Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 460 Important Information

Night Ghost curiously gauged the bamboo, carefully gauged it for half a minute before nodding his head and laughing: “Turns out you were the miserable guy Moorish taught back then. By the way, you don't know who Moorish is, but you do know a thousand threads, don't you? Moorish is a thousand threads. ”

Thousand threads?

"I can't forget a thousand silk threads, even if I turn into a powerful ghost," said Moran, his fist tightened. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have been caught by the guys at National Intelligence, they wouldn't have forced me to serve them, and I wouldn't have known that bastard Shi Biao, and I wouldn't have joined this group, and I wouldn't have seen what happened to you with your guns pointed at me today. ”

The Night Ghost grinned: "Turns out you've been working for the Y National Intelligence Agency behind your back. Looks like you deserve to die. ”


The bullet was fired from the gunpoint, and it wasn't the hawk that killed him, it was the old man.

The Night Ghost looked at his body shaking and suddenly laughed: “Actually, you can save your life. But I wonder if you'd like to work for our boss. ”

"Who's your boss?" frowned Bamboo. ”

Night Ghost laughed: "We belong to the Bai Banquet Tavern. You don't need to know who our boss is right now. What you need to know is that once you choose to join us, you will be our boss's. Of course, you can choose to refuse, because the next step in rejection is to go to hell to endure endless suffering. Of course, even if you choose to join us, you will suffer tremendously, or in pain, you will go to hell. ”

“I agree! ”

After a dozen seconds of meditation, Bamboo snapped the iron and said.

The Night Ghost nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, since you agree, you're welcome to join. The Y.N.I.A. It's easy. All you need is a photograph of your body, and your file will be washed before it shows up at the top of the National Intelligence Agency. ”

The voice just dropped.

The Night Ghost instantly appeared in front of the Bamboo, and as a dagger was caught by her, the tip of the knife slid and blood splattered from the Bamboo's chest, flowing from his left side of the face.

Bamboo was hardy, not only didn't scream, but in the face of the sudden attack, he didn't fall. As his entire face became twisted, the Night Ghost punched him in the solar system and knocked him straight out.

“Take a picture of him and bring him back. ”

A middle-aged man wearing night-vision glasses coldly said: "Night ghosts, that's not the rule. The boss's orders were to capture or kill these extremists, not to subdue them. ”

Bamboo calmly said: "We have hundreds of people at the core of the 100 banquet hall who seem to be strong soldiers, but hundreds of peripheral members are also a strong force. When I was lonely... when the boss built the Bai Banquet Tavern, he said that as long as we had the ability, if we could make it work for us, we would try to subdue it. Bamboo is a terrific hacker, and in this information age, only Moorish is the only one in our Bay Banquet Lounge who is terrific in this area. And he was transferred by the boss, so we don't have that kind of skill. Besides, we are now capturing Bamboo, and we need to follow the boss's orders as to what to do with him eventually. ”

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment and said, "Then take it away and wait for the boss's order. ”

8: 00 p.m.

The concert begins.

With the appearance of Zhang Xinya, more than 40,000 fans from all over the country burst into thunderous cheers and screams. And the loud music, the loud singing, comes from behind a bunch of dancers.


Zhang Xinya's song.

In the front row of the audience in the A1 area, Hu Qingsong and Zhao Liang were a group of people, waving the fluorescent stick in their hands, shouting Zhang Xinya's name out loud. Even Mu Wanying, whose character was quiet, stood with everyone and laughed extraordinarily brilliantly. However, one person is extremely unusual, and that is Yue Kai.

At this moment.

Yue Kai kept looking around to find Tang Xiu's figure.

“Yue Kai, what are you looking at? Goddess! Are you thinking about something else?” Zhao Liang touched Yuekai's arm and shouted.

Yue Kai replied out loud: “I'm looking for Boss Tang. He should be here on such occasions! ”

Zhao Liang was stunned. He looked around and didn't find Tang Xiu's figure. He just said out loud: “Boss Tang may have something else. But I think he'll be here later. ”

Yue Kai silenced for a moment and nodded. “I hope he comes. ”

Outside the South Gate of the New World Center, Tang Xiu easily dumped two members of the security services responsible for protecting him and appeared in the three-story building a kilometre away.

At this time.

Forty members of the Bay Banquet Hall all returned and there were comatose patches on the side of the couch.

“Who is he? ”

Tang Xiu asked.

Night Ghost stood up and said respectfully: "Boss, his name is Bamboo, and he is the fourth best hacker on the world hacking list. He's one of the extremists you mentioned, and everyone else was killed by us, and I left him behind. ”

Tang Xiu asked, "What about the extremists who killed their bodies? ”

The Night Ghost said: "Our people have destroyed the remains with the water of the carcass. ”

Corpse water?

As soon as Tang Xiu moved, he understood that such things as carcass water must have been given to them by lonely geese or Ji Yumei. When he nodded, he said softly: "I want to know why you left him. ”

Night Ghost said: "Boss, lonely... the last boss said it when he created the Baibang Tavern. Whenever possible, the network is particularly powerful in some areas to try to use for us. We now have more than 500 members in the Baibang Pavilion, but there are only over a hundred core members, and almost all the other peripheral members have been on our network for years. That's why I'm saving his life and ready to listen to your arrangement. ”

Tang Xiu frowned and said: "Don't we have a computer expert in the Baibang? ”

The Night Ghost said, "Yes, Moorish is second on the list of hacker empires around the world. But you moved him, and we don't have that kind of expert in the Baibang Tavern right now. ”

Tang Xiu was surprised: "Is Mo Awen such a good hacker? ”


The Night Ghost replied.

Tang Xiu pondered for a moment and asked, "I wonder, what are you doing to subdue the great talent? Like this pigeon, this extremist presence is not only a danger to our Baibang Tavern, it is a great danger to ordinary citizens. ”

Night Ghost said: "Boss, more than half of the talent we've had in the Baibang Pavilion has been vicious and harmful to countless people. But with our training and renovation, not only can they be completely loyal to our banquet hall, but they can also get rid of that anger and change some minds. Lao Ji finally took the initiative and used special means to dramatically change the character of these people. ”

Tang Xiu thought for a while and nodded: “Now that you have a way to use him for us, let him handle it! Plus, I need to know how many more people we haven't found who were involved in this extreme program, to get some information out of his mouth. ”

Xingli stood up and said seriously: "Boss, you give me half an hour, at most half an hour, and I'll give you the answer you want to know. ”

Tang Xiu said, "Okay, I'll wait. ”

The stars nodded forcefully, picked up the dead dog's patchouli and left the hall.

Tang Xiu walked to the window and looked outside the South Gate at some security services and police in civilian clothes, seemed to sneak up casually, but was actually on guard, saying: "Your mission is almost complete. When the trial is over, if there is no other danger, you can evacuate to Jingmen Island. ”


Everyone answered respectfully.

Ten minutes later.

Xing Li came to Tang Xiu with a list and handed it over and said: "Boss, according to the number of extremist groups that we have eliminated tonight, I compared them and found that two others, Shi Biao and Arabic, had not been caught. ”

Tang Xiu remembered that he had “seen" Shi Biao and a 17-8-year-old girl at the Shangri-La Hotel. That girl should be the raccoon.

“Where are they now? ”

Tang Xiu asked.

"Bamboo said he didn't know where Shi Biao and the raccoon were, except for an old man who we had killed before. However, Bamboo said he could search the Internet, locate Shi Biao and the Arabian communication devices, and then determine their location. ”

"Give him the computer and let him find it for me," said Tang Xiu. ”


Bamboo was brought to this room, and as Bamboo's gear was placed in front of him, Tang Xiu said, "If you can find Shi Biao, I can give you a chance to live, and I will give you a chance to serve me. ”

"Are you what they call the boss? ”

"Yes, I am," said Tang Xiu. ”

Bamboo seriously weighed Tang Xiu several times, which only said: "Three minutes, three minutes at most, I can find them. ”

Finish it!

He sat straight in front of the computer and his fingers started banging the keyboard.

“Found out. ”

A smile appeared on the face of the patchouli, not at all because it felt inappropriate to betray a former companion. Even, there was a little excitement in his heart, because he had long seen Shi Biao, and if he could kill him, Bamboo even felt that the people in front of him were doing well.

Tang Xiu asked, “Where is it? ”

"It's 1.6 kilometers from where we are, near the West Gate in the heart of the New World," said Bamboo. ”

"Well done," said Tang Xiu. ”

Finish it!

He immediately sent Xingli to lead the men, and he was ready to leave the hall.

Bamboo looked at Tang Xiu's back and suddenly said: "Boss, I can provide you with another information. ”

Tang Xiu stopped and turned around and asked: "What information? ”

"The International Airport lobby has been fitted with a time bomb," said Bamboo. It's early 8: 00 and the time to explode is short. I estimate the blast time should be less than half an hour. ”