Reiryuu Academy Student Council

221 Observatory and ten years ago

Getting off the taxi is the city's famous observation deck as a tourist destination.

"Uh... I certainly didn't come here"

That's what the bud grenade says and looks at Makoto sideways.

Why didn't the squad members visit the observation deck, which is famous as a tourist destination? The reason for this is simple, because more than 80% of visitors are couples.

"Ha ha, ma ~ that's good. It's Holy Night you're with, isn't it? What an honor to be thought of as the girlfriend of Holy Night, eh?

Makoto says so and sticks out before the Holy Night as if to offer a bud grenade. Clearly, it's not the bud grenades that delight in being mistaken for a couple, but the Holy Night.

"Bud grenade"

"... Yes?

Holy Night offers his hand before the bud grenade. The bud grenade looked at the hand of that Holy Night and tilted his neck with a troubled face.

"The place is a place, and holding hands is more like it. Do it?

"It doesn't have to look like that, does it?"

Staring into the hands of the Holy Night, the bud grenades instantly deny the opinion of the Holy Night. Then Shin began to laugh with his mouth restrained behind him. Of course that applauds the grump of Holy Night.

"Uh... let's do this, shall we?

As the gaze of the Holy Night grew sharper in front of him, the bud grenade opened his mouth to suggest freshly with his fingers.

"If Mr. Qinzo wins in Junken, I'll hold hands. If I lose, I won't connect. Which one?"

The Holy Night when I heard it raised my eyebrows and Makoto, standing behind the bud grenade, narrowed his eyes in opposition. If you're a junket, there's a 50 percent chance that Holy Night will win. Where I kept asking questions, I understood that bud grenades would never be connected, and Holy Night went on to suggest bud grenades.

"So, shall we go?

To be clear, I may be able to play junket with my heavenly bobby, but the bud grenade waved with a bitter smile.


That's what the bud grenade said and gooed, choked out on Holy Night. Confirmed that, the bud grenade laughs nicely without being so pleased.

"So let's keep going -"

That's what the bud grenades say. Just move your feet inside the observation deck. Then Holy Night grabbed the bud grenade arm.

"Mr. Qin Zao, no two words, right?

"I get it. But you, be too calm."

Holy Night frowns and says in surprise. The bud grenade reaction was as if it had been known to win.

Pointed out on Holy Night, the bud grenade decided to tell him why he suggested Junken with his sorry face on his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I, Junken, I'm strong. About 10 times with my brother and I win 10."

Bud grenades say toward a flashing Holy Night. When I played the role sharing junket at the cultural festival, I didn't know what it meant and later I lost, but even then, if I knew what it meant, the bud grenade might have beaten the pomegranate.

"You, did you make a suggestion knowing the result?!?

"But it was Mr. Qin Zao who came up with the suggestion without asking anything."

The bud grenade flaunts his shoulder and tongues out like a playful. It is true that the bud grenade's opinion is correct, so Holy Night "did a detour," he said, exhaling a great deal of sigh and put his head on.

Sometimes in the observation deck there was a higher percentage of couples who were coming in the evening.

The snowy scenery and the sunset scenery would be very beautiful and romantic. With that in mind, the bud grenade walks next to the Holy Night. Makoto, when he said, acted like him when those who were coming between women one step away from the bud grenades spoke and spoke to each other.

"That guy again..."

"Leave me alone. The usual."

When the bud grenade turned to prudence behind him, the Holy Night immediately turned the bud grenade face forward. Then naturally the bud grenade's gaze would also look forward, but the bud grenade, who looked ahead of him, clung to the back of the Holy Night.

"Sprouts? It's gone."

"I'm from the next class."

In front of the buds there is a couple in Lilong's uniform. The bud grenade conveyed it to the Holy Night, and also hid, clinging behind the Holy Night.

No matter how much you're dressed for personal clothes, your face is quickly found out because you're not in disguise or doing anything. The bud grenade doesn't give him a laying face because he also has trouble finding out and making weird rumors.

"... budding grenade"

When Holy Night looked sideways at such a bud grenade and exhaled lightly, he stood facing the bud grenade, yet bent his back in line with the bud grenade's gaze.

"Mr. Qin Zao. Um..."

You better take this. Yeah, do it.

That's what Holy Night says and puts his black-edge glasses on the face of a bud grenade.

"This is the only outfit I'm wearing. I'm more or less deceitful."

In fact, as a matter of fact, the average person would never expect that Qinzo Holy Night to be here. Now the bud grenades are in a better position to hide themselves.

"Thank you, thank you..."

The bud grenade raises his face as he holds down the pattern of his glasses with both hands. As the bud grenade grinned softly to thank, Holy Night stroked the bud grenade hair with a gentle face.

Then the bud grenade stood in front of the Holy Night and a large windowsill that allowed the two of us to look out and have a beautiful view.

"Mr. Qin Zao"

"... hmm?

Looking down at the landscape outside, the bud grenade speaks out on the Holy Night. The Holy Night turned its gaze to such bud grenades.

"I've always wanted to ask you something, okay?

Holy Night returns a word to the bud grenade inquiry: "Yes." Then the bud grenade quietly mouthed the question he had always had.

"How could you remember the tone of the piano ten years ago?

Bud Grey and Holy Night were reunited that summer in Lilong for the first time in a decade. Even when it comes to reunion, we only met ten years ago, and that's why it was strange that Holy Night remembered such trivial memories vividly. A bud grenade shouldn't have that kind of memory of Holy Night anyway.

"It's hard for anyone who knows how to play the piano to listen to it."

When the bud grenades overlap the words, the cheeks of Holy Night stain thinly. The bud grenade tilted his neck at the look of it.

"Mr. Qin Zao?

"... promise me you won't laugh"

The Holy Night tells you so. The bud grenade sent a signal of understanding after floating an appropriate mark over his head. Then Holy Night turned away openly from the bud grenade and began to explain with a small voice a bump.

"... I used to hear other guys play the same song many times after I heard you play it"


"Old story."

I can only see the blindfold of the Holy Night when I add, "My old self." The bud grenade, having heard the fact, raised a feverish voice.

"But whoever plays it is short of stuff... I haven't seen you again in ten years, and you're the only one who made me play a song that's as satisfying as it was then."

But that alone is too uncertain to link the bud grenade to "Tojo bud grenade," so at that time Holy Night asked the bud grenade, "Why did you play that song?" That was the truth then.

"But it's a really amazing idea to have a dead person alive with it, isn't it?

"Well, what. I only had questions about the death of Tojo sprouts... so I don't know what to say..."

Holy Night begins to regret explaining itself. The statement now is tantamount to exposing that Holy Night at an early age was looking into the death of the Tojo bud grenade.

"That's not right. I don't know. If a heartless, unattractive little girl dies, I think there's something more..."

Holy Night excuses his disgusting behavior at a young age in a hurried manner. Seeing how it was, the bud grenade was grinning unexpectedly.

"Bud, you promised not to laugh!

"Excuse me. I don't know... I thought someone cared about me back then..."

Bud Grey laughed like he was in trouble for saying so.

"But I remember you, too. Because old Mr. Qinzo had really pure eyes. She must be a very sweet girl. When we were reunited by the rough waves, we were lost."

When bud grenades point that out, Holy Night gets stuck in words. When I reunited with the bud grenade, Holy Night seemed so terrible that I had to admit to Holy Night myself, and I was just a person who was exhausted with the word extreme evil outrage.

At an early age, however, Holy Night was a truly pure child who tried so hard to speak the standard language and examine his birthstone.

"I think... I've admired you ever since."

Holy Night squeals like that with a small voice. Then the bud grenade tilted his neck, which the voice of Holy Night could not hear.

"Now that we've regenerated, we're talking about the old days."

"Ha ha,"

When Holy Night says that in a grumpy manner, the bud grenade laughs over his shoulder. Seeing how it was, Holy Night laughed invincibly like him.