Reiryuu Academy Student Council
125 Broken plates and top news
The day after the cultural festival.
Lilong School was a transfer holiday.
Wake up at the usual time, bud grenades get out of bed. That's how the first thing I saw in the bud grenade's eyes loosened her expression.
- King's medal.
It's an important treasure of bud grenades that lets us know it's not a dream until yesterday.
I'm overwhelmed with happiness right after I wake up.
The bud grenade slapped the bread and both cheeks to correct the face that would naturally nibble.
It's still a little while before Kei and Mariko wake up, and it's time for Shigeji to wake up soon. The bud grenade hurried downstairs and began to prepare breakfast.
"Morning, bud grenade"
A few minutes after the bud grenade started cooking, he came into the kitchen with the face that Seiji seemed to have slept as usual.
Exchange greetings and Shigeji leans straight into the living room. Heavy governance always rushes to get ready in the morning, but today seemed to be a slower work day than usual, turning on the TV and relaxing.
"Yes, coffee"
"Oh, thank you."
The sprouts serve the roasted coffee in between dishes before heavy healing.
"Sounds like fun, buddy."
"Because my face is laughing."
As the bud grenade tilted his neck, Heiji smiled pointing to the bud grenade's face. Zubari points out, the bud grenade holds his cheek and blushes in embarrassment. Such a bud grenade was adorable and Heiji laughed out in his voice.
Don't laugh anymore.
"I'm glad to see a buddy's face like that."
Shigeji crushes in an emotional way. When I heard that, the bud grenade laughed with an indescribable face.
Bud Grey himself thinks that he used to be a really troubled child with no love. I could please myself with such heavy healing. Now I can make the family of the Nanhara family smile. That fact alone warms the bud grenade's heart.
"I'm almost ready for dinner, so I'm not waiting."
"It's been a while since I've had a slow breakfast."
Laughing at Heavy Ji, who said he was smudged, Bud Grey returned to the kitchen.
The TV sounds Seiji was watching in the living room were also properly heard in the kitchen, and the bud grenades were listening to the early morning news while cutting vegetables.
'~ You did. So here's the news.'
"Hmmm, nice smell!
Mariko came up where the news switched to another topic. She woke up smelling like baked fish.
"Hello, Mother."
"Good morning, buddy. I'm sorry I woke you up early for the day off."
"Yes. More than that, Mother. Can you get Kei for me?
Mariko utters the kitchen and the sprouts take the dishes out of the shelves, Bud Grey says.
And the moment the bud grenade took out the plate.
"Yesterday's cultural festival at Lilong School was visited by Shinichiro Tojo, the next president of the Qinzo Treasury, Seiyuki Qinzo and the president of the Tojo Group"
The news was reported, and a plate spilled out of the bud grenade's hand.
"Bud ho, are you okay!?
Hearing the sound of the plate cracking flashly, Shigeji immediately comes to the kitchen.
"Tojo, in particular, has also participated in this year's Lilong School sports festival, with a second visit. There are many voices of doubt that the top of the big companies have moved during this busy period '
Heard the announcer's words and the appearance of the bud grenade, Heiji also stopped moving.
"Bud Grey!?
Mariko, who has just left the kitchen, returns and rounds her eyes.
"It sounded like a broken plate, but it was big..."
Dressed in his uniform, Kei just came down from the room and shut his mouth to see what was going on in the kitchen from behind Mariko. And he threw down the school run he had in his hand and ran over to the bud grenade.
"Sister Bud Grey!
Kei grabbed the bud grenade arm standing so relieved that he didn't even notice the plate was broken.
"There seems to be a way of looking at whether or not the industry has found a candidate to succeed the Tojo Group in Lilong School."
The reason for the aberration of the bud grenade was sufficient information conveyed by the news now running.
"Bud Grey Sister..."
Kei calls the name of the bud grenade and grips the bud grenade arm hard. Then, the bud grenade also regained consciousness haha.
"Sorry, dude."
The sprouts apologize and hurry to collect the fragments of the broken plate.
The condition was similar to that of the first time I met a bud grenade, and Kei's heart went out of its way.
"Who are you talking to? If you don't like it, try to shut up all the mass media right now."
That story, which circulated in the national news in the early morning, reached La Faust School without exception. And in the Secret Service, a prince yells at his smartphone.
After a while of argument, the perfectly crisp Holy Night threw the phone on the wall during the call and broke it.
"Damn, I'm angry..."
That said, Holy Night kicks a chair.
Shin glanced over his shoulder and dropped his eyes on the magazine at hand in the state of Holy Night, which could not hide his frustration.
The magazine's scoop was also about Tojo and Lilong School. The news also bears the name of Holy Night along with Tojo, and that's what the Harimoto family was unhappy with. The current phone call was also a call from the use of the main house, and the sermon was that it would be difficult for you to do something on your own.
The press is loud this time of year. That's what everyone in this world knows. That's why it's normal to pack a job and keep it from showing gaps. I can't help but be told that the name comes up in weekly magazines and news because I'm not aware enough.
But for Holy Night, that doesn't matter. In the end, it wasn't myself that was taken as a story, it was Tojo.
I feel sorry for myself for not being able to reach a step, and the Holy Night scratches my forehead shabby. But to be prudent, what Holy Night did was worth too much.
"I think it was the power of the Holy Night that kept the media from thinking that far, huh?
If Holy Night hadn't gone to school, the reason for Tojo's visit would have been narrowed down to the presence of a mistress or a hidden child. However, the theory that Holy Night went to find a successor to the Tojo Group, which was responsible for the same generation as Holy Night, was reinforced by what Holy Night did. Whatever, the Tojo Group and the Qin Zao treasury are in the same company that can't be cut off. If so, the presidential candidate of the Tojo Group will also be involved in the Qin Zao treasury.
The actions of Holy Night are never in vain.
"So, Holy Night. What's the punishment?
Makoto makes a sassy noise and closes the magazine. And wearing a La Faust blazer, Makoto asked that on the eve of holiday, when he would get himself ready.
Even if it's not a big deal, there can't be no punishment from the main house on Holy Night when you act on your own.
"A month of caution. Back to the main house for a while."
That's what made Holy Night so pretty that it broke my smartphone. It's this time of year that I want to be by that girl's side, but I can't do that on Holy Night. Whatever you say in your mouth, you cannot go against the intentions of the main house on this Holy Night.
"Oh well. Then I'll be back in mid-November, hey..."
Makoto laughs bitterly when he says so. I know what his bitter laughter means. Holy night sighed.
"I'll see you when I get home...... be sure"
This is the Tojo main house - a grand mansion lined with the Qin Zao Book family in Osaka.
Tojo took his feet early that morning to the place he most hated.
When Tojo opened the heavy door, an old woman who also knew Tojo well inside called his name.
His mother, who was 70 years old, remains in the seat of the commander-in-chief of the main house. Since all the authority of the Tojo family has already been transferred to Tojo Hyunichiro, it is only a seat in the name.
It was the first time in a decade that Tojo had been raised like a machine and confronted by a mother who continued to dislike his loved ones.
"What does this... mean"
That being said, the commander-in-chief glanced at his entourage and made him put the newspaper on a desk separating her from Tojo. The headline on one side of that newspaper reads: 'The successor candidate for the Tojo Group is Lilong School'.
"It would be usual for the media to make a scene by exaggerating the story"
"Right. I wouldn't bother calling you if this wasn't Li Long School either"
Says the commander-in-chief in an old, plundering voice. Tojo closed his eyes and waited for the commander-in-chief's words.
Tojo had been out of touch with the commander-in-chief for 10 years. Naturally, I didn't even tell Lilong School that she was going to be admitted.
But the fact that she cared about the name of Lilong School means that she is still looking up the child after her hands off her as she wished.
As always, Tojo sighs.
"You've been a pain in the ass"
The commander-in-chief said to Tojo in a voice that included disgust.
"I have nothing to worry about, General."
On the other hand, Tojo disproves such a commander-in-chief's words in a clear tone. The commander-in-chief glanced at Tojo's reply.
"You definitely need to expose it?
"Can you swear the press won't make a scene at all?
Tojo did not nod to the question. Now that the press is already making a scene, it's too late for me to swear. Tojo stared at her because the commander-in-chief who knew and was listening to it hated her.
"This is what happens because you don't do what I say. I was all against it. It's all about marrying that guy and entrusting that kid to a man you don't know anybody about. That's why I grew up muddy without even knowing where I stand and lived as I please...... enrolled in Lilong School, let alone a student union board member"
In the middle of the commander-in-chief's words, Tojo tapped his desk as he wished. The commander-in-chief was surprised by it and a little frightened.
"You always are. About the garment, about Nanahara... I will never admit to that girl"
"Because you don't have to admit it."
The commander-in-chief ran out.
Authority is everything. She has always mercilessly cut off a man without a family. Tojo, who lived just like her and hurt a lot of people, that's why she just wanted to protect the oblivion of one loved one.
"I'm the one who went to see that girl. That kid's not bad. I'm the bad one."
The commander-in-chief narrowed his eyes to Tojo, who told him in a calm tone only. She always sees people that way when there's something she doesn't like.
"Who's the bad part... That's not what you talk about when it's public, Hyunichiro. Do you understand? You dumped her, didn't you?
"We... eh"
"What's the difference"
Tojo clogs words. The commander-in-chief smiled with a face like a winner.
"You can't call that kid your daughter. You've been accusing me for a long time, but in the end you're just like me. I can only live for myself and the Tokyo family."
"I wonder what she would think of you when she dumped you and came to see you.... Though I wouldn't even want to see my face"
The commander-in-chief takes the hand of his entourage and disappears into the back with an indelible foothold.
"I will have this issue handled as soon as possible"
Just leave the word. The commander-in-chief is gone from the sight of Tojo.
A sad reality that I can't assure you is not, tightened Tojo's chest.