Reiryuu Academy Student Council
222 Cocoa and ico
Holy Night and the two of us were having a tedious conversation, and the Holy Night smartphone made an incoming call.
"... work calls or. Don't take it off for a second."
Holy Night looked troublesome, checking the caller on the screen of the smartphone, and proceeded to the unpopular hallway in the back.
For now, the bud grenade, alone, sits on a couch nearby and looks out at the front with a bow. Then suddenly, a warm feeling touched my cheeks.
"... Huh!?
Surprisingly, the bud grenade instantly releases his face. Then it was found that Makoto stood behind the sofa where the bud grenade sat.
"Don't be surprised, Mr. Tsuhara"
"Wow, hiccup. I bought you cocoa."
That said Makoto put the cocoa pet bottle he had just pressed against the bud grenade's cheek over the bud grenade's hand. Although the observation deck is heated, it is a little chilly. I would therefore appreciate Shin's care, but Shin couldn't honestly appreciate the bud grenade because Shin would.
"... what about the women you were just talking about?
Shin should have been talking to another woman's people from right before the Holy Night disappeared in front of the sprouts. Makoto replied, "Ah......" when Shoots asked discreetly.
"Well, isn't that nice?
"What is it, its proper reaction"
The bud grenade replies unfathomably, warming his hands with cocoa he gets from Makoto. In contrast, Makoto was keeping his hips on the back of the couch laughing at Kerakera.
"Junken with Holy Night earlier, if I had lost, would I have really held hands?
Makoto asks with a pleasant voice that stays the same. The bud grenade looked a little surprised at the question and was smiling bitterly at the next moment.
"I wasn't thinking about losing. But think about it, maybe if you lost, you wouldn't even go around thinking about resisting surprise, would you?
"... hmm"
Makoto returns the bud grenade that confidently answers that. For what I had heard from myself, Makoto stared Makoto with a slightly murky face in order for Makoto to respond appropriately.
"Ha. Nanahara-chan doesn't suppress her feelings when she's really in front of me."
'Cause I don't think it's worth it just to be concerned.'
The bud grenade turns to the other side and says so lightly.
"But if Nanahara takes such an attitude towards me because of my soft attitude... If I suddenly become a serious person, Nanahara, what are you doing?
Shin drops his gaze on the bud grenade as he tilts his neck. Then the bud grenades also returned their gaze prudently again, and their gaze tangled.
"I can't imagine that, so I don't like Mr. Hagiwara."
"So if you can imagine it, you'll like it?
The inquired bud grenade shuts up. Shin then glanced up at the ceiling and laughed Kusuri.
"The reason Nanahara doesn't like me is because I was soft at first, but not now."
"... then what do you say"
When the bud grenade inquired, Makoto waved with an illegible grin like him.
"Nanhara-chan, no"
Makoto challenges the bud grenade without explaining why. Despite hearing earlier that the bud grenades could not be beaten, Shin dared to set up a bud grenade.
Surprised bud grenade face, as a result.
Shin is par against the bud grenade with the goo out.
"I mean, this kind of thing"
Makoto laughed joyfully when he said so.
If Makoto is serious, he can also beat the bud grenade. Yet Shin's appearance of pretending to be stupid resembles his own dislike of bud grenades, which is why he dislikes bud grenades.
"... you thought you'd win, did you set it up?
"Hmm? Well, if it's unintentional. Even if we do it now, it's gonna be an icon, isn't it?
Makoto tells that in a kelloggy manner. Makoto was right, I tried to do the junket firmly again and it became an icon all three times.
"If you really don't like it, you won't warm your hands with the cocoa you got from the one you don't like?
Shin dropped his gaze on the cocoa that would become the bud grenade's hand as he nibbled, and the bud grenade immediately placed the cocoa on the table in front of him.
Makoto laughed, "It's no good," as the bud grenade half-eyed what to chill this time.
"Nanahara, as you wish, is this a proper serious story?
Makoto slowly opens his mouth as he sees the Holy Night coming back here.
"If Nanahara's going up... I'm going up too"
Makoto let her hips off the back of the couch, flickering the brown muffler, and now reflected directly from the front in the view of the bud grenade for each body.
"Return to the Hagihara family. Shall I bow my head to my father and try my best against my brother for a second? Oh, my God."
Makoto said that and said to the bud grenade, "What do you say?" I ask. I'm saying it in mild terms, but I can see how serious a decision it was for Makoto to make to mouth it, bud grenade.
"... so, okay?
Shin, who escaped from his brother's bondage from the Habara family because he wanted to live free, returns to the place again. I don't know if I can hold that decision back with my hands up, buddy. Shin grinned lightly when he saw the bud grenade with an anxious face.
"Nanhara, you said this on Holy Night, didn't you?" Up as a Nanhara sprouts, "he said."
Makoto remembers that the Holy Night was happily speaking that way. And stayed put. Now I hit my resolve on the bud grenade.
"Well, I'm free to live as Shin Habara."
I've enjoyed enough of the tiny liberties I gained fleeing the Habara family. Holy Night will be harder from now on, and bud grenades will also go to America and start facing themselves. If a person close to me works hard, Makoto decided to make an effort to grasp true freedom instead of being temporarily free this time.
"You look good, and I'll line up next to Holy Night first."
Makoto glances at her as provoking. After such a prudent gaze, the bud grenade exhaled like trouble.
"I'm first."
"So, you want to bet?
Makoto laughing with Kerakera saying so was the same Makoto laughing from the heart I saw one day, and Bud Grey was laughing somewhere happy.
When I was doing that, the time had quickly passed and it was time to break up with the two of us.
"Really here, eh?
I rented a smartphone from Makoto and a bud grenade contacted Maiko and had them send me to the meeting place with the squad members.
"Yes, or thank you for following me so far"
That's what the bud grenade says and puts his head down on Holy Night.
"What are you talking about? Take it for granted."
The Holy Night flaunted his shoulders and made the bud grenade raise his face. And then Shin next to him said, "Aren't you going to thank me?" As it came to tear, the bud grenades decided to ignore it completely.
"That's so cute. They're gonna love you on Holy Night, right?
"I love you, really."
"Ugh, hiccup."
Word is a great sigh of sigh on the Holy Night, discreetly as it is not hurt at all by the back.
"Oh, I think that's Maiko"
I began to see squad members coming from afar. Stepping on that we wouldn't want to be seen just with ourselves, Holy Night and Makoto thought about breaking up with the bud grenades before the squad members got here.
"Look, we're leaving."
"Yes, please go home with care"
That said, Holy Night gets into the cab first. Makoto looked back at the bud grenade as he boarded a cab following the Holy Night.
"Well, come La Fausto when you're missed after your trip. I'm gonna be like a talker, okay?
"I'll just take your word for it -"
The bud grenade returned so with a full grin, and Shin, who opposed him, laughed Kerakera and disappeared into the cab.
At the same time as the taxi that starts running, "Bud grenade!" and Maiko's voice is heard, and the bud grenade inverts his body.
"Guys, sorry"
Until I cut my time with the squad members, it was worth it to go see the two of them. Bud Grey spent enough fun free time with them to have that feeling.
"Hey, Shin"
In the taxi back home, Holy Night calls with a small voice for caution. Then Makoto said, "Hmm?," he tilted his neck.
"I just told the bud grenade, are you serious?
"What? Did you hear that?
Makoto asks back with a smile. Makoto's story of quitting "The Prodigal Son" was apparently also heard on Holy Night because it was just before Holy Night came back to the bud grenade.
"Don't worry. I'm not leaving by the Holy Night when I get back to the Shinohara family."
"... don't ask me anything, no"
Saying so, the Holy Night was stroking his shoulders down to reassure Makoto somewhere in his words. Makoto's return to the Tsuhara family means that Makoto will no longer have to be by the Holy Night on purpose. Shin, however, promised to stay by the Holy Night even when he returned to the Shinohara family.
"... Makoto"
"Hmm, what?
"... don't let your brother be so hard on you. You, too. Come up."
Holy Night puts on his cheek wand and tells him that as he stares out the window.
Hearing the words of such a Holy Night, Makoto glanced, laughing as usual at the next moment.
"Can't wait and don't cry, can you?
Shut the fuck up, man.
That's how they left the city of Hokkaido in a friendly exchange of words.