Reiryuu Academy Student Council
214 Confidential discussions with the water heating room
The bud grenade returns from the ski class to the lodging, returning to the room and rolling over the tatami with members of the same lodging squad.
"And it was amazing. Kamiyo-kuns."
"But you found it cool to just throw snow."
Next door the topic of the snow wars of the pigeons rose, and the bud grenades laughed half-eyed.
But as I hah remembered there, the bud grenade sat back on the tatami and turned his gaze to the favorable rubber Akata Miyata.
"Ah, Miyata. Langtang-kun said it was okay to throw pillows."
Miyata's eyes glow when the bud grenade tells him so.
"Yeah. He said after tomorrow."
"Absolutely fine! Thanks! Nanahara-san!
Happy Miyata wakes up her body, which seemed lazy until earlier, and starts to jump through the room and move.
But if I could throw a pillow with one of the idol officers, I would naturally be happy with Miyata as well as the other girls, so all the classmates except Maiko, who was sleeping, started to sneeze after Miyata.
Maiko stared at the bud grenade on the side when the bud grenade was smiling when she saw the classmate she seemed to enjoy.
"Hey, you got something on you?
Noticed Maiko's gaze, the bud grenade touches his face petitely as if he were in a bit of a hurry. Then Maiko said in a girlish tone, "I'm not wearing anything."
"For once, I'd rather not tell the other officers about the pillow throw."
"Huh? Ma, I won't tell you..."
Maiko sighs when the bud grenade looks strange.
"Because if you suck, Langtang-kun is full bogged down"
"I don't know who can make Blue Tang bumpy, I think Kamiyo-kun is within the realm of possibilities..."
When Bud Grey says so, Maiko laughs bitterly when he says, "Yes, I do." It's not a physical full bocco, it's a mental full bocco, but I guess it won't pass where I told the bud grenade, and Maiko whispers.
"I'm more worried about getting injured with a pillow throw with Langtang-kun."
The bud grenades far-eyed and uttered ominous things, and Maiko rounds his eyes. But if advantages got switched on during a pillow throw, it's a big case. And there is no guarantee that bud grenades and other boys won't be switched on in their favor because they're in the same space. It is more likely that an advantageous switch will be made than not.
"... I think we should evacuate to another squad then."
With her surroundings shaking, Maiko had one face blued with ominous imagination.
Then some time later, when dinner time was running out.
Due to the running out of hot water in the room, the bud grenade was walking alone in the lodging hallway trying to get to the water heating room. Bud Grey laughs somewhat at at the fact that he manages everything from the habits at home to the kitchen situation of the lodging squad (?).
As we head for the water heating room, which is a little further than the bedding room we went to this morning, the door of the room that passed along the way opens. If I remember the bud grenade correctly, that should be the male teacher room.
"Excuse me."
I greeted him inside the room, and he came out.
As he moved his legs one step back to his room, the bud grenade and the pomegranate took a face-to-face form.
"... budding grenade"
Bud grenade appearance in his sight only makes his gaze wander a little. From the fact that after the skiing class, the teacher came out of the teacher's room, it was also found that the teacher had taken note of the previous brawl incident.
"You're annoying."
The bud grenade laughs bitterly and raises one hand. Then he exhaled gently and clasped his shoulders.
"What's going on? The buddy room is supposed to be over there."
"Yeah. I thought I'd go to the hot water room because the water ran out"
The bud grenade makes the pot look stunned and laughs nicely. As the sprouts tried to pass beside the sprouts, for some reason the sprouts began to walk in the same direction as the sprouts in line beside the sprouts.
The bud grenade punches his eyes, but he leans his neck with a strange face.
"That's Kamiyo-kun's room, isn't it?
The chamber is in the corner of the hallway where the bud grenades have already passed. It's the opposite of the water heating room where the bud grenades are headed now.
"I'll follow you too."
"... to change my mood"
That's what he says, and he looks very evil. It is quite unusual for Fengya to get the attention of her teacher anyway. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say it is the first time, I am not too distracted by the sermons from the teacher.
"It's been a while since we talked about grades."
When the bud grenade said so and laughed karakara, he grinned bitterly, "It's not funny," while putting a fuzzy hand on the bud grenade's head.
"Is Lotus Moon okay?
"Well, the body is.... My teacher is pissed that that Napa boy knocked me down, so my spirit would be worn out though"
That's what he said. He turns his gaze to the teacher's room where he was just now. Although the sermon ended early, the sermon was prolonged by Fengya, who also caused a stuffing on a bus to the airport before a ski trip.
"I'm going to cry again..."
Bud grenade laughed with pleasure imagining the feminine appearance of being squeezed tight and crying in his favor.
Talking about that, I was getting to the water heating room sometime. When the bud grenade turned on the light and then went inside the small room, he also went inside after that, closing the door of the water heating room.
"Why are you closing it?"
The bud grenade placed on the platform with the empty pot looks back with a wrinkle between his eyebrows. Even in the face of suspicious gaze from the bud grenade, he just laughs "somehow" in white. I saw that reaction. The bud grenade still gets half-eyed.
"Bud Grenade will be with me, don't you like it?
"I don't like it... it's not good"
After I said it, I became ashamed, and the bud grenades turned their backs on the wax to cover it up. Then, he grinned and stuffed the distance from the bud grenade at once.
"Bud grenade"
Standing beside the bud grenade, the pod peeks into the bud grenade's face. A candle filled with water was put on a gas fire, and the bud grenade grudged at such a candle.
The bud grenade says so in a sigh of sigh, pressing the chest of the jaw with both hands. Then the hand of the sprouts stretched out to push the shovel was grabbed by the shovel.
"You know, this is how I make fun of people, so I'm going to be two with Kamiyo-kun..."
I'm not making fun of you.
He denies in a nutshell what the bud grenade tried to say with his troubled face. The gaze of the bird is as straight as it is frightening and the bud grenade drinks spit.
"I mean, from me, you seem to be making more fun of me."
"You can't be."
The bud grenade answers instantly with a surprised face. It is the idea of bud grenades that it is impossible rather than terrible to make fun of them.
"Than that...... let go"
"Hey, bud grenade"
Feeling so strong that he could not shake it off his grabbed arm, the bud grenade mumbles his mouth trying to tell him to "let go".
"... Kamiyo-kun?
"Are you meeting that boy?
A little grumpy asks. The reason I'm upset is probably because I know the answer. And he purposefully created a space for just two people to hear about it, Sprout suspected.
"I'll see you. Because there's something we need to talk about."
When the bud grenade answered with a serious face, he dropped his gaze sadly.
"... yes"
The power of the hand of the sword is loose. As it was, his hand slipped away from the bud grenade's arm.
The bud grenade looked up at a complex expression that could not be said to be angry or sad.
"Do you hate Mr. Qin Zao so much?
"You think I like it?
A low voice inquired, and the bud grenade squeezed his mouth cuddly and frightened.
"Yet bud grenades don't care about that either because they allow that boy too much attention"
I also know that's an unsolicited argument. So I laughed at myself. The bud grenade returned a bitter laugh.
"... bad for Kamiyo-kun, but I don't hate Mr. Akizo"
"I know.... I know what I'm saying about being childish.... but I don't like it."
A finger attaches to the mouth of a bud grenade that gives a grunting voice. And as it was, he leaned his lips against the ear of the bud grenade.
"'Cause that's what you want your favorite kid to see just me, isn't it?
That's all he leaves to say, and he lets his body go from the bud grenade. Then he opened the door of the hot water room, which he himself had closed.
"Well, don't be late for dinner.... bud grenades"
As if nothing had happened, he left the room with his usual nickel smile.
Pathan and a loud noise sounded, and the bud grenade pointed his open eyes towards the vanished door of the wax.
"... you like it?
The voices I hear back are scratched off by the sound of boiling candles and not reaching anyone's ears.