Resident Evil Chronicles

Chapter 221 G Virus Reappears

You can search for "Resident Evil Chronicles Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing Tangning broadcast the pictures of the G virus research, Wang Xiao and Claire couldn't help but think of William who was infected by the G virus in Raccoon City.

Wang Xiao said slowly: "Tangning, I understand that you are studying the T virus to make a vaccine, but for your research on the G virus, which is even more terrifying than the T virus, I can't understand your thoughts."

Claire also said: "How did you get the G virus?"

Tangning raised his hand to signal the two of them to stay calm, and then explained: "The G virus is a company secret, even if the company's internal employees and government departments don't know it. As for the G virus, it was obtained by the Senator and I through special channels ."

"You got it from the black market?"

Hearing Claire's guess, Tangning nodded and acquiesced to this, and then Wang Xiao said, "Do you still want to develop a vaccine for G virus?"

Tang Ning admitted: "Yes, after we made a vaccine for T virus, we started to research a vaccine for G virus. After my research, I found that G virus is far more dangerous than T virus.

For this reason, I also mentioned this to the senator, but he did not even want to believe what I said, so the vaccine research plan has been shelved so far, and the G virus has also been stored in the fourth-level danger zone."

"Are you really studying the G virus vaccine?"

"Of course, otherwise, what else can I do? Wouldn't it be impossible for me to study BOW?"

Claire reminded: "Tangning, Xiao Qingshen and I have experienced the tragedy in Raccoon City. No one is more familiar with G virus than we are. G virus can only be infected by injection of virus stock. The infection method is very different. Single, so the G virus vaccine is completely dispensable, unless someone takes the initiative to inject the G virus."

Tangning said, "I don't know about this. I think G virus is the same as T virus."

Wang Xiao asked: "Did Davis tell you anything when the G virus was acquired?"

"I didn't say, just let me study the G virus in the name of making a vaccine."

Then Tangning looked at the computer screen and continued: "It seems that something is wrong with the server. I'm sorry, I'll go check it out first. You two will do it yourself, and I will come later."

"It's okay, don't worry about us."

Watching Tangning get up and leave, Claire said, "Xiao, listening to Tangning, the research on the G virus seems to be planned by Davis alone."

Wang Xiao nodded, sitting on the sofa beside the office and said: "I always think this Davis is a bit wrong, and he didn't report to Joel about the G virus. It's impossible that he wants to study the biochemistry of G virus. No weapons?"

Claire took out his cell phone and said, "I'll call Leon and talk about it, Xiao, if you want Yue to look up Davis carefully."

"Well, I'll get in touch now."


Just after speaking, a communication came from the two earphones: "This is Lengyue, please reply when you hear."

When Wang Xiao heard that it was Qiu Yue's communication, he hurriedly said into the headset: "I have received it, we are just about to contact you, is there anything?"

On the other side, Qiu Yue looked at the information on the computer screen in front of him, and said into the earphone: "I checked the research data of Wilfa Code and found that their company is still secretly storing G virus. "

Claire said: "We already knew about this from Downey. Just now we wanted to contact you to find out about Senator Davis."

Qiu Yue said: "This is also the second thing I want to say. I have checked Davis's information in advance, and there is one thing that makes people care."

Wang Xiao asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

"Davis was one of the decision makers who decided to destroy Raccoon City, and he was the same type of person as Simmons whom Youhu had contacted."

Claire was surprised: "Decided to destroy Raccoon City, and conducted research on the G virus in private. What exactly does he want to do?"

Wang Xiao said: "No matter what he wants to do, we have to ask it personally."

Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bell~

At this moment, the internal phone in the office suddenly rang. Qiu Yue on the other side heard the sound and said strangely: "Huh? Why is there a phone call?"

Wang Xiao said, "We are now in the office of Wel-Farmer, where Tangning is located. The call is from the office, Claire, you can answer it, maybe Tangning is calling."

Claire nodded, turned on the phone, and answered it. Then Tangning's voice came from the phone and said, "Shaw, Claire, are you still in the office?"


Claire heard the huge bell from the phone and quickly said, "We are in the office, Tangning, where are you now?"

"I'm in the fourth-level danger zone."

"What? Didn't you check the server?"

Claire answered and looked at Wang Xiao's place. Both of them wondered why Tangning suddenly went to the fourth level area. Then Tangning explained in an anxious tone: "I saw a suspicious person, so I followed him all the way. Click to get out of here. There is a time bomb here. It's too late to stop it. You must...Zi~Zi~"

"Hey! Hey!"

Hearing a sudden noisy voice on the phone, Tangning's phone was forcibly cut off. At the same time, Wang Xiao looked out of the office window and found a man with a disheveled hair came here with a suitcase. This person is really Curtis Mi Le.

Seeing Curtis coming here, Wang Xiao said into the headset: "Yue, I saw Curtis, he came to Wilfarma."

"I see. Tangning just said that there is a bomb here. I suggest you leave as soon as possible."

"Received, Claire, we..." Feilu Novels


Just when the two were about to leave, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the central courtyard, and the shock wave generated was the first to blow Wang Xiao and Claire who had not reacted.


"Shaw! Claire! Hearing your reply, damn it, it's unnerving."

Qiu Yue heard the explosion sound from the earphones and lost contact with Wang Xiao and Claire. She knew the danger they must have encountered, and then realized that Lyon was also on a mission together, so she got in touch with him.

Jingle bell~

On the other side, Leon was sitting in the co-pilot of the car and returned to the city with Angela. He received a call from Qiu Yue and quickly answered, "Yue, what's the matter?"

"Shaw and Claire were in danger at Wilfarm, and they saw Curtis there as well. You can go and take a look."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

After speaking, Lyon hung up the phone without hesitation, and said to Angela, who was driving, "Angela, let's go to Wilfarm. There was an accident with Shaw and Claire, and Curtis was there."

"What?! Okay, I get it."

Hearing the two important pieces of news from Leon, Angela was full of surprise, and then drove around the intersection ahead and headed to the location of Wilfarm.



After a while, when Angela drove to the door of Wilfamar's company, she didn't slow down the car. Instead, she smashed the barrier at the door without hesitation and rushed in.

After Leon and Angela got out of the car, they took up their weapons tacitly and ran to the position of the inflatable house. From the outside, the buildings in front of them were all powered off and there was no light at all, even in the air. Can smell a slight smell of coke.


"Attention all personnel! System failure! Please end all activities immediately! Leave the building immediately..."

Passing through the glass door of the building and arriving at the front desk, Leon and Angela heard the alarm sound from the lobby at the same time. Angela said to herself: "What happened here?"

Leon did not answer Angela. He took a pistol and walked to the projection device at the front desk to check it. He found that the five areas marked above were all sealed off.

Leon said: "So the area is blocked, it is considered to be in a state of semi-paralysis."

Angela said: "There are too many areas here. Let's find them separately. We will meet in the central courtyard later."

"It can only be this way."

After temporarily assigning their respective tasks, Angela walked towards the left entrance and exit first, but Leon said: "Angela wait a minute."

Angela turned around and said, "What's the matter?"

"Be careful, you are not fighting alone, and me."

Hearing this, Angela smiled and said, "Well, I know, let's go."

Watching Angela leave quickly, Leon also carried a pistol and rushed to the entrance and exit on the right, ready to find Wang Xiao and Claire.


At the same time, in the office that had been turned into ruins, Wang Xiao pushed off the desk he was pressing on, and pulled Claire, who was protected under him, up.

At this time, both of them were not in good condition, their bodies were covered with dust, the battle uniforms they were wearing showed multiple damages, and various abrasions appeared on their skins, especially on Wang Xiao's back. A small wooden thorn, blood dripped on his back.

"Claire, are you okay."

"I'm fine, Xiao, your back is bleeding."

At this time, Wang Xiao noticed the tingling in his back and said, "Help me pull it out."

"Well, bear with me."

After speaking, Claire looked at Wang Xiao’s back with a bit of distress, raised his right hand to grab the wooden thorn, and quickly pulled it out. Then, he helped take off Wang Xiao’s coat and took it out of his waist backpack. The spare disinfectant and bandage were simply treated for the wound.


"Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, I can bear this little injury."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xiao habitually stretched his hand to the position of the earphone, and found that the earphone he was wearing on his right ear had disappeared, and then said to Claire: "My earphone is gone, and Claire is yours."

Claire did not move slowly to put a bandage on Wang Xiao, stretched out his hand in front of Wang Xiao, and said, "It's all broken and can't be used anymore."

After seeing the bandage wrapped, Wang Xiao put on his shirt again and said, "Leave here first. I will try to contact Yue with my mobile phone."

"Well, let's go."