Reiryuu Academy Student Council
158 Trust and Approval
What the results of the election represented was that the bud grenades would become officers again.
If we allow the bud grenades to become officers here, we can't overshadow that anymore. For board believers, this opportunity could not be missed.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
One voice is very small. I can't shut up my noisy surroundings with those words spinning quietly.
But as soon as you become a bunch, you become a big chunk, and you have power.
"Not yet...... It's not a decision yet! You're full of death tickets!
Yes. The moment someone screams, the students shut their mouths one after the other.
The female student's words are correct: the result of the election by nearly 1,000 students is about 1/10 of the votes obtained by the bud grenades. There are quite a few figures that have emerged as a result, although it may be true that some have admitted about bud grenades.
"In the end, you just want to use King's privilege to tailor yourself to the board!
"You're full of yourself!
"Guys, don't be fooled!
Several girls scream from the third grade. Of course they are part of the Windy Fan Club. The words shouted by fan club senior students became a tantrum, and fan club members in the second and first grades also began to speak up one after the other.
"I'm only 102 convinced, but I can't say it's official or anything!
"Anyway, you said you were going to vote and you rooted it!
Line up the complaints one after the other. I regret that that complaint cannot necessarily be described as a mistake.
It's a group we created to justify our opinions, and now we're trying to keep all the high school students on our side. "Yes, they do!" In the voice of approval, the advantages and fengya of both neighbors of the bud grenade gave a complex expression.
"Look, we all have to complain now, we can't withdraw it!
With the help of the students who voted dead. That would make fan club contradictions and contradictions perfect. There's an ugly grin on the faces of the fan club members.
"Aren't you guys Bakkas?
The boy said that very loudly as he tried to say something. Of course, it was Takimoto who said such a thing with dignity in the center of all the school students.
"Whoa, Takimoto! Shut up. They'll do something to us."
"It's late, it's late. We were guilty of the same crime when we voted for Nanahara."
"You guys need to protect me, right?
Apparently, the boys in group F are pretty freaked out by the board followers about yesterday, and that's how they ear to ear.
"I don't root for sprouts. I don't like that kind of thing."
"But if you don't know Nanhara very well, don't you deserve not to know this information?
"Yes, yes. Nanahara said," I don't know anything about it. "
"Yet you don't think it's strange to say something like you found out..."
Female students in group F, headed by Maiko and the chairman of the committee, also begin to argue with members of the fan club.
"Huh...! Just kidding!"
"Are you making fun of us?!?
The faithful stare at the row of Group F for two years.
Shotaro, watching it, takes the microphone that was on the stage. And before the two clashed, he spoke.
'Why don't you calm down a little? You should think calmly. Before the election, the Divine Generation should have declared it okay to root. Then even if there was rooting, there was no problem. I was watching the movement of all the school students here, but I would have begged each of them to vote for themselves, wouldn't I?
The female students also shut their mouths to Shotaro's opinion. There were a large number of people who emailed close friends and juniors asking them to put their votes in, or asking those around them to write their names.
"Still no one but Nanhara got a decent vote"
That being said, Shotaro reflected on the screen the note paper he used to tally votes. Almost all but one vote written at the bud grenade. Even though we all rooted for it, the only vote we got was the one we put into ourselves. Some people earned real votes for support and popularity from class people like bud grenades, but still a lot, about 30 votes. No one gets more than 50 votes first.
"It's true that Nanhara still won the vote, assuming he rooted for it"
I just took root, and I don't earn votes. It's only natural that they should all get one vote in an election that allows them to vote for themselves. In that, getting as many votes as a bud grenade was really amazing.
"But the death ticket... can't be given the seat of an officer to a child without the approval of all high school students! This election is pointless!
Still, the untrue numerical facts feed their disobedience.
"... really, that's pointless"
I also agree with what the fan club girls have to say. The faithful took high school students on their side - it was only for a moment that I thought so.
"Mr. Nanahara didn't have to stop being an officer, and nothing"
"Anyway, I was happier this way with the election to create another board frame instead of Nanahara quitting or something..."
It was the same three grade students who smashed the words of the fan club girls.
To their statements defending the bud grenades, the female students of the fan club doubted their ears.
Both the bud grenades and officers were eyeing unexpected voices of help.
"Death ticket. Death ticket. Everybody votes for themselves. It's amazing who's out there but me."
"Even me, the class commissioner, only gets about 30 votes, so Nanahara's vote is amazing, huh?
"That's the only proof you can trust."
"Sort of. If I can't be an officer, I'm with whoever it is?
The upper classmates say the words one after the other. Although the female students at the fan club are noisy, they were somewhat anticipating this election result around. Still, I was surprised that all those votes went into the bud grenade, but in any case, we all knew the bud grenade would be elected.
This year King is no other bud grenade. Exactly. Normal students know that King's seat is not in such an easy position to win with an inch. Besides, it was a well-known matter that he was now enough to contend with his chairman, the head of the school year, and that he was also working hard on the board.
"Senior Nanhara, if you wear makeup, it's super cute... I'm pretty supportive."
"Actually, me too..."
It is also true that hidden fans of bud grenades have emerged among men since one of the cultural festivals.
Though the ink suspicion of the Trump Games had caught its tail, there were definitely more voices acknowledging the bud grenade since the bud grenade won King at the Cultural Festival.
Bud grenades were steadily gathering credibility from board chairmen, teachers, and students.
It was a member of the Fengya fan club with hundreds and dozens of people scratching it off and making people assume that the bud grenades weren't even recognized by anyone.
Certainly about 10% of a thousand people want bud grenades to be officers even if they can't be officers. But again, only about 10% of the thousand people dispute that the bud grenades will become officers.
I've never been past being an officer, but that's why I have no objection to the bud grenade becoming an officer. Most of those people. Now no one can say that bud grenades are inferior to themselves, etc.
"... be"
"More than that, complain like this... I really want you to stop bothering the officers"
"Tell me you like officers, and if you're bothering me like this, there's nothing to talk about."
"It wouldn't have stopped if they'd been with us."
Not belonging to a fan club, moderate board followers began to raise their voices one after another. For the faithful who truly admire the officers, the top priority should be not to bother the officers. That is the rule among the fans of the Lord and Shotaro.
Initially, when the bud grenades became officers, they thought the bud grenades would pull their legs, and they blamed them. But now they're shutting their mouths. Because, despite his dissatisfaction, he admitted that bud grenades were equipped with strength as officers.
What the extremist believers like those who belong to the Fengya Fan Club do is also an act of deceit towards the virtues of the moderate believers.
"I mean, I hear a lot of bad rumors about Nanahara, including about Orien yesterday, but isn't that your lie, too?
The shoulders of the fan club women shake freakishly at that statement. That was above all an understandable confession.
"Come on, you're doing too much."
"I'm just getting to King, so he said I can't tell Nanahara about the inkling or anything. It's all strength."
Even with more than 100 fan club members, if we make a futile objection here and now, we will turn all the rest of the high school students against our enemies.
The sprouts, where the fan club prevailed 100 to 1, turned into an overwhelming disadvantage for the fan club with more than 100 to 800 people.
The fan club girls in each class shrink away from their bold and invincible attitude just now.
"... it's settled,"
Advantage shrugs bossly when he sees what's going on around him.
Seeing how all the higher-level students were doing, he snatched the microphone from Shotaro and opened his mouth again.
'Now I appoint Nanhara Bud Grey as a student council officer again. If you have no objection, please make a statement by applause.
The sound of applause woods in the gymnasium, in the words of the twilight. Slowly at first, but at the end, he was wrapped in a whirlpool of applause that sounded like a blast. That's like when a bud grenade turns king. - - It was the moment when the whole school recognized once again that buddy grenades were officers.
That concludes the emergency rally, and the members of the fan club leave in a narrow shoulder.
"Now you're going to have fewer fan club members at once"
While cleaning up after the election, Shotaro and Lailao were thinking about the actions of future extremist believers.
"Wind lost touch with you too, so why don't you dissolve it? We have it, too."
Shotaro is convinced by what Lailuo said. If it turns out that the Los Angeles have 'Arre', the members of the fan club should not be able to make the move that was the main one either.
"Around the time I was going around in fan club emails by now"
"I guess."
That's what I said. Laila looks bitter. Shotaro sighed, guessing why Lailuo looked like that.
"What we have to do is keep the same thing from happening in the future. That's what we can do, make amends for Nanahara."
"Yeah...... I know"
Favourable turned his worrying gaze to the wind as he listened to those two conversations.
"Lotus Moon, are you okay?
"Huh? Oh, yeah"
That said, Fengya smiled bitterly.
"Something. Turns out you pushed all the blame on the fans..."
"I could've stopped the fans before they got like that, but it's my problem I didn't."
That's what Fengya says, closes his eyes. This case is more or less the responsibility of the wind and elegance, and that's the only fact we can't get away with. But no one on this occasion has blamed the board as one.
"... no one will blame us for what we did."
That's what the advantages say, looking over the wide gym.
"That's why we have to blame ourselves. I don't blame anybody, so that's not why I'm here."
That's their fate spent as an 'idol for all'. Protected by the school, no matter how evil they stain it, no one calls it 'evil'. Brake yourself, that's a difficult but helpless price to pay.
In this case, not a few officers noticed it. I must reflect on my own deeds and connect with them from now on.
Fengya grabbed her fist and engraved the favorable words.
And the cleanup by the officers was about to come to an end.
- Bud ho, I'll hold that.
In an attempt to take the white box for the ballot used by the bud grenades for the election, he reached out to it and said, "That's how he spoke. The bud grenade had already touched that white box with its neck tilted.
"Huh? Daiji...... Is there something in there?
The bud grenade stares at the gaze. Under the gaze of a bud grenade, the shoulder clamped, and he took something out of the ballot box and showed it to the bud grenade.
What he has is some SD cards and CD-ROMs.
"This is the SD card of evidence I harassed the bud grenade this morning. The SD card over here contains surveillance camera footage of the killer who vandalized a class of bud grenades at a cultural festival before. So, this CD-ROM has a list of fan club members who asked (...) the kids this morning to reveal, and this one..."
All of them were carefully explained, and the bud grenades became more and more half-eyed every time he heard them.
"What were you going to do with that?
"If the fan club girl wasn't going to listen to me...... I was thinking about flushing it on the screen"
The bud grenade ceased to speak. Exactly like publicly executing in front of an entire school student. I'm glad I didn't. The bud grenade reassures me from the bottom of my heart.
"But I'm glad I didn't use it. If I had used this, I could have definitely dropped out of school or anything, and it could have been retaliation... but I think I might have done worse than I've ever done with my bud grenade again."
He already understood how shallow what he was trying to do was. The same is true that I am glad I did not expose myself to this during the rally.
"Besides, it would be a lie if they asked if we hadn't done anything outrageous before either. Now they realize that I was the same person who was putting myself on the shelf."
That's what he said and mocked himself. There is no point in returning immoral acts by the same means. In a beautiful way, as declared, the bud grenade closed the case. The way they do it doesn't give us the satisfaction we've had so far. You wouldn't have escaped the same discomfort as a member of the fan club.
"Really, that was just a development. I can't believe I'm taking all the higher-level students on my side... was this what you were after?
Xu stares sideways at the bud grenade. Bud grenade grinned bitterly at the question.
"Yeah, this is really more than I expected"
Bud Grey made an election to win the board seat. So much so that I'm even surprised that I actually got all those votes. That's the real deal if you got the most votes, whether it's a small difference or a few. That was one of the few good practices that bud grenades could have chosen at that time.
The board followers are right. It's just self-satisfying. Still, all I had to do was preach in my own words, just like I did at the Trump Games.
It wasn't budding grenades, officers, or F-group students who stopped the fan club girls. It was the untrue words of the students, with little contact with the buds, that stopped them.
Nobody thinks of blaming the bud grenades until they turn all the high school students against their enemies. No one could do anything like round the accusations we made from around us and blame the bud grenades with so much courage.
Even if you repeat it or inflict some punishment, you just repeat everything you're reading.
The gaze of contempt for fan club members by all high school students inflicts mental pain on them and will continue to be a sin to bear. Though the wounds on my body heal quickly, I cannot escape this disloyalty. If the four of us this morning tell the fan club members that the officers have all the evidence, it's all done. That's the big story Shotaro and Lailao were talking about. They even grip the members list, so that was certain.
It's not just the seat of the board that the bud grenades won in this election. Female students in fan clubs can't get their hands on the bud grenade with all the higher-level students on their side. I can't even blame you. In other words, the peaceful school life of the sprouts was also confirmed.
"Aren't you more worthy of the chairman than I am?
"Because it doesn't"
The bud grenade responds immediately to the dialogue he jokingly said.
"Mm-hmm, Ru. Let's go."
Called by Lailuo, the two turn their legs to you.
There was a soft smile on the bud grenade's face that went back to everyone's circle, the same as the bud grenade a while ago.
As usual - the bud grenades who hoped for it a few days ago grabbed this hand again for happier days than usual.