cold mornings. For the first time in a long time, bud grenades woke up with the sound of an alarm clock.
I haven't slept so well in a long time, and my usually careless body feels light today. Waking up my body and taking a deep breath reminded me of what happened yesterday.
"It's not a dream, is it?"
Squeeze and loosen your mouth.
Makoto and I put our thoughts through yesterday and became Makoto's lover. That's not a dream or a lie.
Close your eyes and you'll see Shin's face with a laugh.
Not that it's any fun, but that's all bud grenades laughed karakularly.
"Bud Grey."
As she wore her shoes on the front door, Mariko followed her shoulder a little.
"Mother? What?
Mariko laughs at Nico and looks at the bud grenade. He glanced at the staircase leading upstairs, then glanced at the bud grenade's ear.
"Is it possible that Shin Habara is the son of Foreign Minister Habara?
Mariko asks that in a slightly nervous way. Probably been thinking about a man named Shin Habara since yesterday. The bud grenade laughs bitterly as he remembers yesterday. It was also natural for her to care about Makoto.
Yesterday after that, Makoto delivered the bud grenade to the house after a long stop. Makoto disappeared in front of the house gate when we used to go home together, but yesterday he approached the front door.
"Welcome back, buddy. Too late... Huh! Huh? Huh? La Fausto people!? What!? '
Mariko was pretty upset when she saw a man in a La Faust school uniform next to a bud grenade. Hearing a loud voice similar to Mariko's scream, both Seiji and Kei panicked and looked out from now on.
On second thought, Kei was the only person I had ever met with Makoto in my family. So it is also natural for Mariko to be surprised at La Fausto's man, who suddenly appeared, and the bud grenade was grinning bitterly.
"Uh... Mother, this man..."
Not sure where to start explaining it, but decided to make a prudent introduction for now. But Shin was bowing his head to the Mariko's next door while the bud grenade was choosing words.
This is Makoto Habara.
Face up, Makoto smiles lightly and speaks his name. The deed was more polite than you can even imagine from Shin Habara, who knew the bud grenade, and the bud grenade had his mouth open with a pocan.
"Sorry I'm late to deliver you home"
Apologize that way, Makoto bows his head again.
'... who is it, you'
Seeing Shin look different than usual, the bud grenade groans blatantly and bosomly. Then Makoto immediately turned this way and laughed with a mouthful of 'Uluru'.
"I'm letting you hang out with Mr. Sprout."
So Makoto went home smiling at the lines that shocked the whole family.
If Mariko's favorite 'handsome', and yet a bud grenade lover, it's normal for Mariko to want to know Makoto's nature.
La Faust School, attended by one of the leading houses of fame. And the last name "Shinohara". It is not difficult to speculate that Shin is the son of Foreign Minister Shinhara.
"... yeah. That's right."
As the bud grenade lowered his brow and laughed, Mariko rounded her eyes.
"I knew it!? Yeah, wow! How did you get used to it? Why did it happen?
Mariko, who loves love love stories, asks to eat in, but it's time to leave the house already. Besides, it's hard to talk about the beginning of taming and Makoto's past.
"Because I have a school. One of these days, we're not gonna talk."
The bud grenade laughs like that and leaves the house. Then Kei rushed down the stairs with tremendous momentum and said, "Sister Bud, wait! shouted."
On my way to school, I was wondering if Kei would ask me a lot about Shin as well, but Kei didn't really ask me about that, back to back with the bud grenade predictions.
"... that guy, you've changed the vibe"
That's all Kei said about Makoto. I didn't agree or disagree about dating Makoto. He just laughed at me, "No if my bud grenade sister seems happy".
After attending school for a while, Group F gets annoyed. The bud grenade, who was exchanging morning greetings with Maiko, looked back at you and gave him a voice, "Ah".
Shotaro came into the classroom with his bag lifted from his shoulder. He didn't even stop by his own classroom and came straight to group F. Thinking of the reason, Shotaro laughed at Shotaro.
"... it's okay, yeah"
"Yeah. As promised"
To Shotaro, who stood in front of him, the bud grenade gives him a gentle smile. Then another one from Shotaro's aftermath, a boy running in making a fuss about Group F.
"Bud Grey!
Fengya came to Group F after a severe shortness of breath so much that he wanted to ask where he had been running from.
"Lotus Moon...... what are you doing"
"Shotaro Kung is the reason why you're here!
Fengya and Shotaro are amazed at each other's eyes. Seeing how it was, the bud grenade laughed karakularly.
Fengya and Shotaro react quickly to the light-hearted laughter of the bud grenade, which sounds long after. And they both slightly softened their expressions.
"Bud Grey."
Fengya crouches down and gazes at the bud grenade sitting in the chair. And I rocked the smartphone I had in my hand next to my face.
"Kun Habara contacted me..."
Fengya laughs sadly somewhere. Though I felt sorry for that smile, the bud grenade gaveled at Fengya's words "... yeah".
"Lotus Moon is right...... something good happened. So..."
Promise to Windy I exchanged yesterday. I also understand exactly what Fengya wanted to say now. Maybe it's harsh to say this in a graceful way. But I thought I had to tell you.
"... thanks, Lotus Moon. Kagejo-kun too...... thanks"
Show a heartfelt smile, as promised. With a smile on his face, he thanked Fengya and Shotaro.
Then Maiko came into the conversation with her neck tilted, unable to keep up with such bud grenades conversations.
"Talk about what? Did something good happen to you?
To the intriguing Maiko, the bud grenade tells her that she had a lover yesterday, looking a little lit up. The moment the bud grenade mouthed it, the whole F group as well as Maiko became noisy.
The fact that Bud Grey had a boyfriend, and that his opponent was a student at La Faust School, instantly spread throughout the school year.
And that had reached the ears of the officers without exception.
"Finally, is it?"
Lunch break student club room, the advantages just seem a little lonely and squeaky. When he heard the voice, Luo laughed, clapping his shoulders.
"But I think it would have been better to keep looking at you."
The appearance of bud grenades seen during the holidays seemed to have blown up the more vibe here these days somewhere. It's been a long time since Luo has seen a bright bud grenade smile that brings spring cheer together.
It is prudent that he took his energy away from the bud grenade. But it was also prudent to give her a healthy appearance again like that.
"But if you ever see another woman like you used to, or hurt Nanahara again...... now I suggest you stop doing this to Nanahara"
If you think about everything you've done, your distrust of advantageous prudence is irreplaceable. I really just want to tell him right now. 'You should stop'.
But I can't complain in any more favor than bud grenades choosing Shin and laughing happily.
Seeing a slightly dissatisfied advantage, Laila laughed cously.
"But I don't think the day will come when I recommend it anymore."
"Shura... do you trust Shura?
Lailuo answers instantly. I don't trust Shin.
I just thought Makoto would choose Holy Night. Makoto would hide his feelings even if he were to hurt the bud grenade than Sacred Night of Qinzo likes the bud grenade thing, he said.
But such prudence chose the bud grenade over the holy night. Only then can Shin's readiness come to light.
"But I'm sure I'm just as serious about how I feel about Ru... as I am about not being that guy"
Lailuo laughed when he said so.
After school, the student club room had retreated to the bright air of yesterday, such as the heavy air.
"Lotus Moon, hurry up!
"Don't rush me like that! It's gonna get cluttered!
"I'll help."
"Don't spoil it, Nanhara!
Such interaction is sounding fun. I never got tired at all, even though I had a lot of work stacked up.
With the time to return approaching, the bud grenade tries to head over to the school building checks as usual with a little concern for time.
When I tried to leave the student council room after everyone else, Shi stopped such budding grenades.
"Bud grenade"
"... Kamiyo-kun?
I felt like they called me by that voice a long time ago. After one incident in that infirmary, the bud grenade hadn't spoken properly with the
"... what?
Though only a little less dusty, the bud grenade laughs at him. When I leaned my neck and asked about the matter, my mouth slackened thinly.
"You can go home today."
Suddenly they say that, and the bud grenades get confused. "Why?" he asked, glancing at the clock.
"All that's left now is a check on the school building"
"Your boyfriend's waiting, isn't he?
His gaze returns to the bud grenade. His face looked just a little blurry.
"... may be waiting, but... the job is right to the end"
"Please, bud grenade"
I said in a strong tone to the bud grenade that I tried to stay.
"I... I don't think I want to see you right now."
Xu smiled bitterly and told the bud grenade, "So please" again.
If the bud grenade gets the job done to the end, all the officers will go downstairs. In that case, it is inevitable that all the officers will meet with caution, both in Kazuya and Kazuya.
"Tomorrow I'll have you stay until the end properly. … today only, please"
He walks over to the bud grenade and puts his hand on the head of the bud grenade. That gentle hand, it stays the same forever. Relieve the bud grenade, it's a good friend's hand.
"... good for you, bud grenade"
Beating the head of the bud grenade with a pom, he left the student club room. The last time the bud grenade looked at him, he was only laughing a little.
Accepting the words, the bud grenade leaves the school building alone. At the gate, there was a sight that I had been watching a lot a few weeks ago.
Leave your back at the gate and Shin in a La Faust School uniform is messing with your smartphone. From where I wear my glasses, I guess I've been hanging on to the library all day.
Such was he, after all, attracting the gaze of the women around him.
Makoto should also know that female students are "cool" around.
If he's old enough, he's laughing, waving, and when it's bad, he's exchanging contacts.
But now, I wasn't responding to any of those voices.
"Mr. Hagiwara."
Small bud grenade voice. He was a voice that seemed to be confused by the scruples around him. But Shin immediately turned his gaze to the bud grenade without listening.
He laughs at me when he sees a bud grenade and says, "You're early." I couldn't help but squeal my chest at that smile.
"Is that it? What about the officers?
"Last job..."
"Don't you have to, Nanahara?
Makoto hits the natural question. But buddy grenades reacted to Shin's call "Nanahara-chan" before such a question.
I'm just a little embarrassed that you called me by name yesterday and I was disappointed.
"Er... the..."
"... uh, I guessed something"
Shin smiled bitterly, "You don't have to tell me," as the bud grenade leaked his voice as he sorted out all the emotions that fly in his heart.
"Well, I guess so.... I was just going to say hello.... will I see you sometime"
Makoto exhales gently and flaunts his shoulders. Shin's word 'greeting' reminded me of yesterday, and the bud grenade chuckled softly.
"What, that laugh"
"No, nothing.... I think I'll see you tomorrow. I promised Kamiyo-kun I'd stay till the end of the day."
"Heh... constraint"
Makoto narrows his eyes and laughs. Then I took the bud grenade hand and slipped my finger into the bud grenade finger.
At that moment, the noise in front of the gate increases the fever. Tomorrow we'll even be going around the school to the face image of "La Fausto School's Boyfriend in Sprout".
"Okay? We're dating."
Shin laughed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Leaving the school, he walks out in the opposite direction from the path of the bud grenade.
"Huh? Hagiwara-san"
"What's the matter? Stop by. I want to drink something warm because it's cold."
Makoto teases the smartphone with the hands of those who are available. Apparently I was searching for a cafe nearby. "Everywhere is so subtle," he taps the screen over and over with a fun grunt.
"Um, Mr. Tsuhara."
"Uh... I'd like to contact you that I'm gonna be late for the house"
"Oh, then I did."
"Heh, that's... ha!?
When she heard the dull voice of the bud grenade, Makoto laughed Kerakera.
Shin, who had decided to stop by with the bud grenade beforehand, had also anticipated that the bud grenade would be concerned about his return time, and he had already contacted Mariko to that effect.
I've known for a long time, but he's a really ready man. When the bud grenade stared at Shin with half an eye, Shin laughed again when he saw such a bud grenade face.
"If you don't like it, I'll send it?
That's how I deliberately ask that for fun. Makoto is laughing with a glance at the evidence.
"I don't like it... but"
So bud grenades get mean and give such an unattractive reply. But Makoto couldn't have ended it.
"Oh well. It doesn't mean I don't like it either. I feel bad about that."
I throw up a dialogue where I can only feel whiteness, and I get a glimpse of bud grenades on the side.
I can tell by the bud grenade as much as Shin wants me to say. But when I say that, I feel like losing, and the bud grenade is hard to say.
"Hmmm.... I guess I'll go home then"
Makoto says that, he really turns his heel back. So the bud grenade hastily pulled Shin's hand.
I think I "shit" as soon as I pull, but it's too late. Shin, who grinned and laughed, looked at this one.
"Nanhara? What's going on?
I'm going to ask you that with pleasure. That's just the bud grenade, too, I just had to keep an eye on it.
"... together, I want to go"
When she tells her honest feelings in a small voice, Makoto gives a satisfied look. And I stroked the head of the bud grenade okay.
"Well done ~, Nanhara"
"... don't be silly!
Shin just shrugs his shoulders and laughs even when the bud grenade stares.
I'm sure I can't go against the pace of prudence over the years. Bud grenades were realizing that.