The last day of remedial study in Fengya. It was lunch break and when the bud grenades had just finished eating rice, Fengya came to Group F. as usual.
"Bud Grenade"
As if he hadn't even cared about yesterday's budding grenade response at all, Fengya laughs nicely and walks over to the budding grenade seat.
"Oh, Fengya. Are you done with your tutoring today?
As usual, Maiko speaks out in such a graceful manner sitting in the seat next to the bud grenade. Then Fengya laughed happily, "Yes," he said.
"But I'm going to be here next week because I'm going to have Bud Grey look at my test studies."
Fengya said, "Right?," he snapped his neck toward the bud grenade, trying to ask for consent.
Fengya is trying to decide I didn't have a bud grenade attitude yesterday.
It's easy to sweeten to that graceful tenderness. But then, I'm sure the Moya Moya in my heart won't disappear. Just repeat the same thing.
"Um, Lotus Moon."
Shotaro is right, if you have something you think you have to say.
To the call of the bud grenade, Fengya smiled and said, "Hmm? Answer."
"Uh... don't you want to study in the Social Studies dossier room today?
The wind looks strange. Maiko was surprised to hear that as well.
The bud grenade proposal is certainly unnatural because I always studied in group F. Just as the wind was upset, the bud grenades overlapped the words like they panicked.
"The social system should solve a lot of problems. There are plenty in the library..."
The bud grenade bumps into the reason I've been thinking since I decided to invite Fengya there today. Seems the best reason I took the time to find it.
"Sure. Matsuda will lend you a key if you're studying remedial studies."
Maiko is convinced of it, and tells Fengya, "Come on".
But Fengya still realized that Bud Grenade's opinion was unnatural, or she was giving Maiko an anxious smile back.
"Dr. Matsuda, can you lend me the keys to the file room?
I went to the clerk's office, and when Bud Grey asked me that, Dr. Matsuda asked me about the matter as I handed the key to Bud Grey. Bud grenade laughed bitterly, thinking he would normally hear it before giving it to him.
"I'm going to use it in Lotus Moon's pre-remedial studies."
"Oh...... I see"
Matsuda Sensei listens to the bud grenade and sees the wind elegantly with half an eye.
"Lotus Moon, study properly."
"I've been doing it lately!
Fengya screams out loud. Then each class teacher who was in the staff room laughed couscous.
"Sure, you did a good job with the final task of remedial studies. Is that because of Nanahara, too?
Fengya's tenure, Shindo Sensei asks pleasantly. Then Fengya smiled back with a smile.
"At that rate, can we get a good point for the next test?
Teacher Suzuki from group C laughs and asks Nico. The female teacher, Suzuki Sensei, is pushing him to come and run for bud grenade's boyfriend, but he still seems to want to support him if he's as handsome as Kazuya is laughing.
"If Sprout could teach me how to study the test period (...)... I would never drop it"
Bud grenades don't miss the slight collapse of Fengya's smile.
When I told Maiko earlier, he said conclusively, "You also have the test period for bud grenades to see your studies". But when he came here, Fengya chose the words.
The incredible behavior of bud grenades is making the wind elegant uneasy. The bud grenade's heart broke by the sound of words as if he were ready to be rejected by the bud grenade.
Leaving the staff room, the bud grenades and Kazuya head straight up the stairs to the materials room. I even came to the dossier room, talking about what was missing to take.
"I'll turn on the lights."
The bud grenade unlocks the key, and Fengya goes inside first. Fengya turned on the lights in the room as soon as she entered.
"... thanks..."
The only consideration Shotaro has ever been able to take. I can't give that kind of attention right away from what I found out. Still, Fengya does it easily.
That's normal for Fengya. It is elegant to be able to give that kind of attention.
Yeah, I've been thinking. Rethinking that makes me look like someone who's extra feisty.
"Bud Grey?
As I closed the door and watched about Bo and Fengya, Fengya called the name of the bud grenade worryingly. Fengya, who put her luggage away, does not sit in a chair, staring at the bud grenade thing.
"Ah... uh, sorry"
The bud grenade was hazy and distracted from the wind. "I did it again," he regrets after turning a blind eye.
"Bud Grey.... Me, did I do something to Bud Grey?
And that bud grenade reaction still made the wind elegant uneasy.
You can't care less if the bud grenades get so far unnatural, even if it's just so elegant. Either I cared about people, or I should have cared about Kazuya extra.
The bud grenade hurried to shake his neck to the side at the inquiry of the wind elegance.
"Yeah. Lotus Moon... I didn't do anything"
The bud grenade grabbed the blazer hem cuddly. Words are hard to get out of my mouth, even though I know what to say.
"Bud Grey went out of his way to change places... because he wants to say something to me, right?
Fengya knew what the bud grenade intended to do.
When the bud grenade nodded at the inquiry of the wind, the wind grenade continued to speak before the bud grenade opened its mouth.
"Are you with me, don't you like it?
To Fengya's question, the bud grenade raises his face. Fengya's face, finally seen, was about to cry.
That's how Fengya received that the bud grenade brought her here. That's why Fengya put it that way in the staff room.
"I don't like it, you can't be."
I felt sorry that I made the wind think so, and my voice became unnecessarily small.
"I'm the one who's gonna hate you..."
That's what the bud grenade said, breathing heavily in. Believe Shotaro's words, believe that Fengya will take the word of bud grenade, and slowly open your mouth.
"It's me, I was going to give Lotus Moon the answer to the reference book directly yesterday. That's why I knew there was a lotus moon in my class."
I knew it, but I didn't call in the wind. The reason for this is not clear to the wind. The anxious windy voice wanted answers from the bud grenades.
"Lotus Moon is so that you can laugh properly in front of everyone..."
Fengya keeps an eye out. In the words of bud grenades, I seem to recall who I was talking to yesterday before cleaning time.
"Uh, the..."
"As I promised, you can now jerk off Lotus Moon in front of anyone... I was glad"
That's what the sprouts say and laugh at themselves.
"Well, I wanted to... I didn't think"
Afraid to see Fengya's face, the bud grenade leaned over. Hearing the words of the bud grenade, Fengya is in trouble. You don't have to look at Fengya's face. I see that.
"Sorry...... For buddy, you don't like it. I'm trying to start over from scratch... and talk to the kids who were fans..."
Fengya received the word of bud grenade just like Shotaro. If you think about the case with the fan kids, you don't want Fengya to get close to those kids.
"I can't believe I didn't have it all... I'm really insensitive..."
"I'm not."
Bud grenades stop trying to blame themselves for the wind. Covering his words with Fengya's words, the bud grenade once again told him, "It's not like that."
"Lotus Moon told me then... even if I'm not a fan child, I still can't be happy"
Fengya makes a surprise voice.
What the bud grenades are going to tell you is how bud grenades feel about wagamama. I have no choice but to be despised.
"In Lotus Moon... my presence is getting smaller and smaller."
Still, this was the heart of the bud grenade. There is no response from Fengya. The hand holding the blazer hem of the bud grenade was even whiter.
"Lotus Moon is by my side because she can only be herself in front of me... then Lotus Moon doesn't need me anymore"
"Bud Grey."
"On the contrary, I'm not the only one who's making Lotus Moon pay attention right now... Lotus Moon keeps moving away, because I know."
"Bud, calm down"
Wind elegance controls the bud grenades that take the word for it. But the sprouts didn't stop.
Anyone can replace the bud grenade now. If you think so, your chest is about to get ripped off.
"When I went to America, I thought Lotus Moon would forget about me... that scared me"
Sounds like a crying bud grenade sounds in the dossier room. I'm more afraid of myself disappearing from the graceful heart of the wind who was by the bud grenade than anyone else and laughed at me by the bud grenade.
Windy warm hands touched the trembling bud grenade hand.
"Sprout, give me your face"
They say that gracefully and gently, and the bud grenade slowly looks up. Fengya, in front of the bud grenade, was laughing as lighted.
As Shotaro said, Fengya is laughing, and Bud Grey doesn't have much of a surprise voice.
"There's no way Bud Grey's presence is going to be smaller. Rather, because the opposite is true. Bud Grey, don't you know how much I like Bud Grey?
Fengya says with a troubled face. Fengya likes bud grenades so much that understanding of bud grenades is not enough.
"That's how I started liking Bud Grey. But that's not all I like about it."
Fengya said the words herself and was convinced. I can be myself in front of a bud grenade. That's only how I became fond of it, and the time I spent with bud grenades gave me more and more reason to like bud grenades in the wind.
"I owe it to Bud Grey to be able to make it in front of everyone. And you can't possibly forget."
Windy words are warm and bud grenades are about to cry.
"You know, I like you so much, I forget... how do you think I can do that?
Fengya conveys all her thoughts without leaving them behind so that the bud grenade does not doubt her feelings.
Instead of despising the bud grenade, he conveyed his thoughts firmly.
"I don't know how..."
"Haha, I don't even want to know"
Fengya laughed cheerfully as the bud grenade answered in a small voice shy.
"Besides, instead of loathing what I'm hearing right now, I'm starting to like Bud Grey more... and it feels like what to do."
The wind and grace flatter my shoulders with my face. The bud grenade said, "Huh?," Fengya chuckled sloppily as she spoke in a strange voice.
"Because buddy, you did the yakimochi, didn't you? I'm glad you decided."
That's what the wind tells me, and the bud grenades round his eyes. And the bud grenade understood the meaning of Fengya's words and blushed.
"Chi, no!
That's what I mean by yakimochi. That's true from the bud grenade behavior, but it's not.
"Yeah, 'cause you don't like me talking to other kids, do you?
That's what they ask, the bud grenade makes it red to the ear. I said it myself, but when the wind tells me, I'm too ashamed to want to disappear.
"buddy, because you're too cute"
Seeing shy bud grenades, Fengya laughs like trouble.
The Moya Moya of the heart had disappeared, although the embarrassment would be solicited.
"I'm already... studying"
"I feel like I can solve everything now."
When the bud grenade sat in the chair, Fengya sat in the seat across the street and said so.
"Well, let's try a very difficult problem."
"Bud, stop reacting like a cunt..."
When Fengya told him with a gessy face, the bud grenade was laughing unexpectedly.
I look at the glittering bud grenades, and the wind laughs with joy. Like before, the two of us laughed.
Bud grenade thinks it's nice to talk properly. And at the same time, I thought he was once again a sweet man about the wind and grace that took all the wagamama thoughts of budding grenades.