Reiryuu Academy Student Council
240 Friends and friends
"What is spring...? Since you graduated, right?
Listening to the words of the bud grenade, Takimoto asked with a surprised face. The pleasant voices around you can be heard very loudly because of the silence visiting the bud grenades.
The bud grenade shook his neck to the side in response to Takimoto's question.
"It's spring this year. In two months, I'm going to America."
Suddenly, Takimoto's thoughts have not caught up. But Maiko, sitting next to him, was calm, and although he looked surprised the moment he heard it, he now dropped his gaze and became an imaginary face.
"After the new semester of buddy grenades, I kind of noticed you were worried about the path."
Maiko says quietly. Maiko knew that because he was nearest. Still, he didn't even predict a way forward that was too steep.
"But why not after you graduate? Don't you need to go so fast?"
The question about Takimoto was the best. Maiko seemed to think the same thing, and he turns his gaze to Bud Grey for answers.
Tell me why and it will be longer. I have briefly told you that the underlying reason for this is not such that you can easily tell others.
But the sprouts have already told the officers about it. Officers are not the only ones who have bud grenades now. It was only because of Maiko and Takimoto's help.
From now on, if bud grenades are serious about moving forward, that fact should be exposed at least. Bud Grey thought it must be a mistake to mislead without telling the two of them that.
"He said he was going to succeed the Tojo Group... because he decided. I had to study abroad as soon as I could."
Check around, bud grenades say in a small voice. We're all obsessed with cards and we don't even care at all about the bud grenades conversation in the corner of the room.
Hearing the words of the bud grenades, Maiko and Takimoto increasingly darkened the colour of the doubt.
"Bud grenade...... sorry. I can't keep up with the story.... Why the Tojo Group? Because the Tojo Group is that Tojo... eh, because I took King at the Cultural Festival?
There is no way it can be determined by such a simple matter. Even if you think so, that's the only contact Maiko can come up with with with with with the bud grenade and the Tojo group.
But I needed somewhere else to talk more about it.
"Tomorrow's free movement time, can I have it? It's not something I can talk about very dignified..."
Bud grenades check with Maiko and Takimoto. Then the two shook their heads vertically, "Of course," they said. Neither Tojo nor Heiji has given permission.
But I should always tell the two of you who helped me about the bud grenades, bud grenades decided.
"This... do the officers know about studying abroad?
So I tried to hit the story off, but Takimoto asks for it at the end. During this travel period, I had the opportunity to spend time with each of the officers. So it's not strange that I'm telling you about it.
But the bud grenade hasn't been told that.
"Yeah.... not yet"
Shake your neck to the side and the bud grenade answers. Then both Maiko and Takimoto looked a little surprised. But when he heard the answer, Maiko laughed happily and said, "I'm glad."
"I was wondering if the bud grenade priority was an officer after all, or something... I'm glad to hear it first"
Maiko closes her eyes and smiles. Maiko is always a dear friend to Bud Grey. Still, the trust that the bud grenades put on the board meant a little differently than the trust in Maiko.
At times of need, Maiko thought that it was not the bud grenades who relied on them. So it was more than a pleasure for Maiko that the sprouts had told him before the officers.
Hearing that, Bud Grey is convinced that it wasn't a mistake to tell him now, after all.
"I'm the one... thanks for listening properly, even though it's a sudden and unsolicited story"
When the bud grenade laughed, Maiko and Takimoto gave me a proper smile, though not too much.
Then shortly afterwards, the boy went back to his room, shaved tired and all went straight to sleep.
And then the morning turns again, the sixth day marking the beginning, and the bud grenades were rolling out to the city as they felt the end of their school trip approaching.
"Bud grenade"
Walking around the city with the squad kids, Maiko called out to the bud grenades as she watched the smartphone.
"Takimoto said he's going to be out of here by about 15: 00."
"Ah...... yeah. Rikai."
Guess what the contact is, the bud grenade makes an unexpectedly squeaky voice. Maiko then pulled the bud grenade cheek all the way.
Suddenly, the bud grenade rounds his eyes and looks at Maiko. Then Maiko exhaled in a frightened manner and became a sermon face, "Um..."
"Now that we know we're almost together, we're going to have to enjoy ourselves."
That's what Maiko said, and began to have a rough mouth about sprouting grenades by the time he joined Takimoto.
"Took lots of pictures, bought lots of stuff... I can't beat my friends in America."
Maiko snorts against a rival he hasn't seen yet. The bud grenade was flashing at the appearance, but I immediately felt my eyeballs get hot and looked down.
I've made friends who think this way, but it's hard to have to leave. I knew it, but I'm still going to cry.
"... you can't lose. Because Maiko is strong."
"Of course."
Maiko stroked the head of the bud grenade with a pomp of pom and laughed gently.
Then, as planned by Maiko, the bud grenades and Maiko even asked the crew to take a photo at the place they visited, bought some grainy trinkets at the glass worker's shop and even encouraged them to make memories.
Fun times soon pass.
By 15: 00, Maiko's good excuse led Bud Grey and Maiko to act separately from the squad members.
Maiko and Takimoto get in touch and manage to rendezvous. Listening to a bud grenade's wish that not many other people would talk to him, the three of them went into a cafe with a private room.
"Let's just ask for a drink. Sami."
Says Takimoto as he rubs his hands together. It's warm in the store, but it's too cold outside and my body stays cold. All three ordered warm drinks, and as soon as I found out the drinks were coming and the clerk wouldn't be here anymore, I got right to the point.
"So, yesterday..."
Takimoto cuts out the story in a straightforward fashion. He seems to be the one who can't have a forward chat.
Takimoto asks why Tojo Group has something to do with bud grenades. Maiko waited quietly for the bud grenade to open his mouth, and the bud grenade took a slow, deep breath.
"Uh... I don't know, there are a lot of circumstances. Briefly… I, really, am the daughter of the president of the Tokyo Group…"
It was easier to say that than when I told the officer. Whether that reason was because I told others once, or because my relationship with Tojo had been repaired, or both, I told the two of them that Bud Grey was Tojo's daughter.
Of course the two of us haven't caught up with each other's thoughts. Exactly. Being Tojo's daughter, Maiko can't hide her surprise either.
"Uh, huh? Parents of bud grenades, huh?
Maiko in a state of confusion even has a question mark in his head. Maiko says hello to Shigeji and the others once, so I guess it gets especially confusing.
I can't go into details because it just makes the conversation so painful. Bud Grey told the two of them that various circumstances had led them to be removed by the Nanhara family. And during the winter break, the circumstances were being resolved, and relations with the Tojo family were being repaired.
"But now that I'm here, I can't transfer authority... and I've decided to study early in the United States as a condition for doing so"
I explained the situation really succinctly. But too concise, Maiko and Takimoto have their mouths pounded open. I can't help but react to that, but I can't explain it any better to the bud grenades either.
"In short... Nanhara is really an amazing one, right?
I probably don't understand Takimoto at all. Still, I guess I understand literally that the bud grenade is Tojo's daughter and it leads to the interpretation of "awesome one".
"Hey Takimoto, shut up. Because I'm sorting things out in my head right now."
The opposing Maiko even has his head in mind because he is trying to understand it well. Understanding what the bud grenades said, I'm sure they're putting extra thought into it.
Then the silence and the thought faces of the two persist for a while. The bud grenade was drinking a slow, warm cafe latte by those two.
"Somehow... I could swallow it, but I have no idea"
Maiko finally opens his mouth and tells him so with a troubled face. That's the original reaction. The director who accepted me very well is amazing. The bud grenades admire their adaptability.
"But I think I figured that out."
The bud grenade clenched his neck to see what Maiko had figured out. In that way, I suspected that it did not simply mean that I understood what the bud grenades had talked about.
"You don't really rely on people... but if you have such amazing circumstances, you have no choice."
Drink a caramel latte while Maiko holds his head. I didn't expect that word to come back, so the bud grenade drinks the cafe latte into my trachea.
"Hey, Nanhara!
"Oh, my... gee ho"
Takimoto panics because the sprouts cough in front of him. The way Takimoto panicked is unusual because of the confusion originally caused by the story of bud grenades.
"I'm fine. Um, surprised..."
The bud grenade wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and exhaled gently to return his gaze to Maiko. Then Maiko smiled gently as she looked in trouble.
"But I already know what's going on... don't be shy and rely on me, okay? I ask you about your stupidity at home."
Maybe it's something you can say because it's a story that's still unrealistic. It's like a lie, so maybe I can still treat you the way I always have after I hear it.
Still, budding grenades are delightful and I am glad Maiko is my friend.
"Me too, I'm listening! Write to me!
Even Takimoto, who hasn't swallowed the story properly, is still a dear friend to Bud Grey.
If you tell them that everything you've just told them is something you shouldn't say too publicly, these two won't tell anyone else cheaply.
Those are the people who kept their promises to the bud grenades to the end even when the bud grenades were being harassed and kept their mouths shut. He's a dear friend.
"Both of you, I'm late to tell you everything... sorry"
Bud grenades think from the bottom of my heart. It was something I shouldn't have told you, even if I trusted you. But I think I must apologize for not telling the two of you when I told the board.
"He told me eventually, so that's not okay."
Takimoto says something relaxing and laughs. Maiko also said with a gentle breath, "Report it properly next time".
Then continue talking in the cafe for a while. That's the usual routine without any philosophy, but I still thought the bud grenade was the most meaningful time of the trip.