It's been two days since I met Holy Night and Makoto. I did a good job yesterday for that because I cut up the student council earlier that day. I finish my share early, and I help out with the Fengya share.
"Nanhara. If you help, Lotus Moon won't grow forever."
"I am!
"Hmm. I think I'm getting a little better at it. Yikes?
"You'll just feel it. It doesn't look like I'm making any progress at all."
Shotaro preaches Fengya and Bud Grenade, but Fengya disputed it, and Bud Grenade laughed relaxed. Hear the laughter of the bud grenades and let everyone loosen their cheeks. Shotaro, who tells a novel, also looked calm, without a heart.
Advantage came next to the bud grenade when the student council finished its work and it was time to go home.
"Nanhara-san, I'll send it today."
"Huh? Oh, fine, fine. I was asked to buy ingredients today."
When I told her that I had to stop by on my way home, the advantage said, "No problem," and I took the bag.
Leave the school gate with everyone and start walking with advantages. They ended up sending me to the front of a cheap supermarket, and the bud grenades turned to their advantage.
"Langtang-kun. It's fine here. Instead, I'm sorry I let you get this far."
"It's okay. I'll help you pack."
Somehow, I was willing to say that to my advantage. So the bud grenade lowered his brow with a troubled face.
"Yeah, I'm really there.... Kei said he was coming home, so it would be time for him to come"
That's what the bud grenade adds, to convince the advantages, "Right?" and speak up. If Kei were to pick me up, I can't even say "I'll drive you home" in my favor. The advantage convinced me, though I seemed dissatisfied somewhere.
"Yes.... then be careful. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah. Thank you so much. See you tomorrow."
The bud grenade advantageously waved a flicker and exhaled into the supermarket.
Bud grenades have been cooking less often lately, but the fridge situation is nevertheless properly grasped by the bud grenades. I bought a whole bunch of ingredients that had disappeared from the fridge, and the sprouts left the supermarket.
There is no sign of Kei. When Kei said he was coming, it was a lie to make him return in his favor.
I didn't like lying in your favor, but I was much more reluctant that way because I was sorry to let you help me even shop in your favor.
The bud grenade walks alone on the road to the house.
After a short walk, he joined the road to school. The path I'm used to walking on is a small crowd. I've always been home with someone on the board lately. I felt somewhat lonely when I went home alone for a long time.
"Now you can't miss me..."
After another month and a little while, every day I spend with everyone will be gone. This is not the loneliness I'm sure I feel.
The bud grenade breathed deeply and exhaled.
"Oh, there he is."
I hear a high voice in the ears of a bud grenade walking alone. Looking a little further, a threesome of women stood. The uniform belongs to a private high school near Kei's high school.
"I feel like I'm alone today, and I'll tell you what.... Hey, hey"
Speaking to one of the threesomes, the bud grenades look left and right. Since no one wanted them but the bud grenade replied in a small voice, "Yes".
"You're the kid who's always home with Li Long's officers, right? I was home with Kazuya the other day."
"When I saw it, I went home with Kamiyoshi."
"Micah also saw you and Shotaro Gejong go home."
The officers' names were lined up and the bud grenades laughed half-eyed. That's a celebrity, Fengya was well known by other school students for his full name anyway.
And when I could line up my names that way, Bud Grey himself, seemed like a very problematic girl to me.
"Uh... yes"
But it's true they're giving officers a ride home on a daily basis. The bud grenade affirmed the fact in a small voice. Then, as expected, the faces of the three women were distorted. All three were compelled to look beautiful or unnecessarily stared at.
"Hey, what is it? Replace the officers. Replace them."
"Yes, yes. You think you're cute, don't you? Because Yui and Anna are more affordable and cute."
"I can't believe you're hanging around about the officers."
I don't have time for bud grenades to argue, and the curse makes me shout. They say something quite terrible, but a few months ago I was intolerant because I heard something similar like that every hour of every day.
I don't even know what they're trying to say. So I just have to smile extra bud grenades bitterly. But that hella attitude made them unnecessarily irritated.
"What are you laughing at! Are you fooling around?
One woman pushed the bud grenade shoulder vigorously. The bud grenade falls out of balance and takes a couple of steps back. I didn't fall, but I dropped my shopping bag on the ground with the detachment. From the sound of the fall, some eggs are definitely cracked.
The bud grenade gave rise to a troubled voice, "Ahhh..."
"Are you listening to people!? Hey, you..."
"If you thought it was some kind of noise, were you here?
The voice comes from behind the threesome of women. The bud grenade quickly raised his face in surprise.
"Mr. Tsuhara?
Makoto comes from behind the girls in front of him. In that direction there is just a bud grenade house, and there is no such place as Shin, based in the neighboring town, would bother to visit. The only possible reason is that I've come to see a bud grenade.
Shin grinned lightly as the bud grenade called Shin's name in a surprised voice. Seeing such prudence, the woman who was cursing the bud grenades shows her panic.
"Oh, um... nothing, we... eh"
The girls are trying so hard to fix the situation. Their faces were stained thin and red with haste, against a beautifully shaped prudence no less than that of an officer.
"Oh, fine, fine. Because I don't think I'm wrong about what you're saying. Tell him more about it."
Makoto says so, approaching the bud grenade. The prudently endorsed threesome of women seemed happy, trying to regain momentarily disappearing prestige again. But Makoto spoke up before they got them back.
"But, hey, you shouldn't break an egg. I don't want to."
Makoto shrugs his buddy shopping bag to his hand, so. "I definitely don't think so," Bud Grey said instantly after hearing Makoto's dialogue.
Makoto is an unbridled person from the word "wasted" with Holy Night.
When the bud grenade stared in surprise, Makoto laughed with a hoot of nose and looked back at the threesome of women.
"Look, it's two broken"
"... Huh?
Makoto shows them the eggs that are cracked in the pack with a full smile. Two, indeed, had contents.
The threesome shown that is confusing.
"Nanahara, how much was this egg?
"Huh? Ah... it's 198 yen"
The bud grenade answers Shin's question immediately, but I have no idea what the question is intended to be.
"Well, then calculate. You guys should pay this guy 50 yen, right?
Makoto smiles and asks them for 50 yen. It's an amount that Makoto rarely even has in his hands. The threesome is confused by Makoto's behavior, but Makoto pulled one arm as irritated by it.
Makoto's distance from her is unusually close. But the woman's face turned blue instead of red.
"I don't mind complaining... this is another matter, right? As a human being?
Makoto's voice gets just a little lower. With a frightened look, a carefully caught woman rushed out a 50-yen ball.
"Nanhara, yes"
Makoto releases 50 yen balls towards the bud grenade. The bud grenade caught it tight and bowed his head to the threesome for now.
Seeing that, Makoto laughs happily, "Why are you bowing your head?"
Makoto's oddity made it hard to stay here, the threesome tries to leave Kosovo and the spot, but Makoto doesn't miss it.
"Oh, and."
Makoto shouted just a little louder for the threesome of women trying to go home as if nothing had happened.
"This woman, she doesn't now. Because if I wear makeup, I'll be 100 times more beautiful than anything else. If you're so pretty... you can't complain about the officers.... right?
Makoto will try to argue along the lines of reasoning they have lined up. Then the threesome ran to repentance and disappeared from the spot.
"Mr. Hagiwara."
The bud grenade calls out to him as he stares at the 50-yen ball Shin gave me. Makoto replied briefly, "What?"
"... thank you"
I didn't want anything else. I didn't want a 50-yen ball. I didn't want you to pay for it. I don't even think Makoto cared about that on purpose.
If you tell him, he'll probably say, "Don't get me wrong." But Shin did help the bud grenade.
Makoto laughed hahaha.
"Why are you alone today? If there was someone on the board, there wouldn't be any trouble."
"They sent me home in front of the supermarket, so..."
"Uh... that's the thing"
Makoto appropriately hammered him and started walking with his bud grenade shopping bag.
"Uh... Oh, that Mr. Tsuhara"
"Can I help you...?
Think again about why Makoto is here, and Bud Grey asks. You started walking with your bud grenade baggage, so I'm sure you're right about that idea.
Makoto, who was asked, laughed with a voice saying, "Uh..."
When the bud grenade frowned, Shin looked at it sideways and laughed Kerakera.
"I just came to see you today because I felt like bullying you about something"
"... how do you feel, it"
"But because you're being bullied by another one, I lost my temper."
Makoto sighs loudly. Serious changes in appearance and behavior do not change Shin's attitude toward bud grenades.
To that, bud grenades still reassure me.
"Good. I'm here to see you on a whim. If I hadn't come, they'd be yelling at me hysterically by now, wouldn't they?
Makoto was happily laughing at Kerakera imagining the scene.
"That's not funny...... Ah, Mr. Tsuhara"
Bud grenade pulls Shin's arm. If the car was coming from the rear and two people were walking down a narrow street, it would be out of the way. The bud grenade drew Shin to himself in an attempt to get the car to go first.
Shin stood in front of him and the bud grenade saw his face from the front. Look nearby, there's something I can tell for the first time.
The bud grenade looked at Shin's face, his forehead slightly visible from the gap in his forehead, and opened his eyes.
Even if you look at that bud grenade face, Makoto doesn't know. Keep a smile on your face.
"You're aggressive for Nanhara-chan, aren't you? You wanted to stick with me that much?
Makoto makes such a joke, but the bud grenade does not distract from Makoto's forehead. I have an elongated wound that I cut with something close to my hair hairline. The bud grenade touched Shin's forehead and looked at the wound.
"... I just hit my head on the desk. Don't worry about it."
Makoto laughs lightly and answers. But I can't imagine Makoto hitting his head on the desk with carelessness. Makoto's eyes that make such an excuse are stained in black, and I can only assume that someone hit him.
No one can do that to him. No matter who tries to do that, Makoto should do well. But the bud grenade knew the only person who could scratch carefully.
"Brother...... is it?
Makoto answers, "Chi Chi." But I could tell that it was a lie. That's how Makoto laughs and tries to hide it all.
"Just come home. I can't believe the wound stayed that way..."
The wound, which is still thin and bloody seeping, has not passed since it was applied. Though a place prone to bleeding, the wound isn't even that shallow.
"Fine. I sanitized it... gauze, bandage it. It's weird. It's noticeable when it's wrapped up, right?
Makoto replied so, gripping the bud grenade arm.
Like nothing to laugh at, throw everything away.
I won't let you help me with the sprouts, I won't let you help me with myself.
Shin pulled the cheek of the bud grenade as the bud grenade clouded his expression.
"... Hihihihihihehe (it hurts)"
"Ha ha, weird face"
Seeing the face of a pulled and stretched bud grenade, Makoto laughs with pleasure.
The bud grenade makes me frown, but when I saw Shin's grinning face, I was just a little horrified.
But that's where Shin's laughter suddenly stops. Bud Grey followed Shin's gaze in wonder. The right direction of the bud grenades, where the streets just follow and nothing.
Shin exhaled gently as the bud grenade lifted his neck.
"... watch out for your brother"
Makoto says so and walks out again. The bud grenades rushed after such prudence and lined up next to him.
"Uh, yeah. Nanahara, stop going home with the officers. If something like today happened again, it'd be a hassle, wouldn't it?
Makoto changes the story. When the thought of bud grenades caught up with Shin's story, bud grenades laughed like trouble.
Bud grenades can also go home by themselves. But officers won't allow bud grenades to go home alone.
"Don't worry," Shin said as he looked up at the night sky, figuring out what Bud Grey was trying to say.
I'll pick you up.
Bud grenades are surprised by the unexpected story. Shin, however, didn't even care how the bud grenade looked, and proceeded to talk.
"At this hour, I'll be there just in time when I leave La Fausto, as usual. … Yes, the decision"
"Huh? Wait a minute"
Then bud grenades utter all sorts of excuses like "sorry," "too far away," "okay," etc, but Makoto doesn't listen at all. Instead, you don't even seem to hear it.
Makoto stays looking at the sky the whole time. The bud grenade follows such a prudent gaze and looks up into the dark sky.
Starless, dark night sky.
Makoto exhales a small, white breath and lifts the brown muffler to his mouth.
"... are you free?"
Makoto squeals so. I don't know who the words I threw into the sky were directed at. The bud grenade does not reply to Shin's whining, just looks at the sky.
I was staring at the dark sky everywhere that seemed to swallow it all and erase it.