Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 345 Autumn Wind Sweep (2/5 Moon Ticket)

Tang Wei handed Tang Xiu a pistol and whispered: “Dude, I know you're good at kung fu, but you can't hide from bullets. You hold this gun, we can't afford to lose it. You can't have any accidents. ”

Tang Xiu took the pistol, stuck it in his waist and nodded. “Remember, when we attack, try not to shoot without shooting. Although these guns have silencers, for many masters they can still be perceived. ”


Everyone agreed to grab the knives and sticks on the ground.

Seven or eight minutes later.

The crowd appeared in another factory and successfully killed the 10 people inside.

Office roof.

Tofferson's eyebrows locked and threw the binoculars at the man next to him, indicating that he was observing the surrounding environment, while he sat down and reached out and lit a cigarette.


He was a little upset, as if something bad was going to happen. This feeling, he had appeared twice before, each time because of his early vigilance, eventually survived.

“Contact the others to cheer them all up. Once the enemy strikes, it is you who die fighting me alive.” Tofferson whispered.


A big man touched out his phone and dialed a set of numbers.

Outside the factory.

Between those piles of plates over two meters high, a big man's cell phone shook. He squinted his eyes and looked at the number that the electricity appeared to show. When he turned it on, he said, "What is it? ”

“Cheer up, the enemy is not attacking during the day, I'm afraid it will attack at night. If we don't stay alert, I'm afraid we're in danger of dying. ”

“I understand! ”

Da Han passed through the clearance of the board and glanced twice in the direction of the door of the cabinet factory, nodding.

“Okay, that's it! ”

As they hung up, the man whispered: "Brothers, cheer up. As long as we can kill more enemies this time. The young master will give us a generous reward when he returns. By then, we can have a big sip of wine, a big sip of meat, and play with beautiful women. ”


The other nine men laughed. Even they have begun to fantasize about how happy they will be when they succeed in cleaning up their enemies.


A sharp Mitsubishi military knife pierced the back of the man who answered the phone, and as he turned his head, he felt a flower in front of him, standing next to his brother, others punched him in the head. The blood and white brains splattered his face.

Tang Wei held a machete in his hand and slashed it on the right neck of a big man sitting on the ground. As the other party screamed, one person had stabbed him in the stomach.


When a besieged enemy found his companion attacked, he shouted: "Enemy…”


Before finishing his voice, Tang Hui ripped his throat open with a knife, followed by a punch to kill him.

“Throw away all the machetes and put away their guns. Let's fight next, with guns.” Tang Xiu gave serious instructions.


Nine people, including Tang Wei, have taken oral care of Tang Xiu Xiu. They saw Tang Xiu's means of killing and Tang Xiu's success in leading them into a covert attack.


A whole twenty-nine enemies, with guns and knives, were all killed in just 20 minutes, and one of them was also knocked out and lay at their feet. Not even one of them was injured, let alone killed.

Good luck!

It went so well!

They used to be soldiers. Several of them were raised by the Tang family since childhood. Others were also retired soldiers. After being bought by the Tang family, they have been loyal to the Tang family since then. Almost all of them have killed, but they have never encountered such an easy assault. Never before has such a proud outcome been achieved.

Tang Wei said, "Dude, what are we going to do? Notify the people outside immediately and let them come in? ”

Tang Xiu shook his head: “Not yet. Let's go to the factory on the right, where you're ambushing. I snuck into that office building and killed it quietly...”


Tang Wei shook his head, “Absolutely not. Even if you're good, I can't let you risk it alone. Double punches are hard to beat, there are dozens of enemies there, and they should all have guns, in case you miss, I... Anyway, since you've been here, I'll go wherever you go. ”


Don Xiu opened his mouth.

Tang Wei waved to interrupt his words and said firmly, “Dude, I don't want Grandpa and Grandpa to break my legs because of you. I don't want to feel guilty forever. So you don't have to say much more. ”

Tang Xiu smiled bitterly and shook her head helplessly. “Forget it. Then let's just quietly bypass... No, damn it, the people in that office building should have found us. ”

Tang Wei asked quickly: "How did they find out? ”

Don Shu frowned and said, "Didn't someone call just before we killed the people here? If I guessed correctly, there were also calls to people in factories on both sides, but unfortunately no one answered. So it's not hard to deduce that people on both sides of the plant have been in trouble. ”


Tang Xiu just finished, the first big man killed by Tang Xiu in his pocket, his hand rang a bell.

Tang Xiu and Tang Wei looked at each other.

“Sure! ”

Tang Wei smiled bitterly.

Tang Xiu pondered for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it's impossible that we want to sneak up on the enemy in that office building! So let's retreat immediately, rendezvous with our own people outside the cabinet factory door, and retreat as quickly as possible. If the ambush dares to stop it, kill it. ”

Tang Wei nodded, “It's enough that we can kill so many of them. But what about this guy? ”

Tang Xiu looked at the knocked out man and said after a moment of silence: "It's no use keeping him, just kill him! ”


Tang Wei knife up and down, directly killed the dead man.


Everyone left quickly, rolled out of the back yard wall and returned to the car.

“What do you say? ”

Xue Qiang waited outside and saw Tang Xiu and Tang Wei coming back, hurrying to ask.

Tang Wei wiped the blood from the splash on his face. “Aunt Xue, with my brother, we can't do it well! However, not all of them were killed, only thirty others were killed and then discovered by others. So we're back! ”

Xue Qiao shocked: “You've been in here less than half an hour? Killed 30 people? You... how did you do that? “

Tang Wei pointed to Tang Xiu and laughed: “Then ask him! ”

Tang Xiu said: "Sneak attack. I've surveyed it before, and I know my hidden enemies very well. So we did it together, and without alarming the others, we split it into three groups of hidden enemies to kill. All right, let's get out of here right now and meet up with the guys at the front door. ”


Xue Qian's face was still stunned and nodded.

A moment later.

Xue Qiang called Li Xiaojie to prepare them for evacuation. When the four cars quickly drove near the Ground Cabinet Factory, Li Xiaojie saw the four cars and immediately and without hesitation ordered them to drive and rendezvous with them.

Eight cars!

Leaving at extremely fast speed.

Between the sheets in the cabinet factory, Tofson's face was brilliant, and the intense killing power surprised dozens of big men around him.

Shame on you!

He was deeply ashamed because, without his discovery, he was placed under his command here and killed silently by his enemies.

“The other two people were killed, too! ”

A big man walked in with an arrow and a little bit of fear on his face.

“Bastard! ”

Tofferson punched him hard on the board, and suddenly, as if he realized something, immediately dialed a set of cell phone numbers and sighed and drank: "Emmerich, what's going on out there? ”

“Still no movement, the enemies are still in the car... No, four more cars are coming.” In the phone, Emmerich's voice came out.

Tofson changed his face and immediately said, "Don't stop them. If they try to get into the earth cabinet factory, let them in. You stay behind. If they want to leave, let them go. ”

Emmerich questioned, "Why? That's not the plan! ”

Tofferson bites his teeth and says, "There are enemies sneaking into the cupboard factory, and all three of my teams have been killed! ”


Emmerich lost her voice.

More than a dozen kilometers from Changbu Town on the road, a dozen cars are in a rush like electricity. In the middle of an Audi sedan, Tang Yunpeng's face was shady as water, and he remembered what the old man had just said:

“Whatever the cost, make sure that Hugh and Val are safe. Big deal, let's give up Guangyang Province and Fugang Province. If the Yao family still dares to fight our Tang family in other provinces, then we will fight them! ”

Tang Yunpeng rubbed his temple and then regretted agreeing to Tang Xiu's proposal.

He knows!

Tang Xiu is a talented child who can work out a good career at a very young age without the help of anyone, and is already very powerful.


If we give Tang Xiu a few more years, or even a decade of development, I'm afraid Tang Xiu's strength will be even greater. With the help of the Tang family, he could hardly imagine what level of strength Tang Xiu would have.


He had already imagined that if Tang Xiu took the Tang family seriously in the future, then the Tang family's power would develop rapidly. Perhaps in a few years, the Tang family would recover to the peak.

It's time!

Which family in the country dares to easily fight the Tang family?

“The whole empire, the whole country. No young man has ever been better than Don Hugh. For the future of the Tang family, and in order to make up for the child's suffering over the years, even if he is spared this old life, his safety must be guaranteed. ”

Tang Yunpeng closed his eyes and thought silently.

[Brothers and sisters, today's monthly ticket is just a few digits. It's too cold. Jing Night is going to have five bigger outbreaks today. Don't you brothers and sisters have some motivation?