When the bud grenade returned to the student council room, the advantage was already sitting in front of the usual seat, the bud grenade.
Advantage saw the bud grenade on the side. Say something, open your mouth a little, but I won't say anything. I moved my hand to my job as it was.
Bud grenade told me to do that. Advantage would have given me an idea to do as the bud grenades say. There is no "welcome back" word that I would normally hear. But I'm glad about that.
"Bud Grey, welcome back"
"... I'm home. Did you get to work?
The sprouts laugh gracefully about their seats. Shotaro and Lailao watched the situation with surprise.
When school drop-off time arrived, the bud grenades headed around the school building, finishing their rounds in about 10 minutes, they quickly made their way home and left the student club room with everyone.
He was supposed to send it to me today. Apparently they were discussing who would send the bud grenades in the absence of bud grenades. Fortunately, the day the advantages would be sent was later next week, and the bud grenades were horny.
At that time, you'll get used to a lot of distance. I could have calmed down when I thought about it that way.
Everyone leaves the gate, and at the end of the day, there will be only two bud grenades and two.
"Is Kamiyo-kun's school of choice, after all, T University?
On their way home alone, the bud grenade and the po conversation was a student-like conversation on the verge of becoming students.
"Oh, for once. I don't even know how many sprouts I'll be studying at H University."
"It's definitely the top tier in the country. Nothing compared."
Bud grenades tell their troubled faces to lower themselves compared to bud grenades.
I'm gonna miss you.
Xu said to me in a really lonely voice. I'm honestly glad to hear that. I'm so glad someone cares about their existence.
"Me too, I miss you. So I want to make fun memories to the end."
"I'll make it for you.... all of us."
"I'll make it for you." We all just tell them to make memories. I realized that he really liked all the board members, and the bud grenade smiled.
"I'm going away a little early... but a year from now, we're all falling apart."
"Yeah. Shotaro is a K major aspiration outside the capital, and Lailuo and his advantages are a private W major...... but the department is different. Fengya... well, what can we do with him?"
(10) He mouths each path and looks just a little lonely. Guys, let's go our separate ways.
I really know everyone. A bud grenade with a short relationship, after all, is often unknown.
"... Langtang-kun, I'm a big W. aspirant"
This was the first time I had heard of the alteration of all aspirational schools. But I was only concerned about the particularly advantageous school of choice.
Shotaro is rational, and the prestigious National University K Dai aspirations outside the capital are reasonable if we think he will be research-oriented even due to his character. It was not difficult to predict that Wu Dai, a private university, would come from a department specializing in science and engineering.
But the advantage was that the image of martial arts was too strong, and I had no idea which college he was going to.
"Yeah. My grandfather and mother, because it looks like a W"
"... I had no idea"
Maybe it was something a friend should have cared about and known about. But I still didn't know how far the "friend" relationship was a good thing to step in and know.
With his low interpersonal skills felt pitifully, the bud grenade lowers his gaze.
"It doesn't look like we had a fight."
A pom strokes the head of a bud grenade and gently says: The bud grenade says, "Huh?," he raised his face.
"All day today, bud grenades were approximate in their favor.... after I got back from the staff room, we barely had a conversation, did we?
Exactly. But I don't think it was as pronounced as the other person, Ji, noticed. Bud grenades and advantages are not always spoken of often. Just gently exchanging words between jobs.
But sure, I didn't even do that today.
"Often, are you watching?
"It's obvious. I'm watching every move of my dear friends."
"... maybe we should pay a little more attention to our actions next time -"
Feeling a little scared by the words of the Xu, the bud grenade tries to say that all around with a bitter smile.
But that's all he cares about because he thinks of his friends.
"Hey... Kamiyo-kun"
If that's all I thought, would I notice?
"Kamiyo-kun... you think there's someone in Langtang-kun who likes you?
For what if he doesn't know, ask first in a far-fetched way.
"... I'm here"
After a short time, he returned it in the definitive system. "I think," I wouldn't add. That means you're sure.
The bamboo distracts slightly from the bud grenade. The bud grenades were sighted to the front in the same way.
"Do you even know who they are?
We don't stop walking with each other. The sound of a leather shoe hitting the concrete echoes sparsely with a trick. The two footsteps are not aligned.
"I know.... you want to know?
That's what he asked and looked down at the bud grenade. Feeling his gaze, the bud grenade lifts his face. As his gaze crossed, the bud grenade spit only.
If the bud grenade snorts, will he tell me the answer?
I want to know. But I don't want to know.
If a favored person is a bud grenade, then he should not try to teach the bud grenade, who is himself.
Favorite people are not bud grenades. That's what the situation tells the sprouts.
Same reason I didn't ask in your favor.
Even if you want to know, advantages can answer that because they're not bud grenades. Good. Tell a friend, a secret.
But that should have been fine.
If you're a friend, you'll want to share that secret too. Yet why are you in shock?
The bud grenade rests gently on his tight chest. I grabbed my shirt cuddly and stared into his eyes.
"... it"
I want to know, I don't want to know. The answer is both. My eyes must be shaking. Because my heart was shaking helplessly.
Seeing such a bud grenade, he laughed quietly.
"... I won't tell you, bud grenade. Because this is advantageous and my secret."
That's what he said, and he gently stroked the head of the bud grenade again. To calm down the bud grenades.
Gently, as if I saw through the chaotic mind of a bud grenade.
That's embarrassing, bud grenades can't raise their faces.
"Hey...... bud grenade"
The voice is gentle. Always the same, a gentle voice that calms down bud grenades.
"I've always been your friend."
Is it a word to invigorate the bud grenade, and he speaks so loudly? I don't know if it's what he thinks, but the word calmed the bud grenade's heart.
He thinks of himself as a good friend. The fact reassured me of the bud grenade.
I'm happy to be friends with you and be friends with you. That's the honest bud grenade feeling.
"Yeah. Thanks"
Laughing from the bottom of his heart, the bud grenade looked up at the wax.
Even if I tell America, I've always been a friend, and he's on my bud grenade side. There's nothing more comforting about that.
"Kamiyo-kun is a dear friend."
Before I go to America, I want to convey my gratitude and my thoughts properly. The bud grenade pointed the gratitude that was in him at the words "dear friend".
"... Glad to hear it"
I laugh when I say that. But even the clarity was beautiful to see in the moonlight glowing in the darkness at night.
The bud grenade walks the night lane with two people. The distance between them stays at a certain interval and never leaves or approaches.
That will remain unchanged, the relationship between bud grenades and pomegranate.
Before I go to America, I want to tell everyone. Thanks, thoughts, and all for the bud grenade.
"... all"
Tighten your heart, bud grenades still don't know what this thought is. But if I find out who this feels like, I have to tell you this, too.
Bud grenades have to do so in order not to leave remorse in the time left.
"Sprouts?... Are you okay? You look scared."
That makes my chest uncut and painful again.
"Huh? Haha, Daijbu. I was just thinking."
The bud grenade laughs.
He almost pushed in the feelings he should know and laughed to pretend not to look.