La Fausto's male students had taken him, and the bud grenade had come to the Habara family. A man of use waits in front of the gate, and the bud grenade follows him. Building a house similar to the Tojo family. Spacious indoors, very cold.
He was brought to a place like the reception, and the bud grenade was led to the couch in the center. Sitting on a fuzzy sitting couch, the maid's girl prepared some tea for me.
"Thank you"
When the bud grenade thanked her, the maid's girl left the room looking a little confused and bowed her head "Yes, no".
The bud grenade drinks tea and waits for the door of the room to open. After a while, the door to the room slowly opened.
From there emerged Shin's brother with a soft grin.
"Nice to meet you. Sorry to call you so suddenly."
He speaks so loudly, Shin's brother walks over to the bud grenade.
"Shin's brother, Ling Tsugara.... Looks like my brother's taking care of me."
Ling offered his hand before the bud grenade. Asked to shake hands, the bud grenade puts a social smile on his face.
"Nice to meet you.... It's Nanhara budding grenade."
Add your own hand to Ling's hand.
Upon finishing his greeting, Ling sat on the couch across from the bud grenade. A maid brought coffee to Ling, and the room was filled with Ling and bud grenades, a space for just two.
"... what can I do for you?
Cut the story out of the bud grenade. Then Ling said, "Yes," and put the coffee he had spoken on his desk.
"Shin doesn't really care about certain women, so I thought about who they were"
Ling's smile is social and unpleasant. The bud grenade would have made a good impression on him if he didn't know about Makoto, too.
"... I care about my brother. Who are you close to and what are you doing? Because my brother is also a member of the Hagiwara family."
Because he knows everything, he also understands that one of those words Ling tells lightly is a lie.
"Really? … kind, you're my brother"
The bud grenades smile as Ling. Ling humbled himself, "That's not true," but even seemed white to the bud grenade.
"But there's nothing your brother cares about. Me and Shin..."
The bud grenade laughed nicely.
'Cause we're close enough to know each other.'
I feel uncomfortable saying it myself. In words, yes, but neither the time nor the memories I've spent are those of close friends to the extent I know them.
Ling also seemed a little surprised to hear the answer to the bud grenade.
"... that's not supposed to happen, is it? Being close to Makoto..."
"Who did you ask?
The bud grenade laughs and asks. Then Ling's brother shut up with his mouth open.
"Shin will never say that."
The bud grenade determines. There's no way Makoto would say that he's close to a bud grenade, etc. You shouldn't tell this brother about the bud grenade itself.
"Right. Sure... Makoto didn't tell me."
Ling answers by reopening.
"You think Nanhara Bud Hou is an excellent grader and an officer of Li Long? I saw you at Eve's party, didn't I? I'm just dancing with my brother."
He knows how bud grenades and Shin were dancing with pleasure then. And then he got angry and beat Shin down after that.
"Still have to be close to Makoto? That's... crazy, isn't it?
Ling is right. Nor can bud grenades argue with that.
"... assuming Shin and I were close, what is it"
The bud grenade wrinkles between his eyebrows and asks. Feeling heavy on her body, she nevertheless corrected her posture.
"... you should stop talking about Makoto"
Ling lowers his eyebrows and says in a voice as if worrying about the bud grenade. Even that's creepy now.
"I'm ashamed...... I hear that my brother is grieving a lot of women. I don't mean for my brother to hurt even a good woman like you."
Ling's words sound very gentle on the surface. But Shin started living that way in front of me, it was this guy's fault.
"... Nanhara-san"
Ling wraps his eyebrowing bud grenade hands around him with both hands. The hand I tried to pull in didn't move as the bud grenade thought.
"I was at a party… I fell in love with you at first sight"
There is strength in Ling's hand. The bud grenade stared narrowly at the clear lying brung.
"I'll stay with you, not Makoto."
I don't know what you're thinking and saying that. The bud grenade moved his heavy hand and managed to wave off Ling's hand.
"... Fine. Because you can decide who you want to be close to.... the story is, is that all?
More than I expected from a bud grenade, Ling Ha was a shallow human being. There's no point in talking any more.
When the bud grenade rose, Ling exhaled unfortunately, and somehow laughed lightly.
"If... if you choose me instead of prudence... I will do nothing prudently in the future. What would you do if I said so?
To a raised bud grenade, Ling asks about that. The bud grenade immediately looked down at Ling.
The bud grenade eyes are shaking.
This is only a hypothetical story. There is no guarantee that Shin's brother will ever keep his promise.
Still, the bud grenade got me thinking.
If budding grenades do that, Shin's wounds will never be superimposed any more.
"... that thing, that guy"
I don't want it. But there's nothing else you can do to bud grenades.
Lost the answer. So the view of the bud grenade was greatly disturbed.
The strength of his body fell out, and the bud grenade sat down on the floor so that he could fall.
"Are you all right? Nanhara."
I can hear Shin's brother calmly. Bud Grey looked at Ling as he walked over in front of him with a boggling head.
"Hey... why?"
"Oh, excuse me. It's a mistake, it looks like the sleeping pills were in the tea."
Ling says in a pleasant voice. I don't know if the maid was behaving suspiciously then, but now I know. But it's too late.
The view of the bud grenade was blurred.
"Shall we take a break?... Enjoy, after you wake up"
Listening to Ling's voice, the bud grenade let go of consciousness.
The bud grenades wake up. The bud grenade was asleep on the fuzzy bed.
From the light water-colored pillows and sheet covers, the smell was slightly similar to prudence.
"Here, where..."
The bud grenade rises. Heavy head and body. With the light leaking out of the curtain, I found out it hadn't been that long since then.
"It's finally happening"
The bud grenade, with its voice, awakens his sleeping head. When I looked at the voice, Ling Shihara sat in her chair and looked at this one.
I remember exactly what happened before I let go of consciousness. This man gave the bud grenade a sleeping pill. Ling grinned eerily as the bud grenade glanced sharply at him.
"... what do you mean"
"Ha-ha, you know that, right? I can't help but want to hurt Makoto."
It's completely different than before you let go of consciousness. This is Ling's nature. The bud grenade rose out of bed, but his body was still fluttering.
"That look...... can I see it?
"No problem. 'Cause in a few hours, you won't be able to fight me."
That's what Ling says, he comes closer to the bud grenade. The bud grenade tries to escape, but his body doesn't move well.
"Shit, get off me!
The bud grenade tries to shake off his grabbed arm, but it doesn't work. He was pushed down on the bed by Ling as he was.
"You were asking me where this is, right? I'll tell you."
Ling holds down the rampant bud grenade and tells him he looks like he's having fun.
This is Makoto's room.
The bud grenade can round his eyes and help his arm harder than he just did. But no matter how hard I tried, I didn't have half the power in my bud grenade arm.
The scent of Shin being felt by the bud grenades is not a mistake. This bed is what Makoto uses.
"Oh, I'm freaking out. In my own bed, if my dear sister gets dirty by my brother... what does he look like?"
Ling imagines that, laughing. The frantic smile freaked the bud grenade.
"I'm gonna record your disgusting voice, right? I have to let you hear that. It's boring.... that's why I waited for you until you woke up"
Hands are lifted overhead and bud grenades move their feet. But the leg was also pinched by Ling's leg so that he could not move.
"He did. Come on, 'cause I never really liked anyone. I'm happy, aren't I? He laughs at me for saying' I'm glad you took her '. That's annoying, isn't it?
Ling's claws eat into the bud grenade's hands. When the bud grenade distorted his face into pain, Ling raised his voice and laughed haha.
"This is your first time. Why don't you choose Makoto over me? If Makoto is so important, you can hurt me... cry and suffer and hurt Makoto."
Ling laughs excitedly and unties the ribbon of the bud grenade uniform. The bud grenades have always resisted, but they didn't deal with each other at all.
"I've been through this with Makoto, and you don't have to hate me that much, do you? He and I have a good blood connection."
Ling's hand starts unbuttoning the black white shirt of the bud grenade. The bud grenade twisted his body to resist, but solidified his body to Ling's words.
"You don't need to be so obsessed with him, do you? I can't believe he's sleeping with a woman other than you. Come on."
I know Makoto was playing with a lot of girls. As a word, I meant to know.
But in fact, right now, for the first time since Shin's brother was about to attack me, it turns into reality. Makoto has been through this many times with someone he doesn't even know his face.
"Heh? Shocked?
Ling is deliberately saying that to make the bud grenade suffer. The bud grenade suppressed his desire to cry and ate his teeth.
"You're a lot of fun. It's great.... Shin's one, wonder what he'll look like?
Ling's hand touches the bud grenade's hair. Ling kissed the bud grenade hair and fixed the bud grenade face with his hands as it was.
The bud grenade resistance becomes intense. More power now than just now, but still no match.
"Yikes... Huh!
The bud grenade screams.
At that moment, the door of the room sounded broken.
To the sound of momentum, Ling immediately turns his gaze towards you. The bud grenade was also in tear-distorted sight, looking towards the door.
"Nanhara, cha..."
Shin looked at the bud grenade and opened his eyes wide enough that there was no more.
Carefully, I wanted your help. But I didn't want to be cautious about this situation.