I cried in front of him. After that, I calmed down a lot and helped him with his work before returning to the wind and elegance.
"Bud Grey, it was late... Anything wrong?
"... I've just been helping Kamiyo-kun..."
That's what I answered to the wind asking worryingly. "Just" and it hurts my heart. The bud grenade could not look directly at Fengya's face.
That's why the officers know about the relationship between bud grenades and wind grace. So the role of sending back bud grenades even after the student council began was naturally taken over by Fengya.
When I leave the school gate and break up with everyone on my way home, I'll be alone with Fengya. But today, even when we were alone, Fengya didn't hold the hand of the bud grenade.
"Bud Grey."
I thought the call was a signal. The sprouts somehow anticipated the next word. However, the words spoken were contrary to the expectations of bud grenades.
"Did Kun say anything to you?
The bud grenade is surprised and keeps his face up. When he looked up about Fengya and asked "why," Fengya lowered her brow.
"Somehow... my eyes are turning red"
I rubbed my eyes when I cried, so my eyes became red just a little bit. But it is not red enough to care. Fengya probably cares about it because he has an idea why bud grenades make his eyes red.
"Kamiyo-kun won't say anything. He just worried about me."
Even if you say "just" again, the bud grenade distorts your expression. The way she worried was different from the normal one. I don't think there's anything else. But I can't tell you anything about being hugged or that joke in a feisty way.
"Worried... something happened?
The expression of femininity is worrisome and distorted. I think that's why you look like that because you think of the bud grenade.
So extra bud grenades make me unable to speak of my anxiety.
"What can't I tell you...?
Fengya's face was so anxious and overflowing. I don't know what thoughts are on his mind.
"... ah"
I don't have a voice. If I try to get out, I'm going to cry. Please, I want you to notice the wind.
"Bud Grey......"
Fengya reaches for the bud grenade. But those hands still tremble along the way and stop hesitating.
The tremors in my hands are getting bigger every day. Because I can see that, my heart is close, but I can see it. The distance keeps moving away.
Not everything visible. But what is visible is not a lie. Sure enough, the fact of being poked stuck stuck in the bud grenade's heart.
"Stay with me like this... we're going to work?
Staring into the hands of Fengya, words spill out of the mouth of the bud grenade. Fengya's eyes opened wide.
Fengya doesn't say anything beyond that. Maybe I can't tell you. And that's the answer to wind and elegance that doesn't falsify. That was hard, and the sprouts held hands.
"Just keep moving away."
I said so and regretted it. I shouldn't have said that, even if that were true.
The wind and grace in front of me makes me look more likely to cry than I am. I didn't want you to look like this.
How many times will it hurt the wind? A dull pain spreads in the bud grenade's heart.
"Sorry...... Today, here's the place."
That's what the bud grenade says, turning his back on the wind. And I ran home. Run, run, come near the house and stop. Turning around, Fengya won't come after me.
"... my idiot"
Because I think it's important, I wanted to get closer. I started to change my mind, so I wanted to know the wind and elegance.
To realize that, maybe it was too late.
Is Fengya still standing up for that place? You pushed yourself away, and I'm thinking about this. Disgusted by his sloppy, worst self, the bud grenade held his eyes and slapped himself on the head.
The next day was Saturday and fortunately we didn't have to face each other. I have to go to school on weekdays. I wasn't sure I could be with Fengya right now.
"Bud Grey, call from Wind Yakun"
Fengya called. But the bud grenades did not respond to it.
"Because I'm busy... say I'm sorry?
Ask Mariko for the sprouts while washing. Mariko was a little surprised, but as soon as she saw the face of the bud grenade, she hung up on Fengya with unobstructed words like the bud grenade said.
"Wind Yakun and a fight?
Mariko knows that Fengya has been driving bud grenades home all these days. I love buddy grenades. I greeted Mariko every day without hiding the aura and Kazuya was home.
The windy voice I heard from the phone was smaller than usual and less energetic. The reason for this can also be somewhat inferred from the response of the bud grenade to Mariko.
"... it's my fault"
The sound of the water supply flowing from the faucet was heard in the ears of the bud grenades slightly louder.
"We're almost to America... we need to make up soon"
Mariko says so standing close to the bud grenade.
We have a week to go to America. Preparation has started a few days ago and the bud grenade room is almost cleared out already.
It separates me from the wind. That's why I wanted to be with Fengya. As soon as I was here, I wanted to get closer to the wind.
This is the result of being crushed by all sorts of anxiety.
"Yeah.... it is"
We have to do something about it before we go to America.
Seeing the troubled bud grenade, Mariko was smiling as troubled.
As it was Sunday, the bud grenades were taking to the Tojo group.
I'm sure if I didn't say anything then, I might be on a date with Windy by now. But the time and place are just different, and I guess I was talking about it eventually.
"Bud grenade. You're not feeling well, are you?
That's what Tojo said to the bud grenade reading the book in his office. That should be it, too, and I've barely slept for the last two days thinking about Kazuya.
"We're almost to America, so you'd better get fit"
Tojo tells gently as he strokes the head of the bud grenade. I'm sorry you took the time. "Because I wanted some rest, too," Tojo added, as he sensed Bud Grey thought.
"Yes.... thank you"
I decided to go home early because of Tojo's diagram. Tojo told me I was leaving the car, but I really wanted to change my mood and I chose to walk home.
There are many people on Sunday Boulevard.
The person who goes on the road about the sprouts with thin makeup looks back. Though he has been called several times, the bud grenade was too boisterous to notice the call. If you see it from anywhere else, you're walking in complete disregard of the numbs.
The bud grenade looks at the city landscape like a painting and walks the view.
People who walk while messing with their smartphones, people who walk in the city chatting with friends, and people who walk happily with their lovers. There's a lot of people out there.
My eyes naturally look at my lovers walking happily in arms and hands. It would be something that would be touched that much more and more often.
The buds said the opposite.
The clouds become suspicious. Rain clouds were spreading, just like the bud grenade's heart, and the rain grains fell on his face.
"Umbrella... you forgot to bring it"
Staring at the rain grain falling in the palm of his hand, the bud grenade snaps to a sigh mix. Then a shadow fell on his sight, and when he looked up, a transparent umbrella covered his head.
"You... one more?
The dark-haired prudence stands. He had a teasing, teasing face.
Are you alone again?
I don't know why Makoto is here. I feel like I have a good chance of seeing him when I walk through the city. I also feel intentional, but even so, I can't think of any reason other than teasing the bud grenades.
"Have you been to Mr. Tojo's? … but you should go home soon."
Makoto starts walking with the bud grenade inside his umbrella. Bud grenades do not answer Shin's question.
"One on Saturday and Sunday... what about that idiot? I thought you were already stuck."
Shin says there is one "idiot". I thought of the person and the bud grenade shoulder swayed. When the bud grenade raised his face, Shin narrowed his eyes and asked again, "What do you think?"
"With Lotus Moon... it's none of your business"
The bud grenade says softly and turns his face back to the front. Fengya hates Makoto. And vice versa. So be careful not to be particularly known.
"It doesn't matter, hey.... I'd love Holy Night if you'd love him, and I'd love to."
"Sorry for not meeting your expectations"
I want to cut this story off quickly. It became appropriate from that feeling to the reaction of the bud grenade.
"So, what's he gonna do to you?
Makoto said jokingly, "That's not going to be better," Kerakera chuckled.
It is unlikely that Fengya will love the bud grenade all the time. But once I thought of what happened yesterday, my anxiety ran around the bud grenade body wondering if that was possible too.
"... what?
Makoto looks down strangely about the bud grenade that replies nothing. Sensing Shin's gaze, the bud grenade ate up his teeth.
"So you're saying it's none of your business."
The bud grenade said vigorously without looking at Shin's face.
You can't keep having me put in Shin's umbrella like this. Bud grenades look for convenience stores or rain shelters nearby.
But Shin grabbed such a bud grenade arm. Grabbed by a strong force, the pain runs.
"What I'm gonna do now is on my own, so it's none of your business, right?
That's what Makoto pulls his bud grenade arm. He boarded into a taxi that stopped nearby, not giving a gap to resist the bud grenade.
"Until La Fausto"
When she gets in the cab, Makoto immediately tells the driver where to go. The bud grenades weren't the only ones who rounded their eyes when they asked where they were going.
"Uh... are you sure you want to go to La Faust School?
"Yeah, yeah. Bullshit."
La Faust officials rarely take general taxis. That's why I can also nod the driver's upset. Upon hearing Makoto's reply, the driver began driving in a panic.
"Why... do I need to go to school... eh"
"I told you. What I do is none of your business."
Makoto tells cold. But I won't just let go of my arm so the bud grenades don't escape.
Makoto manipulated the smartphone with one hand that was open and put it on his ear after a while. I'm trying to call someone. The bud grenade is only anxious about how it looks.
"To whom..."
"Oh, hello?
"That voice... Kung Fu? Why my number...... '
Makoto had made the speaker so that he could hear the voice in the bud grenade. The voices I've heard are undoubtedly those of the wind.
"Mr. Tsuhara! What... please don't!
The bud grenade tries to take the smartphone away from Shin, but this time by Shin he grabbed his shoulder, not his arm, and held his torso against the seat of his seat.
"That voice...... buddy? Kung Fu, are you there?
I can hear the wind rushing. Makoto looked at the distorted bud grenade face and laughed with a hoot of nose.
"Come to La Fausto. If you don't come, Nanahara will let you do what I want."
"Ha!? What are you going to do to Bud Grey?!?
"If you don't want anything done, come on."
Makoto said that, he hung up even though he still heard Fengya. I could hear the wind rushing to the end.
"Why... this?"
"Come on...... I wonder why"
Makoto laughs frigidly. I just want to be pleasantly disturbed. But Makoto shouldn't be a free man to enjoy that right now.
Shoot grenade stared at Makoto, who didn't know what he was thinking.
Then a few minutes later, I reached the school.
For the first time in a long time, the school is as brilliant and elegant as before. It's a holiday. No one comes to school.
Only bud grenades and Shin's footsteps echo.
And Shin brought the bud grenade into the library room. Bud grenades know that this is his territory. Seeing Shin close the key, the bud grenade frowned.
"Ha, are you on guard? You're defenseless. You're wise."
"What are you doing..."
"Nothing now"
Makoto says so and steps over to the bud grenade. That way the bud grenade also took a step back and eventually hit one of a few desks.
"Hey, that idiot... I knew you hadn't grabbed my love, huh?
Makoto tries to pinch the bud grenade and hands on the desk. Makoto's body was too close, and the bud grenade tried to distract him from Makoto reflexively.
"I... didn't say that"
"Sure. But then why didn't you deny it?
Makoto said that and pushed down the bud grenade thing on his desk.
"Why did he come out and look like he was going to cry? Why were you alone today?
Even if you're not dating, if you know you're about to leave bud grenades, Fengya shouldn't leave bud grenades alone. I'm supposed to try to stay with the bud grenades as long as I have time.
"I'll tell you what, you don't have to answer my questions properly until he gets here... because I'll let you do what I want"
Shin laughs and tells the unanswered bud grenade. That's what Makoto is after. Much the same thing Makoto does, whether Fengya comes or not.
"Nothing, I don't have a crying face... Today, I went to President Tojo..."
"I'm not asking for an excuse."
There is strength in Shin's arms. And Shin kissed the cheek of the bud grenade.
"Ya... eh. Stop!"
The sprouts vehemently refuse, putting their hands on Makoto's chest. Makoto's body leaves a little, but he still can't push it away.
"Nanhara, I'll do what I said right... Answer me if you don't want to."
Makoto, who speaks of it, can have a cute grin. I don't know what I would do discreetly if I didn't answer.
He just took it off my cheek because it's the first one.
"Just answer, okay?"
Bud Grey stares resentfully at Makoto. But Makoto is not frightened. "Yeah... yeah," Makoto just laughs quietly.
I want the wind to come quickly. But I don't want the wind to see this situation. With mixed emotions in, the bud grenade began to answer Shin's question.