Reiryuu Academy Student Council
186 Amulets and pillows
At midnight. When the date changed to the 25th, the bud grenade was once again in his mind saying "Happy Birthday" on Holy Night.
I got out of bed, took two pretty wrapped medium bags and one small bag, and the bud grenade walked out of my room.
Down the lighted stairs with electricity, you reach Shigeji and Mariko's bedroom. Of course the lights in the two rooms were falling, and the bud grenades entered it with the door open while feeling sorry for them. A little light plunges into the room in the hallway light.
The bud grenade moved sassy to the two pillows, placing the medium bag by the two pillows each. A pair of knitted hats is a gift from bud grenades for two. I did so again this year because it delighted me with the hand knitting of bud grenades every year.
"Merry Christmas"
Saying so in a small voice, the bud grenade stared at Shigeji and Mariko's sleeping face.
When he was sent home on Holy Night, the bud grenade said "Congratulations" to the whole family. At first I had no idea what that meant, the bud grenade that was tilting my neck, but then the word "thank you" followed, and I knew it all.
Happy to make up with Tojo, he appreciates that the bud grenade is Nanahara bud grenade. Because of those people, bud grenades liked this family and wanted them to stay by their side forever.
The truth is that at the time of reconciliation, Shigeji and the others can kick out the bud grenades. Their reason for taking on the bud grenade is no longer more than ever. But Heavy Ji and the others accepted the bud grenade thing again and were delighted with the bud grenade selection.
Though it is the bud grenades who thank them, the heavy rulers do not let the bud grenades say thank you. I'm sure if the sprouts say "thank you," Heavy Gifts will return "it's only natural for my family to be together." Even if there's no blood connection, the buds are family. My mind was properly connected.
That's why I don't say "thank you".
"Keep it up... Father, Mother"
Bud Grey said that quietly and left the bedroom.
The bud grenade comes straight to Kei's room. Making the smallest noise possible, the bud grenade snuck into Kei's room.
Kei, sleeping in bed, lay down in such a way as to turn his back on the bud grenade.
A bud grenade puts a small bag on such a gui pillow.
"Merry Christmas, Kei"
The bud grenade, who uttered the word, gently stroked Kei's head and went back to his room, careful not to make a sound.
Confirming that the inside of the room was dark and the bud grenade had left completely, Kei opened his eyes.
Get on the floor early on Eve night and don't sleep until the date changes. That's Kei's custom from six years ago.
Wake up slowly and reach for the gift placed on your pillow.
When I opened the contents, what Kei expected was in there.
Christmas presents for Kei are the same every year, a handmade amulet of bud grenades. That hasn't changed since Eve's day seven years ago.
'Hey, Kei... you want something?
Christmas season seven years ago. A bud grenade suddenly asked Kei about that as he watched a football game in the living room.
"Huh? Why?
When Kei saw about the bud grenade in Kyoton's face, the bud grenade wandered his gaze.
"Uh... somehow..."
When the bud grenade answered that, Kei did not pursue any further. Instead, I thought of 'hmm' and what I wanted you to twist your head on, and I was mouthing that in the order I came up with it.
'That's right. What I want now is a soccer ball. But I asked my dad for Christmas! Oh! I admire that. Players are wearing enamel bags in high school football and stuff. Amulet!
I never got a Christmas present from a budding grenade until then, and Kei just said what he properly wanted, but the budding grenade took Kei's words seriously and made me amulet as a Christmas present.
I was happy with that, and I asked for the next year and the next, and now that is the natural gift.
"Come on......"
Out of bed, Kei holds an enamel bag for the club.
I took off last year's amulet on my bag and put a new one on there for this year.
With the removed amulet, Kei opens the desk drawer. When I took out the box of cans of sweets that were being pushed into the back of the drawer and took that lid, it contained all the historical amulets I got for sprouts.
"I don't know what to do with it..."
Kei carefully fixes the amulet in his hand in the can, even as he mocks himself. After a slight look at the increased amulet, he closed the lid of the can and pushed it into the drawer again.
At first, I was just happy to keep the gift from my esteemed sister. And yet, now...
"Tsukuba-san... you're too cute. What's that dress look like?"
Reminds me of the bud grenade appearance when I came home, Kei dyes her cheeks red. Today is not the first time a bud grenade wears makeup. Today was the first time Kei had ever seen him before he arrived at home because he had always removed his makeup.
"You're not leaving anyone alone with that..."
Imagine the men staring so that they could scorch about the bud grenade, and Kei exhales deeply. As desperate as Kei was to calm his spirit when that bud grenade returned.
"True, it keeps getting out of reach"
Even if the bud grenade becomes someone's, Kei can still be connected to the bud grenade for the rest of his life. Unlike others, Kei will always be a bud grenade special. Just talk about that not being the object of your lover.
"Merry Christmas. Sprout sister......"
Towards the next room, Kei tells him quietly.
That is how the Holy Night went further.