Reiryuu Academy Student Council
223 Ideal image and traffic stop
The bud grenade joining the squad relaxed for the rest of his free time as the squad members asked him what he was doing with Holy Night and Makoto and where he was digging the leaves.
And back in the lodging, the bud grenade returns to his room with Maiko. There were several members of the accommodation squad in the room who had finished their free movement early and were already playing cards and being lenient.
"Welcome back.... Ah, Nanhara."
One of the cards opened his eyes wide as if he remembered something when he saw the face of a bud grenade.
Sensei Matsuda was looking for you.
That's what they say, the bud grenade leans his neck instantly. I think about why Dr. Matsuda would look for me, and I pass my head wondering if my solo behavior might have been found out, but somehow I don't feel like it, and the bud grenade became even more of a thought face. Then I knew or didn't know such a budding grenade thought circuit, and the classmate in front of me laughed and slapped the budding grenade shoulder.
"Looks like the roster for the squad has fallen apart, and Nanahara wants you to help her."
"Why me..."
If that's about it, even the classmate in front of me who asked for a message without bothering to ask for a bud grenade should be fine. When the bud grenade was half-eyed, the woman in front of her said, "Nanahara-san, it's my favorite!" I laughed.
"It's not bad to be liked, bud grenade"
Maiko slaps the back of the bud grenade when he says "dong mai," and the bud grenade exhales to give up.
In the meantime, before I went to Dr. Matsuda, I packed the personal clothes I got from Holy Night into my carry bag.
"Well, I'll go -"
"Go away."
While being cheered by the squad members' mystery, the bud grenade left the room behind with his uniform.
I walk down the hallway for a while, but I can't see the students. Many squads have not yet returned from free movement, I guess. Walk down the aisle to Dr. Matsuda's room with that in mind.
"Oh, um... Nanhara!
Especially as I walked without thinking, I was stopped from behind by a voice I was unfamiliar with hearing.
Looking back with his neck tilted, Yamamoto, a group C boy who had been in conversation with Maiko once before, stood.
"Are you okay now?
Since Yamamoto was the same height as Shotaro or higher than that, Shotaro raised his face only slightly to meet Yamamoto's gaze.
"A little bit, but... What?"
Suddenly he doesn't even know what it means to be called off in the hallway, and the bud grenade casts a simple question. Yamamoto then turned his face bright red and leaned down.
"No, you know, I don't need anything in particular. Um... I've always wanted to talk to Nanhara..."
To Yamamoto's answer, the bud grenade makes an unexpectedly insane voice. He spoke too distracted, and the bud grenade rushed to fix it, adding, "Oh, my God," he said.
"Even when Uemura hasn't been around lately... you know, I can't really talk to Mr. Shu or the board."
Listening to Yamamoto's explanation, Bud Grey had numerous questions in mind, such as, "Do you want to talk to yourself so much?"
"But if you're here, I can't believe you want to talk to me..."
That's it, bud grenades remembered a word Maiko told me before the winter break.
- Yamamoto-kun's worried about the sprouts.
The words echo in my head, while Yamamoto and his gaze collide. Then, somewhat embarrassed, the bud grenade dyed his cheeks red and turned away from Yamamoto.
"What, Nanhara?
"Chi, no! Um, never mind!
The bud grenades stuck their hands out in front of Yamamoto and lined up their words with a little excitement. The bud grenade covers his hot face with cold hands as he tells himself it's just a rumor.
But the bud grenades in the inner grid are slightly more girly in the atmosphere they create when viewed from others. Yamamoto in front of him, of course, had begun to soften to the appearance of bud grenades, which would soon fall if Fengya saw them.
"Nanhara, you know... did you hear any rumors about me or something?
The bud grenade responds greatly to Yamamoto's inquiry. Based on that reaction, it was like answering "I heard". The bud grenade shook his neck firmly vertically again as he fell into self-loathing saying, "Shit."
"Yeah. For once...... But it's a rumor, and I'm nothing..."
The bud grenade cheeks as he distracts his gaze. I wanted to tell him I wasn't just peddling rumors, but Yamamoto has been overlapping words by sealing them.
"That's because it's true"
Yamamoto said the words in the face of the bud grenade without hiding his red face. But the moment they affirmed it, the bud grenade's head cooled rapidly.
Until just now, the red cheeks return to their original skin color, and the bud grenades do not rejoice, they do not illuminate, they just stare back at Yamamoto's face.
"I'm good about Nanhara..."
In blocking Yamamoto's confession, the bud grenade calmly sealed his words. Yamamoto, who hears the words of suppression of bud grenades, doesn't know what it means, just tilts his neck.
"Now, if you say that, you'll regret it."
The bud grenade told him pale, as if he were sure of it. But that's not all Yamamoto could be convinced of.
"Sorry, Nanhara.... I don't know what that means."
The dreaded Yamamoto asked back, and the bud grenade cheeked at first sight.
"I don't know what Yamamoto saw and thought of me that way, but maybe I'm not who Yamamoto thinks I am"
That's what the bud grenade says and spills a bitter grin.
According to bud grenades' memory, bud grenades have never spoken to Yamamoto. This should be the first time. In addition, Yamamoto said he liked budding grenades probably after that election, and it's impossible to say love at first sight.
Maybe it's because I'm top graded, or because I work hard as a student council officer, for many reasons, but none of them stick together.
"It's pretty cold, I'm not good at attention or dating people, and the more you probably know, the farther away from me Yamamoto imagines... you'll be disillusioned?
When Bud Grey says so, Yamamoto follows him with a troubled face saying, "That's not true". But even its follow-up was unfounded and unconvincing, and it just felt like only words were dancing through the universe.
Perhaps Yamamoto himself feels that, and the air starts to turn heavier and less comfortable.
Then it's time for me to go.
After a moment of silence, the bud grenade circled his gaze before stepping out again to leave such a greeting for Yamamoto and head to Dr. Matsuda's room.
"Eh. Nanhara, wait!
As the story was cut out of the bud grenade, Yamamoto reached for the bud grenade arm in a rushed manner. But before Yamamoto's hand touched the bud grenade's arm, a grumpy voice took off from behind the two.
"... in the way of traffic. Open the aisle."
At the end of the gaze of the bud grenade I looked back was Shotaro, who gave me a bridge of glasses behind Yamamoto.
Shotaro is just the place to water the conversation between a man and a woman that's going on in the middle of the aisle. Nonetheless, the bud grenade relieves himself that a reasonable figure appeared at the right time.
"Or Gejong. Don't freak out."
"I don't mean anything like that. I'm just interrupting. I'm just interrupting."
To the impatient Yamamoto, Shotaro returned the words with still grumpy voices. For Yamamoto, who is not often close to Shotaro, Shotaro's candid words pierce his heart, so that Yamamoto, who was lost, disappeared from the scene by trying to escape.
"Oh, my God, he's..."
Such a glance at Yamamoto's appearance, Shotaro asks the bud grenade. "Yamamoto-kun in group C," replied the bud grenade, clapping his shoulders.
"I know that. Not really... well, fine."
He's had trouble explaining it, and Shotaro talks to him that appropriately.
Shotaro's room was just near Matsuda Sensei's room, so Shotaro decided to walk down the aisle alongside Shotaro. But even as he walked next door, Shotaro never opened his mouth himself, and the bud grenade grinned coughingly at his attitude, shaking his hair.
"Earlier, at that time, Gejong-kun came and saved me. Thanks."
If Shotaro hadn't come, Yamamoto would have pulled me off and the conversation we had earlier would still be going on. To the detachment from that awkwardness, the bud grenade expressed his gratitude with a little hesitation.
"... at all, you are you too. Yeah, keep that conversation out of sight."
"I knew you were listening?
When Shotaro says so, Shotaro's eyes become round. Shotaro frowned badly as soon as he realized that his remarks now exposed that he had been looking at the entire scene where the bud grenades were being confessed.
"I wasn't asking because I wanted to hear anything else. If you're walking, you can hear me."
"I know. So don't get mad."
To start arranging excuses with Shotaro or a huge sword screen, Shotaro made Dodo and him gesture to forgive.
"But only Gejong-kun can break in there."
"It won't be. If you were so blatantly turned down, on the contrary, you'd want to intervene with pity"
When Shotaro said so, Shotaro looked back at Shotaro in a hurry.
"Did I say something that bad?
That's what the bud grenade says and spits only gokuri and spit.
I wondered if it was an even worse way to pretend than Shotaro, who always pretended to be terrible, and the face of the bud grenade grew bluer and bluer.
"I'm going to apologize to Yamamoto."
"Fool, you. Apologize and do what?"
Shotaro grabs the bud grenade arm trying to turn his heel back. It's like deciding Yamamoto's wound if you apologize, even though you've already been blocked from confessing.
"But the worst way to say no is to say no to Gejong."
"What do you mean, it is. And I told you it was blatant, but no one would have said it was worse than me."
Shotaro had forgiven Shotaro earlier, but now it was Shotaro's turn to forgive the rushing shotaro. Then Shotaro retracted his words, and the bud grenade relieved as well as swelled his cheeks.
"Unlike everyone else, I'm not used to confessions... and I don't know how to return them."
"I'm not used to anything."
"Still, compared to me, they confess a lot, don't they?
That fact can't be changed, and Shotaro mumbles. Think of it among the officers, Shotaro's confessions will be less frequent, but still more generally.
"I'm not like and confessed..."
"Yes, I wouldn't put it that way."
That's what the bud grenade says and slaps his hand punched. Then he sighed loudly and threw his gaze to the floor.
"But I guess the way I said it earlier wasn't a good idea..."
That's how the bud grenades start to care about Yamamoto again. Shotaro exhaled lightly to see how it was going.
"Well, I don't think what you were saying is wrong..."
Quietly Shotaro cut out the words, and Shotaro stared at Shotaro's side.
"There was only one thing wrong"
Shotaro points out that the bud grenade tilts his neck. Shotaro then turned his gaze to the wall on the side without the bud grenade and opened his mouth small as he held down his glasses to do the illumination cover.
"There can be no disillusionment knowing your character.... it would rather be the other way around"
Bud grenades round his eyes wondering if he heard wrong. Shotaro's ear, which turned red though, told Shotaro that Shotaro's words were not lies.
Don't bluff. Shotaro accidentally loosens the bud grenade cheeks after such delightful words.
"Was Gejong-kun that you?
"... if your first impression sucks, it won't get any worse."
Shotaro ends up giving twisted answers like that, but still the bud grenade was kind of happy and smiling with a broken look on his face.