Returning from the Immortal World

The nightmare of a clear thunderbolt, pray!

This period of updating was not quick, it just kept the daily bottom two more, now you owe everyone two more chapters of monthly ticket plus, quiet night here to apologize to the brothers and sisters.

In fact, instead of not wanting to erupt at night, the eruption is too fast, the plot can easily become rough, so if the brothers and sisters can wait, Jing Night would rather work slowly, work hard in quality than win by quantity, and ask the brothers and sisters to understand.

Besides, Jing Night was going to pay off the two chapters he owed you on the weekend, and by the way, it exploded, but Jing Night was still in her sleep this morning when she received a call from her mother saying that her grandmother had died.

Jing Night has many brothers and sisters. As the eldest son, Jing Night was sent to Grandma's house when she was a child. Jing Night and Grandma were particularly deeply in love. Now that Grandma is gone, Jing Night must go back to accompany Grandma for a few days, so the next few days Jing Night is not only unable to repay the debt, but may even be a problem with the renewal.

But don't worry brothers and sisters, Silent Night is a professional person, even if you are too busy and tired, Silent Night will try to keep two chapters updated every day.

In addition, weakly begging for a prayer for Grandma, and inviting all brothers and sisters in a position to do so to reward a little starting coin, not too much, just one or two pieces. This is the first time that Jing Night is asking for a reward, because Jing Night really likes Grandma, wants to ask for more prayers for Grandma, so that the old man can rest in peace on his way to heaven.