Ressurring Network Controversy

Chapter 435 online games really make money

"Ask" so soon? "

"I have no technical difficulties asked it, they lack of funds, Chen You have invested, and their speed has accelerated several times."

"Well, do you think it is asking how many people can do it online at the same time?"

"This cannot predict, but it should not be poor."

Zou Hao said: "Ask the comments on the Internet very fire, many people are looking forward to this game. Although he seems to have some dream change."

"Oh, Zou Wei, you still don't accept it. This is not a chance to change."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "Zou Wei, you have to be careful, in case you ask the fire, when you come over, you will come over."

"Chen, you can rest assured, this is impossible."

Zou He was guaranteed to Chen Yu.

"Good, Zou Wei, you are busy."

After a while, Chen Yu gave Ye Xiaoqing a phone call: "Little green sister, is it South Korea?"

"Just arrived."

"How is there?"

"The atmosphere is too strong. I didn't expect to just attract so many people just the game game. Do you know that we have just gave a plane to pick up a domestic student in Korea, they also shouted China to cheer in China. I feel it into the Olympics. "

"WCG itself is the game between countries and countries, even if it is game."

Chen Yu is incomparable to this.

Although the game has not been recognized by mainstream, for many young people, the game has become part of their lives. After several years, in their memories, the game has always been the youth that they are difficult to cut. No matter whether it is mainstream, he all affects far.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu asked again: "How is the TV station."

"Chen, I talked to the leaders of Taiwan, but the leaders of Taiwan can't do the Lord, and they are applying."

"Well, you have a good rest, don't bother you."

If there is no time, Chen Yu also wants to go to South Korea to see.

However, it is fine.

There is time in the future.

Future WCG will also come to China.

Even if you don't come to the country, there is nothing. In the future, the DOTA separate game game may exceed WCG.

This is exactly in fact.

After several years later, WCG basically did not have much influence, but the global finals of a single game was most expected. The DOTA and LOL Global Finals like it exceeded the influence of WCG.


"Chen Yu, I am on the side of Guangxia Technology."

Hang Ye Xiaoying's phone, then Li Jing's phone is playing.

"No, what are you doing in the sun?"

"Why can you, ask the test tomorrow, I will see the situation."

"Haha, Li Jing, you are afraid to ask the street."

"Your eyes are so accurate, I am worried about the street. There is a guy to pick up my shares, but I don't know how much it is suitable."

"How, lack?"

"It is not missing."

"Don't stay in the shortage, don't sell at least three years."

"Mainly, this family has three times the price, I have some heart."

"3 times?"

Chen Yu smiled: "Ten times will be 10 times tomorrow."

"10 times?"

Li Jing is a little excited: "Chen Yu, don't scare me."

"Scared you, tomorrow, you want to sell shares, I bought 10 times."

Chen Yu and Li Jing cast 10 million, 10 times the price of 10 times.

100 million people won the "asked" nearly a quarter of the equity, don't cost it too much.

"Then I will see tomorrow."

Li Jing did not answer, let go of his hand, and the road to the side: "You have been three times."

"I rely, you are not willing to 3 times."

"Gigou pointers me, I have 10 times the original share of my original share tomorrow."

"10 times ... how possible."

"That day."

The next day and asked officially.

Li Jing and Xiao Xiao Jun once again came to Guangxia Technology.

"High, how is it, is it nervous?"

Light Summer Technology Game R & D Department, at this time all members are nervous sitting before the computer.

At 12 o'clock in noon, asked officially to initially test.

"How can I not be nervous."

Light summer technology chairman's eyes are filled with a lot of blood, in order to test today, he didn't sleep well these days.

However, accompanied by tension and high hard work.

Because of the situation, their "asked" is the possibility of fire.

"Do you think we ask how much can I break online?"

"I didn't predict, but Chen said that I said that I may have to break 200,000."

"The internal test is 200,000?"

"Mr. Chen said that I am very happy to break 100,000."

Although the number of games has grown a lot more than the previous year, even if this is the same, the online is also a very horrible data. Ok, don't say that it is 10,000 at the end of the online, even if there is 100,000 online, a game company can be mixed.

Then there were no words, staring at the background data.

At 12 o'clock noon, I officially opened the test.

Many early registered players from the account one to 12 points, immediately log in to the account to enter the game.

"Hahaha, I am the first."

"Oh, it looks good."

"The picture is OK, watching very Chinese classical style."

No matter what I asked, it is not the same, but the style of asking is really different from dreams.

After many players entered asked, I only felt a bright future, no matter what others, do a few tasks.

At the same time, the number of online people asked in the background is constantly refreshing.





Just the first hour, I asked 10,000 online records.

Until the golden time at night, asked further, breaking through 210,000.

When such a record appeared, the entire light summer technology is all boiling.

"Ah ..."

"We have succeeded, successful."

The previous efforts have been returned and asked for a battle.

"Li Jing, I want to ask, can I buy your shares 10 times now?"

Xiao Jun testivity standing on the side.

Even if he has been very optimistic before, he did not think about it, it could break the number of online numbers at the same time.

The internal test can break the game between 200,000, and any one earns a lot of money.

"I feel that you have to add 10 times."

Li Jing laughed and replied.

However, Li Jing, Li Jing, is not intended to sell.

For Chen Yu, he is a real cost.

In just 3 months, the time in which he invests, it has been doubled directly.

This kind of money makes it easy.

In fact, Li Jing predicted plus 10 times also told the value of asking.

After asking 200,000 online records, dozens of wind vapks did not pay attention to asking for the first time, and the first time was in contact with Li Jing.

Yes, they want to invest in light, the best way is to take over Li Jing's shares.

Because in the Guangxia Technology, the shares of high-level China and others can not sell easily.

Another Chen Yu is not the lack of money.

Finally, only Li Jing doesn't seem to have a special relevant investor in the game industry.

And some of these ventilation companies give Li Jing's quotation, directly from 300 million.

That is to say, Li Jing has only spent 3 months from the original 10 million to 300 million, and it turned 30 times.