Across Saturday and Sunday, the test period is next week.
Holy Night is before the test, so he refrained from calling and seeing me, and instead the bud grenades had promised to meet me when the test was over on Holy Night.
After the exam, I will tell everyone in my class about studying abroad as well. Now, only encourage test studies as usual so as not to inspire everyone.
If I had stayed awkward, I probably wouldn't have even gotten into this test study.
"Ah, Wind Yakun."
On the way to the moving classroom, in the hallway, it's not as elegant as the wind. In Maiko's voice, Fengya laughed at the sprouts with a smile that was really no different than before when she noticed about the sprouts.
"Mobile classes?
"Yeah. Next, because it's chemistry"
"Oh well. I got math next. I don't like it because I don't feel like I can answer even if I'm guessed ~"
It makes me laugh so innocently that I can't remember those tears. I could tell that was the gentleness of the wind, so the bud grenade also made the usual smile look feisty.
Though there were some things we thought of each other, bud grenades and wind elegance were nevertheless taking a new step.
"Ha. I have to study Saturday and Sunday.... I think I'm going to sleep till lunch"
After school, Maiko groans depressingly while studying in the classroom. Next door he was studying while Takimoto taught Maiko with a serious face.
"Nanhara, are you leaving already?
"Yeah. And then I'll study at home."
"Oh well. Bye."
"Bud grenade, bamboo"
Bud Grey left the classroom behind, smiling at the two of them studying amicably.
Down the stairs, on the ground floor.
Then at the lifting mouth, I ran into the person.
"... Kamiyo-kun"
A jade still left obsessed was in front of the bud grenade.
I want to talk to you. But if he says he still can't sort his mind out, the bud grenade has to wait.
As the sprouts laughed small and tried to leave the scene, the shoots stopped the sprouts.
"If you like, I'll give you a ride home. … there's something I want to talk about."
That's what he told me.
So the bud grenade nodded slowly and followed the school with the
Walk with me, all the time for a while, with neither mouth open. Only the footsteps echoed around, and the sounds of people passing nearby, of cars, of nothing around them, were heard more loudly.
"... Hey, bud grenade"
He opened his mouth about half way home.
"First of all, I'm sorry. You're not bad, but you blame me.... I knew I wasn't very popular."
"... yeah. Kamiyo-kun, because... I knew you didn't like Akizo. I'm sorry I'm insensitive."
Because he was forced to call me by name, he was even about to utter his name in front of him.
Maybe not a bad thing, but now I decide it's better to stay the way I called it before, and bud grenades change consciousness.
"I'm not going to tell you this anymore."
Xu muttered sadly, stopping her legs.
As the bud grenade turned around, he took a deep breath and stared at the bud grenade.
"I liked you.... as a girl, I liked you"
When I was on a school trip, I made excuses to the bud grenades and then erased the thoughts.
Xu was never willing to expose this feeling to the bud grenade again. Even so, because I knew it would trouble the bud grenades.
Even now, bud grenade eyes are baffled and shaken.
"Yours, I didn't want to see that face, so I wasn't going to tell you anymore... But I have to tell you, you don't even know why I got angry without being very popular."
His usual spare face disappeared somewhere, and he moved his legs again with an uncut look on his face.
"Because I like you...... but even though I don't like you to be someone's, even more so if that's who I hate"
I laughed when you said wagamama like a child.
"When I almost realized how I felt about 'liking', the bud grenades were in trouble like they are now.... but you return 'I want to be there for you' to the feeling of his' liking ', if that's what you think... after all, I envy him as much as I regret it"
So he replied, laughing at himself, not wanting to be unnecessarily accepted.
That smile is painful and the bud grenade loses its voice.
"Until I met Akizo-kun... I thought I could give you what you wanted. No place, no smile, no peace of mind. But... it wasn't me who gave you what you wanted most, it was him"
Bud grenades didn't want a place to rest or a smile to rest most. Restoration of relations with Tojo, connecting the past with the present and the future.
Something I never got because I've always wanted a bud grenade for my love from Tojo.
It was the Holy Night that I realized it and gave it to you.
"So I know what it's like for a bud grenade to pick him.... I'm sure that's the right thing to do and it's natural. But I didn't want to admit it... I promised to affirm everything about the bud grenade, but I can't believe I broke it at the end."
He just blamed himself and apologized to the bud grenade.
As if by blaming yourself, you're convinced.
The appearance was bitter and the bud grenade shook his neck to the side.
"Kamiyo-kun gave me what I wanted."
"But that's..."
"Best of all, I don't. It's all I wanted.... what I normally wanted and didn't get.... friends, a place to feel safe, the courage to work hard... all of it, Kamiyo-kun, everyone gave it to me."
When the bud grenade told him so, he grabbed the bud grenade arm and drew it to himself.
"Please. This is the last time, just stay in my chest right now.... knowing how I feel and being hugged by me"
A familiar scent of bamboo surrounds the body of bud grenades.
Familiar and reassuring scent. But the scent that bud grenades want, it's not this.
No more bud grenades can be hugged by someone without thinking anything.
All this time, in this arm that supported the bud grenade, I can never go back.
"Kamiyo-kun.... I relied heavily on Kamiyo-kun."
"... yeah"
"Kamiyo-kun was on my side, so I did a lot of good work."
"... n"
"But I can't stand this arm anymore."
"I know," he nodded as he hugged the bud grenade.
"I'm sorry for what I didn't want you to say."
I know I can't, but I'm overflowing with tears.
Tears of bud grenades spread across the chest of the pod.
Thank you, Kamiyo-kun.
The bamboo is sure to make the bud grenade happy. Even the wind is classy.
Still, the bud grenade chose Holy Night.
Holy night is good. I want to see the smile of Holy Night.
My feelings for the Holy Night are getting more and more colored by accepting both the feelings of Xu and the feelings of femininity.
"It's me, thank you. … tell me what it's like to like someone.... you've got my back.... thanks for meeting me."
Whispering a delightful word that was no more, the jade moved away from the bud grenade.
A crying voice won't make you cry.
My eyes are moist, but you didn't cry for the bud grenade.
"Don't even bud grenades cry. Laugh, please."
"... yeah....... yeah"
"Look, he's crying again"
The handkerchief hits the eye of the bud grenade. Really, I can't help but be sweet.
"Hey, bud grenade"
The voice calling the name is as quiet and beautiful as ever.
"Last test, score the same as me. Otherwise, I won't forgive you."
Connect the bud grenade with the bamboo, it's just one of a kind.
That's what he still wants.
"Yeah. Absolutely, because I'll put my name next to Kamiyo-kun"
He gently strokes the head of the budding grenade with which he exchanges his promises.
With the big hand of bud grenade familiar.
Not unlike when we met, with that hand that reassured the bud grenades, he allowed the sloppy bud grenades.