Reiryuu Academy Student Council
145 Identity and opening
Orientation is over, where all of today's classes are over.
"Feng Ya-kun... he didn't come home"
That's what one of the Fengya fans who trapped the bud grenade said in a stunned manner. Let go of ourselves. Fengya went to help the bud grenade.
Fengya didn't come home like that. And the bud grenades didn't come home either. The meaning it shows inspires the hearts and minds of windy fans.
"... eh"
After the orientation of the school trip, only Windy fans are biting their lips off. As they thought about not being around again, he immediately guessed.
"Hey you guys..."
Lai Luo stops him from turning his foot on them. Now the students were still in the classroom.
I am not willing to stop you from acting. However, Laila knew that the killer could not act calmly.
"Come... are you trying to disturb me?
"No, I won't disturb you. Just don't do it now."
Even if he receives a sharp gaze, Laila will not be frightened.
"Kamiyo. Now, we're going to the Student Council Room.... Blue Town, that's fine."
Shotaro, who was by his side, says with a voice that sounds like a whisper. Finally, he also announced the advantages of staring at the fans of Fengya with a huge face.
"Yes.... but I'm not willing to end up like this"
Leaving aside his advantages, he followed Shotaro's words.
"Bud ho!
The orientation ended. No, Maiko rushed down the stairs with tremendous momentum and came to the infirmary.
Open the door, Maiko calls the name of the bud grenade.
Fengya had stopped crying already and was about to be teased by the sprouts with her swollen eyes.
"Maiko... Wah!
"Worry......! Idiot!"
Maiko hugged the bud grenade on the bed and knocked the head of the bud grenade tightly. The bud grenade says, "It hurts," and laughs happily.
"Nanhara, are you okay?
Takimoto, who had since come in, also looked at the bud grenade and asked worryingly.
"Yeah. Because Lotus Moon was there for me"
That being said, the bud grenades gaze at the wind. Takimoto looked at the wind elegantly, imitating it. Takimoto complains a lot about Kazuya, who has never been by the sprouts before. But when I saw Fengya's gushaved face, I swallowed the words.
"Thank you both for your concern"
"You bet! He's my best friend."
"Don't worry. It's weirder."
Two argue that way against the words of the bud grenade. I don't think the two words are the only words on the spot, just the form.
"That's right."
Bud grenades have found people who care about bud grenades. I have nothing to be afraid of anymore.
Bud grenades break up with Maiko and Takimoto in the infirmary. Heading with Fengya was the first student club room in a long time.
Everyone is already there, and bud grenades and wind elegance sit in their usual seats next to each other. The four of them looked at the two of them sitting as normal, with a calm look.
"It doesn't change... this place"
The bud grenade squeaks with a smudge and emotional appearance.
There was the same warm and calm air flowing in the student council room where everyone had been for a long time.
The location of the bud grenade welcomes the bud grenade unchanged.
"You'll be relieved when we're all here."
In favorable words, the bud grenade smiled.
Everyone on the board sees a laughing bud grenade. That's a signal to the bud grenade. It gave bud grenades the time to talk about it when they said they had something to tell everyone.
"Haha, something... it makes me nervous when things change like this"
The bud grenade gets everyone's gaze and scratches his head just a little bit illuminated. But he corrects such a playful attitude with one deep breath, and the bud grenade opens his mouth again.
"Until it matters like this, I'm also ashamed I didn't notice..."
The sprouts bowed their heads to everyone.
Kept his head down, he continued his words without closing his open mouth.
"I don't want to bother everyone, so I don't have to rely on everyone for that seemingly the most reason... but I ended up bothering everyone so much... I'm so, so sorry"
Bud Grey apologized to everyone first.
The bud grenade thought that I could solve everything on my own hurt my loved ones.
The bud grenade looks at the bamboo.
He told me to rely on the bud grenade, but the bud grenade refused to do so. Now bud grenades properly understand that that was a mistake. So he didn't say anything anymore.
Even if I can do a favor that doesn't cause a lot of trouble, I can't do a favor that would be someone's burden. That, for better or worse, was the nature of the bud grenade that could not be changed.
"I trust everyone. That's not a lie. But... still, there was something I wasn't able to tell everyone"
Nobody opens their mouth.
He was just quietly listening to me talk about bud grenades.
"I'm hiding something important. Guilt, I couldn't count on everyone. Whatever you said, I couldn't count on everyone. That's the real reason. I thought you didn't deserve that."
I can't tell you the truth. Bud grenades rely on officers, that's what officers believers do with unsolicited girls.
And the sprouts decided to be ready to play sayonara with themselves like that.
"Come, Ro."
The bud grenade looked closer to Lai Luo. Lailuo said, "What?," he gently asks the bud grenade.
"Previously, when you first saw my parents... you thought I grew up in a happy family... that's what you told me, right?
Lailao thinks a little and remembers when he was at the sports festival.
"I am, I was really happy with that word.... because I wasn't supposed to be the person in the happiness those two would give me"
"... Huh?
The words of the bud grenade are incomprehensible to anyone who was there. Bud grenades give concise answers to officers who look strange.
"I'm not two real children."
To put that fact into words, the bud grenade's heart was so tightened that there was nothing he could do.
All officers doubt their ears.
Shigeji and Mariko's eyes staring at the bud grenade were gentle eyes like seeing her real daughter. We all know that. So unnecessarily, bud grenade words only upset officers.
If bud grenades are not the real children of Heiji and Mariko, it means that the parents of bud grenades are apart.
"My parents... we all know each other well."
The bud grenade knows his real parents, and that surprised the officers not least. And the fact that the officer knows the person is only a shock.
"What do you mean... it means"
Shotaro asks the bud grenade.
But he had only one person in mind at that point. Shoutaro told Shoutaro the truth only once.
"The Nanahara budding grenade in front of everyone...... abandoned herself that one girl hated and became an ideal, mediocre girl"
So Nanhara bud grenades had to be mediocre. Demonstrating the same ability as your original self is the biggest taboo. If you do that, the price too big will instantly take everything away from the bud grenade.
But the bud grenade, which stopped being mediocre, broke the wall that divided the old self from the present self. Now is the only time to shine a light on the other self that has become one.
The bud grenade makes a thin grin.
"My real name is Tojo Shoot Grenade"
I don't see a bud grenade in the face of an officer who found out about it. When I saw everyone's face, I was going to say "it's a joke".
"... Hiroichiro Tojo's dead (...) She's my only daughter"
And the bud grenade pulled back old memories he tried to forget many times.