Reiryuu Academy Student Council
177 Truth and score
As I was told, the bud grenade that came all the way to the guest room stops its leg once he sees the person in front of the door.
"Mr. Hagiwara..."
"Welcome, Nanhara."
Makoto says so and opens the door softly to encourage the bud grenade to go inside.
The budding grenade stares at Shin's face. I saw Shin's brother for the first time just now floating around...
"What? Are you in love with my face?
Shin grinned niggardly as he provoked the bud grenade. The figure belongs to the well-known prudence of bud grenades. So the bud grenade sinks into the back of his head once about Shin's brother.
The bud grenade glanced at Shin, who kept grinning illegibly, and proceeded to his feet into the door.
Stepping in, the bud grenade reflects in his eyes the appearance of the Holy Night waiting for him.
The Holy Night in the room sat on the couch as usual, welcoming the bud grenades into the room in a dignified manner.
"Come here."
The door closes and the Holy Night, which confirms that the bud grenade has entered the room, invites the bud grenade towards itself.
The bud grenade moved his legs toward the Holy Night. Its legs were heavy when confronted at La Faust School, but not now. Soon the heavy stones that refused the Holy Night had disappeared from the bud grenades.
"... Mr. Qinzo"
The bud grenade stops in front of the eyes of Holy Night. There was something about the last room, and I stopped out of reach of Holy Night.
Zippily staring at the appearance of the bud grenade from top to bottom, Holy Night smiles satisfactorily.
"It looks good on you.... Beautiful."
The voice echoed in the room, saying the words without any shyness.
"... because I took Esther's full course at the finest beauty facility. After that, Mr. Tsuhara also put on makeup."
The Holy Night only slightly distorted his face to the last words that the bud grenade told him to add. When I saw that face, the bud grenade laughed like trouble.
"Thank you for the Christmas present"
Bud grenades thank you on Holy Night. But Holy Night just returns "nothing" just like when we met at the entrance. The voice was just nicer than then.
"Well... sit down"
I can see the bud grenade standing at a distance, and Holy Night prompts me to pound next to myself and sit there on the bud grenade. I sat pompous on the hookah couch thinking the bud grenade would be just fine enough to sit next to me.
Then the gaze of the Holy Night goes to nature and the budding grenade arm that sat next to it - the bracelet I gave you.
"You put it on me...... it"
Noticing that the gaze of the Holy Night was toward his arms, the bud grenade nodded as he seemed to illuminate a little.
"Yes...... I have to use it when this is the case, because it doesn't make sense that I got it."
That's what the bud grenade says and turns his hand around his neck. The silver bracelet rocked and hit the pink gold necklace with a crisp sound. - Don't miss the Holy Night for that.
The heart-shaped necklace that rides the exposed bud grenade skin to familiarity with it has been catching the eye of Holy Night ever since I met the bud grenade today.
"That necklace......"
Holy Night frowns. The sprouts grabbed the necklace loosely.
- Don't say anything extra on Holy Night, okay?
Makoto's words echo my mind. The bud grenade brought a voice, "Ah," and thought of an excuse. But the good words don't come to mind, and I just have to laugh bitterly.
"Mr. Hagiwara brought it to me. You even gave me a necklace...... thank you"
When the bud grenade said so, the eyebrows of Holy Night rose pickly. I perceive everything in the words of bud grenades, and the Holy Night bites my lips.
"That asshole..."
"Huh?... Mr. Qin Zao?
Makoto was right, the bud grenade was in a hurry to see if it had angered the Holy Night. The impatience was enough to stir up the emotions of the Holy Night.
"... budding grenade"
"Huh? Wow!
Holy Night shoves down a bud grenade on the couch. The recoil rocked the body of the bud grenade and the beautiful dark hair spread over the couch. The bud grenade hurriedly puts his hand on the couch to get up, but even the bud grenade hand trying to escape himself pushed against the couch and the holy night tangled away.
"Mr. Qin Zao, please let me go"
"If you say so, I'll let you go. You really think so?
The face of Holy Night is serious. I haven't even got the kind of grin I'd like to have.
The bud grenade drinks gokuri and spit, and puts his strength on his own arm. But Holy Night suppressed the bud grenades with stronger force than that. It was the bud grenade that showed the gap on Holy Night. Holy night stared firmly into the shaking eyes of the bud grenade.
As it is, Holy Night brings his face closer to the neck of the bud grenade and drops a gentle mouthpiece that touches only its neck muscle.
"... beautiful skin."
"Mr. Qin Zao, stop... eh"
Before the bud grenade finished saying "stop," Holy Night buried his face in the neck of the bud grenade. The bud grenade who rejected the Holy Night turns away, but the aim of the Holy Night is it. In the bud grenade section (nod) that appears, Holy Night sucks.
Hiding with my hair, no one can see me - I left my mark firmly in a place where even bud grenades could not see me.
"Yes...... do it"
The power of the arms is no match. Bud grenades instead bump your feet. That's how I felt the bud grenade resistance intensified and my Holy Night eyes wet uncut.
"Mr. Qin Zao......"
"... I'll tell you one thing"
The Holy Night took his face off the neck of the bud grenade and stared at the adorable accessories adorned his neck.
"If I did it, I wouldn't choose to be cute."
The bud grenade opens its eyes to the words of the Holy Night. There is no word out of the open mouth. Seeing the face of the bud grenade who knew the truth, Holy Night narrowed his eyes.
Always give way to you at the end of the day. That's a man named Shin Habara. Holy Night knew it was his way of life.
"Mr. Qin Zao... can I ask you something"
"... what?
"How long have you been lying to me?"
Shin's assessment of bud grenades is always true. There are no lies in his words. So only Shin's words about bud grenades were believed.
But Shin herself doesn't feel that her thoughts and way of life are all stiffened by lies.
"... don't ask yourself that. I'm gonna say it."
The power of the Holy Night looses. As it was, Holy Night sat back on the couch, away from the bud grenades.
"Yeah, it's an atmosphere, and when the other guy's name comes up, I'm gonna shrink."
The Holy Night tells with a great sigh. The face turned away from the bud grenade dropped its shadow.
Without knowing its face, the bud grenade slowly rises and sits back on the couch. The bud grenade opened its mouth just a little wider from the Holy Night.
"... Um, Mr. Qin Zao. I'm here to prepare for the fun..."
Bud grenades get to the point. Then Holy Night reached out to the table next to the couch. A long arm stretches out and touches the booklet on the table.
"You'll have the officers do something... play this"
It was the score that Holy Night gave to the bud grenades.
There was certainly a splendid grand piano on the stage at the party venue.
"I'll tell you and this chairman. I told him to tell him the song and the time and let him do the fun he deserved."
In other words, the performance of the board is a pastime to bring out the bud grenade piano.
The bud grenade turns the score apart in surprise. The famous song was on there. There are no songs I have never played. Even if it is, you can play as long as you have a score.
"Piano doesn't have to be me..."
And the bud grenade saw the last song and slipped the booklet off his hand.
The Holy Night rises off the couch, staring at the glistening bud grenades.
"Mr. Qin Zao! I..."
"Let me play it"
That's what Holy Night said before the bud grenade, erasing the bud grenade escape route.
Walking forward, Holy Night, with his hands on the door, looked back at the bud grenade as it sat on the couch.
"And... the pastime is dedicated to the guest of honor. Let the officers greet Tojo individually in a separate room after the fun."
Bud grenades don't spin any more words into the chastening Holy Night dialogue.
"... budding grenades. Who made you better at listening to that song? Remember that."
Holy Night stares at such bud grenades in slices.
"This is what you want."
That's what Holy Night left out, disappearing across the door.
The bud grenade remains relieved, picking up the score dropped on the floor and checking that song again.
The last song is the favorite song that afflicts bud grenades the most.
"... you can't play it, can you?"
The bud grenade almost cries when I think of the "admirer" in the venue. He gripped the score hard and the bud grenade covered his face.
"Tojo bud grenades... even though they're not here anymore"
The bud grenade voice that makes it a word was plundering with the thought of being squashed.