Helping even clean up the advantageous breakfast, bud grenades were invited to her room by merit.
"Sorry to bother you.... Wow, beautiful"
As expected, the room of merit is tidy and beautiful. The room, where there is nothing wasted, with a hint of incense where femininity can be felt, is very much like hers.
Past questions of entrance exams were placed on the table at the centre, with sticky notes on some of them.
"I also asked the school teacher some questions, but there was something I didn't quite understand because of the poor explanation."
Utility says with a slight smiley face. Lilong's high school entrance exam questions have many slightly twisted questions. I think that's why it's so hard to explain it to a teacher.
"I wonder if I can explain such a problem... I'm not that good at teaching."
"Nanhara-san can stop you until you know the explanation."
Loosen your mouth thinly, Utility says. Unlike the teacher, I guess it means that a close bud grenade opponent can ask you what you don't know as you wish. I'm glad you're close to merit, but there's something scary about imagining how many times you can stop it.
"Ah, haha. Blue... Aren't you better at advantageous?
The bud grenade smiles bitterly, cheeks. Then I saw the bud grenade thing on the side as Utility cored out the sharpen. Under the gaze of merit, the bud grenade tilts his neck.
"What do you actually think of your brother, Nanhara?
"Hmmm. Smart and... kind and hardworking...?
"... No, I'm not"
"Yeah, is that it? Famous for being sweet in school..."
"So, um... not what I want to hear... eh"
That's what Utility said and sighed. Because merit makes a difficult face, bud grenades often think about the meaning of the merit question. After a while of thinking, the bud grenade somehow realized the intent of the utility question.
"Advantageous, hot... Sometimes I can see it that way... but I'm relieved that neither Utility nor I have the same relationship as you think."
The bud grenade tells him with a bitter smile. When I first met Utility, the bud grenade was hated by her as a favorable charming woman. So buddy grenades are still the same now, pushing the precaution that advantages are "just friends".
"I'm worried because I'm with you a lot."
"Chi, no. Nanhara."
When the bud grenade puts a cheek wand on his relaxation, the merit makes him look unusual and hasty. When the bud grenade was a little surprised by its appearance, all of a sudden the utility entered the dugout attitude.
"Huh? Ultimate?"
"I'm sorry. I used to worry about that, but not now!
Seeing the merit of getting a clean hand on the tatami, the bud grenades panic. I listened straight to her words to show how sorry the merit seemed though.
"I think that... Nanhara-san would... No, I think Nanahara is the best person for your brother now."
"I mean, would you rather say that you can't admit anything but Nanahara coming..."
Utility says what a favorable grandfather or mother is likely to say. The bud grenade blinked his eyes and blushed a little.
"Oh, even if they say so... Yuki-kun is nothing but me..."
"Nanhara, are you serious about that?"
Utility stares at the bud grenade thing with serious eyes. The bud grenade swallowed a sawdust in his straight eyes. Bud grenades seriously think so. But if I answer that, I'm going to be frightened of merit, and the bud grenade will jam the words down my throat.
"Your brother is really sweet, but he's special to you, don't you think?
"It's... well, we're often together..."
"You never thought of a reason for that?
I plan to just watch the exam study, but I've been in a question-attack since the beginning. Advantage is a dear friend. I made a mistake and I don't want to get you in trouble.
But if I ask the question of merit, I have myself thinking that somewhere in my mind, "Maybe so".
"Well, more than that...... Merritt, look! It's a waste of time, and I'll see what I can do. Hahaha."
It gets obnoxious. I'm pretty forced to cut the story out, too. Utility still said something, but he reluctantly clasped his mouth when the bud grenade put his hand on her reference.
Explaining what I don't know about merit, about an hour and a half. There were some parts of the sprouts that were hard to understand and could be stopped, but they weren't that many times.
"Well, I'll try to solve my continuing problem"
"Yeah. Then I'll take my seat off."
"If you're a grandfather, I think you're in your usual room"
"Thanks. Call me if anything happens again."
When I started studying, Utility concentrated on the content of my studies. Thanks to this, we don't have to be pursued for advantages, and the bud grenades are horny.
Leaving the room of merit, the bud grenade headed to the room where his advantageous grandfather was hitting Acer before.
He was out this morning, and I haven't been able to say hello yet. With that greeting, the bud grenade stands in front of his favorable grandfather's room.
"Excuse me, Grandpa. It's Nanhara bud grenade. Sorry to bother you."
The bud grenades speak up and the room becomes just a little noisy. When the bud grenade was wondering, my grandfather allowed me to spill a unique laugh, "You can come in," he said.
With that signal, the bud grenade opens the door. There sat his advantageous and advantageous grandfather across the Acer board.
Advantage is only riding out a little on the board, which was seen as the reason for the noise on the brink.
Favorable and eye-catching. There was talk earlier, and the bud grenade distracted from the slightest advantage. I thought it was "bad," but I felt worse putting it back again, and the bud grenade laughed at my favorable grandfather as it was.
"Grandpa, it's been a while"
"Whoo-hoo, buddy! Long time no see, huh? I'm just tired of Acer with his advantages."
When my grandfather made such a joke, his advantages sighed.
"... Grandpa. Nanhara-san must be tired, and Beecher's opponents will continue to be me..."
"What do you say, buddy? Are you hitting me and Acer? You're not gonna lose this time, are you?
"Listen to people, Grandpa"
It's advantageous to talk quietly to my grandfather in front of me, but I don't listen to him as if he didn't hear me at all. Advantage puts his hand on his forehead like it's troublesome, but Bud Grey smiles at him when he sees how it goes and says, "We're good friends," etc.
"Until Utility calls you, that's perfectly fine."
"Whoa, I'm glad. In your favor, your lord should learn how to fight a buddy, too?
"... I'm not weak either."
"You can't beat me, can you?
When my grandfather puts it mean, advantages give me a slightly obstinate look. Seeing rare advantages put his expression on the table, the bud grenade exhaled admirably.
"In front of my grandfather, Langtang-kun is very expressive."
"Yeah. At least more than usual"
Bud grenade says "That's family" and slaps his hand around his chest with a pussy. Then his advantageous grandfather gathered the Acer stone as he spilled a unique laugh.
"Because in the future, I want Bud Greyhound to be a family too. Advantageous, isn't it the only face like hypnotic glasses? Smile, smile."
Make sure to tear up the advantage, my grandfather says. My grandfather's feeling of "wanting to make the bud grenade a favorable daughter-in-law" is serious, not a joke in itself.
"So...... don't put Nanahara in trouble by saying that!
"You don't have a problem with advantages, do you? I will give priority to my grandchildren."
Advantage speaks out loud. And the advantages have turned their gaze to the bud grenade to care. But as soon as the advantage turned around, the bud grenade nudged his face down as much as he could.
…… Nanhara-san? "
"Uh... uh"
I can't get my face up and the bud grenade makes me wander my gaze over the tatami. You must never look up now. Because of its awareness, the bud grenade grabbed the skirt he was wearing cuddly.
"Nanhara-san, what's wrong? Even in the mood..."
A peek in the face advantageously. Bud grenades meditate on his eyes somehow knowing it, but his sober voice grandfather called his name on the brink of it.
My grandfather calls me, and the advantage slowly turns around.
"Acer stone. It's troublesome to sort black and white stones."
"The advantages are sorted. Or would Grandpa be great if Sprouts made hot tea?
My grandfather laughs thinly and sees the bud grenade thing chilling. This was a help boat that my advantageous grandfather put out on a bud grenade, accidentally or intentionally.
"If it's tea, I'll..."
"Me, I'll brew. Um, I'll borrow your kitchen."
Covered in the vantage point of trying to argue, the bud grenade says quickly. And without listening to anyone's word of permission, I left the room again with the sleaze.
"Whoops...... It's getting interesting."
In the favorable grandfather's room, where the bud grenade was gone, the confused favorable voice and the delightful grandfather's voice echoed.
"Uh... already, my idiot"
In the hallway a short walk out of my grandfather's room, the bud grenade stops. The reason for falling into mild self-loathing was in my face feeling the lights on fire.
I reacted oddly today, even though I could flow lightly that my favorable grandfather's dialogue was also a joke usually. Although he may not have noticed the advantage, his grandfather had definitely noticed that the bud grenade's face was turning bright red.
"Blue Tang only thinks of me as a good friend..."
Try to tell yourself half the time, Bud Grey says.
I'm just mistaken about merit, favorable grandfather, and class people. Yes, the bud grenade shrugged in my head over and over again.
The bud grenade, who started walking down the hallway again, worried stuffily about his advantages when he returned and what face to see his grandfather.