The bud grenades walked with Holy Night until the split road on their way to school.

"Shouldn't you have asked me to pick you up at home?

Looking up at the Holy Night, which trembles slightly in the cold, the bud grenade speaks so.

They're turning down the road ahead and waiting for the car where they left off the boulevard, but I wish they'd come to the house if they'd picked me up anyway, and the sprouts looked troubled.

"You know, when you pick me up at home, it's a lot of trouble explaining. I'm gonna run out on the main house."

"Either way, I think there's a pursuit of where you were at night..."

Holy Night is not a person in a position to be allowed to sleep cheaply in a house of ordinary people. There was a lot of tying and surveillance, and the bud grenades knew right through it that the Holy Night had come all the way to see the bud grenades.

"If it's good, I can handle it. You don't give a shit, you go to school."

"When it's going to be tricky, contact me properly"

When the bud grenade told the Holy Night as he turned his worrying gaze, the Holy Night smiled gently, "Oh".

"... SEYA. Speaking of contact…"

And as I came up with something, Holy Night hands it to the bud grenade.

"I'll do it to you."


It was a white phone that the bud grenade was given to me.

"No, you can't. Like this."

"Then just lend it. Then, hold it. It's easier to get in touch with you."

"But Mr. Qin Zao's phone..."

Holy Night added an explanation when the bud grenade rushed to his face wondering if there would be no portion of Holy Night if he gave it to the bud grenade.

"That's my spare phone or something. The one I normally use is different. I was in a hurry to get out of the house last night, so I brought it by mistake... but it was just fine."

To my satisfaction, Holy Night briefly explains how to operate.

"I always use the spare phone when I can use it, and the phone book is also my everyday smartphone, the driver I use, and I only come in about Makoto... it's almost that way to contact me"

Holy Night holds the hand of every bud grenade I let bud grenade hold.

"Just my phone, if you take it."

With that phone, I can call Sprout without Holy Night paying attention to the Sprout house.

I can really feel free to contact you.

But I don't know how to get in touch with the others.

"I won't. It's Mr. Qinzo's phone."

Cell phone just to get in touch with Holy Night.

So you don't have to take it to school. You can always leave it in your room.

"... well, I'll borrow it"

Dividend, the bud grenade received his phone from Holy Night and went down the road to the school.

Riding through the school gates, the bud grenades head to their own shoebox in the second grade building.

Until a while ago, it was a bare shoebox, but now I keep my shoes there properly. The bud grenade took off the loafer and opened the shoebox door in an attempt to remove the upper wear.

"... a letter?

A peek inside reveals a piece of paper over the top. Speaking of the letters that have been in the shoebox before, the bud grenades get a little fit, mainly because it was just a complaint sentence from Fengya fans.

I took it out with my upper wear and glanced at something closer to saying it was just a note paper rather than a letter.

"When you come to school, come straight to the Student Council Room"

Beautiful letters. You don't have to look at the sender's name, but the letters alone tell it from who.

Especially if you think about it yesterday today, it's not that you can't understand being summoned by him either.

The bud grenade exhales small, turning the letter from him into a skirt pocket. And as I was told, I headed straight to the student council room in the main building.

Knock, acknowledge and receive the word "yes" heard from inside, and open the door to the Student Council Room.

"Morning, bud grenade"

He gently leaves his hips at the desk in the chairman's seat, where he stands.

Looks like he was reading a book until the bud grenade arrived. However, as the bud grenade entered the student council room, he closed the book with a patan and turned his gaze to the bud grenade.

"Hello, Kamiyo-kun."

Bud Grey returned his greeting and placed his bag and muffler at a desk nearby.

The air is tingling just a little bit. Maybe I should soothe the place with chatter, but I'm sure it won't soothe in those places.

Because he knew it, the bud grenade shook the topic in a direct fashion.

"Kamiyo-kun's errands... what?

The bud grenade asks as he lowers his brow. Then he took his body away from his desk and walked over to the bud grenade.

"... you contacted him? To that boy."

"I did."

Misunderstood, he heard the answer and knew it, so it was pointless. Even when the bud grenade responded instantly, he repeated the question without showing any particularly significant reaction.


"That's all."


To avoid making the conversation any easier, Bud Grey was just trying to finish the conversation by saying "I contacted you". That the Holy Night came to the house is not even known.

That's what I was thinking, but I was surprised to keep my gaze on the bud grenade.

"Call me, that's all because it seemed ok..."

"That's surprising. If you're that boy, you're going to fly out of your head to see him just because Bud Grey called."

With the words of thorns growing in the verses of the word, the sword crumbles.

Though surprised by the precise anticipation, the bud grenade made him laugh at it so that he wouldn't find out.

"I'm not coming. Because he's busy, too."

"Bud grenade"

A strong tone calls out the name of the bud grenade. At the same time his arms were drawn with strong force and the face of the bud grenade was slightly distorted.

"Kamiyo-kun, my arm hurts"

Talk about Holy Night, alone indoors, close proximity.

Reminds me of one incident in the water heating room on a school trip, the bud grenade pulls his arm in an attempt to refuse the However, the arm of the armpit is not frightened.

The two of us talked about the Holy Night, and there is no such thing as trying to fit well. That's why I want to talk to you right now, but you won't.

- He wants me to be the only one he likes.

I don't want to be disturbed in my head when people say things that make me mistake like that again.

As the bud grenade looked up with a sharp eye, he narrowed his eyes.

"If you meet with Mr. Qinzo, Mr. Qinzo won't force me to transfer from here anymore."

"I know. But..."

And he spat in bitterness, and buried his face on the shoulder of the bud grenade.

"I... just don't want that guy to take a bud grenade"

"He doesn't want to be taken... so Mr. Qin Zao..."

"Please, don't see me"

I don't know how many times they've said it already. I really hate Holy Night. It is unnecessarily because you admit about the Holy Night that you are confrontational and jealous.

But no matter how many times he told me, the bud grenade could only hear the favor.

"Sorry.... Promise, I can't"

"Mind if I say that's my lifetime favor?

"... yeah"

When the bud grenade answered so, the body of the bamboo grenade moved away from the bud grenade. The face of the lion standing in front of the bud grenade had distorted his expression to a difficult ambush to describe.

"I should have stopped the bud grenade from going to La Fausto that day, even if it was mean"

But if the bud grenades did not meet Holy Night, the bud grenades would remain incapable of moving forward.

"At least... I wish you'd met me somewhere I didn't know"

Then he may not have hated Holy Night. I might not have even stuck to it and pulled the bud grenade off in such a mess.

We met in the worst possible way and had to acknowledge both the power of the Holy Night and the sincere feelings directed solely at the bud grenades of the Holy Night - the reality that governs the Xu.

"That's all I'm talking about.... Sorry about the morning."

(12) He cuts up the conversation, grabs the reading book, and tries to leave the Student Council Room.


When the bud grenade called to a halt, he stopped with his back to the bud grenade.

"I'm sorry.... I can't leave you alone about Akizo"

The bud grenade tells quietly. I don't turn around.

"Yeah...... I know"

Leaving only a small reply, he left the student council room.