Reiryuu Academy Student Council
199 Omi Lottery and Street
"Where have you been?!?
The men of the all-body blackened black sunglasses, unlike the shrine landscape, look around in frustration at the center of the crowd saying so.
"... I can't believe we're late for high school"
They're standing around the last company. There are also people coming here from the main hall to put money in, but there are fewer people than on street street.
The reason they are here is simple, because they have lost sight of a goal that has been lost to those who line up in the stalls. But it's hard to get out or turn back on the street. They ran straight through the street and came here but still didn't see the goal.
"I can't face Holy Night with this"
Especially the black clothes hired as escorts for Holy Night are trained and confident in health. So I thought I could easily capture the wanted person of Holy Night, but they were better at one.
"We're gonna look again from the point we lost sight of!
That said, about ten black clothes began to run with tremendous momentum as they caught people's attention.
A sigh of relief can be heard from behind the last company, along with the footsteps leaving this spot in black.
"... Safe, hey"
That's what the bud grenade sitting behind the last company said in a whisper. Because I'm tired of running, my breath gets rough and my voice gets a little interrupted.
Shotaro, sitting on his knees standing up, trying to surround the bud grenade, was cautious and following the appearance of black clothes as he left to the end.
"Now I can rest for a while"
There was no longer any reason to be forced to fit in the shadow of the last company, and Shotaro quickly left the bud grenade.
As the people in black pride themselves, their abilities are high. Both bud grenades and Shotaro have fast legs but inferior endurance. Still, it's better than the others, but it's not right for a long run.
That's why I went into the first maneuver to run away with all my might, and to this day.
"I'm sorry, you're tired, aren't you?
Shotaro leaked his voice without concealing, "Not at all," Bud Grey said with a bitter smile.
Shotaro was the one who didn't choose to disappear after abandoning the bud grenade along the way.
"Disasters continue early in the New Year.... was God right, was it a punishment?"
Removing the Omi Lottery from his pocket, Shotaro honestly regrets what he said when he pulled it off.
Meanwhile, Shotaro's bud grenade, who saw the Omi lottery, was blindly and unexpectedly opening his mouth.
Gejong-kun, it's Daikichi.
"... Nanhara?
Shotaro stares at Shotaro with a suspicious face as he groans with his eyes shining. However, the bud grenade still looked with envy at Shotaro's disposal.
"Daikichi, right? That's amazing."
"Wow... even if they say so, Kamiyoshi is Daikichi every year"
The bud grenade looks more surprised when he hears that.
"... I thought you were the same type of person."
I decided on my own that I would attract Daikichi every year as well because I was talking about bud grenades.
"Did you have a bad label this year?
Even so, Shotaro pushes up the bridge of glasses with his troubled face because he is so moved by Daikichi. Then the bud grenade made no affirmation or denial, just spilled a bitter laugh.
"I didn't pull it off this year. I mean, not last year, not even last year."
"... Otaki won't even come out if you don't pull it off"
Shotaro shook his neck to the side when he said that so that he could be stunned.
"You can't even pull it out. Hey, Daikichi is"
For some reason, bud grenades answer confidently. But I really didn't think so for Shotaro.
"You're always as lucky as a fool..."
Whether it's cards or whatever, bud grenades often attract luck anyway. That's why I thought Omi Lottery was no exception.
"I don't know because I'm running out of luck because of that. When it was the best, it was the worst, and the basics were the worst."
That's what the sprouts say and clasp their shoulders. At that rate all the time, Omi Lottery caught the brunt when he was in middle two. I just didn't want to get distracted by pulling before Li Long's exam, and since I stopped pulling in middle 3, I stopped pulling the Omi lottery after enrolling in Li Long.
"I had so much to be happy about last year, maybe it was Daikichi"
"I've done nothing but waste," Bud Grey mutters unfortunately, stretching his hand into the night sky.
"... not so"
The gaze that was pointed at the sky was directed at Shotaro, and the bud grenade's hair swayed sarally. Shotaro then pressed him to stick his Omi lottery on the face of the bud grenade that was right for him.
"If you want Daikichi, take it. Some things work better when someone is happy."
Bud Grey rounds his eyes as surprised and tries to return the Omi lottery to Shotaro.
"It's Daikichi from Kagejo-kun, you can't."
Kei used to try to give Daikichi to the bud grenade that pulled the murder. But I couldn't accept it because it seemed to embezzle people's well-being.
"I'll tell you what, Daikichi is famous and completely ineffective. Look at me and you'll see."
Shotaro smiles bitterly at Shotaro, who treats Daikichi like a fierce Omi lottery. But that's why Shotaro was able to receive Shotaro's Omi lottery with pleasure.
"Well, thank you."
Next to the karakara and laughing bud grenade, Shotaro leaves only an unfathomable reply. For a while then Shotaro and Shotaro had a break behind their last company to catch their breath.
"Ha... where are those two?"
Around the same time, the advantage of searching for the bud grenades was lost in the crowd without knowing where the two men were, just like the black clothes.
I repeat that I do it with a loving laugh even if the occasional girl on the road speaks to me, and the advantage is walking alone down street.
"Looks like they haven't caught him yet for sure..."
There are also a few obviously heterogeneous black-crushed humans among the different people. It was clear from the way they were running around in a hurry that the two had not yet been caught.
"But I'm only fortunate that you and your grandfather haven't come to merit"
Advantage whines such a solitary as he looks around. If it was a feat, it would still have bothered the bud grenade even if he had even had a favorable grandfather here.
He also said that he would go this morning with a prayer for merit, but I sincerely think that would be a good idea.
"... ha"
"Hey, you..."
I thought about the whereabouts of the buds, and I heard a woman's voice from behind in her favorable ear holding her head.
I think I've been called out again, and the advantage is to soften my expression a little and look back.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for people now..."
I politely tried to say no, advantageously, but I looked at the woman behind me, the couple for more information, and stuffed the words.
"I knew it! It's advantageous!
"True. Long time no see, Langtang-kun."
There were the bud grenade parents, Shigeji and Mariko. I guess Shigeji had a case of takoyaki, and from where Mariko had Tomoko, the two of us were walking around eating the takoyaki together.
The two of them greeted me first for the New Year, and I looked sorry for the advantage.
"Congratulations.... I'm sorry, I didn't think you two were late to say hello."
The advantage of bowing your head deeply is as courteous as when you first met him. When I burn this favorable image into my brain, the black favorable mode really feels like a lie.
"Haha, give me your face. Than that...... is our daughter looking for?
In response to Heavy Ji's inquiry, the advantages are surprising (though not so much in the expression) while nodding and expressing affirmation. Then Mariko brightened her face with Paa and her hands together.
"So, Shotaro-kun just grabbed a bud grenade!?
"No, sir."
Advantage denies Mariko's speculation instantly. Even if it were true, it would have immediately corrected the words themselves and replaced them with worthy ones.
"But the fact that Gejong-kun's name came up... could it be that Kusu... did you see Mr. Bud Grey?
Feeling a little embarrassed, Advantage reword the name of the bud grenade. Shigeji and Mariko laughed kusuri because they could see subtle changes in their favorable expressions.
"Oh, I saw it. Both my daughter is headed to Gejong-kun and her last company, and my son is headed to Lotus Moon Kun and the treasure trove"
Shigeji teaches you advantageously while pointing in each direction. I even taught Kei and Fengya where they are just in case.
"Thank you"
Once again the advantage bowed his head in gratitude, this time Mariko began to pursue the situation in his favor.
Being stared at with such a sparkling face, the advantages began to explain the situation to Mariko in advance of chasing the bud grenades.
"So Megumi and Gejong-kun are being chased by Seiyoku Akizo's caution stick... I'm not sure about Lotus Moon, but I took Kei-kun"
Mariko smiles with pleasure when she teaches the story that Zach sums up.
"You're popular, buddy."
"I heard the next chairman of the Qin Zao treasury was a difficult young man..."
Seiji was laughing as troubled as he thought of the information on the Qinzo Holy Night he had obtained in contact with Tojo during the case of La Fausto's integration.
Tojo said Holy Night was "pity cold, lack of pleasure," but these days he's moved too much for bud grenades to send new drugs or invite Tojo to attend a party. From there, Heavy Ji also knew that he was quite obsessed with bud grenades.
"Oh, I remembered that at the Qin Zao treasury."
Mariko laughed in her favor by pounding her hand.
"Advantageous, you inspired me by holding back about Bud Grey at Eve's party, didn't you? Thank you."
For a moment, I didn't know the meaning of Mariko's gratitude, and her advantages were Kyoton. And dig up memories of Eve of things that aren't as accurate as bud grenades.
"... uh, are you talking about when Mr. Bud Grey escaped before the pastime?
"Probably that. Megumi was happy to talk to you."
When Mariko tells you that, her advantageous cheeks stain slightly red.
"I was just chasing after him and listening to Mr. Bud Grey... nothing really..."
"But if Langtang-kun hadn't taken that simple action, both my best friend and daughter would have stayed wrong. So thank you. I'd like you to accept this thank you as a budding parent."
Shigeji avoided giving Tojo's name because it's a place where he doesn't know who's listening. Quietly replies, "Yes," in his favor as he perceives the matter.
"Nice to see you buddy again this year, Yuki-kun"
"Nice to meet you"
Advantage said so and left a polite greeting, breaking up with Shigeji and Mariko.
Advantage in the direction of Shotaro and Shotaro as taught by Shigeji takes the stride.
"Mr. Bud Grey... is it"
Speaking of which, you called me by name for the first time about bud grenades, etc., and the advantages held my face down as I walked. You're walking alone, but your face gets sloppy and loose.
"... you're talking about me."
That said, the advantages exhale to relieve. I found myself not lagging behind other officers, and my favorable mind was clear.
"In the meantime, we need to find it before Gejong-kun crosses us first"
Breathe heavily and the advantage began to run through the crowd looking for bud grenades.