Reiryuu Academy Student Council
146 Bottom of Past and Memory
- - Everything's the perfect girl.
Otherwise, Tojo sprouts were unwanted beings.
The bud grenade had long lacquered black hair tied in front of the dresser. The bud grenades gaze across the mirror at the made-up smile maid who called on herself. The maid then diverted her attention from the bud grenade and shifted its gaze outside the window.
"Master Hyunichiro is leaving."
The bud grenade slowly moves his neck.
Outside the window there was a father dressed in a beautiful suit with no wrinkles. Bud grenades always drop him off at this hour from this place. I never said to him, "Go away" with that voice. Bud grenades always looked at his father from a long distance. He was only staring at his father's - big, rinsy back.
The only chance Tojo and the bud grenade face each other is at meals.
Although they sit opposite each other to the ends and ends of the elongated table, their distance is as high as five meters and they cannot clearly see each other's faces facing forward.
"Eat up."
"Yes.... I'll have it"
That's all the conversation is always about counting. But bud grenades didn't hear every word of it because none of those few conversations were happy.
Tojo was an admirer for bud grenades.
But I'm sure that was because I knew I couldn't reach it.
"Has Hyunichiro's wife given birth to a lady and died?
"Shh! You have a big voice."
The rumor-loving maid used to talk about it. Unfortunately, buds often pass nearby in the middle of that conversation. The maids unknowingly damaged the bud grenades of what they could do outside the mansion if they meant to.
"Oh... so Master Hyunichiro can't look straight at the lady"
Rumors of the maids dictated the bud grenade's childhood mind one by one. The bud grenade knew his father wouldn't look at himself as young as he was. The maids relentlessly put it into words, even though the sprouts knew why and tried not to think about it.
Because I don't like myself... That's why Tojo can't look directly at the bud grenade, the idea dominated the bud grenade and smeared the innocent heart of the bud grenade. Since I took my mother's life, Tojo couldn't help but resent me like that, and Bud Grey could only mourn that I had been born.
Such bud grenade anxiety reacted sensitively to even trivialities. So does kindergarten, for example. The bud grenades surprisingly attended regular kindergarten at the time. Even though there were kindergartens attended by well-behaved ladies, Tojo himself chose kindergartens that everyone could attend. However, so that Tojo would not be known that the bud grenade was "the lady of the Tojo family," Tojo turned his hand to all things, and only the gardener knew the fact.
"How old are you, Melu-chan?
The girl approached a bud grenade reading a book in the corner of the classroom, rocking two knots that weren't left or right symmetrical that her mother tied.
"He's amazing."
"Is it amazing?
"Yeah. It's more amazing than anyone."
That's true. For buddy grenades, and for the public, Tojo was an "amazing man". However, for young children, the awesome criteria were very vague and simple.
"You're one amazing person, but how can you be so nice to me?
"Oyugi, how can you not be so nibbly?
The young girl's words easily damaged the bud grenade.
Being my own bad daughter, I was supposed to go to regular kindergarten. You can't come and see yourself because you can't. Such assumptions cover the heart of the bud grenade. Bud Grenade hated everything about herself, and whenever she was starting to resent herself more than anyone else.
I want you to turn to Tojo.
Only that wish built a young bud grenade.
The piano, the violin, the calligraphy, the tea ceremony and the Chinese way absorb all things, up to the martial arts, that little body more than double that of the cohorts. It was then that the bud grenades realized how good their memory was.
And the result was the Tojo Sprout, a perfect girl with nothing she couldn't do, all her precious emotions missing.
"Ma'am, which piece would you like to summon today?
One maid brings two pieces to the bud grenade. A chic piece in blue and a cute piece in red. Ask a regular five-year-old and he will surely point to an adorable red piece without any stray.
"Your aunt's coming today, isn't she? Then you'd better."
With something so clear that I didn't think I was five years old, the bud grenade decided on a blue piece.
The maids said "real dolls" in the shadows of a bud grenade that didn't show one smile on a luxury piece. There were times when the name was filled with visions, but many were ironic about bud grenades.
The only adorable white face that didn't falsify his age didn't make him smile, and the narrative was always calm enough to outweigh that of an adult. The girl, who was supposed to have only been through life five years after her birth, already had responsibilities and sins that she didn't need to shoulder on its back.
"You must be tired, Commander-in-Chief. Would you like to take some time off?
"No. I wonder if Saichiro is better than that."
"Master Hyunichiro hasn't returned yet, so come here for a while"
Deacon leads Tojo Group Commander-in-Chief Yukie Tojo (Yukie Tojo), whose waist is much lower than usual and still less wrinkled, into the mansion.
Once a month, she had taken to the mansion of Kenichiro Tojo, where the bud grenade lived. In those days, Tojo had just ceded the seat of group president and the authority lay with her grandmother, the commander-in-chief, and everything in the Tojo family had been left to her decision. My grandmother was also the one who was wiping Tojo's ass, which had been useless for a while after losing his wife, and even if Tojo could recover from his wife's death, Tojo had always been placed under the watchful eye of his grandmother.
Until Hyunichiro returns, her grandmother sits in a large room. Her position was higher than that of Hyunichiro, and her maid could not approach cheap. So it was always deacon and bud grenade to deal with my grandmother.
"Dear Auntie, I brought you some tea"
Bud grenade puts a teacup in front of my grandmother in a beautiful work that has nothing to complain about. The Deacon also admires every single action of young bud grenades, but his grandmother never praised such bud grenades. On the contrary, my grandmother could only abhor the budding grenades that would flicker the face of the garment.
"You have a lot to learn and do in your studies and archeology... you're still a clever kid to come all the way to my mood... you look just like that one"
My grandmother doesn't give me the name of a garment in her mouth. By then my grandmother would not love the bud grenade, the son of an abominable woman, as her bloody grandson.
"Oh, commander-in-chief. I'm sorry. I'm the one who sent the lady over here. Don't blame the lady."
That's what the Deacon says and bows his head to his grandmother. But the Deacon couldn't have brought the bud grenade in front of the commander-in-chief. If you don't let the bud grenade meet the commander-in-chief, that's all you have to do to say "impolite child who won't even come to say hello" and scorn him again with the grenade. For the Deacon, this was for bud grenades.
"No. I came to see my aunt. I'm sorry. I'll be right back to the auditorium."
"... lady"
If the commander-in-chief doesn't admit it, he'll have to continue to be neglected just like the garment. Because I know that, bud grenades also took care of the opportunity to see my grandmother once a month.
Still, trying to be healthy didn't make things fall well.
The conversation between Tojo and his grandmother always involved the treatment of bud grenades.
"What did you just say...?
"I'll let you adopt him, that's what I said. I won't let that kid succeed me. It's a good family, and that's what I would look forward to if the Qin Zao family marries me."
The bud grenades had not become indifferent enough to hear such a conversation and not be hurt. The only thing that left Bud Grey's heart uncut one step further was that Tojo defied the commander-in-chief and kept him from getting adopted.
Tojo needs a bud grenade at all. He thinks of me as his daughter, and that's why he sewed his wounds together himself.
Everyone had to be the girl to admit it. That way, Bud Grey believed that one day, both Tojo and his grandmother would recognize themselves.
So that Tojo wouldn't have to argue with his grandmother because of himself, so that Tojo wouldn't be ashamed, the bud grenade that grew up in those thoughts really turned out to be just a doll.
The bud grenades, who had spent their time with the thought of tearing themselves apart, should have borne that much fruit.
Efforts had been made, and the bud grenades had even been able to participate in public places. But when I say public, it's a party that only brings together the fairly top human beings. It was the truth in the bud grenade that I had not yet been able to get it out on the spot in the eyes of many. Even though I realize that I've only been admitted a little bit, I still feel painful that it's not enough. Few bud grenade hearts were broken that only seemed to be lumps of fruit in their wombs.
The bud grenade, not knowing how to describe its grief, was suddenly losing its place in the heart, even during the party. The bud grenade played the piano so as to bump such an irresistible emotion.
Bud grenades do not know that the sound of the piano resonated to the venue and was rumored to be "wonderful" even among the people of high standing.
It just didn't make sense for a keyboard that just bumps emotions.
"Which child are you...?
There was only one boy who came to ascertain the tone of such a bud grenade piano. The boy, who still had pure eyes, looked somewhere pitiful at the bud grenade thing.
"It's Qin Zao Holy Night.... What about you?
Bud Grey quickly understood that the young Holy Night was the first person of his age to be able to talk to each other equally. And buddy grenades felt as young as he could be, bearing the family pattern of Qinzo, the one his grandmother wanted to marry.
"It's a Tojo sprouts. Were you bored down there?
"... no. Just because the piano had a beautiful tone."
Holy Night asks the bud grenade in some unspoiled standard language.
"What's that song?
The bud grenade asked reminds me of a song I had played just before.
"Parting waltz. It's a song I like to admire."
The song in the name of farewell spells out the greatest love in sadness. That's like a song that Tojo spelled out to give to the garment, only a tone that torments him indefinitely for the bud grenade. But Bud Grenade rehearsed that song, which my father liked, over and over again, and kept playing it until I could play it in a tone that looked just like the real thing. Still, bud grenades push themselves if they don't reach the real tone yet.
Tojo bud grenades could only forgive their existence by pushing themselves.
Everything goes the other way. The bud grenades have to keep going around the shell they created themselves. The lonely world of bud grenades, neither before nor after, had already tried to lead her into darkness.
And you're going to suffer the bud grenade for the rest of your life - that incident happened.