Valentine's Day morning.
The bud grenade was beautifully wrapping up the chocolate that I worked so hard on last night. But that face doesn't float.
"Bud ho, what's up? Did you fail?
That's how Heavy Ji, who was getting ready to go to the office, says he worries about the bud grenades. The bud grenade lowered his brow, sorry that he had obviously put it on his face.
"Yeah, I think it tasted good."
Yesterday, the chocolate I gave to Tojo also told me that Tojo is delicious. The one I gave you yesterday, on Holy Night, they also told me it was delicious.
So this too, though I made it full of evil, has no problem with the taste.
"I can't help but notice the chocolate made by the bud grenades! I'm sure they'll all be delighted!
I laughed gahahahaha to cheer up the bud grenade, and Heavy Ji sneezed my bud grenade head.
Seiji is right. I'm sure everyone will be happy. Even Come Lo, yes...
Sprouts scoffed and laughed at herself that she was a cowardly person who was no different than she used to be, even with emotions other than her in-laws in it.
"Uh... Mother, I hope you haven't eaten my chocolate"
Kei mutters next to the bud grenade as he heads to school.
For once, after breakfast, Kei was given chocolate, and Kei was also half as delicious as a post-meal dessert. But I fixed the other half in the fridge to eat when I got home after work.
Bud grenade looked up at Kei, who regretted his deeds and sighed small, with a troubled face.
"If it's gone, I'll recreate Kei's share... don't worry about it."
"Oh, really? Then don't worry. Good."
Kei brightens up Paa and his face and lowers his chest. And as I thought of something, I immediately lowered my gaze and stared at the bud grenade.
"Are you off the student council today?
Valentine's day. And a week before the final exam, which I will refrain from next week, the student council is closed from today until the test period.
As the bud grenade nodded, Kei smiled softly.
"Well, you're home early. It won't be long before I can have my buddy sister's dinner."
After the school trip, Shigeji is cooking dinner because the bud grenade stays at the student council. But for a while from today, bud grenades return faster.
"I can't make that kind of stuff."
"Sister Bud Grey's cooking is good at everything"
Kei put his arms together, and he's nodding, yeah. He's a really sweet brother. With so much smugness, the bud grenade laughed at Kei.
"... thanks, Kei"
"Nothing, I'm just telling the truth. Truth is, I want to collect all of my buddy sister's chocolate."
I'm glad you said that even on a joke.
Kei has absolutely no other intention. Because it seems so, I could only give Kei without thinking about it.
"Sister Bud Grey?
Peek into the cloudy bud grenade expression and Kei puts his neck up.
To the strange face Kei, the bud grenade shook his face to the side and smiled back, "It's nothing," he said.
When I arrived at school and peered into the shoebox, there was a piece of note paper in it.
"What the..."
When the bud grenade opened the note with his neck clenched, there was a familiar letter written there.
"Bud Grey! Please come home with me after school today! I'm gonna be a little late, but I'm gonna pick you up, so I want you to wait in class! Fengya '
I guess I went to school before the bud grenade arrived and posted this note form in the bud grenade shoebox. Probably already called in by a female student. If you don't have time to ask directly, the chocolate of the wind is unusual this year.
- Why don't you make room for me?
Fengya said on Friday. I'll get more Ro this year than I do, he said.
Is Laila really going to say no to all of that?
Thinking barren, the bud grenade fixed the note in his uniform pocket and went out into the hallway.
I'm on my way to Group F. I'm going to Group D. Peeping into the classroom in group D on the side, I could see the advantages fixing the various wrapping chocolates in the bag in my seat.
"Ah - Langtang-kun"
There were also a few female students in group D, and the bud grenades called out from the hallway in favour in a whisper. Looks like the bud grenade voice has arrived properly, and the advantage immediately gives me a gaze over here. I looked at the bud grenade and laughed lightly at the advantage.
"Good morning, Nanhara"
"Ohh. Is that all the chocolate in there?
The bud grenade points to a favorable desk and asks favorably. It seemed like there were already a lot of gifts in the two big paper bags I keep on my desk.
When the bud grenade asked bitterly, he nodded with an awkward face to his advantage.
"When I came in the morning, it was in my shoebox and locker... Do you think I have a lot of calls?"
"haha...... that's a really amazing amount"
When the bud grenade said so and cheeked, the advantage turned his gaze to the handbag the bud grenade had. I have handouts that I don't normally use, so I can easily tell what's in them, in my favor.
"I definitely want Nanahara-san's chocolate"
I guess you noticed bud grenades hesitated to give it to you. Advantage told me that with a serious face.
"Besides, I don't think you got it."
It is the other officers whose advantages are giving the comparison. Something that is also unusual in the amount that is actually being favored.
But Fengya will get much more than this. And this year, it is said that Lai Luo will get more than that.
Look at it with your eyes, the amount turns into a real feeling. Assuming that Lailao could refuse this many, that's how only bud grenade chocolate can get Lailao. That's not fair, no matter what you think.
"... Nanhara?
He is called by name in his favor, and he is hacked back into consciousness. I've been thinking about Ro again. It will always be if you lose your mind.
Today's bud grenades are not even masked. So if what you think comes out of your face, you can't even hide it.
"Yeah.... then I'm glad you got it. Thanks for everything, Langtang-kun."
The bud grenade grinned and handed him the chocolate in his favor.
Whenever the holiday hours come, the school building, especially the second grade building, gets noisy. The sounds of running down the hallway, rumors, joyful and sad voices, and all sorts of voices abound on campus.
"Nanhara, can you give it to the officers?
Lunch break. Ask the sprouts as Takimoto eats the chocolate they sprouted. Hearing that, Maiko also turned her gaze to the bud grenade.
"You gave it to Langtang-kun this morning?
"Yeah. Lotus Moon told me to come home with you after the call after school... so I thought I'd give it to you then. Gejong-kun is probably hiding in an empty classroom... so I thought I'd go look for him after school."
"What about Kamiyoshi and Shu?
That's what they ask, budding grenades shake their shoulders.
Both during lunch break and after school, he is probably in the student club room. And with just as much chance, I felt like Laila was in the student council room.
"I think he's probably in the student club room... so I'm going to go"
I can give it to you normally. If it's the space next to you, you won't be uncomfortable with Lai Luo.
"Huh. If I had the extra money, I'd get it."
"If it's enough for you, I'll eat it. Really, it was delicious."
Maiko is already out of contents, she looks at the bag of wrapping and squeals to spare.
"If you can't give it to me, tell me right away!
"You don't wish to be in the student club room, officer," Takimoto. "
When Maiko glanced at him half-eyed, Takimoto turned to the other place, "That's not true." Maiko sighs at the easily understandable reaction waterfall book.
But his reaction like that only lightened the bud grenade shoulder a little bit.
With a handbag, the bud grenade came to the student club room.
Trying to knock on the door, stop that hand. I pinched one deep breath so as to sort out all sorts of anxious and grumpy heads.
"Choco, just give it to me"
I was able to give it to you in my favor. It's the same thing I give to Lai Luo. Don't be weirdly aware.
With his mind organized, the bud grenade knocked on the door.
"... excuse me"
When you open the door, you can see the chairman's seat on the front.
As expected by the bud grenades, there was a pod there.
"Bud grenade.... That's unusual. I can't believe you're here for lunch break."
He looked a little surprised and laughed at the bud grenade.
"I feel Kamiyo-kun is here... I was wondering what I'd do if they called me in."
The bud grenades look around, answering that way. This one went against the expectations of the bud grenades, and no one was here but the
"Haha, I don't get that much"
"With a refreshing face, The story of this hand of yours is always a lie through humility.
Earlier in the hallway, the story of the woman who gave her chocolate was lifting.
"So if you're gonna get a bud grenade... I'm gonna get one, unfortunately."
That's what they say, budding grenades shrug their shoulders.
I'm sure he said the foreword so that the bud grenades wouldn't have to shy away.
I couldn't get my head up, and the bud grenade handed him the chocolate.
"Well, sweeten to that word"
Xu strokes the head of the bud grenade with a pom.
Then, at the same time, a message entered the phone.
With the chocolate in one hand, the cunt gazes at the smartphone.
"... Sounds tough."
The croak shrugs, and the bud grenade snaps his neck.
Then he saw about the bud grenade on the side, and opened his mouth thinly.
"Come on. He said he'd take a lunch break and study in the student council room."
He told me that he couldn't finish the call.
"... right"
I can't speak well, and the bud grenades flaunt my face. You must not react like this in such a straightforward manner. I think so, but I can't stop my face from distorting.
When he saw such a bud grenade, he narrowed his eyes.
"I'm sure Ro won't get any chocolate other than sprouts"
He probably told me to reassure him so that the bud grenades wouldn't have to shy away. But the words were painful for the bud grenades now.
"... haha. But if it's a lot of calls, maybe I can't give it to you."
The bud grenade laughs and deludes. I'm done for, and the bud grenade tries to leave the student club room. But the shooting grenade grabbed my hand and stopped.
"... Kamiyo-kun?
Turning around, as the bud grenade stared at him, he frowned slightly.
"No... nothing. I'm sorry."
That's how they apologize, bud grenades are more perplexing. But it only gives me a bitter grin.
"If you can't give it to me... I'll take it, I'm just trying to tell you"
"... Takimoto-kun told me that."
When the bud grenade laughed with a troubled face, he laughed, trying to exhale as well.
"Chocolate, thank you. It'll be delicious."
Hearing a thank you, the bud grenade left the student club room.
The budding grenade stares at the closed door, and the gaze closes.
Thinking about Lailuo, the bud grenade distorted his expression in a slice. Seeing that face, I didn't need any other extra words.
"... the shock is huge."
All the officers were far from bud grenade paedophiles. For being dressed as a woman, the best of the officers, Lailuo was far from a bud grenade romantic view. For a long time Bud Grey thought that Lai Luo was a frame of 'equal to his girlfriend'.
But at the same time, I knew.
If Lailao becomes a man, his relationship with the bud grenade can be overshadowed. Because you can stand from scratch as a man, before a bud grenade.
Once built, he cannot move from the position of a "trusted friend". Where it moved, I'm also afraid of being rejected by the sprouts.
Untie the ribbon and put the sprouted chocolate in your mouth. This is, brother-in-law chocolate.
"... yummy, really"
The bitter sweetness was like expressing my feelings now.