Reiryuu Academy Student Council
139 Advice and punishment
In the morning home room, Dr. Matsuda's voice sounded as troublesome as ever to Group F.
"All classes this afternoon will be cut and orientation for school trips will be made for the entire school year. Then Nanhara."
Matsuda Sensei turns her gaze to the bud grenade. Bud Grey replied with a troubled face to Dr. Matsuda, who looked like a coward somewhere.
"What is it?
"Come to the Student Guidance Room after lunch break and dinner! Absolutely!
When Dr. Matsuda said for fun, all the students in group F marked their heads with a fitting mark. It's not a very good thing to be summoned to the Student Guidance Office. But Matsuda is in a good mood, and his opponent is a slightly honorable bud grenade.
"What are you up to, Matsuda?"
After contacting the bud grenade, Dr. Matsuda just cuts up the homeroom. In a recent incident here, Maiko, worried about the bud grenade, looked at Matsuda sensei with a dazzling eye.
"I don't think it's a bad story."
For a moment, I was anxious that the harassment might have been found out, but Bud Grey was convinced it wouldn't be the first from what Dr. Matsuda looked like.
With that in mind, the bud grenades are folding A3 size backing paper to make something.
"What are you making?
"When I came to school, there was no gift in the drawer."
The bud grenade folded paper took the form of a stowage, and the bud grenade put it on his desk and stuck his hand in the drawer.
It was the push pin that the bud grenade removed, trying to scratch it out.
The bud grenade repeated about five times the task of collecting it and fixing it into a container, and donated it to the supplies box in the class for each container to make sure that the pressing pin inside was gone.
"I'm impressed by the effort you made to come all the way to my desk with all those push pins."
Maiko is a little confused by the bud grenade that looks reopened somewhere.
Yesterday, the interview squad stepped out, and from today Bud Grey was to return to the student council. That's information the board followers would know, but the harassment of the bud grenades was not over.
"Maiko, the first limit is mobile classes. Go -"
The bud grenade drifts a relaxing air like before. Maybe being able to go back to the student council is letting the bud grenades do that to themselves.
"... yeah"
However, Maiko felt a strange heartache at the board followers who continued to harass him without changing his connection to the bud grenade.
It was lunch break and the bud grenades came to the student guidance room after lunch as Dr. Matsuda told me this morning.
It's Nanhara.
Knock on the door in front of the room. From inside, Dr. Matsuda's voice was "In," and the bud grenade opened the door.
"Excuse me."
It's not very spacious in the room. There were many shelves lined with college red books at the wall, and a pipe chair was placed in the center of the room to pin it across from the long desk.
Dr. Matsuda already sat in the pipe chair, so the bud grenade sat in the other pipe chair.
"Sorry to call you, Nanhara."
When Dr. Matsuda apologizes for the way he looks most, for some reason, the "frigid" emotion creeps up in the bud grenade. But with a laugh that was still going to blow out, the bud grenade replied, "No, I'm fine".
"Well, let's get down to business"
Dr. Matsuda rings the pipe chair with a mistletoe and starts talking in a very soggy way.
"Nanhara. A lifetime favor."
"Will you use King's privilege for 'Matsuda Sensei to be head of school next year'!
Dr. Matsuda said that with excitement and began to shake the shoulders of the bud grenades. The bud grenade laughs half-eyed, completely forgetting the existence of King's privilege. Speaking of which, Dr. Matsuda was trying to get King out of Group F.
"Dr. Matsuda... Um, shake it, stop... ugh"
Gwong, my shoulders are shaken to the point where the sound of Gwong is about to sound, and the bud grenade is about to throw up. Pleading for the bud grenade to stop shaking, Dr. Matsuda said, "Oh, I'm sorry!," he said, taking his hand off the bud grenade.
"So, will you think about it!?
"Do you think there are students who use it for that -?
"Oh no!?
That's what Dr. Matsuda said, and to try to shake Bud Grey's shoulder again, Bud Grey apologized and forgived Dr. Matsuda.
"You don't have to use King's privilege to be the head of the school year, Mr. Matsuda."
"Based on what!
Dr. Matsuda has a rough nose and listens to the bud grenade story. Such a desperate look of Dr. Matsuda was funny and the bud grenade laughed karakara.
"Because the teacher is King's teacher of the year, who won the Trump Games and became a student council officer, right?
Bud Grey smiled at Matsuda Sensei.
"No one thinks that such a good student position is not appropriate for a grade director. So you don't have to use King's privileges… it depends on Dr. Matsuda's power."
Matsuda Sensei moisturizes her eyes at the touching dialogue of the bud grenades. That concludes the story. The bud grenade stood up and looked back at Dr. Matsuda as I had come up with it.
"King's privilege, I totally forgot... I just decided what to use it for"
"Thank you for reminding me," the bud grenade said as he tongued out and played, leaving the student guidance room.
After that, of course, Dr. Matsuda said, "Nooooooooooooooooooo!" Bud grenades do not know that he was shouting remorsefully.
The bud grenade stops thinking of going back from the student guidance room to the classroom. It'll be cleaning time by the time I get back to class. Then it's just right to keep going to the cleaning area.
The bud grenade redirects the foot it was pointing toward the classroom to the cleaning place.
When I came to the courtyard, I thought there were female students there in the same grade who flipped the class trash can over to the sprouts cleaning area.
It's obvious harassment, but it's not as vicious as this morning's push pin because it's not an act that would do harm to bud grenades.
I don't know what's so much fun, but the female students leave the scene with a blast.
"I wish you'd dump me somewhere else"
The sprouts pick up the garbage scattered on the flowerbed and collect it. I wanted it to be somewhere else if I was going to sprinkle garbage, even if it was to be applied to bud grenades. Plain heartache when you can sprinkle something dirty on a beautiful flower.
"Ok... duh"
In the meantime, the bud grenade removed debris from the flower bed. But I have to get rid of the garbage I picked up before I water the flowers. The bud grenade went to the incinerator to pick up the garbage bags and the bamboo.
"Garbage bags, garbage bags..."
There is an incinerator near the third gym. The bud grenade, which was removing the garbage bag from the locker next to the incinerator, felt signs of people behind his back and looked back in haste.
"... eh"
"Thanks for making it work as planned"
Behind the bud grenades were the female students who just scattered garbage. They acted like that in order to get the sprouts to come here from the beginning.
Even in front of the female students who laughed Nico, the bud grenades calmly look for a way out. Five people can't get through it. But the female students laughed whether or not they knew such a bud grenade idea.
"Hey, don't think about running away, huh?
"We just want to talk to Nanahara-san for a minute."
That said, the female students surround the bud grenades.
"... what"
"Last advice. Stop it, student council."
One tells quietly. Bud grenades don't surprise me with the words I expected.
"Neither do we really want to blame Nanhara. 'Cause it's the same grade, and you don't know what it's like to want to sell it to an officer."
The female student turns a sympathetic gaze on the bud grenade as she spins her beautifully curled hair with a circle of fingers.
"But no one should be 'special' to the board. Nanhara-san, you don't know that because you're in high school, but that's what I've been promising you for a long time."
"So, well... I know it's impossible (...), but I'm advising Nanahara, who's trying to be special to the board, right?
Isn't it sweet, but the female students told the bud grenades with a cat stroke. Its appearance is cold and the bud grenades tremble.
"If Nanahara's going to quit the student council, I'll welcome you to the fan club. Next year, one of us will be the head of the fan club, and I'll treat Nanahara better."
"So - no student council"
It wasn't a favor, it contained strong feelings like an order.
But the bud grenade's heart was very calm.
"Before I give you that answer, let me tell you"
If you say you're quitting the student council, maybe this will end the harassment. And I guess a false friendship begins instead.
I don't want a bud grenade for that.
"I'm not special to officers."
Fengya always said. "Only Bud Grey will look at me," he said happily to Bud Grey many times.
It's like gazing at a bud grenade officer. Though they said it was something special, it's really not. The bud grenades have just taken for granted to see what they really are.
"But as much as you're not special to them either,"
Their fans worship officers as if they were gods. That may indeed be the result of the intensity of the thoughts. But on the other hand, it was also true that officers were tying it up like it was their ideal.
"We think a lot more about officers than you do, and we understand... Huh!
Then tell me.
The sprouts stare back at the female students. If I run away here, bud grenades can't face everyone anymore.
"If you know more about everyone than I do, let me know."
When the bud grenades said so in a strong voice, the female students shut up. I know more about officers than bud grenades. But that's all just about the upper side. Only with knowledge that gathered information that could easily be known to everyone, such as background and appearance, could the board followers talk about them, etc.
"Even I still don't know anything about everyone."
Shotaro hates to lose, Shotaro is really a sweet person, the advantages are actually a bit of a tea eyed person, the fact that Lailao has a masculine side, and how straight the wind is, the bud grenades know all their sides. I couldn't tell the bud grenades that I knew the thoughts and troubles they would have and still understand them.
"And yet, if you erase someone from one end who's serious about understanding everyone, nobody's trying to understand the officer... if you really think about the officer, it's just that hard"
There is no mistake in the language of bud grenades.
All this time the officers keep saying it's everyone's idol, only their fans are happy. They can't even be happy with this look.
"I want to understand everyone. Because I just want you to understand me."
That was decided by the bud grenades.
Because I want you to believe me, I believe in everyone. I want you to understand, so I understand everyone better than who I am.
"If I quit the student council, I'll be back again and again."
There are no two words in that word.
The bud grenade was definitely not willing to retract the word.
The more I knew what Bud Grey was saying was right, the more bitter it would have been for the board followers. Intolerable shame falls on bud grenade cheeks instead of anger.
Pachin '
I was used to getting slapped already.
Jinjin and cheeks hurt, but bud grenades do not escape that pain.
"What... those eyes"
The female student's face is ugly and distorted.
My face looked dirty in the beautiful eyes of the bud grenade, and the female student's head got hot at once.
One female student grabs a bud grenade arm and pulls. The bud grenade resists, but he gets kicked in the back from the waist and his knee loses strength with the cunt.
"Liar, hey, no!
But that's what the bud grenades shouted at when I had a bad feeling about where they brought me.
That's by the third gymnasium, a gymnasium warehouse turned into an abandoned house now unused.
The bud grenade is thrown into it with his arms pulled as far as he can. Hurry up and try to get out of the warehouse. The exit was blocked by the female students.
"I wish I could hear what you say while I'm advising you."
"Really, stop"
The bud grenades force their hands to push the female student away, but they shake too much of fear to power well.
"Nanhara-san's bad."
The bounced bud grenade was slammed against the cold concrete floor of the warehouse. And -.
Bang...... Gachari
Heavy doors close and rusty keys make dull noises.
"Stay there until you reflect."
Closed dark room with light.
The light disappears from the eyes of the bud grenade.
There was nothing that looked like a bud grenade in a dark world.