Resident Evil Chronicles

Chapter 127 Wang Xiao's Suspicion

You can search for "Resident Evil Chronicles Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After seeing the complete death of the teammate in front of him, Wang Xiao's heart was also full of anger and extreme suspicion. How exactly did the Hounds bypass all the members of CSG and FBC, release the killers to attack the Central Building, and why did Morgan leave everything behind? Group B members, let their FBC members leave.



At this moment, a dense number of hunters appeared on the periphery of the central building, rushing towards the crowd. The number of them completely exceeded the total number of hunters killed in the city.

"Damn! Don't panic everyone! Put down all the rolling doors in the hall! Stop them! The rest of them give me cover and open fire!!!"

"Roger that!!!!"

Seeing the number of hunters in front of him, Wang Xiao’s mood has fallen to a low point. With so many hunters in front of him, just the dozens of people present, it is not certain whether they will survive. He can only order some CSG members to The shutter door at the entrance of the hall on the first floor was closed to prevent the hunters from attacking.

Da Da Da Da Da Da!!!!!



"Quick! Put down the rolling door!"

All the surrounding CSG members started to get busy. Because the shutter door was raised too high, some CSG members directly used the hooks to pull down the upper shutter door, while the rest of the CSG members, including Parker and others, all raised their guns. Shoot any hunters who dare to approach and buy time for the CSG members who are preparing to lower the rolling door.


"Don't mess up! Keep shooting!!!"

Da Da Da Da Da!!!!

At this moment, two hunters successfully broke through and started to approach the nearest CSG member, raising their sharp claws, and wanting to shred the target in front of them. Wang Xiao, the leader, saw this situation. He also hurriedly warned everyone to keep the team's plastic surgery out of chaos. Together with other CSG members, they immediately set fire to kill two hunters and continued to shoot outdoor targets.


With the efforts of everyone, the shutter door was pulled down instantly and locked and fixed. Fortunately, the shutter door was so thick that the hunters outside the hall on the first floor were unable to break through for a while.

"My God! How come there are so many suddenly!"

After seeing that the crisis was over, Parker found that his heart had begun to beat violently. He was obviously shocked by the group of hunters who had just been killed. Jessica, Raymond and Rachel were also there. Gasping for breath.

At this time, Wang Xiao took out his cell phone and dialed Morgan's number. He needed to question him.

"Hey, Morgan, where are you now? I need your explanation!"

"Xiao, I am in the conference room of the building. I know you have a lot of questions, but there are also biochemical monsters inside the building. You need to break through all the way."

"You wait, I will be there soon, I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer!"

After that, Wang Xiao hung up the phone and told the members of Group A: "Everyone keep up. There are hunters wandering in the building. Kill me all the way!"

"Roger that!!!"

After Wang Xiao heard it, he walked directly to the stairs. He didn't plan to take the elevator anymore. God knows if there will be hunters squatting in the elevator passage, but Parker and others saw that Wang Xiao's face was not very good, and he was not casual. They followed Wang Xiao's words silently, and they actually wondered in their hearts why their Chief Morgan would abandon the CSG members of Group B, causing such a tragedy.

Da da da!!!Da da da!!!

After everyone climbed up the stairs, they cleaned up layer by layer, followed by the CSG members and Parker and others beside Wang Xiao. They kept shooting at the hunters wandering here, and encountered many hunters in the middle. FBC members killed by the author.


Wang Xiao walked in front of the team. He didn't stop his pace because of the attack by the hunters. He even took out the dagger directly because of the anger in his heart, put it on the muzzle of the rifle, and stabbed him without hesitation. There were no fewer than 15 hunters killed by Wang Xiao in close combat along the way.

The whole team is like a mobile fortress, so that the hunter has no chance to get close to everyone, and it is killed by an instant fire.


On the other side, somewhere in the captain's room of the Queen Dedo, all the hound members were not happy because of the heavy damage to the two organizations. On the contrary, they fell into extreme panic.

At this time, the headed eyed man said to his hound members: "How many people on the ship are infected!"

A Hound member report: "Boss, 90% of the members have been infected! What should we do!"

"Fuck!!! What the hell is going on, could it be him?!" Jin Yong Chinese

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the man in the eyes was full of questions, and after careful thinking, it reminded him that the man in the suit he was talking to a few days ago, and only he, would choose to release the T-Abyss virus. , He wants to kill all the insiders!


At this moment, the door of the captain's room where everyone had been closed, heard a violent crash, and then the man in the eye said: "Don't panic, stop me from these monsters!"



Whoop uh uh uh uh uh!!!!

Just after all the hound members heard the instructions, the door of the captain’s room was knocked open by a huge external force. A huge mutant meat crawled in, lifted the upper body, and bit towards the nearest hound member. A few mysterious walking creatures also came to the captain's room behind him.

For a while, all kinds of screams and fierce gunshots sounded in the entire captain's room, and there was even a variety of blood that stained the entire captain's room.


The perspective returned to Wang Xiao. After fighting all the way, he finally reached a conference room on the top floor of the building, and saw Morgan and O'Brien waiting here, as well as some FBC members who were defending here.


Wang Xiao kicked a chair that was blocking the road, and said to Morgan with a bad face, "Morgan! Tell me what's going on!"

Parker on the side also said: "Yeah, sir, what happened, why all the CSG members who stayed here died in the lobby on the first floor, but you didn't save them."

Morgan stood on the spot, put his hands behind his back, and said in a majestic tone: "Parker! Please pay attention to your words! Xiao, I can't help it. The number of biochemical monsters just now is too much, I can only strategically evacuate. "

"Then why didn't you support CSG members?!"

"Sorry, more biochemical monsters have appeared in other areas. I can only order the priority to clean up monsters in other areas."

Wang Xiao resisted the anger in his heart, but his tone gradually became cold, and continued: "Then where are the FBC members in other coastal areas?"

"You know, because there are too many monsters, I chose to let them withdraw from Tragriga first in order to avoid unnecessary casualties."

"Huh! Can I understand that you abandoned my CSG members."

Morgan said calmly: "That only shows that your CSG's strength is not at home, and no one can blame others."

"I'm not strong enough?! What a total of 10 lives! You just perfunct me like that! I'm a mess!!!"

Hearing Morgan's words, Wang Xiao couldn't help the anger in his heart anymore, and directly drew his Glock pistol and aimed it at Morgan's head. All the surrounding FBC members subconsciously raised their guns and aimed at Wang Xiao. .

At the same time, the CSG members following Wang Xiao also followed closely, raised the Type 95 assault rifle in their hands and aimed at all the FBC members present, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room became solemn.

At this time, O'Brien, the leader of the BSAA, walked between Wang Xiao and Morgan, and began to persuade: "Both of them calm down, Xiao, I deeply regret the death of your teammate, but now it’s still outside. There are hordes of biological and chemical weapons, and we must not mess around inside.

Chief Morgan, Xiao is also angry on his head, don't care, then let's figure out how to deal with these biological weapons."

After Morgan heard it, he waved his hand and asked the FBC members to put down their guns. At the same time, Wang Xiao also ordered CSG members to put down their weapons, suppressed his anger, and put away the Glock pistol in his hand.

After seeing the scene under control, Morgan replied: "I have already figured out the countermeasures. I plan to use the solar matrix launched by Tragriga into outer space to destroy the entire city and eliminate all the biochemical monsters in the city in one fell swoop."

"What! Sir Morgan, what you can't do!"

O'Brien heard Morgan's answer and looked at each other in shock. He never thought that Morgan wanted to destroy the entire city.

"O'Brien, this is the only way now, are you going to watch us being overwhelmed by monsters?! Any delay will cause us unnecessary casualties!"

This is, Wang Xiao on the side also said: "That can't destroy the entire city! What's the difference between your approach and the people who ordered to destroy Raccoon City in the past!"

"Xiao! I have the final say here! CSG is not qualified to stop my decision! If you want to stay in the fight, I won't stop you, but I won't revoke my order. Think about it yourself!"


Wang Xiao could not go on. According to reason, it was Morgan of FBC who came to this city first to deal with biochemical incidents. His own CSG and O'Brien of BSAA were just temporary helpers for Morgan.

Morgan continued: "Next, I will arrange for FBC members to withdraw from Tragriga, Shaw, your CSG also prepare."

After speaking, Morgan left the meeting room alone, leaving Wang Xiao, O'Brien, CSG members, Parker, and others. The other FBC members in the meeting room also spontaneously left the meeting room.