You can search for "Resident Evil Chronicles Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After the three of them came outside, they found heavy rain outside, and the road began to become slippery.

Ashley followed Leon and Wang Xiao on the way to escape, and worriedly asked Leon next to him: "Lyon, will we become the same as these villagers?"

"This one······"

After Leon heard this, he couldn't answer for a while, but Wang Xiao, who was walking at the forefront, said: "Ashley, please rest assured, I won't let this happen. Then I will take you to find a professional. People, get rid of the parasites in your body, trust me!"


When Ashley heard that there was still hope, her worries were immediately reduced. Although she had not known Wang Xiao for a long time, she knew that Wang Xiao would not be joking about this matter, so she naturally believed the other party's words.

When the three of them ran near the village, they found that they were surrounded by villagers with torches, looking for their tracks. Obviously Sadler had given the villagers instructions to capture them alive, and even mobilized them in order to prevent the three from fleeing. All the villagers.

Lyon hid behind a dead tree and quietly said to Wang Xiao: "Xiao, what should we do? There are too many villagers here."

"I'm here to attract their attention, you go to the house where Louis is hiding, and I will follow!"

After that, Wang Xiao sent all the specific locations from Qiu Yue on the phone to Lyon’s phone, and Ashley, who didn’t understand Wang Xiao, said worriedly: “Xiao, can you be alone here? So many weirdos."

After hearing this, Wang Xiao smiled: "Don't worry, Ashley, if I don't have enough strength, I won't be able to mix in CSG, Leon, after I draw the villagers away, you go quickly."

Leon nodded: "Ok, then you have to be careful."

"Hmm! Go away."


After Wang Xiao gave a brief answer, he launched a hook and grabbed the roof of the house far away, led him away from Lyon and Ashley, and started running on the roof.


While running on the roof, Wang Xiao took out his pistol, took off the muffler on the muzzle, and quickly shot three bullets, accurately killing the three villagers under the house with headshots.

"Where is he!"

"Catch him up for me!!!"

After a few shots, all the surrounding villagers on patrol exploded the pot and chased Wang Xiao on the roof. Even most of the villagers threw their weapons towards Wang Xiao in order to injure him. other side.

Cum~~~ Clang!clang!clang!clang!

Seeing the various daggers and sharp weapons thrown from below, Wang Xiao quickly shifted to one side, avoiding most of the thrown knives, and drew out Tang knives to block some small daggers.

Then Wang Xiao made a gesture to Lyon in the distance, and began to control his figure and kept under the eyes of the villagers, leading these villagers to the other end of the village.

"Xiao has turned away the villagers, Ashley will follow me!"


Lyon on the other side took a telescope and saw Wang Xiao's gestures and the villagers who were led away. After greeted Ashley next to him, he took the opponent's little hand and ran towards Louis's hiding place.

On the roof at the other end of the village, there was a red figure standing, it was Ada who had led away the village chief Mendez.

"Leon, this guy is really popular."

Similarly, Ida also saw Leon taking Ashley away from the other end of the village, and she smiled and talked to herself, especially when she saw Leon holding Ashley’s little hand, she always said no in her heart. Feeling out.

"Hey~ Forget it, don't think about it, let's see what happens to my brother, after all, he is still more'welcomed' by the villagers."


After Ada made up his mind, he took out the grappling gun and moved towards the other end of the village to see if Wang Xiao needed his own help.


At this time, Wang Xiao's body was covered with mud, and he stood in the middle of the village, where the villagers burned their bodies.

When he was on the roof before, because the weather was too rainy, the roof became abnormally slippery, so Wang Xiao walked and ran on the roof to attract the attention of the villagers, and he slipped down accidentally. Fell to the ground.

Originally, when Wang Xiao wanted to climb up again, the surrounding villagers had already come to him, and he was not given a chance to escape. In desperation, he could only solve the surrounding villagers here and blaze a trail. .


Holding a Glock pistol in his left hand and a Tang knife in his right hand, Wang Xiao quickly attacked the surrounding villagers, and using his own eyes, he continued to observe the things of the surrounding villagers. For villagers who were about to throw their weapons at a distance, Wang Xiao would not hesitate. Pull the trigger and shoot them first. For villagers who are close to a certain range, raise the Tang Knife to directly cut off the villagers' heads.I love Chinese website

Only nearly half a minute passed, at least 15 villagers corpses infected with parasites had lay on the ground. The blood mixed with the muddy water on the ground and spread to the place where Wang Xiao was.



"I knew that the villagers mixed in there must be explosive."

During the attack, Wang Xiao found that the heads of three villagers on the right and in front of them had exploded spontaneously, and got out of the parasites in their bodies, waving the blades in their tentacles, and rushing towards him.

Seeing this situation, after Wang Xiao calmly killed an ordinary infected villager with a Tang knife, he sideways avoided the first villager who attacked with a tentacle. After approaching, he immediately raised the Tang knife to cut it off.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of the disgusting yellow blood flowing out of the opponent, Wang Xiao guarded the villager's body in front of him, blocking the two tentacles stabbed by the other two mutant villagers.

"It's me, yeah!!!"


After using the corpses of the villagers to block the attack by the tentacles, Wang Xiao lifted the sword and cut off the two tentacles that had not had time to recover. The attack method of the two mutant villagers was abolished, and then he fired several shots. The parasites on the villagers' heads exploded.

Uh ah ah!!!

At this time, a villager rushed to Wang Xiao’s side with a rusty machete, and slashed towards him with the arm holding the pistol. When Wang Xiao saw it, he wanted to shoot the opponent directly with the pistol. At this critical moment, the bullets in the magazine had been emptied, and he could only retract his hands quickly to avoid the ending of the other villager's cutting off his arm.


" are looking for death!"

However, after running out of pistol bullets, Wang Xiao was forced to pause for half a second, so that his arm was inevitably cut out and blood flowed out immediately. Then Wang Xiao lifted the Tang knife and cut it off first. The villager took the machete's arm, doubled his pain and returned the other party, and before the villager hadn't reacted, he directly chopped off his head.


After solving another villager, Wang Xiao took a few breaths and began to take a closer look at his injured arm. After seeing that the wound was not too deep, he quickly replaced the used pistol magazine and began to prepare to continue. Attack the surrounding villagers.

"Wang Xiao, close your eyes!"

At this moment, Ada rushed to the nearby roof in time, and then threw a flash bomb from his backpack and landed in the crowd below.


"Ahhhhh!! My eyes!!!"

After the grenade exploded in the crowd of villagers, a huge light burst out, blinding a large part of the villagers in an instant.


When Wang Xiao on the other side saw the villagers’ eyes flashed blindly, he immediately fired his claws to Ada’s side and said, “Thank you, sister, it’s really timely.”

However, Ada did not answer Wang Xiao the first time. Instead, seeing the wound on the other's left hand, she complained a little: "Why is this careless, when can even this kind of enemy hurt you."

Wang Xiao smiled at Ida: "It's all right, it's all accidents, accidents."

"Okay, I don't bother to criticize you. Go to Lyon. Now he is also in a hard fight."

"Well, let's go."

Then the two brothers and sisters rushed in the direction of Leon's escape before the villagers recovered from the strong light.

A few minutes later, the two stopped their steps and looked at a wooden bridge in the distance. They found that there were still many villagers walking on the bridge, and rushed into a large wooden house on the opposite side of the bridge. There were also several gunshots.

Seeing this situation, Wang Xiao took out his binoculars while observing, and said to Ada beside him: "Leon and them are all blocked in the house for defense."

"Yes, and you see behind us, there are many villagers who come here."

Wang Xiao put away the binoculars and looked back, and found that many villagers with torches appeared in the distance, coming here.

After Wang Xiao pondered whether he could do anything, he looked at the wooden bridge he was heading towards and asked Ada, "Sister, do you have a grenade?"

After Ida heard it, she took out two grenade from her pocket: "I only took two, what are you going to do?"

"Blow up the bridge."

Wang Xiao said affirmatively, and then took one of the grenade and rushed towards the wooden bridge. Ada who was on the side didn't think much, and immediately followed, ready to support.