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When the perspective returned to the autumn and other people, after giving the helicopter before, everyone began to take short-lived, and both sides said that they happen to each other, and let Qiu Hao understand the current situation.

"So many things happened? ······

I heard the feelings of autumn, Chris said lowered his head and said: "Yes, there is only four people, others are not dead, and Ruiqiu has not hide this robbery."

Although this is said, but Chris, Pierce, Parker, and the final following CSG members, now there is a skin that is covered with dust, face and arms, and it seems to have different degrees of scratch. Pretty wolf, and Qiu Qi they formed a distinct contrast.

After all, Qihaxi has only experienced a rescue task of a home, and Chris has experienced a few waves and ghost battles. Autumn and even find that Chris they have begun to appear exhaight, but they don't care. .

Xueli's open mouth: "Chris, I think you temporarily evacuate to the peripheral area, replenish the corresponding materials, and the people's hand, then the next task, with you, it is really difficult."

Jack who did not intend to insert the mouth, I couldn't help but say: "Your team is basically the extent of the whole army, or not to be strong."

"what did you say?!"

Chris heard the four words of the whole army, and his face was gloomy, and slowly said this, and step by step to Jack, it seems that the inner anger.

Jack did not scared, straight in Kris said: "I said, don't be stubborn, you are in the mercenarian, you just have a brain, you will be happy!"

"You Mother Fucker ······"


Just when Chris broke out, when I was ready to do it, Xueli quickly reacted, stopped in front of the two, while Qiui took the Chris's backrings, forcibly pulled back, stopping upcoming contradiction.

Parker's mouth: "Chris, you can't say it, Jack is not wrong, then you will send it, we have no one can help!"

Chris did not answer, alone, on the wall, everyone saw this, not intended to disturb, and plan to be calm down alone.

"Hey ~"

Qi Qi was softly sigh, she understood Chris's ideas, he would say why he was impulsive to this, it is estimated that the death and tragic death of the player, I have been impacting his mind, so Chris is time to task. I will choose to cooperate with a partner and will not bring more people.

In fact, the sentence is not good, Chris now has this kind of psychological situation, and it is impossible to continue to participate in any task, and the psychological tolerance is so poor, according to CSG's regulations, I have already kicked out the team.

In the past, when Chris had never had this situation, even if some of the players sacrificed, it was also the dead of the other party. Only in the Idonian mission, it was given to the next set, causing white death. Team members.

Not only that, the players around themselves, they finally become a C viral infection, and still in front of Chris's eyes, the players scream and painful, it is really cold and chestnut.

"This has become a kind of obsession."

"Well? What do you say?"

Xueli heard the self-speaking self-speaking, curious asked, Qiuxi looked at the distant Chris explained: "I said, Chris's current state, the life of the player is more important than anyone And even the cause of teammates died, it is in my own body, which has become his obsession. "

Xue Li nodded: "It is true, you have to go out of this psychological shadow, you still need an opportunity."

At this time, Pierce came over, straightforward: ", Chris, this, I am afraid ... ·····"

The autumn shakes and shakes: "I and Xue Li just said this thing, don't worry about Chris, in fact, Pierce, you have to be unfamed, I have a way, I don't know if I don't care."

"What method, hurry to tell me."

"He, sometimes it is a gluten, sometimes it is, the more persuaded, the more it will play."

"Well ··· It is also."

Pierce recalls the previous thing, and finds that it is true that Qihai said, can't help agree, and it is also an unknown side of the BSAA Legend of the Chris.

Qiu Hao said seriously: "So, if he doesn't turn, you can play it directly and smell a meal, you don't have to care about him, how can you, how can you?"

"Well ··· Well? A ???"

Pierce originally thought it was a good way to hear it from Qiushi, I couldn't think that it was turned into Chris. He looked at the strong body of Chris. He was treated by Chris, and there is some kind. "Learning" to catch up.

Thinking of this, Pierce's mouth convulsions: ", do you have not given me an idea?"

Qiuxue appeared, let her have completely disappeared with her eyes that reject people outside the thousands of miles, so that Pierce is slightly looked slightly.

"How could it be an idea, you can try it, if the situation really turns this, you just have to fight."

When I heard this, I was equipped with the Qiuxin, and Pierce had a very sweat, and the support did him say: "This ... I ... I try it."

"Okay, don't say this first."

Qiu Hao raised his hand to interrupted this topic and said seriously: "I just listened to Parke report, did you encounter an invisible serpentine B.O.W?"

Pierce nodded: "Yes, the monster is in the body, it is used to use optical camouflage. Only when you are ready to attack, you will show a blurry figure. We need to observe it carefully. We have several players have been given by it. Eat, just we have been chasing it. "

On a side of the off-road vehicle door, I heard the talk of the autumn and a few people in the hands of the hand, said: "I have encountered this type of invisible creature, it seems that ··· is called Hunting Let's go, when you have previously mission. "

"You said this, let me think about what happened before."

Qihai heard this, I remembered the invisible hunter who had encountered with Case and Kunter, asked Case and Kunter. It would be estimated to be the same type.

"Wait, Pierce said that you are chasing the whole snake?"

"Yes, what is it ... ·····

Pierce said here, and I thought of the seriousness of things, while the autumn shouted: "All people have an urgent collection !!!"

"Hey !!!"

The voice just fell, one place suddenly came out of the sound of sound, and the attention of everyone was attracted to the past, and then found a CSG member lost half of the body, and the strange hang in half empty.

No, it is exactly that it is hung in half an air by a huge fuzzy figure, and blood is in such a CSG's mouth and the wound in the chest. It is low on the ground.

Obviously, this magic snake has always been around the people, and Chris is also attracted to attract attention because of the first ghost helicopter, and the magic tacks have not yet appeared, thinking that there is no such monster will be so embarrassed.

"Save people!"

"Shoot the target body! Don't hurt yourself!"

Da da da! ! ! Da da da! ! !

Autumn and Chris have reached the instructions, including everyone, while holding the weapons in his hand, starting toward the fuzzy figure, a large number of bullets playing on the magic tacks, like playing Like a very hard gum, a strange impact sound is made, and there is no blood to be played.

Roar! ! !

Although the magic snake was no injury, but the bullets were thoroughly affected by everyone's bullets, and turned out to the CSG members of the mouth. He screamed with everyone, turned to close the fragile mouth, completely hidden his own The body, once again disappeared.

"Xueli! Carlos! Protect the wounded, others pay attention to observation!"

"Roger that!!!"

I heard the order of Qiu Ha, all people in the scene entered a warning state, first tacit covered with Snow Li and Carlos pulled the players who survived to everyone, and then owned by autumn, respectively Embroidered, the rifle in his hand is alert to any movement of the surrounding street.


"where is it?"

"I don't know, the voice is unclear!"

"Is it on the left?"


"Don't panic! Don't be affected by it, it is disturbing us!"

Listening to the surrounding snakehood, this strange and seepage atmosphere, let everyone start to panic, this kind of enemy is the most dangerous, you will never know which place from the magic tack And Qiu Hao also heard the tense of the player, and quickly pulled their thoughts back.

"Listening to Pelles, the surface of this monster is optical camouflage ..."

On the other side of the autumn, I paid attention to everything around. When my head thinking about the corresponding countermeasures, she relieves her own words to analyze it here, and the eyes are bright, and they are busy opening the infrared sight installed.

"Everyone! Open the infrared line!"

Everyone heard the autumn, and quickly heard the respective infrared sights to open, moved with the muzzle, and multiple small red lights in the surrounding environment.

Subsequent CSG members, using the infrared rays on the barrel to the front of themselves, the original slender pensted infrared light, suddenly twisted in the air, it seems that there is something to distort the lights.

"Three o'clock direction!"


! ! ! !

Everyone got an instruction, and quickly touched the gun to pull the trigger, but the bullet was playing in the body of the magic tomb, and at the same time in the edge of the team, I felt the sound of the friction around the items, the whole person instantly nervous, watching the Pierce Even busy raising your hand open it.

Roar! ! ! !


Hey! ! !

In the next second, the magic snake of the magic snake appeared on the side of Parker. It was originally desirable to bite the giant mouth of Pierce, and the momentum biting in Parker, and the blood suddenly came out.