Reiryuu Academy Student Council
215 Friendship and separation
"Oh, do you eat that?
Gathered in the great hall, Laila, who was to have dinner, inquired to sit in front of him. Dinner hasn't been particularly forced into squad behavior, so Laila is eating with the one she just found.
In response to Lailuo's voice, he sees his plate with a hazy face. The vessel of the cold man at the end of his gaze was a sea of soy sauce. (10) Round his eyes and immediately place the soy sauce in his hand on the table.
And at the next moment, he held down his forehead and began to sigh, and Laila narrowed her eyes.
There is only one reason why this happens to Lai Luo to the best of his knowledge.
"Now Haru - what did you do to her?
When Lai Luo asks, the frown of the cunt rises. Every time, when it comes to bud grenades, it's really honest.
Rarely and awkwardly wandering his gaze, Laila glanced over his shoulder.
"What? Did I finally run out and say I like it?
Come with a smile. Luo stands his index finger. I usually say, "I wouldn't struggle if I could," but I won't say anything today.
To the reaction of his finger, Lailuo stiffened with his index finger raised. Seeing Lailuo's incredible face, Lailuo sighs again.
"... if a bud grenade could interpret exactly what it means, that's what would happen."
"- Ugh!
"... you have a loud voice"
Lailuo holds his own mouth. He drank water with a troubled face, and Laila wandered his gaze.
And find one girl among the students who have dinner.
I forgot my handkerchief, buddy.
"Oh, really. Thanks."
After dinner with my friend Maiko Uemura, the appearance of a bud grenade appeared in Lailuo's eyes when he returned to the room. There is nothing particularly unusual about the atmosphere from the bud grenades, which are as laid back as usual.
"... I don't think you understand."
As a matter of fact, once Lailuo said "like" to the bud grenade, there is also a precedent where the bud grenade interpreted it as "like" as a friend.
"But budding grenades don't put much emotion on the table,"
I'm sure of those words. Previously, even when confessed by Takimoto, bud grenades hid well. The only officers who knew about the matter were Torako, and if there was no trigger for both of them, they probably would still not know about it.
I don't know if I interpreted the meaning of the words "too blunt" as "my favorite child as a friend" or if I understand the words "properly" to keep them from appearing on my face.
"So you regret what you said?
"No. I have no regrets..."
Put a glass of water on the table. He opened his mouth small as he stared at the melted and rounded ice.
"... like you just said, I feel like I ran out"
He then puts on his cheek cane and exhales several times. Tofu, which was too much soy sauce to eat, was evidence that the tofu was making people think about it. Looking at the vessel, Lawrence laughed lightly.
"Isn't that nice? We're talking about running away."
That's what Lailuo says, moving the chopsticks he was stopping again.
"You know what I'm talking about. Ru-chan's going somewhere."
He swallows the rice in his mouth and tells him quietly. But he doesn't answer that. His eyes, which look slightly down, hide in his forehead.
"Then it's not like I'm giving up."
Luo stares at the face of the disobeyed beast.
- We're still friends now, I don't think we have to change.
He remembered the words he exchanged at the cultural festival. I feel nostalgic for the words I used to say then, because that's only what I meant by the past anymore.
"We have to end our friendship."
I knew one day the day would come to change. The story that "one day" just became now.
That's what I said. Luo laughs.
"Come on."
"Oh, we need to eat fast."
Even though I knew I had to break it off, still, Laila thought I missed the future a little that started to change.
"Oh, I forgot my towel"
The bath bud grenade reminded me of a personal item I didn't have at hand, and I shrugged.
"Don't you forget a lot today? bud grenades."
Maiko walking next door reacts to a bud grenade grunt.
I also tried to leave my handkerchief behind for dinner time and I forgot to take the pivotal change of clothes when I went to the bath, this time I forgot the towel. Maiko looked at the bud grenade with a slight twinkle on his face.
"Uh, maybe I'm too shabby to be tired"
"Did you say yes?"
Bud grenade laughs bitterly at Maiko's point. The bud grenade's head has been in floating mode since the beginning just because of the air of a school trip, but it doesn't look that way around.
"Go ahead, Maiko"
That's what the bud grenades say, back to the original path.
The bud grenades bathed in the last group, so there are no more students left in the bathroom. Proceeding through a large, idle space, the bud grenades head straight to the shelf of the stripper they were using.
There was a proper towel there that I forgot about. Take it and the bud grenade hits his head on the shelf with a trick.
"... you're just too boisterous"
Squirting, the bud grenade closed his eyes. Then, naturally, the words of the earlier prayer come to mind.
- 'Cause you want a kid who likes you to see just me, right? -
Even if you let it act flat in front of everyone, if you're alone, it'll collapse. The bud grenade held onto his reddening face.
Even that bud grenade knew what that meant.
"... I don't know if you're serious or joking"
Though he often made fun of the bud grenade, he never uttered the word "likes". He's not the kind of person who uses important words for lightening up, and if he thinks that the words he just said are his true intentions, the mysterious behavior he's done so far is also the same.
But seriously, I also felt too refreshed and sad. Even so, budding grenades experienced only one confession from Takimoto, and only then can they be compared, but Takimoto should have been more serious and stuffed with cut wings.
The smile at the end of the day doesn't catch my eye.
"... Kamiyo-kun's idiot"
The bud grenade squeaks and exhales so. But if that's what you meant, what's really stupid is...
"It's me..."
The words glued around my head and my mind was restless. The bud grenade had made it a gutter instead of sorting out his feelings.