"Today...... do you want to go up?
It's a feat I've been studying all day while bud grenades helped me, but it was time for the evening sun to set and I greeted the person I visited in front of the front door with such rhetoric.
"Uh... hello. It's okay outside today."
Just like when I used to come, Kei Nanahara, a club returnee who brought a hoodie under his jersey to play neck warmer, is at the front door of the Langtang family.
"Mr. Utility, you can go back inside today. You don't have to catch a cold before the exam."
"Thank you for your concern. If you're in good health, we'll stay here."
Utility chuckled and jumped Kei's care. If Kei will rise to the house, he will tongue in his heart, even though the advantages and the time spent by the bud grenades will extend.
"Sister Bud Hung, can you call me?
"Maybe it's time to come. 'My brother's picking me up at 18: 00,' 'cause I heard you tell your brother earlier."
"Now... I'm with Senior Langtang Suka, Bud Grey Sister"
Utility snorts at Kei's inquiry. Looking at Kei, who lowered his gaze slightly, Utility narrowed his eyes.
"It was a good vibe, so I don't want to disturb you from me...... I'm going to wait for my brothers to come by themselves. So why don't you give it up?
"... no, wait here for my buddy sister"
Kei will never try to rise to a favourable house. The day I met Kei, in a story that Utility heard in his favor, Kei was under the impression that he was intrigued and respectful of the Martial Arts of the Langtang family as well.
If that impression is correct, it would be something that would happily look around the house of Langtang. Utility looked suspiciously at Kei.
"Even if Kei doesn't pick you up, your brother won't leave your sister alone."
"I know. The officers are sending you home from school."
Then why bother picking me up?
There is one thought that comes to mind. That Kei is an extreme sister lover.
You can't let Bud Grey's brother get in the way. Utility coughed heavily.
"I just saw your sister with your brother... she seemed like a lot of fun, didn't she? It was a nice vibe."
"... you said it"
Kei kept his back on the front door and looked at the ground blurry. I move my legs flutter and try to kick the pebble lightly as if I'm not even interested in a statement of merit or anything like that.
I don't like the way it looks, and the utility keeps the word going.
"Yes, right now, isn't your brother confessing to your sister? If it feels that way, I don't think it's possible."
When I said it in a bright voice, Kei sighed loudly.
Sounds like a shuddering, silly sigh, and Utility frowns and stares at Kei.
But the moment I saw Kei's face, Utility clogged the complaining words I tried to say.
"... I will. Good for you. The operation is going to be a success."
Kei is smiling cuttingly. I like my sister as a family. That's an anomaly to look so spicy.
I think so. But before that, the heart of merit was pounding loudly.
"Oh, of... sorry"
I was apologizing reflexively. To the merit of apologizing without meaning, Kei laughs and returns. That smile, it doesn't hang up.
Utility tries to speak up. But Kei's gaze had already been directed behind the feat.
Utility also looks back so as to follow Kei's gaze.
A doorway to merit, a long hallway leading behind. There are men and women walking amicably there.
The soft advantages of the expression and the fun laughing bud grenades walked side by side and headed this way.
"Oh...... it's true"
That's how Kei shrugged.
I see the happy bud grenade face, how can Kei's face look so uncut and distorted when he's laughing?
"... sister away, too, I... think it's important"
When I saw Kei's face, I couldn't say that clearly. It is the voice of bright bud grenades that can be overlaid as if it washes away the words of toothless bad merit.
A bud grenade rushes to Kei. Seeing the smiling bud grenade, Kei smiled gently "bud grenade sister". It's definitely not the same smile I was showing to merit during this conversation. I can't answer you if you ask me what's different. But definitely not.
The face of merit staring at Kei was floating with intricate colors.
Greeting advantages and merits, Shoots and Keys go home. Kei had also noticed properly that several times the bud grenades looked back in his favor until he left the gate.
I think I realized it because I was particularly sensitive when Utility told me that. But I'm sure Kei would have noticed right away if the bud grenade had changed, even if he hadn't told me.
"Club activities, annoyances"
A bud grenade gently says to me as I walk beside Kei.
"Thanks. Sister Bud Grey is annoying too"
I'm not tired.
The bud grenade laughed karakularly, saying it that way. The bud grenades are healthy and the footsteps on the way home are as light as rhythm. Yesterday, it's not the same as the sprouts up until this morning.
"... bud"
"Kei, you know..."
The bud grenade opens his mouth and Kei closes his mouth. When prompted to speak to the bud grenade, the bud grenade laughed in the light.
"You know... I'm going out with Langtang-kun."
That happy smile was extraordinarily cute and too cruel for Kei, even though she liked it as much as she wanted to hug her.
I'm not even exercising hard right now, but the bitterness that I'm about to run out of breath strikes me. I was feeling the sound of my heart ringing all over my body.
"Yes...... Oh."
Never cry. Kei clenches his fist. I don't want to cloud my happy bud grenade face.
"Good for you, buddy sister"
Kei laughs nicely and lets him bless the bud grenade.
Really good, he said. I am glad that the bud grenade worked well in my favor. Fake your emotions, overwrite them. Tell yourself, let me guess, and then I'll laugh properly. I can sincerely bless you so much that the bud grenades don't wonder. Kei performed this act well in front of the bud grenade, which he had been practicing.
"Yeah. Thanks."
I don't notice bud grenades. You don't have to notice. You can think of others. Fine for the others.
So I want you to have an extraordinary smile on your face.
That's the end point of the love Kei Nanhara had decided from the beginning.
As he stood at the front door, Utility watched the back of the bud grenade and Kei with his advantage.
"... what is it"
To the voice of advantages, Utility replies quietly. Will I be preaching to you to do something unsolicited again? With that in mind, I cut out "you know," with the advantage lit up somewhere.
"... to be able to hang out with Nanhara,"
What I said to Kei was becoming a reality. I tried to tell you, but I didn't expect that at all.
"Really? Ok......"
Good, I won't have a voice trying to say that.
That is a great pleasure. It's the result that Utility wanted. As the operation goes, where we congratulate the advantages. That's probably what I would have done if it had been for a few minutes ago.
I would have blessed him to tear up his advantages and let him explain in detail what had happened.
But now, I don't feel like doing that.
- Oh... it's true -
Kei's face floated. An inadvertent word of merit made him look like that. If that's really the case, what does Kei look like now that Operation Utility is a success?
Think about it, my mind tightened cuddly.
"... merit? Please, did you?
"Huh? Oh, oh, good, isn't it, brother? Thanks to my..."
Utility fixes his smile and blesses his happy brother. Advantage laughed bitterly but did not deny the word of merit.
"Right. Thanks to merit. … thank you"
Advantage seemed happy and thanked me for my merit. Walk down the hallway with the bright air, you seem so happy that you can't say enough in your favor.
"Thanks to my..."
That's supposed to be a pleasure, but somehow it fills me with guilt.
Happy bud grenades and advantages, then I knew officers and someone else would hurt me. But I didn't mind that. Because I wanted you to be happy in your favor.
I've always thought so, and I still do. And yet, only about Kei was in the head of merit.
"Now... I'm glad."
Utility tells himself, chasing a back in his favor.
It's still a little while away that Utility will know what this feeling means.