Conference room where the bud grenades left.
He looked calmly at Laila, grinning.
"... to me, too, preach?
He stares back at the sayin 'nothing, and Laila asks like that. He stepped inside the conference room and gently deposited his hips in Lailuo's seat.
"I won't.... I'm not in a position to do that."
"That's sweet. If I hadn't come, I would have kissed you."
Lailuo distracted himself from his gaze and whined as he fixed scissors and creases in the porch.
At that time, the bud grenades that seemed to shine through my cut forehead looked so cute. I didn't wear makeup, it looked like a regular bud grenade, but that time bud grenade was cute enough for Lailuo's thought to stop for a moment.
Really unconscious behavior. If he didn't come, he wouldn't even know what he was doing.
"You won't."
"... why?
'Cause we're supposed to respect the feeling of bud grenades more than we feel.'
Lai Luo kissed the bud grenade, even when he saw the moment, he still said that. I can't cut that trust, but I'm glad, and Laila lowered her gaze with a complicated expression.
"I'm sorry."
He is a very important friend to Lai Luo.
Fengya, Shotaro, and advantages.
That's why I worried over and over again about how I liked the same girl.
"My best... it's Ru-chan"
But no matter how many times I think about it, I get to the same answer.
"So I can't be your favorite."
I guess you get the same thoughts and get hurt by the same thoughts because you're one of those people you've always been with.
Ever since we met, it's been decided.
"Nanhara's forehead, no matter how many times I look at it - it's short."
Boso shrugged as Takimoto photographed the bud grenade notes.
Now, I am in classes in my country, but due to the absence of my teacher, I am self-taught.
Having just completed the designated self-study task, the bud grenade is showing the notebook to Waterfall Book. By the way, Bud Grey himself is just doing a round memorization of an ancient word book.
Pointed out by Takimoto, the bud grenade touches his forehead as he roars "hmm".
It was only yesterday that I got Camero ready.
As Lailuo said, it was well received by everyone, but I guess it's still weird for some people to see it, and the bud grenade sighs.
"I didn't say it didn't look good on you!
Hearing a bud grenade sigh, Takimoto raised his voice like he was in a hurry. Some of the men's classmates who were listening to it are laughing at Kerakera.
"I'm not going to follow up on Takimoto, but really, you got it cut to a good feel. That's Shu."
Maiko shrugged up a room of bud grenade forehead and told him to admire it.
"As much as I want you to hang up too"
"... are you short forehead?"
"What. Are you trying to tell me you don't look good?
"No, I just can't imagine"
It felt like a friendly fight was held in front of a buddy grenade due to an unwanted word from Takimoto.
Then after a few exchanges, a fight was collected by Takimoto due to an attentive phrase to him, "It doesn't look like anything else."
"Are you Shu... I realize you've been a real man lately."
Takimoto squeaks like a smudge.
Originally, Lailuo is a man, but Lailuo's overly perfect women's clothing also drove the boy's senses crazy.
"Seriously, you're someone else."
"... is that it?
It does look a lot different in terms of manhood and girliness, but it doesn't change your personality. Whether it's gentle, carefree, or feminine.
That's what I was thinking, but yesterday's Lailuo's face floated on the head of Fugu.
Only a little bit of Lailuo then, his expression and voice were different from those of Lailuo when he was dressed as a woman.
"... budding grenade?
Seeing a bud grenade with a slightly stronger expression to hide the tickling feeling, Maiko looked strange.
In front of the neck shaking stage, the bud grenade turns his lips, which had a sweet bite, into a nibbly smile.
"Yeah, nothing"
Let's forget about yesterday. I shake my head with that in mind and try to deceive the bud grenades.
In the meantime, a tremendous momentum of women cheered from outside the school building.
"Hmm, that's some noise"
"Someone on the board is playing sports."
The seat where the bud grenade sits is located with a view of the school gate. What you see in the school yard and ground is the window in the hallway that leaves the hallway and goes toward the stairs.
He was curious about the ground, so a couple of F girls went out into the hallway.
"Do you want to go bud grenades too?
"Yeah. Because I'm in class, and if I make too much noise in the hallway, I'm sorry for the other classes"
"So is that."
Maiko tried to get up once, but sits back in favor of the bud grenade's opinion.
Then a female student returning from the hallway made a noise of excitement.
"Yes, Mr. Shu is in physical education now!
The sprouts also reacted slightly to the words.
Laila, who was dressed as a woman, wasn't really into physical education. I shouldn't have exercised too hard because I lived with my wig on. I only remember Laila having a decent physical education about the time of the test that really reflects on her grades.
In fact, that was acquiesced from the negative spiral that when that Lailao participates, the boys delude themselves and do not become classes, while Lailao becomes lively in class when he is the judge and measuring clerk of the game.
But now I have nothing more to worry about.
"I'm playing soccer, no, it sucks!
The men's version of Laila is playing football. Curiosity was stirred by that fact, and all the girls who still continued their self-study in the classroom also left the classroom.
And, not long after that, I heard a teacher yelling at me for classes in some class.
The classmate returns soggy, but that face looks happy somewhere.
"Ahhh... I've always been Kamiyo-kun's guess, but it's shaky"
The moment someone squeaked like that, a woman started rigging in the class.
"Meh, that was cool. I wonder why you've been dressed as a woman."
"At that rate, you're going to have a fan club, aren't you?
I hear that noise, bud grenades boh. I was just a little uncomfortable that Lailuo was called "Lailuo-kun".
"Come Ro, you're popular."
"Yeah. It's been like that since the repair trip. Ninety percent of all rumors about women are from Shu."
I'm not surprised. It's only natural for that Laila to be hot.
"I heard there were a few kids who were confessing. So, all the kids who confessed, they said the same thing."
I guess that's what my fellow club members told me. Bud grenade tilted his neck at the petite information Maiko gave me.
"It's so cold."
"I hear your confession is more cold than Shotaro Gejong."
To the added words, the bud grenade rounded his eyes more.
Lailuo is always grumpy and gentle. I have heard from myself and someone on the board that the score for women is tough, but at least in front of the bud grenades it is a gentle come. Even in front of Maiko, who is often with bud grenades.
"But well, I can imagine. When I was in women's clothes, the basic boys stopped by, so I didn't really care. That's what happened at sports festivals and school trips."
Both events were challenged by Lawrence as a man. At both of those times, Laila always had an enthusiastic gaze from a woman who didn't bathe. And somewhere, he looked around with troublesome, cold eyes.
"It's just a special feeling that's overflowing already, isn't it? It would be particularly remarkable if I stopped wearing women's clothes. Special treatment for sprouts."
"Ma... same officer."
"You're a little tight on that, aren't you?"
He's probably just trusting me rather than treating me special. Because Laila laughs at other officers just as gently.
So, bud grenades are not special on their own.
"But I'm glad Luo can laugh at me."
The fact that you are trusted by Lailuo is honestly a pleasure. So if he's going to be more popular than ever, it's a great pleasure. It's just...
"Oh... I wish you'd dressed as a woman until graduation, I am"
"Shu-kun (...), you're so cool!
It was only slightly uncomfortable, after all, that everyone's gaze on Lailuo began to change, as evidenced by the fact that he began to see Lailuo as a boy.