Reiryuu Academy Student Council
153 Regret and Progress, Divine Generation, ed.
The sound of the shower sounds. He was bathing raw warm water from his head as he remembered the story of the bud grenade.
I don't even care about the hair sticking to my face. Is it because of the tears or because of the water in the shower? Perhaps for the latter reason, the face of the cunt was wet.
- I want to be a real board member.
That's what Bud Grey said, and he was putting up with harassment. But from the point of view, there is no real or false belief that bud grenades are officers. That was an inevitable story.
At that time, I should have told you so properly. But I'm sure the bud grenade wouldn't have changed his opinion from what I told him.
It is ironically because all of the bud grenades have broken that the bud grenades have been able to speak of all of their past and true things.
"... even though it doesn't change my mind"
When it comes to bud grenades, everything in the garden stops working the way you want.
In the itching of his teeth, the words of Qinzo Holy Night were played back again and again on his head.
A bud grenade is not a child in the hands of a shrew.
I'm not going to convince you of that word, but I'm not going to regret it.
"... eh"
Kung punches the bathroom wall. Jinjin and his fist hurt dull, but the preceding irritation scratched away the pain.
"-, bud grenade"
Overflowing feelings are scratched off by the sound of the shower.
The lip-biting chin had been hit by rain in the shower for a while.
It sounds cuckoo and stops the water in the shower. When I opened the bathroom door and let my hands wander a little, I touched the bath towel I had set aside in advance.
Put on your clothes and wipe away the water from your hair.
Apartment in a good location. Security is also quite good, two floors below the top floor of the building, where one LDK room lives alone. Pretty good property for a high school student living alone. Except for La Faust School's comparator.
"... I'm the same person who hasn't told the truth."
He laughs bitterly when he sees his room with a murderous view. The room is very beautiful with only the minimum necessary. It's so beautiful that it lacks a view of life somewhere.
Officers other than bud grenades know that he lives alone and why.
It's not like I didn't intentionally say what I hold to the bud grenade. I just couldn't tell you.
I was afraid to be known for my fundamentally worst self by no other bud grenade.
"... it's just your mouth, I..."
You say bud grenades are special, I won't tell you why I thought so. To the anxiety felt by the bud grenades during the summer vacation, he has not given a proper answer.
The real reason why you like bud grenades is simple but deep. And it was directly connected to the darkness that was rooted in the heart of the temple.
But now that I had heard of the bud grenade past, I felt I had to tell the bud grenade that.
* Head to the desk in the corner of the room and check your computer email. And I opened an e-mail that had arrived.
Long time no see. I haven't heard from him lately and I was worried. It's getting cold, but are you okay? Will you show your face at New Year's Eve? He wants to see you too. "
The sender is my aunt Shizue. A deceased father's sister and protector. And Manabe is her son, her brother-in-law of the same age.
Until the elementary school, he also lived in the house of his aunt and his wife in the next town. But when I got into the middle part, I started living alone and haven't been back there much.
Because he thought it would be best if he asked why.
I left the place even though I had a place.
Shouguan let go of what he was desperately looking for himself. That is the untrue fact for the Qi.
I'm sure the bud grenades won't denounce or despise you even if you know what the circumstances are. I just don't know if bud grenades will understand that.
One thing I can tell is that I hold something similar to the thought that the bud grenades had when I was young. Perhaps the reason why the pomegranate was attracted to the bud grenade was because it resembled itself in essence.
If that budding grenade has taken a step, then it will have to take a step too.
Hit the katakata and keyboard and look through your written replies.
Long time no see. I've been busy lately and I'm late to contact you. This one is the same. Thank you for your concern. In winter, I'll show my face. I'll see you later. "
A sentence that I tried not to lose.
Make sure that there is no problem, press the submit button and the customer exhales. And I took my gaze off the computer.
The photo placed on the desk was taken by all the officers during the cultural festival.
I took care of the freshly photographed and decorated it. I stared at it, and Xu shrugged.
"Someday... I want you to listen to me."
What you see in your eyes is the look of a bud grenade laughing with fun.
Having decided to confront his own predicament, he was prepared for everything at the same time.
"But... for now, that's a later story."
That's not the problem we need to solve now.
Xu reaches out to his phone and punches in a simple sentence with a quick hand. To all officers except bud grenades.
When I contacted him, he closed his phone and took it to the chair.
"... I'll make you regret getting your hands on the bud grenade"
Unlike earlier, the lowly grunt looked terribly calm.