After school that day, the bud grenades were doing their work pale as usual in the student council room. It's been some time since school, but the seat next to the bud grenade is empty. Apparently, the remedial education is prolonged.
When I cut up the job on the way up, Laila took a breath and sat in the seat next to the bud grenade with tea.
It means we'll be in the test period starting next week, and the student council will be there until tomorrow. Since the work is also in the finishing phase, the staff room is now in and out. Steal that eye. Come on. Luo is taking a break.
"Let's take a break, too, Ru. Want some tea?"
Lailao has said it in a gentle voice. Even in the man version, Lailuo and tea look good.
"Yeah, I am."
The bud grenade laughs at the nickel and puts his hands up on the paperwork that he shares with his advantage. Shotaro was surprised to see the bud grenade getting his hands on the job properly given as usual.
"Sho, how dare you? Unusual."
When Lailuo tells Shotaro, Shotaro returns "nothing" without affection. In response to such a shotaro-like reaction, Laila flaunted her shoulders.
"Yet Lotus Moon is too late"
For Lailuo took a break, the advantages of looking at the clock and checking the time squeak that way. It was a good time for me to finish my remedial work.
"Until now, it was easy to see why Wind was late."
Lailao says so and puts his cheeks on his cheeks as he nostalgic. It was too late to come to the student council before, with or without remedial education. I was always surrounded by fans, spending time doing it with loving laughter.
"That doesn't seem to happen right now, and you're just prolonging it"
To the advantageous word, the bud grenade reacts only slightly. Favorably put, Fengya stopped laughing in love in front of her fans. I was trying to be the way I am.
The budding grenades saw the appearance.
"I'm really studying, so maybe I'm asking you a question."
That's how the bud grenade returns. I hid my mocking feelings and gaveled at everyone with the most plausible words.
"It's pretty shocking that Wind asked the teacher a question. Hey, Sho?
"... oh yeah"
Shotaro responds appropriately to Lai Luo's call. Shotaro immediately distracted himself from the bud grenade when his gaze collided with it.
"Lotus Moon, is there going to be any achievements in remedial studies?
Shotaro returned his gaze to his advantage to answer the favorable question, wondering Shotaro's reaction.
"Yeah. He said it was just like that."
When the bud grenade tells him so, Lailao laughs with pleasure.
"Well, I don't look forward to the next test. If it turns out that way, Ru-chan's worth the time."
"Right. Sure, you studied with me for the test period starting next week?
The bud grenade nods because I promised Fengya that way yesterday. Perhaps Fengya got permission from the bud grenade to talk in his favor as it was.
"I was delighted. Lotus Moon."
"I don't know if it's a study priority or a ru-chan priority."
"Surely it's the latter," said Lailuo, laughing.
Windy thoughts that we all know. Nobody believes and suspects that's all about Fengya, even the invisible uncertainty.
A dull pain runs in the bud grenade's heart. Fengya's thoughts go away, I never felt such anxiety.
Is it because of the loneliness of leaving with everyone that I started to feel that way over this period? I don't know why.
"Ha ha, Lotus Moon is a study priority now -"
Tell yourself, I'm going to be vain. Today's wind is different from the old wind. The more Windy changed into what the world called a "good man," the more I felt the distance from the bud grenade would open.
Fengya says he was hot because he was making it. But if the wind kept polishing itself with vegetables, it was more visible that it would be hotter than before.
"Nanhara, you..."
Shotaro speaks to a bud grenade who laughs with feelings he can't help. At the next moment, however, the door to the student council room opened wide.
"Sorry! Khun Khun! The reason I'm late is because I'm not understanding and I'm asking my teacher questions! Don't be angry!
Fengya, who opened the door to the student council room in a hurry, first uttered that many apologies with her first voice.
I am not in this room right now. So Lailao, sitting next to the bud grenade, laughed out in his voice looking funny.
"Oh, that? Are you all right?
"Yes, the student council will be here until tomorrow, so now we're touring the staff room."
Fengya strokes her breasts down in a ho. Then I put my baggage in my usual place and walked over to my seat, where now Native Luo is sitting.
Come on, take turns.
"Yeah, it's nothing. You can use my seat?
"What are you talking about? Me place is next door to Bud Grey!
Lailuo makes fun of Kazuya. Fengya seems to be good next to the bud grenade, even if it is meant to be, and after complaining about coming to Luo for a while, she finally had her seat changed. Even so, I'm just talking about going back to my seat because Lai Luo finished his tea break.
"Ah, buddy."
Sitting in his seat, Fengya first looked at the bud grenade. Turn your gaze to the bud grenade without checking the job you are being given. I sighed and laughed at the way the wind was looking.
"Reference answer, thanks. Hear you brought it."
That's what the wind told me, and the bud grenade lowered his brow and laughed.
When I think about it, I see the face of the wind and grace talking to the other girls in a fun way.
"I should have noticed when Lotus Moon left, I'm sorry"
When the bud grenade seemed sorry, Fengya said, "It's outrageous!," he shook his head beside him.
Returning sloppy quotes, I returned them via people. Bud cared about that, and probably Wind Ya cared about that too.
"Did you have a hard time getting into my class?
Windy asks reluctantly. In fact, it was difficult to get into the classes of Fengya. But the real reason I couldn't hand it to the wind is not.
Everyone on the spot responded to Fengya's inquiry. There is only one reason why bud grenades are hard to get to group B.
"Me, buddy grenade's here. I didn't realize... sorry"
Fengya apologizes for being shunned. It's not because of the wind. The bud grenade went to group B, but only for a few moments when the door opened. If Wind Ya had recognized the bud grenade in that moment, on the contrary, all I can say is that it was amazing.
But Fengya will blame herself. That's how budding grenades make everyone care.
"Yeah. That's not what I meant. It was cleaning time, so I rushed to ask someone in my class. I'm sorry."
So the bud grenade laughed brightly full of finesse and answered.
After a while, when he returns, everyone feels better about their work. Lailao, who was gracefully drinking tea, also faced the computer and even hit the keyboard with a clatter.
"Okay, that's about it for today. Shall we turn the rest tomorrow?"
When the school drop-off time is nearing, Xu cleans the desk and sends a signal for the end of the day's work.
"Ahhh, it's over!
Feng Ya reacted first to the signal. I've come late and of course the least amount of work I've done, but I seem to be getting tired more than anyone else.
"You're annoying."
The bud grenade speaks gently to the breeze of becoming a het and laying down at his desk. Then Fengya turned her face to the side and laughed hella when she only saw about the bud grenade.
Fengya's tricks are not the first or rare of the day. This is always the case with bud grenades.
Yet, seeing a happy windy smile, the bud grenade's chest bounced big.
I was most surprised. I bet you've never been more thrilled to see Fengya smile. My body gets fever without knowing if that's just because of today.
I felt my body lit up more and more and found that my face was red even without looking in the mirror.
"Eh, buddy..."
"Uh, it's me today, around the first grade building, isn't it? I'm coming."
I don't want everyone to see such a nasty face, especially in the wind, and the bud grenades get up in a hurry. Since we are now supposed to look around each other's classrooms, the bud grenades left the student club room earlier than anyone else.
He will finish his lookout in a hurry and the board will also be dropping out of school. It was Shotaro who was in charge of sending the bud grenades today.
"Shotaro Kung, you're going to send me something proper about Bud Gyu!
"I know that's about it, even if you don't tell me."
Fengya says by pressing on the way home, and Shotaro returns as he stares at Fengya.
Even Shotaro just won't go home on his way to send a bud grenade.
"You'll be over there! Go home now!"
Shotaro eventually yelled at the wind trying to extend the conversation on the divide because he didn't want to leave the bud grenade.
"Fine...... Starting next week, I'm sending you a sprouts."
When the wind was elegant and her lips pointed, Shotaro found it a great hassle on his face.
"Nanhara, tell Lotus Moon to go home too."
"Huh? Ah, uh..."
I didn't think I would be told the story, so the bud grenade stayed on the spot.
"... Bye, Lotus Moon"
I can't see the face of the wind well. The bud grenade greeted the wind and quickly turned his foot on his way home.
"... buddy?
I can hear the windy surprise. That should be it, too. While regretting how he couldn't hide it better, the bud grenade doesn't look back.
"I'll see you tomorrow, buddy!
But I can hear the usual cheerful voice in the bud grenade that walked out as it was. That was unexpected, and the bud grenade rushed back.
"See how I study tomorrow!
She shows her teeth and laughs, and Fengya walks her way to her house with a light foothold as it is.
It was the sprouts who turned their backs first. But he was drawn back by the voice of Fengya, and staring at his back was more of a bud grenade.
Shotaro speaks to Shotaro as he stares jizzily at Fengya's rear.
The bud grenade turned to Shotaro and proceeded again on his way home.
"Anything wrong?
Shotaro walking next door asked me somewhere worried.
"Since noon, things have been weird"
Shotaro has also seen the pitiful appearance of a lunch break. Lies will be easily uncovered where they are deluded.
"... it doesn't mean anything in particular happened. Really."
Someone didn't do anything to me. That was really a bud grenade's own problem.
"But obviously, there's something wrong with your attitude towards the lotus moon, isn't there?
Shotaro doesn't use roundabout words. I've heard that directly, knowing that the reason for the bud grenade's weird attitude is in the wind.
"Tell no one, will you?
"Oh," replied Shotaro quietly, as the bud grenade grinned bitterly.
Upon hearing Shotaro's reply, Shoutaroo was pounding his selfish thoughts on him.
"Lotus Moon... I laughed naturally and happily in front of my fan child."
Bud Grey clouds his expression as he says. When I say it, I still feel that's something I should be happy about. I still didn't think I was the worst.
"... that would certainly not be a very pleasant story for you"
Shotaro turns straight forward and returns to the words of the bud grenade. If you think of what the fans of Fengya have sprouted, you don't want Fengya to be nice to them like that. Yes, Shotaro had received it.
How good would it have been if that was the reason the bud grenade's heart wobbled.
"I'm sure, even if that wasn't Lotus Moon's fan child... I didn't like it"
When the bud grenade told him so, Shotaro looked back at the bud grenade as surprised.
"I think Lotus Moon told me she liked me until now because I'm glad she didn't care in front of me"
Shotaro does not argue with Shotaro's words. Shotaro was right in his opinion as far as Shotaro knew.
"But from now on, more and more Lotus Moon can be like herself even in front of everyone... I wish I had, but I didn't want to."
The more you say it, the more the emotion increases. More ugly thoughts, and Shotaro will surely be stunned. Bud Grey thought so and couldn't see Shotaro's face.
"Since that incident, it's not the fan child or anyone who's been letting Lotus Moon care... because it's me"
The bud grenade grinned with a smile as he dropped his gaze. The closer everyone gets to the wind, the farther away the bud grenades will be from the wind.
"But when I say this, I just make you pay extra attention... I can't figure out what to do anymore"
Shotaro told Shotaro everything he now knew about his feelings.
Shotaro, who took all of the words of the bud grenade, exhales in a daze. The bud grenade shoulder was only slightly stronger in the reaction I expected.
"That's a hard one to get over."
But the words returned from Shotaro were unexpected, and the bud grenade brought a manky voice.
"It's closer that he's doing what he does, not what he cares about you."
Shotaro tells her pale as she presses up her glasses. I have no aversion to all of Windy Bud Grenade's actions. Fengya is just moving on herself and for the bud grenade.
It is no longer more right to do it for yourself than for bud grenades.
"If there's something you think you should say, I think you should say it right"
Shotaro's voice sounds clear on the dark road.
"I gave it back like that because it's a lotus moon, but it's usually something that makes the relationship feel giddy with your attitude just now. You haven't been here long, but you don't want to make weird pancakes."
Shotaro tells the truth.
That one on the way home, it was only because of the grace of the wind that I was able to return my greetings without responding to the bud grenades. If that's the other guy, it's definitely getting awkward.
Because even if you keep sweetening the wind as it is, even the wind doesn't always take it all.
"... I'm just sweet for the kindness of Lotus Moon Kun"
Now I feel the bud grenade. I've always been, but I took it for granted.
But Shotaro overlapped words that it was mutual.
"From me, you've spoiled the lotus moon too. You've spoiled it too much for two."
That being said, in the end, "That's just the right balance, so isn't that good enough," Shotaro asks the bud grenade.
"If I knew Lotus Moon, I would hear any of your words."
That said Shotaro walked Stasta on the night lane.
"And this is my personal opinion..."
Shotaro, who goes ahead, sees a bud grenade on the side. The bud grenades lined up next to Shotaro with a little rush and looked up at his face.
"If you told Lotus Moon what you said to me, he'd be glad to hear it."
"No way... you don't"
When Shotaro put on the face that the bud grenade was incredible, he said with a grumpy face, "It's the opinion of one person".
It is true that Shotaro seriously consulted me because he still gives me that opinion.
"But thanks. I'm feeling better."
So Shotaro says thank you to Shotaro and makes him laugh. Much easier than I thought on my own.
"Nothing. I haven't done much"
Shotaro says so and walks in front of Stasta and the bud grenade. Still, the bud grenades were walking me at a pace I could catch up with.
Shotaro looked happy when he saw the bud grenade smile, but loosened his cheek just a little complicated.