"I don't know. Kamiyo-kun..."
I can hear the unreliable voice of the bud grenade.
"... Nanhara,"
Advantage had been witnessed in the argument between bud grey and bamboo. I was going to deliver the documents to the office, and when I left the student council room, two people were holding them at the stairs.
Someone confessed, and the bud grenade asked him what he thought of it, and he answered it like that.
There was a sprouts of a crying face, and a serious face, and the sprouts were waving away their hands.
The way the bud grenade behaves like that to the lion surprises me advantageously. But more than that, it seemed to host one emotion with a bud grenade reaction, and the impact was much greater.
"... what are you doing, that guy?"
Advantage whines like a solitary.
Neither the appearance nor the words of the bud grenades now seemed advantageously only the jealousy of the bud grenades. Shockingly, the bud grenade represented it with attitude, plainly.
So, you should be taking more mental damage in your favor than in your favor, but for some reason, you looked more worn out in your foreground. How do I perceive it to be such a melancholy face?
"... Kamiyo-kun"
Advantage walks up the stairs and speaks to the lady sitting there.
"Favorable…. Oh, I'm sorry. So the lady in my class stopped me and I was late."
That's not a lie. But I dared to hide the bud grenade, and the advantage was frustrating.
"I can't watch you. Neither Kamiyo-kun nor Nanhara today."
And advantages get words like that. When Shotaro and Shotaro were talking about budding grenades in the student club room, the advantages did not come into play.
It's understandable that it was somehow between the two of us if we watched how the bud grenade reacted and how it looked. And that's what hurts me.
But now I saw the two of them again, and I felt that it was not like I could do something about it without them. The two of us are not in a dimension where time solves things.
We're feeling too wrong about each other, and it's a level that makes it harder to watch.
"... come to my house tomorrow Saturday. We need to talk."
Advantage said so, passing beside the paperwork holding it.
The next day is Saturday and the school is closed.
As he was told in his favor, he had taken to the favorable house.
"Mr.M. Long time no see."
It is a feat to welcome you in the doorway. Wearing Japanese clothes that make you feel as clear as usual, they appear before you.
"Long time no see. Sorry to bother you even though you're busy taking exams"
Utility takes the Lilong this year. Higher level exams are in mid-February, and we're almost there.
"No, because I hear it was your brother who called you in."
Utility says so and laughs lightly. These places are similar to advantages, and merit can't read emotions from the look on their faces.
"Exams, are you okay?
"If Langtang's favored sister falls, her brother's name will be scratched."
Utility said that quietly. I guess that means "okay". (12) I laugh back at the reply of merit because I know the answer and I ask. Still, he was not allowed to waste time on merit, so he was led straight to a place where merit was in his favor.
Don't you have a grandfather?
"Yep. I just had an audition... maybe your brother knew that too, so he summoned you today?
Walk down the hallway as merit speaks of her own speculation. It is the martial arts field located across the garden of the main mansion that was thus taken to merit.
"Here, my brother's waiting."
That's what Utility says and opens the doorway to the dojo. At the end of the door - the first thing I saw in front of the eye was purple dark hair. Laila in a man was sitting there in his personal clothes.
"Hey, you're late. I'm tired of waiting. Wow."
Lai Luo talks to him at his usual pace. Because he didn't think Lailuo was there, he looked a little cheeky.
"Come on... Were you called, too?
"Yeah. I wasn't called, but I heard Ari called, so I thought I'd have to go, too."
Why should I follow it until I come to Luo when advantages call him? When he raised such a question and looked in trouble, Laila lay her eyes down and laughed small.
"For two people who can't get their hands on you if you run wild, you need a stopper, right?
Only a few eyes open to the words. At the time he was summoned to his advantage, he generally knew what he was going to talk about. The fact that the story may in some cases be advantageous or beneficial, or that both gunpowders may be lit. And Luo knew it, and he came all the way here.
That's right, should I say?
Seeing one paragraph in the story of Lai and Lai Luo, the merit enters the two of them. And Ultimate offered before Ultimate.
"Please get dressed for this and go up to the dojo. The dressing room is over there."
When the merit tells him that he wants it to fade away, he immediately leaves the dojo. While smiling bitterly at the smile he received from the merit, he changed clothes from personal clothes to road clothes in the dressing room he had set up at the dojo.
Once again, when he returned to the front door, Lailuo stood up for a moment and lined up beside him. And with him, he set foot inside in front of the dojo.
Once inside the dojo, the advantage waited in the front seat. In front of the hanging axis with Blue Dome Stream beliefs written, Advantage sits in a calm manner meditating on his eyes.
Such an advantageous back with a quiet voice. When the voice was heard, the advantageous shoulder reacted with a pickle. And slowly the advantages only looked back at the faces.
"Excuse me. Without even picking me up"
"Fine.... You were doing an audition, weren't you?
He smiles bitterly when he sees in his favor. Even though it was the middle of winter, there was sweat all over his favorable face. My hair is also damper than usual. Only then did we find that the advantages had encouraged the auditorium to date, nor that the contents of that auditorium were halfway through.
"Are you going to let me get dressed for the road and make a match?
Standing in front of the bamboo knife, which is decorated in the dojo, he asks. Walking to the corner of the dojo so that Lailuo wouldn't get in the way of the two of them, the advantage was to look only at the "Is there anything else?," he asked quietly.
"I don't like to talk like Kamiyo-kun."
The advantage is to put the favorite wooden knife in hand in front of the hanging shaft that way.
"I'm not good at it either."
With that said, he takes up one of the bamboo knives that is decorated. I've never held a bamboo knife in a favorable dojo before. Many times my favored grandfather gave me a hand, but he refused to do all of it.
I have been made to swordwalk several times in school classes, so I have gained rules and guidelines, but advantages equate to no such experience in the other person.
"No way, wouldn't an experienced person say 'No Hand'?
When he lowers his eyebrow root and asks in his favor, the favor replies without looking into his eyes. I put down the wooden knife with the leather claw I got from the bud grenade and took the bamboo knife for archery instead.
"This is my maneuver."
From wooden to bamboo knives, the handy cap that it gives to the advantageous. If you do become a bamboo knife, you lose more power than a wooden knife. However, it has been decided from the outset that the advantages of using a bamboo knife do not use a wooden knife, and that will not be any handful.
License for Blue Town Stream A condition that is too unacceptable for everyone to pass on. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the terms in the corner.
Still, he clasps his shoulders to his advantage.
"What about the referee? Come on, can you do it?
"I can do a little bit because I was only doing referees in class... but I can't do it perfectly"
When it comes to judging the pairing of the two, I feel I need to take a good look at the details of my body, and Laila says I can't make such a fine judgment.
Then he said quietly, but loudly, the advantage he was hearing about it.
"Don't worry. I'm only willing to take sides."
Advantage goes into the starting position by saying so.
Narrow down the punch area to a single "surface," which was advantageous but not mouthful, the biggest handful. If you only hit the surface, it's easy to prevent. Giving him such a handful doesn't mean he's unwilling to lose.
Knowing that, the winding air changes.
"... if you want to compete, you bet on something?
Close your eyes and ask favorably. The advantage then replied quietly, "Yes," suggesting one bet.
"If I win..."
That was a favorable wish, and it was serious.
"Please give up on Nanhara"