Resident Evil Chronicles

Chapter 494 Concealing

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On the streets of the high orab market, Lyon looked at the vehicles on the streets, and all kinds of things that were sprinkled, and the face performance was very calm, and never experienced this large-scale biochemical terrorist attack. The two of Helena and Isa are surprised to say no.

Sitting in the rear seats, Iraqi, relying on his own small head to the window: "Is this the end of the world?"

Helenina is attached: "Yes, this scene is not too late."


Seeing two people, there is a little low, and the Lyon who opened the car said: "Things are not so bad, I am trying to contact Gil, just know their position, you can rescue."

~ ~

At this time, the mobile phone in the pocket suddenly rang, and Lyon explored in the pocket. It was found that the previous Gil will ring the ringtone to her mobile phone, and the number belongs to another, and it is curious to answer: "Which one ? "

"it's me."


Lyon heard the sound of Qiu Hao, and recognized the other person's identity at once, then said: "How do you suddenly contact me, how is the situation on the side of Gil?"

On the other hand, the phone is looking at the computer screen. It is the surveillance screen of Lyon who has driven through the street. At the same time, he replied to the headphones: "Qilie has been safely evacuated from high oak market, the President Adam is safe You don't have to worry about it, and you are holding the mobile phone now, I suggest you still destroy it directly, I will use you now another mobile phone. "

"OK, all right."

Drip ~

For the suggestion of Qiu Hao, there is no doubt, and the phone directly hangs, and handed it to Helena: "Helenna, helping me to destroy this mobile phone, by the way, the mobile phone card is also broken."

"give it to me."

Helennina picked up, took the mobile phone in Lyon, with the pistol gun, and took out the mobile phone card in it, and took out the mobile phone card in it. Forced into two broken, will completely scrapped the mobile phone reached out and threw the car. Outside the window.

At the same time, the original mobile phone also sounded the reminder of video communications, and handed it to Helenna to tell: "The phone has been processed."

Qiu Hao looked at Helena in the picture, nothing to say, straightforward: "Processing can, I now send you the location of the recent action squad, bring your post-seat girl to safe place."

Helenina tacit took the mobile phone route screen, and Lyon took a look at the eyes and confirmed: "In the Ander Avenue on the east side of the high orab city, I recorded it."

"There is another thing."

Qiu Hao said that he saw Helena holding a mobile phone, opening a mouth: "Helenna, do you have not to say the truth, such concealing, will only make your most important person, more dangerous."

Helenna heard this, and he was full of surprises. He said that he was inspired: "It seems that you all know, then I have nothing to say."

Qiu Haofu said: "When you send the girl to a safe place, hurry to the church, in addition, my people will not sit on, you will be relieved."


"Believe me, don't believe you can ask Lyon, have always been very understandable with us."

I heard the autumn, I didn't know what happened, but I heard the important people in Helenna, basically guess a probably, nodded: "Helenna, is the whole CSG's 'brain', her ability is still very powerful, you believe in her. "

Helenna was silent for a while, and he said: "Now I have no choice, you are yes, then please."

"give it to me."

Drip ~

After saying, autumn is actively hanged the phone, driving the Lyon of the car, raising his hand, took the mobile phone in Helena, put it back in your pocket: "The important thing is waiting for a while, tell me again, Don't take a serious thing, you will pick up a serious thing. "

"I ... I know."

Helenna didn't say much, but he promised to ask the requirements of Lyon, then turned to look at the scene outside the window, no longer speak, and San, in the rear, there is also smart mouth, silently sitting silently Seat on the seat.

Lyon opened the car to the collection place, did not find any CSG members waiting here, only the body of the body, even the zombies of the activities, after thinking, will open: "Helenna, you come to master Steering wheel, I will go see. "

"Good, be careful."

Isa also said: "Lyon, be careful."

~ ~

After he was vigilant, he got off the car alone, and vigilant, walked in the past, and used his eyes to sweep the surrounding area, make sure there will be no zombie suddenly kill.

! ! ! !

When Lyon took a few steps, suddenly, more than a dozen CSG members took a gun, and even a number of CSG members used to use the crochet claws, and they were sitting in Hellana. The car group is surrounded.


Lyon lifted his hands and heard the team leader for the first female CSG member. It was obviously the team leader of this group, and quickly replied: "Lyon Kennedy, the car is my service, and the school's survival It is the cold moon tells me your position. "

The team leader heard the explanation of Lyon. After taking out the mobile phone, after a while, raised his hand to put down the gun, then took the initiative to reach out before the hand changed before the majesty tone: "Hello, Mr. Kennedy, I am a CSGE group group Long, code Karman. "

Due to the large number of high-ranking urban areas, the CSG action department attended the team, the original AB two groups, expanded to the seven groups to rescue tasks, can be seen that Qiu Hao has a value for this action.

Lyon held the other party's friendly: "Hello, Ms. Calman."

The code was nodded to Karman's CSG, and then he saw Isa, who came over with Helena, asked: "Is there only this girl? Is there still other survivors?"

Lyon has helplessly shakes: "I am sorry, I am just inadvertently encountered this survivor, originally and her female students have been infected."

"Is it······"

Kalman said softly, then said: "Then, give me the escort, the chief has told me your business, do you have to go with us?"

Helenna said: "Sorry, we have important things to complete."

Seeing the two attitudes, Karlman no longer persuaded: "Well, you have two kinds, pay attention to the zombies in other regions, although we clean up, but it is estimated that there are many in the building."

Lyon asked: "Let me ask, how many survivors have you been rescued?"

"Almost 70% of high orab people have been sent to the city, carrying a series of isolated inspections, and the specific number needs further statistics."

"I understand, it's hard."


From the news of many people rescued from the Karman mouth, the mood of Lyon has also improved a lot, and then he looked at Yashe: "Isa, you are safe, then you can leave CSG people."

"Thank you ··· Thank you, Lyon! There is Helena, thank you for your help!"

Isa learned that he had rescued, excited to Kido and Helena, thanked Helena, and Helena around him, then said: "Don't thank you, this is what we should do, goodbye."

After that, the Tong He He didn't return to the car, Helena smiled in Ya slightly, and completed the Lyon who was ready to leave.

"Two places, etc."

When Lyon and Helenna were re-carried, Kalman came over, then handed the S12K semi-self-motion shotgun and the remaining magazine on his body: "Give, I almost forgot, the chief said To give you a weapon, you can't always take a pistol. "

There is no resignation in Lyon, and the smile will take the gun: "Thank you."

"And you."

Kalman looked at Helena, then took out a small syringe from your pocket: "Your arm is hurt, although it will not change zombies, but you can't die because of wound infection."

Although Karman wore CSG exclusive mask, he could not see any obvious expressions, but Helena still felt that the other party's kindness, raised his hand and said: "That ... Thank you for your help."

"You are welcome, I wish you two good luck."

After Karman said to the two, turned to join his teammates, and sent a small team member to escort Yahuyuan, start the car engine, and took out the mobile phone to transfer the mobile phone to the church route, start moving .

Helenna looked at the syringe in his hand, set off the left arm sleeves, slowly injected the anti-broken drugs in the syringe into its own body to prevent the possibility of infection infection.

After the injection is completed, Helenna can't help but say: "Lyon, look at your look, and the relationship with CSG is very good."

On one side of Lyon, I replied: "It is not to say that more CSG people know, I know, the two leaders of CSG, there are several important friends."

"Do you know?"

"Of course, if you say, I and they are in the raccoon event."

I heard the time of the raccoon event, Helena is not emotional: "Yugong City incident ··· I can't think of a long time."

Lyon recalls: "There is no so-called CSG at the time, I am just a new rookie police in the raccoon. If you are Xiao them, I mean that I want to go out of the raccoon city, it is very difficult."

"Is it."

"Don't say me first, don't you want to explain?"


I heard Lyon in questioning myself, Helenna slightly sighed, then said: "Since things go to this point, I will tell you all things."