Reiryuu Academy Student Council
160 Jane Answers and Famous Sentences
"Excuse me...... wow"
After school, as usual, the bud grenade came to the student council room and opened the door of the room, narrowing his eyes. That should be it, too. There is currently a terrible air in the Student Council Room that is very unpleasant. That too, especially from the chairman's seat.
Even so, the reason why the emperor sitting in the chair is angry is obvious. It's in the fool in front of him.
"Good day, Nanhara."
"Good day, you're angry today."
The bud grenade that just took his seat exchanged words in a small voice with the advantage in front of him.
"As always, you seem to be good at touching God's inverse scales, this guy"
Shotaro looks sideways at the chairman's seat, letting him sneer and vomit his words.
"Fengya... Sit down"
As the gaze of all the officers gathered, the quiet angry voice of the Emperor, the Shin Dynasty, echoed.
"... Yes"
Lotus Moon Fengya, a fool shot out by a sharp gaze, sits in front of the chairman's seat, staring at the floor.
"I think I should evacuate."
Lailuo said so and sat down in the currently vacant seat of Fengya. The seats reserved for Lai Luo, close to the chairman's seat, seemed a little uncomfortable. Sitting next to the bud grenade, Lailuo is very entertained to see how the garden and the wind are doing.
"Come Luo, why are you having so much fun?
"'Cause it's gonna be a while, okay? Jane Answer"
Lailuo is already laughing at Couscous while saying so. Apparently, the cause of Fung's anger lies in Fengya's recently conducted quiz. Seeing such a comeback, Shotaro sighed in front of him.
"It won't be a laugh. It's serious. His answer is"
"What answers will pop up this time..."
"... is it a prerequisite for Lotus Moon to give a rare answer?
Shotaro and I are pretty serious about advantages. The bud grenade has also recently become half laughable because I have just heard the rare answer example of Fengya.
Unlike the bud grenades who seem so pleasantly wierd in their separate seats, they are enveloped in different air within a 1 m radius of the chairman's seat.
"Fengya, as for the intermediate grades, I thought I'd meditate my eyes too. With a generous heart."
He opens his mouth with a full grin. Fengya, sitting in the front seat in front of me, is no longer too scared to see his face.
This one was not only a bud grenade, but also a spicy case to the wind. Therefore, I do not even consider that wind and elegance grades will improve in that period. That's why Worst 30 was meant to hold his head, but it was also meant to meditate on his eyes.
"... Dr. Nakai will talk to you about your English grades... They showed me the answers to the quizzes that I ran at the remedial session."
Fengya raised her face. The face clearly says "unsavory". Anyway, he has a copy of Fengya's answer sheet. The public execution in the name of the sermon that will now take place is visible.
As soon as he opened his mouth, Fengya shouted, "Gha-ha-ha," and Lailao let his eyes shine, Shotaro and Favour exhaled, and Shotaro clasped his neck.
"Problem 'I'm sorry to hear that.'... Shotaro, translate it"
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Shotaro answers the question. It's a preliminary English text, but where is it wrong? Kazuya, the misresponder, looked bright blue and laughed.
"Fengya's answer is' I heard I was Prime Minister '"
"Sure looks alike but hey... sorry with the prime minister"
"I think it's progress that I found out that hearing means listening"
The bud grenade takes seriously the reason why it was translated, and the advantage is to follow up as much as possible. Previously on the test, they were wrong about hearing and hair.
Then, as it were, he moved on to the next rare answer.
"Problem 'Taro was born in 1968.'"
"'Taro was born in 1968,' right?
"Exactly. So, the answer that doesn't live up to expectations is" In 1968, Taro was a bone ""
Indeed, bone and birth are similar. If you're a freshly learned middle school student, you can't help but make a mistake. Gui had also seen a bud grenade write such an answer several times. But sophomore year in high school, that's also pretty bad for a student council officer in Lilong to write that answer.
"Yeah... this is terrible indeed"
"Instead, I'm afraid there are thirteen Lotus Moon or less left in the school year."
Shotaro tells him that he looks serious. Lailao was still holding his stomach and bursting with laughter.
"Well... Lotus Moon is not very good at English among other things..."
"Advantageous Kung...... Huh!
"Advantageous. No more spoiling the wind and elegance"
Feng Ya tries to seek help in his favor, but his path is blocked. I can't overlook you as chairman all this time. This is a crisis of continued wind and elegance. We need to get that back in the next final test for now. That's a big problem.
"So I was supposed to discuss helping with the middle school briefing today... change the agenda"
That's what he said. He put his elbows on the chairman's seat and told him he was serious when he moved to the emergency meeting.
"The first decision is to look at the study of Fengya in parallel with your own studies until the end of the term in order to improve Fengya's grades."
Shotaro's face blues for the pronouncement of the monument. Shotaro seems to have taught Kazuya to study on several occasions, but they all reached such issues as "I don't know what I don't know".
"Sho, you don't look like that. It's a joint and several responsibility."
"Can you teach me..."
Lailuo and Favor accept the resolution cleanly. The bud grenade, in contrast, has no objection. As good as Kei's test studies were, he's not good at what he originally taught.
"So, on the subject in charge,"
"I don't like English."
Shotaro and Lailuo, and Advantage strike the lead at about the same time. It's a brilliant hammer.
Based on the answers to my current quiz and my previous grades, they don't want to take charge of all three of Fengya's English.
"Responsible, I'll see English."
"Huh... the cum?
"Any complaints?
When the wind pinches his mouth, he inquires with a voice with only thorns. Of course, Fengya shook her head and denied it as much as she was going to fly.
"What am I supposed to do?
As such a conversation unfolds, the bud grenade raises his hand and asks. When asked the bud grenade question, he looked at the bud grenade with a gentle gaze opposite that which was directed at the wind elegance.
"The bud grenade... I'm not too good at it. Can I have the rest?
"... the rest?
"Shotaro is a good subject. Shotaro is mathematics, Lailao is science in general, and the advantages are clear because it feels like Mandarin, so the three of us will be in charge of that. So I'm going to need a social system for the sprouts."
That's what they said. The bud grenade laughed nicely. Society is basically a memorization subject. Due to the subject that reading textbooks is the best way to study, it is in a way the hardest to teach. Besides, one of the rare answers to Kazuya taught me by Shotaro is Japanese history.
"Bud grenades are fine"
"On what grounds?
The bud grenade asks with a troubled face, but the answer is not returned.
"Look, Fengya. We're gonna do everything we can to get this far, so why don't you give us some results?
"Yes, I will study hard"
That's why the job of watching Fengya study on a daily basis until the final test was added to the board work.
"Next problem, then. Who opened the Kamakura Shogun?
Next to the student council room, in the conference room, budding grenades are studying wind elegance and Japanese history. As a result of Junken, the first day in charge decided on the bud grenade. Now I am in the process of doing a super basic problem to test the wind elegance.
"Oh, I know that. Yuan, please, Morning!
Exactly. The problem is just the problem, and the correct answer rate is high. Sometimes I make mistakes, but it's not too late. If there is more to saving than English, I think the bud grenade stings while raising the issue.
"Correct. Last -... Who is the author of the source story?
"... uh, purple section (be)!
"'Bu', not 'be'.... Yeah, I guess not bad. I have a basic problem."
That's what the bud grenade says, and he hands on a practice question that gave him a little more level than the basic question.
"I don't know, I remember when I studied... I forget it right away because it feels like a soak overnight"
Fengya mourns her idiocy as she sighs. Because I perused the textbook before studying with the bud grenade, I can now answer some questions but soon forget about them after less than an hour.
"I don't know what to do..."
Fengya shrugs as she paralyzes the textbook. No matter how many times I read it, it doesn't come to my mind, and I can't remember it.
Seeing such a breeze, the bud grenade closed the practice question with Pathan.
"... I'm sorry. I don't know what that feels like... I can't say anything."
Bud grenades laugh bitterly. Kei often says the same thing, but I will never forget what I saw once. I really don't know what that feeling feels like on a bud grenade.
I seriously considered what Fengya said, but I could only say that to the bud grenades in the end.
"Wow, no, no! Because buddy won't apologize! Because I'm just stupid! I'm really sorry I shredded your study time..."
Fengya apologizes to the bud grenade after being taffed. After all, it's fun to watch the wind and elegance that changes your expression. The appearance somehow reminded me of the wind and elegance a few months ago.
Fengya looked strange and gave her a face when the bud grenade laughed softly.
"Bud Grey?
"I miss Lotus Moon like a dog."
"... dogs"
She looked so sorry, so graceful, but in the next moment, she'll look desperate. I was not so feisty or stupid that I could be glad to hear my favorite child say "like a dog".
"Not in a weird way..."
Seeing such a feminine face, the bud grenade hastily added words.
"Long time no see, I thought you met Lotus Moon, who I know."
Fengya raised an eyebrow.
He is the only one in front of the bud grenade - Wind Himself without any truth or lies.
However, a large groove was created between the bud grenade and the wind elegance in that one case. Mindful of the eyes of the fan sons, both bud grenades and wind grenades began to avoid each other, and wind grenades consequently damaged bud grenades. But the groove that the two were born in the meantime was definitely filled with the fact that Fengya cut the edge with the fan club, the bud grenade won everyone's support in the election, and the reconciliation with the bud grenade in the infirmary.
Still, even now that the election is over and the fan thing has subsided, there is still a slight ditch that hasn't been filled between bud grenades and wind elegance.
Feng Ya's face was stretched hard at once with the remarks of the bud grenades.
If we talked about this, we knew Fengya would look like that. So it's a topic I've avoided, but even as it is, I can't go back to the two previous ones. Even then, we can't go back completely.
"So I'm relieved that Lotus Moon will handle it like before"
The bud grenade meditated his eyes and spit out his honest words.
"... buddy"
Fengya sees the face of the bud grenade. The scars on the bud grenade's cheek were so thin that I could barely tell anymore. With a little more time, that wound will disappear completely.
"One, can I ask... okay?
Fengya now knows the horrors of bud grenade memory. Every time a bud grenade sees that scar, it should remind him of harassment. Then, after the wound is gone, will the bud grenade not remember the harassment to which it was subjected? - That's not true.
"I'll be by your side, buddy. Doesn't it get spicy?
Fengya missed her gaze from the bud grenade. Fengya is equal to the scar on the bud grenade. If the wound disappears, then every time I see myself next, won't the bud grenade remind me of harassment? After the case was settled, Fengya became dominated by the idea.
"... that's what you've been thinking?
The bud grenade laughed like trouble. If you're thinking about that, there's certainly no way you can progress in a study that you don't get into originally. I also felt that this study group would be fruitless in not removing the anxiety that lies in the wind.
"Seeing Lotus Moon doesn't remind me of harassment"
To Bud Grey's remarks, Wind Ya quickly returns the gaze he had deviated from. The gaze hit each other, Fengya still looked like she was going to cry, and the bud grenade smiled at him.
"Oh my... that's a lie"
"Bud Grey......"
"I can't believe I can't remember anything from looking at Lotus Moon... bad for Lotus Moon, but I can't"
It's easy to say what Fengya wants, but it's a lie. And because the wind can see that, it doesn't end up saving the heart of the wind.
"But, you know, it's hard, but it's not like I hate equals. Even if I get hard watching Lotus Moon, I won't hate it. It's closer to saying you can't be."
I've said something similar before.
Bud grenades can't hate the wind. No matter how stupid Wind Ya does it, the happiness Wind Ya gave to the bud grenades is much greater.
"Harassment from Lotus Moon's fans was painful... but don't let Lotus Moon get swept up by the fan kids from now on or try to be someone's convenient Lotus Moon Fengya... When I can be Lotus Moon's I know in front of anyone, I won't regret everything I put up with harassment and thought about protecting Lotus Moon's then... so don't regret it, look in front"
The bud grenade says that much and laughs bitterly again.
"For my sake, I put it like... In short, if I could see Lotus Moon moving forward, I'd be happier than spicy."
That is the heart of the bud grenade. That the wind elegance grows, that is, it becomes atonement for bud grenades.
"Bud grenade, honey"
"What am I... stupid after all"
That's what Fengya said when she finished listening to the bud grenade and held her face down. From that gap comes nature and sigh.
"I know Bud Grey doesn't blame me... I want Bud Grey to have a kind word and I'm asking this"
"... yeah"
The bud grenade also smiles and accepts the windy no man remark. Fengya took her hand off her face and touched the hand of the bud grenade placed in the reference book.
"I'm gonna be an absolutely beautiful man. Be a good-looking man who can't beat anyone."
Grabbing the bud grenade hand with both hands, Fengya stared straight at the bud grenade thing. It's for budding grenades, an oath for yourself.
"Yeah, I'm hoping"
The bud grenade took that oath and began to open the reference page again.
"Then as a good man training, let's get results at the end of the period first"
"Ugh... I'll do my best"
Beyond declaring it, that is an absolute challenge that Wind Ya must accomplish.
"I'll reward you if I work hard."
"Yeah. Within fifth place"
"... buddy, don't say something like" cum "
The blinking wind will bury his face in the textbook the next moment. He's the one who likes bud grenades because of the wind that acts so messy.
We get our sights tangled up with each other, and it blows out. This is how the bud grenades always enjoyed themselves when they were in the wind. I hope that will remain the same.
Seeing the sprouts laughing at the karakara, Fengya laughed happily.