Resident Evil Chronicles

Chapter 486 is lively

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Time passed quietly on June 29th, today's high-orab city's streets are very busy, many citizens stand in the edge of the street filled with a warning line, want to see the protagonist that is grandly arriving today.

"Hey! Come here!"

"The car is coming! The car is coming!"

After one of the people's reminder, the surrounding citizens started to be lively, but because the central Avenue has a very far distance, plus the escort vehicles and the police officers, making everyone unclear.

At this time, in the center of the team, Lyon sat around the President Adam, looked at the excited people outside the window, couldn't help but emotion: "It's really amazing, there will be so many people welcome you."

"Oh ~"

Adam listened to the words of Lyon, laughed softly, then said: "There is no support, I will not serve, this, there is also a friend of your friend."

Lyon also smiled: "I just did my own my own job, I can't help anything, most of the work, or the President, you handle yourself."

Adam pushed his glasses: "Friends, I don't say it, when private, I don't have to say so serious. If you can't easily chat, then I am not exhausted."

Lyon looked outside the window to replied: "I am used to it for a long time. Right, I have to say truth today, I have to be careful about the people on Simmons to retaliate."

Adam, said: "I certainly know this thing, I have received an encrypted email on the Minister of CSG European Intelligence Department."

"European Intelligence Department! Is it sent to ?!"

Lyon heard this familiar name, couldn't help but think of everyone who didn't see it, and asked: "What is the content of the mail?"

Adam took out the mobile phone from the inside of the upper pocket, and the content was transferred to Lyon: "I use her to cross my way to decipher the content, say, this decipherive method is really surprised, it is too smart."

"She has always been the smartest people in CSG."

Lyon nodded with the attached sentence, then looked at the content in the mobile phone carefully, shocked: "This ··· On June 29, the high oak market will suffer from the biochemical terrorist attacks? The leader is likemons? ! "

Adam nodded, took the mobile phone in Lyon, and quickly removed the email, Shen Sheng: "The last, , , The better. "

Lyon does not understand: "This ··· Why? Simmons wants to shoot, should we do strong anti-prevention measures?"

"This is wrong, you can protect me, but you can't protect me, with the cleverness of, definitely there is another intention."

"What is intended?"

Lyon heard the words of Adud, I couldn't help but self-speaking. I guess: "Forgive me, I don't think so deep, but I guess, I must have important things to handle, or say ·· · I have already started to do it. "

Adam nod: "So, she now makes a secret message, just give us a wake up, waiting, we still look at it tonight, or in accordance with the original plan."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure, and I speak straight and white, the life of tens of thousands of people in high oak market is more important than me. I can't bear so much innocent life because I am personal reasons."

"But the President is!"


Seeing that Lyon also wanted to speak, Adam directly reached out on the shoulders of Lyon, interrupted directly, then said seriously: "This world can no longer appear in the tragedy of the Raccoon, do you understand."

"This! I know."

Looking at Adam's serious eyes, Lyon only nodded clearly, then in the heart silently added: "No matter what, Adam, I will protect your security, no matter what kind of enemies, I will solve it."

Over time, the team successfully entered the famous nature university in the high oak market, and Adam took some students who were in the windows and said: "That is the speaker, just hope not to have What kind of chaos is good. "

Lyon helpless: "This is also unavoidable. There are still many non-ridicoses in the world. I remember that when I was in action with Xiao, I was also blocked several times a few reporters."

Adam recalls: "Let me guess, is it the biochemical terrorist attack in Havervil?"

"Yord of President is the attack, especially after the airport rescued the survivor, the reporters outside the warning line were crazy, remember that there was also a reporter in the rescued civilians, but she is a responsible person, Later, Xiao was copened. "

"Speaking Xiao, how did he have recently?"

"I have now known that when he is in December, he led a large number of CSG members, and with BSAA to go to the Republic of Idonia, to deal with local B.O.W attacks."

Adam nodded: "I have heard of this, Hainini personally reports this thing."

Lyon added: "Well, and the progress is not very good, I have not asked for details, I don't know what happened."

Adam understands: "I hope they are nothing, Lyon, you can also contact CSG and BSAA, if you need help, I will help them, after all, I will go to today, there are their help, I owe it. Their."

"I have time I will tell."

Lyon is very happy to promise, then notice that the car will arrive immediately to the designated position, then remind: "The President is, we are here."

"Well, let's go."


I heard this, Lyon raised his hand and went out from the other side of the door, and the FBI agent wearing a black suit was dedicated to the surrounding of the FBI specialties, looked up and vigilant the surrounding house, confirmed that there was no abnormal situation. Next, then go to the other side of the car, raise your hand to open the door slowly.

"Oh oh!!!"


Looking at the President Adam came out from the car, everyone around the police officer started to cheer others, and raised his hand to greeted Adam, and the reporters in the distance couldn't even hold their own mood, pick up the camera and start crazy taking pictures. stand up.

Adam friendly sighed against the surrounding civilians and reporters, and then under the cover of the FBI agent and Lyon, I walked into one of the art-style teaching buildings.

Everyone entered the teaching building, a middle-aged man waiting in the main hall, and said: "His Excellency President, welcome you, I am Bart Robi, the principal of the school."

"excuse me."

Lyon did his own job, check it in Bart, confirmed that there was no weapon, and Adam had forwarded his hand: "I am very glad to meet you. President."

"It's my honor."

Bart is happy to shake his hand with his own leaders, then raise his hand to get the road: "His Excellency President, I have arranged a rest room, please come with me, in addition, the speaker will also be ready, at any time."

"sorry to bother you."

Adam is satisfied, followed by Bart, I started chatting on all the way, giving people a very good, I didn't deliberately put it on the upper shelf, and Lyon This is An An quiet followed in Adam right. The position of the rear, always protects around the president.

When I came to the room, Bart was leaving here. It was prepared to handle all the management of the school students. Adam also left several FBI agents around him, saying to Lyon: "Lyon, the internal warning line will give you "

"Yes, the President is."

Lyon agreed, returned to the body left the room, and I saw a dozen DSO members waiting outside the room. These people were the elite members who were deliberately summoned at the time. Nowadays, Simons will be prepared for biochemistry. The possibility of terrorist attacks, the first time convened their own players.

"I believe that you all know the reason for convening, then everyone divides four groups, will protect the entire teaching building, keep in touch with me, plus everyone closes the mouth, don't reveal any news, Avoid panic. "

"Yes, sir!!!"


After all the DSO members listened to the command of Lyon, their respective tacit cracked into four squads, scattered their own, and Lyon was not idle, while moving towards the teaching building, one side told the headphones: "City All people in the district, and the FBI agent will keep all the street entrances and exits and the junction. "

"Roger that!!!"

All people who heard the headphones are known, Lyon walks on the road of the school, watching the busy students and the FBI agents of the station, whispering from the voice: "Today, these people, Simmons If you want to attack, I am afraid that I will think of it. "

"Not necessarily."


After listening to the sound behind him, the burden of the whole person in Lyon suddenly pulled high, and immediately went attention to the blonde woman who worked hard her face to cover his face, and quickly asked: "Who are you?" Who are you? "Who are you? "

"Don't be nervous, it is me."

"Gill ?!"

Lyon seeing the woman slightly looked up his face. At a glance, I recognized the other person's identity. In the heart, I was still strange. How Kil is suddenly coming here, and I also find myself in such a hidden way.


Gill reached out of the index finger on his mouth, indicating that Lyon did not expose himself, then hidden: "Come here, come over, CSG action department members have also come to high oak market."


Although there are many problems with many problems, I want to ask Gil, but I have a lot of people around you. I can only take it on the heart of Jill and go to another teaching building.