"Hey... Nanhara"
One corner of Group F after school, one of the people studying in a foursome group, Takimoto called in a low voice to a bud grenade sitting diagonally in front of him.
"Takimoto-kun, what did you do?
The bud grenade inquires with a Kyotong face. Then Takimoto stood up rattled.
"What's the matter with you? Nothing like this! The one next door is always nasty and disgusting! I can't concentrate!
"Huh... next door... me!?
When Takimoto pointed at Kazuya sitting next to him and told him, Kazuya, who was said to be disgusting, raised his voice just to say he was out of his heart.
"It's you! What are you laughing at when you saw Nanhara earlier! How sweet!
"Kiko...!? I'm smiling! Megumi is soothing that she's cute today! Don't interrupt me, Takimoto Kun!
The argument began in front of me. That in itself was originally a matter within the scope of the assumption, but the contents of the argument were too funny, and the sprouts and Maiko sitting in front looked stunned.
"Lotus Moon, don't give a shit, concentrate on your studies."
"Even if Wind Yakun burns, he won't break his face, so he won't get hurt."
When Bud Grey and Maiko calmly commented on each of Kazuya and Takimoto, Kazuya said, "It's not crap!," he returned with a serious face, and Takimoto replied, "Chicks!" He yelled at Maiko.
Today is the next day of Valentine's Day. There still seemed to be a few calls at the dawn of Valentine's because he missed handing over the chocolate the day before, but just two days later, the wind was calm today.
"Bud ho, you're so cute"
Yesterday and today, all that dialogue leaks out of Fengya's mouth. Put your cheekstick on and stare seriously at the bud grenade and say it with a woot look.
"Lotus Moon..."
I'm too ashamed to be called "cute" like this, even though I have trouble doing my gaze just because I can stare at the wind.
"It's this way to see"
That's what the bud grenade says, making Fengya's face point toward the reference book on his desk. Fengya laughed with joy when she looked up at the reddish bud grenade face, even as her face was moved by the bud grenade.
No one knows what happened to the two of us on Valentine's Day. But if you look at the correspondence between the best tension and bud grenade here in Fengya, you can generally guess who understands.
"... ha. I'll get you a drink."
"I'm coming too."
Reading the air, Takimoto also took a seat with him when Maiko took a seat. You can't just sit alone next to two people who brew peach aura.
Maiko and Takimoto leave the classroom amicably as they make up their minds. Fengya looked at it with a nicotine face.
"Sounds good, Uemura-san and Takimoto Kun"
Fengya grins nicely with her gaze at the bud grenade as it is. I was surprised at what Fengya said for a moment bud grenade, but I was quickly convinced that if Fengya would know that too.
"Yeah.... I hope it works"
Fengya smiles the same way when the bud grenade smiles. And Fengya took the bud grenade ballpoint pen that was rolling on her desk.
"If it weren't for Bud Grey, I wouldn't have thought of this either."
As the bud grenade tilted his neck, Fengya loosened his mouth as he painted on the corner of his notebook.
"Me, I've never had a decent boyfriend but an officer before. Takimoto Kun is fresh and delightful."
Fengya laughed with real pleasure.
From the wind and elegance that had always kept the girl around, the boy walked away for that matter. That's why non-executive boyfriends - the presence of Takimoto was in the wind and was beginning to grow.
"Since I started talking to buddy, I've also become involved with Kun Takimoto... it's a good thing, really"
That said, Fengya showed her notebook to the bud grenade. What is depicted there is an adorable bud grenade figure in the eyes of the wind. Of course it's not a sketch, it's a little character that resembles a bud grenade that even elementary school kids might be able to draw.
"I'm not laughing like this."
"You're laughing in front of me, aren't you?
Fengya paints a salad on her notebook again and makes it look like a bud grenade again. Now there was a painting of a boy with a bouquet of flowers next to a bud grenade. Perhaps the boy is feisty.
"This is perfect"
Seeing the wind and grace laughing happily, the bud grenades look like trouble. The bud grenade shrugged in a small voice "... idiot," but somewhere he seemed happy, and Fengya laughed contentedly.
After that, Maiko and Takimoto return, and Fengya and Takimoto still start arguing. I guess even that would be fun, I thought bud grenades were naturally fun.
The time for dropping out of school was nearer and all four of them began to make their way home.
"Feng Ya-kun sends bud grenades today, right?
"Yeah! So sorry Mr. Uemura, but go home with Kun Takimoto"
"What am I sorry about!
Fengya joked to Maiko, and Takimoto still ate it. Fengya probably knows how Maiko feels. "Wow," Sprouts admire because he knows and can make jokes like this.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Though we argued to the end, at the end of the day we still go home in a refreshing way. I dropped Maiko and Takimoto off on the divide, and when their appearance got smaller, Fengya looked down at the bud grenade thing.
"Bud Grey."
"Hands, can I hold?
In inquiry of the wind, the bud grenade dyed his cheeks thinly.
That's what they asked me yesterday on my way home. The bud grenade, which decided to make Fengya special, allowed Fengya to behave like a lover for now. It was a suggestion by Fengya, but I was convinced that the bud grenades would be able to make their feelings clear.
As the bud grenade nodded slowly and shyly, Fengya laughed joyfully and held the bud grenade's hand.
However, Fengya's hand, which holds the hand of a bud grenade, is a little uneasy.
"Hehe, I knew I was nervous"
Fengya grins sloppily holding the hand of a bud grenade. Glad but illuminated, the bud grenade pointed at his lips without adoration.
"It's enough to hold hands, you won't be nervous - Lotus Moon."
"... I forbid you to say that."
Fengya looks in trouble. There were so many girlfriends. This can't be the first time I've held hands. Instead, everything should be used to for Kazuya.
"It's all the same for the first time, buddy. Are you nervous? Really."
Whether that's a lie or a truth, only the wind can tell. You are more right to think it is a lie in this case. But it's the language of the wind, so bud grenades want to believe it.
"... I'm more nervous. It's all... because it's my first time"
The bud grenade squeaks bossy. Shy he shrugged, and when the bud grenade looked up and asked how the wind looked, he tangled with the wind's elegant gaze.
The cheeks of Fengya are stained as thin as bud grenades, and their gaze is hot. There is only a little power in the hands of the wind. At the same time, Fengya's face came closer and closer.
- Getting kissed. Intuitively so, the bud grenade stretched his shoulders.
"... eh"
But there's no sign that the wind will touch it. Turning his gaze to the grace in front of him, he was leaning down and breathing heavily and deeply.
"Lotus Moon...?
"Sorry. The bud grenade is too cute, with...... We need to calm down."
Fengya turned to a beautiful smile. The bud grenade quickly realizes that's a lie. But I said, "Why didn't you kiss me? Don't ask."
That's why I could only bud grenades to receive the words of Fengya as they were.
Maybe I didn't even really mean to kiss you. That made the bud grenade embarrassed, as if he had hoped.
The same thing happened the next day.
Fengya has been about to kiss a bud grenade even before this kind of relationship happened. That's why, in the current relationship, it seemed like Windy would get his hands on the bud grenade quickly. If you behave as a lover, you are also allowed to do it. But Fengya hesitated to do so.
Fengya still only holds hands.
I'm not exactly dating him, but I've been in that relationship for a few days. So that could be normal.
But I was concerned about the unnatural behavior because the other person was very elegant.
"Bud Grey."
It doesn't change the way you call it, or the smile you point at. Overflowing with love for bud grenades.
But it is caught in the bud grenade's heart. When holding hands, the moment you touch the bud grenade makes your hands tense so that the wind will hesitate. That's what I've always wondered.
"Bud ho, you're not well today"
While returning from school, Fengya asked worryingly. The bud grenade says, "Huh?," he shouted feverishly and cheeked.
"Is that it?
"Yeah.... lack of sleep? Like studying too much?
"Haha, I haven't studied enough to break my health."
The bud grenade made him laugh, "It's okay," because the wind looks worried.
"Yeah. Lotus Moon is the one who's trying so hard not to get sick. Come on."
When the bud grenade cared so, Fengya said, "Of course!" I laughed. Let Fengya confidently say that the results taught by the bud grenades will be achieved.
"Bud Grey. I'll do my best....... so that it lines up properly next to Bud Grey. So look at me."
Fengya had a serious face, but only a little grin and declared to the bud grenade. That face is so cool, and the bud grenades are unintentionally thrilling.
"... I'm watching you"
That's what I say. Bud grenades give you a face. I was staring straight at the wind. Someone so cool thinks I'm trying to hone myself more to go after myself. On second thought, the fact was a dream story.
"Sometimes I want to dream. That Lotus Moon will like me"
"... all of a sudden, what's wrong?
Feng Ya looks a little rushed by the words of a bud grenade without a clap. The look was feisty and the bud grenade laughed out in his voice.
"Yeah. I just thought it was a smudge."
The bud grenades are connected. Pull the hand of the wind elegance. However, because the stride of wind elegance is large, wind elegance easily catches up with bud grenades trying to get ahead.
"Don't brag about the length of your legs."
"I didn't!
I told him that, and he was laughing. Doesn't matter, it just seems fun talking to the wind. Wind and grace have always been like that for bud grenades.
"But it's true, Shotaro Kung and I don't have the same hip position."
Tell that to Gejong-kun.
"Shh! Stop! Because it pisses me off!
As I let the conversation bounce that way, I could see the car coming this way from behind. The way the two of them walk is not wide. That's why pedestrians have to stop at the end of the road.
"Bud Grey, it's dangerous"
That's what I'm saying. Windy comes over to the bud grenade. But the car was speeding faster than I thought, and Fengya decided to stop by the bud grenade half way down.
Just behind the bud grenade. Hands on the block wall, Fengya supports her body. Thanks to this, the body of bud grenades and wind grace approached unlimited.
But that's just for a moment.
Fengya tried to jump away from the bud grenade. The windy eyes I saw for a moment were shaking and I looked down at the bud grenade with a hurried face.
"Oh no. Bud, what if you get hurt?"
Fengya says as if nothing had happened, chasing the car she had driven away with her eyes.
That was totally, intentionally. The usual circumstances come up with a lot of reasons, like coincidence, relationship to each other, but this time there's no excuse.
Fengya intentionally avoided the sprouts.
"Bud Grey...... did you get hurt somewhere?
He asks the nagging bud grenade with a voice that seems worried about the wind.
I don't know why Fengya avoids sprouts so much.
"Yeah.... I'm fine"
The groove between bud grenades and wind grace remained deep there even as bud grenades were about to change.