"Chen, in recent days, I have seen other office buildings, almost no alone. However, China Resources another office building is being renovated, and it is expected to move in three months."

"Then this can contact it, three months, we also need to prepare."


Wang Chang, and then said: "Li Biqing, Dean, Mong, Chen, Shencheng University Computer Department, said to visit our Huanyu Technology."

"Xinfeng Headquarters?"


"So far, he is willing?"

Chen Yu didn't know how to visit Huanyu Technology, but the last press conference, in order to create, I also invited the Shenzhen University. They want to visit and have normal.

"If you don't do this, call him here?"

Chen Yu refers to the market department.

"Li Dean said it must go to the headquarters."


Chen Yu has some headaches, but still nod: "Yes, just right, I have to go back, but I will bring it."

Anyway, the dean of the Shenzhen Computer Department.

In the future, move the headquarters to the deep city. Some places may be able to hit the hand.

Chen Yu is not a wood, naturally knows this.

The next day, Li Biqing took the two Shencheng University's lecturers and Chen Yu to arrive at the city.

"Li Dean, the front is our Huanyu Technology."

Although Xinfeng is not very good, it is convenient to ride a plane.

It took about four hours, Chen Yu took Li Biqing and others were returned to Huanyu Science and Technology Headquarters.

"Chen, I can't believe that such a big company is created in a small county, which is a miracle."

Looking at the Huanyu Technology of the Signature, Li Biqing said.

"Li Dean, the deep city is where to create a miracle."

Chen Yu, introduced the basic situation of Huanyu Technology to Li Biqing.

"Li Dean, this is our company hall, because it is a factory, so the conditions are relatively simple."

"Here is the game department, the game department is the largest department of the company. It is currently developing three online games, and the operation of 2D online games."

"Legendary World?"

A middle-aged lecturer "Hu Jinyi", who followed Li Biqing.

"Mr. Hu also knows the legendary world."

"Your advertising is everywhere, I don't know if it is also difficult."

"No way, doing games can only be like this, there are some bombing everyone."

"Chen Qi Qian is solemn, just joking, I am a loyal fan of your Huanyu technology. I use your YY, and I also play your happiness landlord."

"Hahaha, I thought Hu teacher played our legendary world."

"The legendary world has always upgraded to the monster, and some of us have this time, Xiao Qiao may play."

"Do you want to play online games?"

"Hey ... I have time to play the Westward Journey."

Teacher Xiao Qiao has just graduated this year, just stayed with a lecturer.

But thinking that today, I came to Huanyu Technology Headquarters. The Westward Journey is NetEase Company, and he said: "I will play in the last few days."

"Oh, very good, I also played again."

Chen Yu is also laughing.

"Chen, in fact, I am also your faithful users."

Li Biqing also said.

"Li Dean, you call me Chen Mr. Chen."

Li Biqing is now 65 years old, and he will return to the second line.

Just because the seniors of the Shenzhen University have repeatedly, they will return to the campus.

Don't say that Li Biqing is a long, his age, Chen Yu, Mr. Chen, is also a bit not dare.

"You call me Chen Yu, or call me Xiao Chen."

"Then I will call you Chen Yu."

Li Biqing did not resigniate and said: "I have recently liked to go to Go in your YY game."

"Oh, the level of Go, Go is very high."

"General, better than ordinary people. However, I found a strange phenomenon, since I was going to your YY game platform, I seem to have fallen a lot."

"Oh, Li Dean, is not your level, it has fallen a lot, you have met more play masters.

"Yes, I also found that how YY play is so many masters. Yes, lilies Sheng Nie Weiping settled in your YY game platform. How did this do it?"

"This one……"

Chen Yu has some embarrassment.

How did this do it?

However, in the end, the dean of the computer system of Shencheng University, looked at Chen Yu, Li Biqing said: "Don't you have any data optimization in this technology."

Chen Yu keeps a smile.

Li Biqing is just a saying that there is no in-depth discussion.

"This is our instant messaging department. At present, the instant messaging department is responsible for YY, and is also responsible for the YY game platform. In the future, the company will divide the YY game platform into two departments, one is the platform department, only responsible for the platform, the other is the game department , Only R & D games, in principle, the game department is independent of the platform department. "

"Means this YY game department to enjoy the same policy with other cooperative game companies?"

"Yes, since it is open, it is open to everyone. At the same time, we are also tacred for yourself."

"it is good."

Li Biqing said: "I thought that your opening is just talking, even half open. Now, your Huanyu technology is really open."

"The Internet is really too great, we only cooperate to create more possibilities."

Li will node from time to time.

Teacher, who came with Hu, Xiao Qiao teacher is also a lot of feelings.

"This is our first business, 5173 network."

Finally, Chen Yu took Li Biqing to the game portal.

"Chen Yu, this should be the first business you start."

"It should be counted."

Chen Yu nodded.

"What should be counted, are you still doing it before 5173?"

"Before the game player, I earned a little money in the grand legendary sale, and then I opened 5173."

"You can earn the first barrel of gold, it seems that we have played more students in the future."

Today, this time, Chen Yu can give Li Biqing a lot of surprises.

In the afternoon, Li Biqing thought about saying a few words to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu will please Li Biqing to the office and give Li Biqing to bubble tea.

"Li Dean, drink tea."

Although Li Biqing is 50 5, the idea is very active, and the mentality is very young.

In addition, it is also engaged in computer, often accepts new things, Chen Yu is also very pleasant to Li Biqing.

"Chen Yu, I heard that you are still reading high school?"

"This is really."

Chen Yu nodded.

"It's amazing, I have found such a large Internet company in reading high school."

Li Biqing is also sighing a sentence, then said: "Which university did you want to take a test?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. When I gave a look at the grades."

"How do you see the deep city university?"

"Shencheng University?"

Chen Yu touched his head.

He didn't know much about the deep city University, only knowing this is a relatively young university.

"Oh, it seems that we are still not loud enough, we are in 1983, we are indeed more young in the entire university system, but it is really not too famous. Compared with other schools, Shencheng University is not too big. Competitiveness. However, one thing we can perform in our deep city. "


"The students from the University of Shenzhen will make money."


Chen Yu tears full of face.

He also thought that what is the uniqueness of the Shencheng University, I didn't expect Li Biqing to say this.