The week after Valentine's is before the test, and the student council is off.
So unless I need anything else, I don't have a chance to meet Kairo, who's on a different floor in the classroom...
"Ru, are you studying now?
After school, on his way back to the classroom after finishing his errands with Dr. Matsuda, Bud Grey ran into Lai Luo.
Lailao, with his luggage, walked over to the bud grenade and tilted his neck small.
"Yeah. I study at home, so I'm going home.... Is Lawrence in the student club room?
"Yeah. There 'll be a" or "Arika," and I thought I'd study with you. "
Lailao's attitude hasn't changed since then.
I never shrunk the distance to confuse the bud grenades, as I did a while ago, nor did I do anything to avoid the bud grenades on the contrary.
"I have to work hard too so I can beat Ru"
Horrified by a moderate sense of distance. On the other hand, the loneliness in the bud grenade's heart made a small face.
"... come Rocha"
"Bud Grey."
As soon as the bud grenade tried to return his words to Laila, the voice broke in between them.
"Lian Yue Kun"
"Already home? Then I'm leaving too, so come home with me!
I ran into Laila. That's upstairs in front of the stairs. It wasn't surprising that Windy, who was in group B upstairs, would show up.
I smile and the wind invites me. Even though the invitation had absolutely nothing to do with Lai Luo, the bud grenade looked at Lai Luo reflexively.
"Ah... were you planning to come home with Ro?
Seeing how it was, Fengya inquired a little reluctantly.
When the bud grenade glanced back at the wind and opened his mouth, Lailuo blocked the bud grenade's mouth.
"Oh, don't be jealous because Ru and I are good friends. Besides, Ru-chan, if I don't send it to you, you're gonna get mad at me.
Couscous laughing near the ear of a bud grenade, Lailuo returns it like he did.
The air that the bud grenades had made unnatural was followed by Laila to bring me back to my usual air.
When they do that, the bud grenade's chest is stuck in the cucumber and the heart depresses the early bell.
The sound could have been coming from a body that was just a little tight.
"... then we'll both see you tomorrow. Bubba."
On a bud grenade that leaned down and hid his terrible face, Lailuo smiled a little trouble and left the scene.
Even after Lailuo passes beside the bud grenade, the bud grenade can't raise his face.
"... buddy, go home"
I knew that, and Fengya quietly called out to the bud grenade.
My thoughts on Lai Luo only solicit every day.
My clumsy heart got in the way of that piece of crap, and I refused to tell him how honest I felt, and I can't move.
The test period passed without being able to turn off the disturbing air.
"... Nanhara, are you listening properly?
In front of the hazy bud grenade was Dr. Matsuda.
After school on the last day of the test, Bud Grey was summoned by Matsuda Sensei, who was just talking about studying abroad in the Social Studies Materials Office.
"Excuse me. I was a little boisterous."
"That's unusual. You just finished the test, tired, but out?
Dr. Matsuda looks worried about the bud grenade. I'm sorry about that, bud grenade waved in front of my chest.
"No. You're going to be studying abroad soon, think... you're going to miss me a little"
Bud grenade laughs bitterly, telling her what it feels like not to be a lie in her heart.
If I continue to study abroad, I'm sure I'll only be able to achieve halfway through all the thought of coming to Luo.
But even if I told him my thoughts, he said, "How did you like it?" If you ask me, I'm done.
I can only answer that because Lailao stopped wearing women's clothes.
The answer would definitely hurt Lailuo and break his relationship with Lailuo.
I get scared of zowari just because I think so.
If we could remain friends like this, Lailuo's smile would remain unchanged and pointed at the bud grenade.
Even if the feeling of coming to Luo one day changes...
Thinking that far, the thought of bud grenades stopped.
"Do what you have to do before you study abroad."
Dr. Matsuda's voice sounded like a stiff blow to the head.
The Social Studies Library leaves quietly.
I hear fun voices coming from all over the school building, out the window, all over the place. After the test, the busyness was returning to the school.
Bud grenades walk slowly down the hallway listening to laughter and shagging that nobody knows belongs to them.
When plugged in front of the stairs, the person stopped the bud grenade along with the sound of the door opening.
"Bud grenade"
When I looked back, there was a lady who came out of the student guidance room.
"Kamiyo-kun.... Student Guidance Office?
"I borrowed a reference book in the Student Guidance Office, so I just came to get it back."
To a bud grenade with a strange face, he answers with a gentle smile.
Thus, he walked over to the bud grenade.
"It's the bud grenade, how did you get here? I thought you'd left after the test."
"... because I had a conversation with Dr. Matsuda"
The bud grenade avoids the word 'study abroad' and conveys it to him.
But when the bud grenades lay low, he knew all about the intent.
"Really, you're almost there."
"Yeah.... I thought we had more than a month and it wasn't long"
In another two weeks, the bud grenades are not in this school.
Neither bud grenades nor pomegranates seemed to have a real sense of it, and there was none at all.
"I feel like I'll always have a bud grenade by my side."
He smiled slightly and said so.
The bud grenade nods, "Me too," and closes his mouth to the words of the ensuing poem.
"But I think Lailuo confessed to the bud grenade because he has a real sense of it"
The bud grenade looks up at the face of the lion. The eyes were wide open.
"You can tell by the way the two of us are, the status quo and... against each other's personalities"
Though it is true, there is no easy way to understand that. But he murmured as he deserved, and somewhere lonely.
If you know the fact that Lailuo confessed to the bud grenade, you probably even know the answer to the bud grenade.
"Sprout and Lai Luo, it was just the two of us, so I don't think I should break in..."
So he shrugged, and Ji touched the bud grenade's cheek.
"I'm not a sprouts with anxious faces, but a smiling sprouts, because I want to drop them off from here."
Then his hand slipped off, and his grin reflected in the eyes of the bud grenade.
"What do you like about budding grenades, Laila dressed as a woman? Or are you here now?
The answer to the query immediately came to mind in the head of the bud grenade.
"Both come Ro... I love you"
"Yeah, yeah. That's why Lailuo likes bud grenades."
He even understood the clumsy feelings of bud grenades and was trying to solve the condensed thoughts of bud grenades.
"When Lailuo became what he is now, Bud Grey immediately liked Lailuo? You're not, are you? If that were the case, the relationship between the bud grenade and Lai Luo would have changed a long time ago."
"But... when Luo was dressed as a woman, I never thought of it like this. Yet I..."
Lai Luo stopped dressing as a woman and started acting like he was, and that's how Bud Guo realized that Lai Luo was a boy.
"Of course you do."
Xu has a serious face and affirms that idea of bud grenades.
"Lai Luo's behavior itself is different from when he was dressed as a woman.... don't you?
When I was dressed as a woman, Laila never said "I". I'd like a bud grenade if I were to make her, I didn't even say what a word to make her aware.
All the time, he stood me in the position of bud grenade's good friend.
"I wanted Bud Grey to like me, so I changed my mind."
"Can't you believe what I'm saying?
If you ask me that, I won't be able to say anything. You can't be a bud grenade to doubt the words of a dude.
"I know perfectly well that the bud grenades came to Ro's womenswear and true appearance were equally accepted. Bud grenades didn't like them because they stopped wearing women's clothes."
Xu objectively tells me that the bud grenade could no longer be judged by itself.
"The thought of bud grenades is that they can make you happy properly come... Don't make me say any more."
He grinned bitterly and laid his eyes down.
He affirms the bud grenade many times, and he affirms the bud grenade again.
Keeping the promise of the beginning, he was in front of the bud grenade.
There's always a hose by the bud grenade.
But the feelings never change...
"... thanks"
For the bud grenade, he was always "the hero", an important and beloved savior who softened up and affirmed every mistake.