's over! At the end of the day, only Mr. Nanahara Bud Grey survived! Congratulations!
The signal of termination flows, and the bamboo leaves the bud grenade.
Unable to catch the bud grenade, the boys unfortunately return to the school garden, where the female students follow.
One black cat left behind remained crouched on the spot for a while, whether it was because of his paralyzed leg or because of his loss of shoulder strength, or because he lost his back to another unintended word.