Studies in English, Mathematics and Science have been completed, and only literary subjects will remain. In other words, there are two days left to study Kazuya. Is that why or is there another reason? Anyway, Fengya was in a good mood.
"Hmm. Hmm."
Bud grenades stare strangely at the wind as he sings his nose and reads ancient texts. Maiko and Takimoto are also nearby to talk to the bud grenade that Fengya is solving the problem, but even to the two of us, he was laughing half-eyed at Fengya.
"Sure, Wind Yakun has changed... but a lot has changed, but it just doesn't change simplicity"
"And Nanhara loves people."
Maiko and Takimoto tell you as they look at your mood Kazuya. From the two words, it seems that the reason for Kazuya's mood has something to do with his simplicity and bud grenade, but I don't know. Rather, I also wonder why the two of them know why.
They both know, so naturally it's probably why it's not weird to know the bud grenade as well. So the bud grenade took the answer to the problem Fengya was solving. Fengya raised his face when he noticed the bud grenade movement because he took it from the top of Fengya's desk.
"Am I wrong?
Seeing as the bud grenade gets the answer, Windy asks only a little anxiously. Fengya has also to some extent understood the use of ancient texts in its previous remedial and countermeasures, and there is no mistake in the interpretation itself to the point where it has been solved. There is a slight correction if you look at it in detail.
"Yeah. Lotus Moon seems to enjoy reading it, so I thought it was an interesting story..."
"Huh? Oh... I mean, the story isn't that funny... I'm not sure what you're trying to say after all"
Fengya cheeks around laughing bitterly. He interprets it himself and solves the problem, but as a conclusion, he doesn't know what this story is trying to say. I mean, it's not like you're in the mood because this story is fun.
"Why are you in such a good mood today?
As the bud grenade said, Fengya laughed happily at Nitaa. Even that is suspicious, the bud grenade frowns. Maiko and Takimoto by his side narrowed their eyes even more.
"Sprouts and I, we're like a couple," Takimoto Kun told me yesterday.
Fengya says happily, Takimoto sighs loudly with Haa. It seems that yesterday afternoon's physical education was a joint class between the boys in Group B and Group F, and that's when Takimoto said that to the wind.
"Chi." Are you dating? 'You just checked. I didn't say I could see. "
"The meaning is with you!
"We're not together!
That's what Kazuya and Takimoto start gagging at each other. When did Kazuya and Takimoto get along a lot?
"Even so, it sounds like Feng Yakun is the one who's going to tell Bud Grey himself."
Normally, even if I'm happy, I turn to the kid I like and say, "You look like a couple of us! I can't say." Maiko and Takimoto are right, the simplicity of Kazuya and his thoughts on bud grenades have not changed at all.
Yesterday, bud grenades said Maiko feels a distance from Fengya, but that may still be because of bud grenades. It is certainly a conscious thing that Fengya stopped shouting publicly "I like it" for not holding onto the bud grenade. But that's not because I'm trying to distance myself from bud grenades, I guess I'm just worried about the eyes of a former fan club kid and doing that for bud grenades.
It's just my fault - I'm worried about my distance from the wind even though I think so. I didn't know why.
"Me too, everyone asked me yesterday."
The bud grenade laughed gracefully as he shook away the Moya Moya that spread to his heart. When I told him that even the bud grenade, Fengya let his eyes shine and said, "Really!? I've been asking back."
"Yeah. 'No, I denied it.'"
"... right"
Feng Ya shun in reply to the bud grenade. Waterfall Book laughs with a hoot of nose when he sees how it goes.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lotus Moon. Just look like a couple (...)"
"Shut up, Takimoto Kun is!
Fengya's thoughts are certain. That has been unsuspecting for a long time. That's what they've been telling me straight, so I can tell by the bud grenade. That's why as soon as the feminine thoughts of wind and elegance diminish, we'll know. It reacts sensitively to a little bit of distance that is almost never even right now.
Thinking ahead, Maiko puts his neck on a bud grenade that clouded his expression a little.
"Haha, I thought it looked that way to everyone"
I have no aversion to what seems to me to be going out with the wind. That's why I don't think it would be the same if they told me this was just about Kazuya. Whoever you say looks like you're dating a student council member, there shouldn't be that much resistance.
That's why the bud grenade anxiety now comes from the awareness that it is thought of in the wind rather than the feeling of "liking" the wind elegance, bud grenade knew.
Towards the end of the lunch break, Fengya returns with her own classroom. Bud Grey was dropping off the wind and letting Maiko and Takimoto play a friendly conversation the rest of the time.
"When are you going to tell everyone in your class about studying abroad?
"Everybody's busy with tests and stuff, and I'm just talking to Dr. Matsuda about telling them after the test for now."
"I wonder if I can keep my mouth shut until then."
That's what Takimoto says. "You don't have to try to hide it out because it's something you talk about," chuckled the buddy.
Talking about that, I realized that bud grenades had a reference book on hand that wasn't my own. It's a booklet of answers to the questions of ancient texts that Fengya was reading.
"Ah... I was giving it back"
The bud grenade looks at the answer booklet and snaps so. If you look at the clock, you still have about five minutes to clean.
"Sorry, I'll give this back to Lotus Moon."
"Come on in."
That's what the bud grenades say and get up from their seats because it's something they might use in today's remedial studies. Maiko and Takimoto dropped me off and the bud grenade went out of group F.
The bud grenade comes in front of group B and stops. It was not until Fengya first delivered the student notebook that the bud grenades came to Group B. I have a lot of fans of Fengya because I kept the bud grenade itself from getting as close as possible to Group B.
When I have to, I get a little anxious and my legs are dull.
"That, Nanhara?
Stopping near the door of group B, a group B boy about to enter the classroom noticed the presence of bud grenades and called out.
"For Lotus Moon? Aren't you coming in?
That's all I can think of if it's a reason for bud grenades to come to group B. That's what the group B boys told me, and the sprouts laughed bitterly.
The boy, who had wondered that the bud grenade was stopping in front of the door of group B, was also grinning with regret that he immediately came to think of the reason "oh......"
"Wait a minute. I'll call you."
That's kind enough to say, the boy opens the door to group B. Then, as soon as the door was opened, the bud grenade put Fengya's appearance into view. In an instant, Fengya's appearance was about his eyes, and the bud grenade pulled the male student's arm aggressively.
The boy student looks back at the bud grenade as surprised. However, the bud grenade looked jiggly at the other side of the door that the man had opened. The slightly opened eyes were upset.
I hear a man in a hurry, but bud grenades don't give it back.
The eyes of the bud grenade showed the wind and grace talking happily with Group B women.
It is usual for Fengya to make laughs in front of women. But now Kazuya is laughing happily in front of the female student. That's never making a laugh. It's a windy smile that I've only ever shown decently in front of a bud grenade.
The other girl is a former Fengya fan club girl, although she wasn't directly involved with the bud grenade. I remember her well because she was also around the windy desk when she first came to group B.
It was shocking how Fengya hadn't fixed it in front of other girls, also former fans.
That's what bud grenades used to want in the wind, something to be happy about... And yet bud grenades, they don't turn heads well.
"Ah...... eh"
The bud grenade was speechless and took his hands off the arms of the boy student without a scratch.
Right now, I wasn't sure I could stay on my own as usual in front of the wind.
"Sorry. Can you give this to Lotus Moon?
"Huh? Oh, hey, Nanhara-san?
The bud grenade does not listen to the approval of the male student, and entrusts him with a reference to the wind elegance.
Away from group B, running up the stairs, the bud grenade stops.
"What are you doing... me"
The vain whine disappeared distorted by the sound of the chime informing the cleaning time.
I can only be myself in front of a bud grenade. So Fengya thought of the bud grenade specially and liked the bud grenade.
But it was only special in front of the bud grenades. That began to become commonplace in front of everyone.
"Nanhara? What's up with that place?"
I'll bowl in there with Shotaro, who would have taken a nap in an empty classroom upstairs. The bud grenade looked so pathetic that I couldn't even fix it now.
"Anything wrong?
Shotaro asks the bud grenade with a worried face. Shotaro was answering Shotaro with a bitter smile.
"I don't know... I was just aware."
The dialogue I joked and told sounds lonely.
As the bud grenade wished, it becomes less special that it was special to the bud grenade in the wind.
That was exactly what the bud grenades were being made to feel right now.
I can't stay there long because the cleaning time bell has rang. The bud grenade laughed powerlessly and turned back his heel.