Reiryuu Academy Student Council
229 Curly Throw and Black Mode
The bud grenades' rooms are unusually quiet with the lights on after the callouts are over. That should be it too, budding grenades. There's no one left in the women's room in the squad.
The bud grenades were walking into a squad room of advantages with blankets rounded into the upper linen for camouflage and brewing a breeze as if they were all quietly asleep.
"Sorry to bother you."
The bud grenade crew goes up to the room of the advantages as they raise their voices. Sprouts stepped inside the room about behind Maiko, sending a sense of respect glance to the squad members who could walk into the men's room without any hesitation.
As the crew to Maiko proceeded to the back of the room, the last bud grenade into the room was stopped there by someone.
"Langtang-kun. Sorry to bother you."
"Please, excuse me"
When bud grenades laugh bitterly, advantages laugh thinly. Sprouts and advantages are officers of each other, aside from other circumstances, so it is irresistible for the advantages to speak only specifically to the sprouts, but Sprouts felt that Miyata looked at it with envy behind his eyes.
"What's wrong?
"Huh? Uh, haha!
Advantage asks the bud grenade as it closes the door, but the bud grenade laughs deceptively. "It's nothing," he waved to his side, worried about whether it was okay to say something about Miyata.
When I came to the room of the advantageous squad and a few minutes later.
Though he came to the men's room in the name of a curly throw, there is no indication that something will actually start to curly throw.
"Seriously! So you want to play after the repair trip?
"So, tomorrow's free movement. Sometimes we go around together!
Ten men and ten women make two or four pairs each to make for a fun conversation. Each of the women members was talking in the room, catching the right target.
Uemura didn't remember my name at all last year.
"Well, I remember it over a year, so that's good."
Maiko, who wasn't originally after anyone, is chatting with the boys and the leftovers who were in the same class when he was a year old.
"How's Miyata... Miyata?
"... uhh"
"Oh, boy. Leave Miyata alone."
And the only person who couldn't catch the target, Akari Miyata, has a reluctant conversation with another man while keeping the target person well in sight.
Of course, the man for Miyata's aim, next to the advantage-.
"Um... Was Blue Tang's squad here all day yesterday?
The corner of the room, the bud grenade sitting next to the advantages, was somehow throwing the topic that came to mind advantageously.
No matter how much bud grenades neglect the romantic aspect, I know I have to change this position to Miyata now, given the real reason why I was supposed to come here.
"Well, this is how I played the story better at both times,"
"Oh, my God."
The bud grenade asks for an opportunity to mix with the other girls somehow. Because of this, I can't concentrate at all on conversations with my advantages.
"Because of this, and I need to talk to someone else..."
"Did Nanahara go to another squad or something?
and this is what blocks the bud grenade from trying to move. I also somehow knew bud grenades that advantages were deliberately holding me back.
But even though I know that well, the bud grenade does it by saying, "I guess it's easier to just be with myself, who's used to talking," and so on. Objectively, the intimidating gaze that advantages unleash on the men in the squad will not be speakable with such a simple idea.
As Miyata is anxious to see how advantageous it is, some of the advantageous squad members have been anxious to see the bud grenade from earlier. Of course, budding grenades care too much about Miyata, and they haven't noticed such a gaze, but instead the advantage they have in the men's gaze on budding grenades keeps them next to the budding grenades.
"I didn't go."
"Really? I thought Lian Yue Kun and Shu might be asking you out. Speaking of which, today's sightseeing was with Lotus Moon, right?"
The bud grenade answers the favorable question, thinking it's a redundant tongue in his favor.
"Yeah. Thanks to Lotus Moon for being here, I wonder if it helped a lot today"
"Is this about Yamamoto..."
Advantageously zubari pointed out, the bud grenade laughs bitterly. From Yamamoto's confession yesterday to today's miserable backdrop, all of them are matters that have already been spread throughout the school year by Yamamoto and Yamamoto's squad members. I am not surprised that advantages over this period know that. Bud grenades laughed bitterly remembering a certain emotion in the speed at which rumors were transmitted.
"Ma, because I had an affair too. Yamamoto-kun is not unilaterally bad."
"If Nanahara doesn't care, that's fine"
Bud Grey asks what he would do if he cared. Then the advantage was to say, "Of course, I'll beat Yamamoto-kun's guts back with the Blue Town stream" in a straight face.
Yamamoto would be too pathetic if he said that Yamamoto's spirit was already a bump in the statements of Lailuo and Fengya, but even to a beneficial physical attack. The bud grenade looked a little blue and spilled a hahahaha and dry laugh.
"Well, better than that...... why don't you mix that up with me too?
Point forward so that the bud grenade changes the subject. He also looked forward in his favor so that he could get on with it.
At the end of the bud grenade and advantageous gaze, boys were joking and bumping pillows in each group, and the women were starting to laugh like they enjoyed avoiding it, too.
"When I mix things up, I think it's a lot dangerous..."
"Yes, that's true."
When the advantage is slightly troublesome, the bud grenade laughs with pleasure.
"Too much noise, I hope the teacher doesn't come."
"Then we'll both run away."
Advantage says in a serious voice. Whether I saw a favorable face or thought of a voice, I couldn't tell if that was his joke or not, bud grenade. The bud grenade lowered his brow when he wanted the joke to be a little more joke.
I look at the troubled face of the bud grenade and the advantages gently speak to me. As a bud grenade, there are no friendly boys in the favor squad, so I'd like to stay next to the favor if possible. You can tell Maiko, but I don't even want to break the bones of the conversation you're playing because of.
But as it is, Miyata, who has been concerned about us for a long time, is not pitiful. It's not gaze or anything from above, it's pure opinion.
In fact, some of the female members also received eye contact for a favor, "Take your place with Miyata in a good way."
"You talk to me a lot at a student council or something, so why don't you talk to another kid?"
I decided to, and when the bud grenade said so, the vantage brow rose slightly.
"Look, Mr. Miyata over there, he looks free."
Make sure to fold it up. The bud grenade speaks the name of Miyata. It would be better to make a suggestion naturally for sprouts.
But if it's advantageous to go to Miyata, it's the bud grenades that will spare you next time. Encourage her to go to a woman named Miyata until she is free. The reasons for that unnatural behavior cannot be known advantageously.
The moment of silence that flowed there was voiced by the pleasant voices around him.
"That... Langtang-kun?
The bud grenade tilts his neck because the advantage suddenly silenced him. The bud grenade just glanced at his favorable face strangely because he had no intention of saying anything that would hinder his mind in a particularly favorable way.
"... just kidding"
"Heh?...... Huh!?
Peeping advantageous eyes glow sharply. When the bud grenade pulled his body toward him, the advantage grabbed the pillow that was near him and threw it into the fun circle.
"Wha... whoa!!
One of the advantageous squad boys who fed on that advantageous rampage collapses with a cough. Seeing it, the advantageous squad boy at once began to escape through the room.
Needless to say, we're entering Black Favorable Mode. I don't know why he switched on. The bud grenade just puzzles me.
"Ah, Langtang-kun!
The stood up black advantage was trying to get into the position of grabbing and throwing pillows again that rolled at his feet. I was aware of the dangers of my throwing pillows when I was calm. Advantageous, but I'm also anxious that I might be able to help if I don't know if that awareness remains in the current runaway mode. Because we want to avoid any further casualties, the bud grenades draw a favorable arm to stop it.
But the bud grenade's hand was peeled off by advantages.
"Let it go. I'll go somewhere else as I wish."
Advantage began to throw at the men in the squad until they felt comfortable holding pillows, without turning their faces to the bud grenades.
The bud grenade watched such an advantage with a flashing face, not moving his stripped hand as it was.