Reiryuu Academy Student Council
150 Location and Separation
"No buddy!?
At the Nanhara family, the screaming voices of Shigeji echoed.
The bud grenades have been neglected since before the Heavy Ji's.
Only by leaving the Nanhara family did the bud grenades not find a way to contain their emotions, even though they could not go, they left the former of the Heavy Ji's.
"When I get back, I'm out of all my stuff too... duh, what do I do? If anything happens to Bud Grey, oh...... I should have forced Bud Grey to take me shopping too!!
The disturbed Mariko was blaming herself. The neighborhood was already searching, and the sprouts were nowhere to be found.
"Damn...... you look just like that idiot"
Shigeji sighs like trouble. The appearance of bud grenades trying to carry heavy baggage by themselves was reminiscent of Tojo's appearance on the day of his presence.
Why don't you go to the station?
I was only certain that waiting in the house would not solve anything. Seiji tries to leave the house in search of a bud grenade. But I could hear my son trembling in Heavy Ji's ear.
"Melu, hey... aren't you there?
Kei looked worried, watching about Shigeji and Mariko. Was it the instinct of childhood that Kei had a feeling that the bud grenade would suddenly disappear one day?
Seiji gently stroked Kei's head, who looked sad.
"I will definitely bring you back. Don't worry, Kei."
But I don't even know where the bud grenades went to Heavy Ji. Having decided to use his last resort, Heiji took his phone out of his pocket.
"Yes, Tojo."
"Hey you idiot!
The moment the call was connected, Shigeji yelled so.
"Where Bud Grey is going, don't you see!?
Heavy Ji shouts at his cell phone. Heavy Ji questioned me and noticed that the sensible Tojo was soon missing the bud grenade.
"Nanhara, you... where are you now"
"Wait, wait, wait. You don't move, do you? You and this aunt are gonna get annoyed again."
Heavy Ji stopped Tojo, who was about to do a sprouts search together. It is only Heavy Ji who keeps the bud grenades now, not Tojo. Heiji knew exactly what he was prepared to accept and what he was responsible for.
"Anywhere. Where Bud Grey is going, don't you see?
Seiji asks calmly. Tojo followed his memory desperately. The more I think back, the less memories I get with the bud grenade. Where bud grenades are likely to go - bud grenades weren't the kind of kid who wanted to go somewhere in the first place.
And Tojo noticed. that there was only one place where the bud grenades wished to go to themselves.
"... Tomb"
That was where the bud grenades once went out several times with themselves.
"Of the garden, the tomb."
"... eh"
The answer also tightens Heart of Heavy Governance. The place that connects everything was a nest of memories. And the fact that the bud grenade was trying to make his own mother's place to sleep was above all uncut.
The girl, sitting alone in the graveyard, had a very small body. Contrary to that body, what you carry is too big to easily crush a girl.
The bud grenade called to a beautifully maintained grave, so. Clear voices disappear into quiet air. The surroundings were already dim.
"... how did your mother have a child like me"
The mother in the picture was always smiling. My grandmother hated me so much, she taunted far more hatred than a bud grenade, and yet there was not a single picture of the garment not laughing.
"Just give birth, die soon... it's too irresponsible"
Towards the grave, Bud Grey keeps saying there's nothing he can do. The bud grenade just worded a thought that no one could tell. The unspeakable tomb became the only gateway.
"Why don't you stay with me?"
The bud grenade squeezed his hand in a squeeze. Bud grenades know there's nothing I can do with this where I mouthed it. But I really wanted to spit it out.
If my mother had lived, wouldn't there have been a different life? Bud grenades mock themselves for all they can do is throw up such paranoia.
"I couldn't replace your mother..."
Bud Grey shrugged so, remembering Tojo's face. Even then, the bud grenades thought that Tojo could only make me look worried.
"... Mother, I..."
"Bud Grey!!
Hearing that voice, the bud grenade immediately looked back.
"... Uncle Shigeji"
Looking back, Seiji, who was short of breath, stood there. The bud grenade stands flat.
Slowly, slowly walking over, Heiji grabbed the shoulder of the bud grenade.
"On your own...... if you leave without saying anything!
He looked very worried, and Seiji was looking at the bud grenade. Heavy Ji's troubled face was similar to what Tojo was pointing at the bud grenade.
I don't want to see that face, buddy. Bud grenades linked worrying to being burdensome, and refused to be anyone's burden.
"... sorry. But I'm not going back."
The bud grenade clearly told Heavy Ji. Seiji said for a little while, "So... where are you going?," he gently asks the bud grenade. The answer was nowhere and the bud grenade had to shut up.
"Bud Grey is only seven years old. I'm not old enough to live alone. No... there's no one left to live alone."
Shigeji crouched down and spoke to me in line with the gaze of the bud grenade. Though the tenderness seeping out of Heavy Ji tries to pull back the bud grenade, the bud grenade was desperate.
"... if I were here, I would surely one day... neglect me"
As if there was that certainty, the bud grenade said in a way that did not even question the idea.
"I'm... different from people."
"... what, you're not?
Seiji quietly asks the bud grenade. Bud Grey looked into Heavy Ji's eyes and threw a question.
"Uncle, three years ago today...... can you remember what you had for lunch?
Seiji was confused by the question without any context. Still, I shook my neck sideways thinking calmly about the bud grenade question. I couldn't have remembered. I didn't even try to remember anything in particular, much less the memory of a mediocre day three years ago.
"I remember everything I did three years ago today, until I woke up in the morning and went to bed. Two years ago today, it doesn't have to be today. I remember everything about any day."
The truth told by the bud grenades had a huge impact on Heavy Governance. Shigeji thought he could do that, not exactly the memory a seven-year-old could have.
"Even when I grow up, there's nothing missing in my mind about the incident… so I don't know when I'm going crazy."
After the incident, the only way to regain calm was to wait for the heat to cool down. That's all I can say, especially if you're a little girl. But the heat doesn't disappear from the bud grenade.
I can always go back to myself in the middle of a case in my memory. When you walk into a dark room, you're scared enough to lose sight of yourself. I'm sure that fear will never be wiped away again. Yes, I knew the bud grenade.
Preparing to take on a girl with an eternal bomb was not an easy one.
At the age of seven, despite his mind's helplessness and instability, the bud grenade calmly understood even the adult circumstances. Some may say such bud grenades are amazing, but I can only think of such bud grenades as pathetic for Heavy Ji.
The girl in front of you is far more obnoxious than Heavy Ji imagined. With a little bounce, it was going to break even soon.
So Seiji gently embraced the bud grenade.
"Ya...... uhh"
The moment I was embraced, Zokri and a disgusting sensation attacked the bud grenade. But Heavy Ji embraced the bud grenade with every hand he tried to reject.
"You can hit your uncle with it all. You don't have to shy away from your uncle. Hit your uncle for what your father couldn't do."
Said Seiji.
Parent-child bonds are very stiff, but very brittle on the other hand. That's why Tojo couldn't hold the bud grenade the moment it was rejected by the bud grenade.
I can fix that for you. The sentiment that I don't mind being rejected was, in a way, probably something I could have done because it was an unbound relationship.
"... you're still so young... you can even hold your luggage if you want to leave it alone..."
Everything Bud Grey thinks is an adult circumstance. Indeed, the child is in a position to only be swayed by it. But the bud grenade was trying to take the situation from the adult of the day and make it his own.
"... you can drop it all off. There's not a single piece of luggage you have to carry."
Heavy Ji's words spread jittery in the bud grenade's heart. It was overflowing with the words I wanted, and I didn't even know what to do with the bud grenades.
"I was really supposed to have to be protected more than anyone else....... buddy is not bad. There's no reason for Bud to leave my uncle's house."
The sprouts grabbed Heavy Ji's clothes. He put his strength in his hand, devoured his teeth, and wept only.
"... my uncles... my uncles... how can you get so far...? How could there be no blood connection at all?"
bud grenade said. I knew that Shigeji was not a member of Tojo's branch. So Seiji had the right to expel the bud grenade faster than any other branch, and on the contrary, it was more questionable that he accepted the bud grenade.
"Bud Grey is an important child of my dear friends... even if there is no blood connection, my uncle and Bud Grey are connected."
"... eh"
"My uncle has known Bud Grey since she was a baby."
Shigeji taught Bud Grey. Even Bud Grey's mother told Bud Grey that she was familiar with her childhood and that she had conflicting thoughts that Bud Grey's coveted Tojo was a big best friend she hated.
"Bud Grey's father... used to talk to Aunt Mariko. What kind of things do girls want and what clothes do they want to wear? Everything was about Bud Grey."
"... that's... lying,"
Seiji replies gently, "It's not a lie," to the bud grenade who insists it's a lie.
Bud Grey couldn't believe what Heavy Ji said. Tojo was the perfect person, the one who couldn't reach for it, and couldn't care less about the bud grenade.
The words of Heavy Governance denied the assumption of the bud grenade from the ground up.
"So my uncle, he always knew about Bud Grey. My uncle knows that buddy can do anything, he's a hard worker, and he's always going to take number one."
In the words of Heavy Ji, the bud grenade looked out for him.
"How could... even that"
No one could have known the last thing. Sprouts didn't tell anyone that Sprouts kept taking number one at the kindergarten athletic party, at the kick. Until the young child wanted to boast above all, the bud grenade was trapped in his own heart.
"Bud Grey's father is a lot clumsier than Bud Grey thinks. I had sneaky sports and plays on my face so no one would find out, buddy. I've always been proud to tell my uncle that on the phone. Your father told your uncle everything he had to say."
Tojo was really clumsy. Even though I don't know how to compliment my daughter, I was only bragging about the bud grenade happily to Heavy Ji. If the bud grenade doesn't notice, it's the same as not coming to see it after all. But if Tojo had come to see how brave he was until he took the time, I couldn't be happier for Bud Grey than that.
"... Ha, ha"
A voice leaks from the mouth of a bud grenade. But that's speechless.
"... Ugh... ahhhhhhh!
Something in the head of the bud grenade made a noise and cut it off.
The accumulated thoughts become a scream and leak out of the mouth of the bud grenade. The bud grenade was crying in Heavy Ji's chest. Tears that should have dried up flowed out of the bud grenade's eyes.
Such bud grenades are nearby and I don't know that there was another person crying as much as I did.
Bud Grey said only one thing to Heavy Ji that next day. "Just one last time, I want to see your father," Bud Grey asked looking straight at Heavy Ji.
Shigeji understood. At that time, the bud grenades were only deposited at Heavy Ji's, and were still Tojo bud grenades. That's why there can't be permission for parents or children to see each other.
At night, Shigeji took the bud grenade to Tojo's office when his employees were gone. Only the bud grenade went inside, and Shigeji waited for me outside the door.
"- Dad."
The bud grenade called on his familiar back.
"... I'll go to my uncle. into Nanhara sprouts, will be."
Tojo wanted an answer for the bud grenade. I should have hoped that the bud grenade would say that, but Tojo's heart was unfailingly tightened.
Tojo doesn't turn around. That was a jerk. For whatever reason, Tojo let go of the bud grenade. Turn around, you'll apologize to the bud grenade and hug him. But there was no such right in Tojo anymore.
"Look at me no more and you won't be anxious.... you can unload the Tojo family's stuff. Live happily ever after."
What an irresponsible line. Yes, Tojo can only blame himself until the end. Where he had gained heavenly status, Tojo could not even become a father of a concubine. I don't care who doesn't tell me, Tojo himself knows best.
"He's a shitty father...... bad. If I may be forgiven..."
Tojo holds his fist.
"- Can I see your face again at the end?"
Tojo was slowly trying to look back. But it was the quiet girl's voice that stopped it.
"Don't Look"
The word of rejection afflicts Tojo. But Tojo can't complain about it. Tojo convinced me that the answer to the bud grenade was natural, without being qualified to say it. To Tojo, who thinks about it, the bud grenade uttered the word again.
"I have a first and final favor to ask"
I told him not to turn around, bud grenade tells Tojo's back. Tojo meditates on his eyes and listens to his bud grenade wishes. I was prepared to take any curse.
But there was no way that the bud grenades could reject or curse Tojo any more.
"One day, when I'm a girl who can boast to everyone... come see me"
A clear bud grenade voice reaches Tojo's ear. Moment after moment, Tojo glanced.
"More, enough to make your father smile... be sure to come and see him when he's a fine person"
Bud grenade wishes have not changed one thing from time immemorial. Only to be Tojo's proud daughter. But not from now on. Not just for Tojo, but for the people of the Nanahara family for themselves, Bud Grey decided to work hard.
"So don't ever look back until then"
That was the promise of bud grenades and tojo.
But that promise comes true ten years away.
Being a Nanhara bud grenade didn't mean I could live a peaceful and safe life.