After finishing the call with Holy Night, the bud grenade quickly changed his clothes and went down to the ground floor.
That's how Seiji laughs bitterly when he sees the bud grenade twitching all the way near the front door.
"If you're coming here from a neighboring town, why don't you get there in a little while?
I had just told Heavy Ji that the Holy Night was coming. It's cold outside, so I came all the way to see you at home, so if you don't invite me, it's rude.
Still late hours. It was only a matter of concern that the Heavy Gifts would be bothered.
"He must be as busy as the old Tojo, too, huh? Because of this, you can talk to him."
Because he already knows the precedent of Tojo and the garment, Seiji even guessed the human circumstance of Qinzo Holy Night and told me so.
"The Qinzo guy... I met him at the first meeting, but he didn't talk much and I'm nervous."
Kei, watching TV in the living room, was honestly groaning and making a statement without shards of tension that Mariko heard the grunt or "I get nervous too" etc.
Then about half an hour later, I looked out the window and it was snowing. It's been falling like powdered snow since earlier, but it's getting bigger and it's starting to come down to the main.
"... I wonder if you're okay"
In time, we'll be together by the time we get there. Perhaps Holy Night will come by car. So there's not that much of a problem with the snow shaking.
I'll think about it that way, but somehow I feel like Holy Night is driving down the road, and Bud Grey calls the Holy Night number I called earlier.
"... I'm not answering"
Feeling unnecessarily anxious that Holy Night would not answer the phone, the bud grenade went to the front door and put on his shoes.
"Sister Bud Hung, I'll follow you because you're in danger."
"Just look around the house, it's okay!
To follow me, that's all I told Kei, who came out of the living room, and the bud grenade walked out the front door with an umbrella in his hand.
Leave the house and see the left and right way.
Considering which way the Holy Night was coming from, the bud grenades went the way to the left. It always comes from here when the Holy Night car comes. If you come this way from the station, you have a good chance of going this way.
I weave warm hoodies on top, but it's just snowing and it's pretty cold.
Walk a few meters and the bud grenade stops.
I looked at the sky and looked at the snow that kept falling.
The snow I've been watching during my school trip.
If I closed my eyes, I felt like I could remember another time I had fun.
"... buds, grenades"
I haven't been watching it the whole time. But after looking up at the sky for a while, I heard the voice of the Holy Night coming from the front.
The bud grenade immediately lowers his gaze to a breathless voice.
About 5 meters ahead, the Holy Night stood. Without an umbrella, there is a little snow on the shoulder of the coat.
"Mr. Qin Zao!
The bud grenade rushed to Holy Night. Put the Holy Night in your umbrella, and the bud grenade creases between your brows.
"Didn't you drive here? It's so cold..."
Worried about the Holy Night, the bud grenade tries to touch his cheek. But the bud grenade's hand was grabbed by Holy Night, and the bud grenade was held by him as it was.
The recoil causes the bud grenade to drop its umbrella out of its hand.
"Mr. Qin Zao, the snow..."
"... missed you"
Whispering the worried voice of the bud grenade, Holy Night twinkles to exhale.
Strong enough to be squashed, Holy Night was hugging about the bud grenades.
"I'm sorry.... I'm late for the night, but come see me. I thought I'd hang up early because I'd miss you."
"... I'm sorry I called you"
Hearing the "sorry" for the bud grenade, Holy Night shakes his neck to the side.
"I was happy.... I was so happy"
"But I'm still busy..."
"I can see you, and if I do, I don't care about everything. Yes."
"No, you can't do that."
The body of the Holy Night trembling in small pieces rubs against the bud grenade as it also asks for warmth.
"It's cold out there, so if you still have time...... why don't you give it up to us?
Rubbing the back of the Holy Night, the bud grenade gently inquired.
"I'm sorry to bother you"
Holy Night is pronounced with an outward voice, greeting the faces of the Nanhara family.
When nervous Kei and Mariko, who seems to call herself nervous, each greeted Holy Night, Shigeji also continued to greet her.
"Good evening, bud grenades always seem to take care of you"
"No, because I'm the one taking care of you..."
Replying so unobtrusive, Holy Night greets Heavy Ji politely.
I looked up about such a holy night, and when I looked seriously at his face, the bud grenade face became slightly more rugged.
"... Um, Mr. Qin Zao"
"What, do"
"I knew it."
The hand of the bud grenade touches the forehead of the Holy Night. Just a little hot, as the bud grenade expected.
In a bright house. Though I didn't know much about it in the dark, the complexion of Holy Night was very bad.
On his blue-white face, he had an unnatural redness of cheeks, and the bud grenade sighed.
"It's hot, but in all this snow, did you come without an umbrella?
"... I just got out of the car on the way, and it got hot and hectic"
Seeing the worried face of the bud grenade, the Holy Night answers that way. But it's proof that I'm not careless around him making his vegetarian speech where the Shigejis are nearby.
The Heavy Gifts look at the words of the unheard Holy Night.
But I read the fact that there was a fever on the Holy Night, and Mariko spoke to the Holy Night as a precious.
"Um, I don't think it's a good idea to stay cold if you have a fever, and it looks like your clothes are wet with snow, so why don't you change?
I suggest that if only Holy Night were to warm up in the bath.
The Holy Night watched over the care of such a Mariko.
"No, no... I'm sorry that I came all of a sudden. I'm going to go home after a little talk with Mr. Bud."
"But it's too late, and if you have a fever, don't think I should take a break."
Making sure that Shigeji agreed with Mariko, he told her to stay at home on Holy Night.
"I hear you live alone, and since you're a Qin Zao family member, you'll have about as many people to accompany you for medical attention. … If only you could stay."
Holy Night stares at Shigeji's smile.
He looks amazed, incredible, unspeakable and explores the sincerity of Heavy Ji's proposal.
It's not a social dictionary that cared about the title of Holy Night - judging that, Holy Night laughed lightly.
"Thank you.... May I sweeten your words, please?
That's why Holy Night was supposed to stay at the bud grenade house.
Sweetly sweetened by the generosity of Heavy Ji's men, Holy Night when I even took a bath, I borrowed Kei's clothes and am currently in the bud grenade room.
"Were you okay? Our bath."
Bud Grenade asks only a little anxiously as he puts a hairdryer on Holy Night's hair. Somehow, I felt there was something clean about Holy Night, and it was surprising that I took a bath in someone else's house.
"Oh...... It's the first time I've ever had a burn taking a bath in a common house. Quite relaxed.... I don't know, dry my hair. Yeah."
"No. You really have a cold, don't you?
The bud grenade flies water in the hairdryer with a washer and mess of Holy Night's hair.
You'll probably never see Holy Night's appearance as a jersey on Kei's dabbled t-shirt again. That's how rare he looked, the bud grenades staring from behind at the fresh Holy Night.
"Hey, buddy."
"I think I know why you chose the Nanhara family."
The voice of the Holy Night reaches my ear, wrapped in a loud hairdryer sound.
Probably glad that Shigeji and Mariko treated the Holy Night not as "Qinzo Holy Night" but as "Friends of the Bud Grenade". The look on Holy Night's face was calm.
"That's good."
Kusuri laughs and the bud grenade replies.
My hair dries up somewhat on Holy Night and I turn off the dryer.
Looking at the time, it was already a good time to go to bed.
Sprouts, where are you going?
Holy Night has asked, pulling back the bud grenades trying to leave the room.
"Mr. Qinzo will use this room. I'll sleep in my brother's room."
"What are you talking about? It's your room. You're not sleeping in this room."
"But if Keizo goes to Keizo's room, Keizo gets nervous."
That's what the bud grenade says and tries to get to Kei's room, but the Holy Night still grabbed the bud grenade arm and didn't let it go.
"I'll sleep on the floor, you sleep on the bed."
"You can't put someone with a fever to sleep in a place like that."
A barren argument ensued and in the end the Holy Night did not give way to the bud grenade being gone from the room.
"Well... I'll sleep on the floor"
"Because I..."
"Mr. Qin Zao"
No more argument is wasted. With the utmost concession in his mouth, the bud grenade called his name in a strong tone to hold back the objections of Holy Night.
Then the Holy Night also looks like reluctance, rolling alone in a bed of bud grenades.
"... smells like bud grenades"
"Oh...... I just didn't wash the sheets today. I'm sorry."
"What are you apologizing for? Yeah, I mean the smell."
"... what are you talking about"
Embarrassed, the bud grenade laid a blanket on the carpet as he distracted himself from the Holy Night.
"Hey, buddy."
"... you can't sleep in bed with me, too?
A proposal popped up that I hadn't even imagined at all, and the bud grenade opened its eyes all around.
"I knew the fever was terrible..."
"It's normal, asshole."
Say it like a shin, and the Holy Night hits you back and forth to show your back to the bud grenades. As the bud grenade watched the thing with his troubled face, the Holy Night groaned bossy.
"... lying. I knew I'd get a little carried away."
The bud grenade sat down on a blanket laid on the carpet with his neck clenched.
I try to touch the back of Holy Night because Holy Night does not reply to anything. Then the Holy Night reacted immediately and struck a turnaround to face the bud grenade again.
At the same time, the hand that was touching the Holy Night was held in the right hand of the Holy Night.
"... until you fall asleep, hold your hand. Yeah, do it."
He tells me as if to "grip me," with a slight force in his gripped hand.
"Fine. Until Mr. Qin Zao goes to sleep, I grip him."
"When you fall asleep, take it off?
"Otherwise, I can't sleep."
If I had kept my hand in my hand, the bud grenade would have to remain seated by the bed.
When the bud grenade told him so, Holy Night lowered his eyebrows only slightly as he groaned "Really Ya" and seemed sorry.
"... budding grenade"
"Thank you so much for calling."
With my eyes closed, Holy Night has conveyed its gratitude.
"For a little while, I wish I could take a breath... if I get a fever, it doesn't make sense"
When the bud grenade smiles bitterly, Holy Night slowly shakes his neck to the side.
"Happiness.... I am. Anytime, anywhere... anytime"
In a slight sleep, Holy Night was speaking honest words with an upward rubbing voice.
The bud grenade stopped talking and moved his fingers gently instead so as not to interfere with the sleep of the Holy Night.
As you will, tons, tons, and.
"Bud... Grenade"
I groaned in my dreams, that must be the true meaning of Holy Night.
"... by your side, oops"
I hear a beautiful sleep, and I perceive the Holy Night falling asleep.
"I'm here. … be by your side properly"
Even as Holy Night slept, the bud grenade still held Holy Night's hand. Even when he fell asleep, Holy Night's hand still held the bud grenade's hand strong.
So I look at the arms of the Holy Night, and the bud grenade realizes.
"Missanga, it's out"
Surprised, the bud grenade rounded his eyes.
I don't think the Holy Night just took it away and threw it away. If so, it means it cut naturally.
The bud grenade moved his gaze to the sleeping face of Holy Night, surprised by one, wondering if it was really something to cut.
Did Holy Night wish anything on that misanga? If I had wished...
"Really, did it come true?
Ask gently about the Holy Night of Sleep.
Gently splitting the forehead in his eyes, toward his innocent sleeping face, the bud grenade left a smile.