Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 640: Sudden Events


Tang Xiu was stunned and then shook his head in the dark. For ordinary people, high voltage current may lead to death, but for himself, the immortal, there is not much threat. Powerful fairy fixer, who wasn't struck by lightning during the ferry?

“I thought, when I did the immortal robbery myself, the 99th Thunder robbery was huge and powerful. And the result? I didn't even make it through, I even quenched it with lightning, and eventually I turned into a fairy. ”

Tang Xiu thought, suddenly the divine color moved.

Lightning quencher?

There are no high-tech products in the Immortal Realm that want to see lightning, unless it is a change in the natural environment, which is to trigger sky lightning, or something like lightning bolts. But now it's Earth! There's nothing missing on Earth, but there's no electricity.


If you use a current quencher with enough power, can you make your strength stronger?

Don Xiu thought about it, his eyes were already lit up, and even his heart was a little excited. He turned to Mo Yi and said, "Professor Mo, when the research project is officially launched, I will set up an internal fund. Every scientific expert who dies accidentally in a scientific research project receives tens of millions of dollars in compensation from his or her family; the injured, judged on the basis of the injuries, receives five million dollars in compensation. In addition, if there are people in the family, Shengtang Group will be responsible for elderly care, and if there are children in the family, Shengtang Group will be responsible for raising the children to adulthood. ”

Mo Yi was touched by Tang Xiu's words. Although he was almost sixty years old, he bowed deeply to Tang Xiu.

“Professor Mo, you don't have to do this. ”

Tang Xiu hurriedly held onto him and said.

Mo Yi shook his head: “Tang Xian... No, it should be the boss. On behalf not only of me, but of all my colleagues in the Institute, I thank you for addressing all our concerns. ”

"That's all I have to do," said Tang Xiu. ”


And he immediately changed the subject, and he said, "Professor Mo, what's the maximum power of the high-voltage current in this lab? ”

Mo Yi didn't understand why Tang Xiu suddenly asked the question, but he said honestly: “100 kilowatts, this is already a domestic generator power generator unit. Originally, there were 120 kilowatts of generator units abroad. Yuan Zhengxuan wanted to help us import them, but our laboratory didn't use that much power at all, so we didn't let him do it. ”

Tang Xiu asked again, "Should there be a safety lock in the lab? ”

Mo Yi smiled bitterly: “There is indeed a safety lock. If the safety gate had not suddenly broken last time, the colleague would not have..."

Tang Xiu nodded and said he understood. He really wanted to see how much current he was able to withstand, but because the scientific experts in the lab weren't familiar with him and the safety gates were there, he couldn't easily test them here.


As soon as Tang Xiu left the Institute and walked out of the door of the electronics factory used as a cover, he saw a black Audi sedan parked outside. Yuan Zheng Xuanzheng stood by the door to smoke.

“How'd it go? ”

Yuan Zhengxuan saw Tang Xiu drive out and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Tang Xiu nodded: “Money can make ghosts push and grind. This sentence is the same for everyone. Thanks also to Uncle Yuan for cutting love, I will definitely invite Uncle Yuan to have a good drink when I make a lot of money from the products I have studied. ”

Yuan Zhengxuan was surprised: “Are those scientific experts really accepting your thoughts? ”

Tang Xiu made a note count gesture and repeated: “Uncle Yuan, I just said it! Money can push ghosts. ”

Yuan Zheng suddenly couldn't help but laugh: “Yes, no one is a saint. If you want to live, you can't leave the money. I've booked a presidential suite in the Dragon's Cafeteria, so let's go have a drink. ”

Tang Xiu smiled and suddenly discovered that every time he returned to Starling City, he had to go to the presidential suite of the Dragon Food House to consume it. Previously, when he bought five villas, he hosted Chu Yuan and Xue Yu at the Dragon Chef's House.

Thinking of both of them, Tang Xiu was helpless. Chu Yuan is a resourceful man, thoughtful and knowledgeable of the world, even in this era, is a wise man; the surface of Snowball is cool, it is warm as a jade, a little less than the taste of interpersonal fireworks, which is a bit like that of an orphan cigarette. What helps him is that forgiveness is Chu Yuan intelligent Superman, but he is still a little cautious of himself; and Snowball... is still wondering if he really saw her face clearly.

“Both of them are difficult lords! ”

Don Xiu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Yuan Zhengxuan saw that Tang Xiu had lost consciousness. "What are you staring at? Don't you want to have a few drinks with Uncle Yuan? ”

Tang Xiu sobered up from the standstill and shook his head. “No, I was wondering how Uncle Yuan knew. I still have a few bottles of divine brew in the trunk of my car! ”

Yuan Zhengxuan eyebrowed and suddenly hey hey laughed: “Tang Xiu, I gave you so many of my scientific experts. Should you mean it? Don't mention money, it's too vulgar. I think a fairy brew would be nice! Ten boxes and eight boxes for your Uncle Yuan? ”

Tang Xiu outlined the corner of his mouth and smiled and climbed on his face and said: “Twenty boxes of fairy brews must be delivered to Uncle Yuan's house by tonight. And I promise you, when you're done, you can call Konsha anytime, and she'll send someone right over. ”

“Atmospheric! ”

Yuan Zheng Xuan Daxi raised his thumb against Tang Xiu.

Immediately, the two drove to the Dragon Cafeteria. On the way, Tang Xiu dialed the phone he had been staying in nearby Moabu, instructing him to purchase the generator unit immediately and demanding as much power as possible.

“Bell bell...”

Tang Xiu and Yuan Zhengxuan, who were drinking and chatting in the presidential suite of the Long Cuisine Mansion, were suddenly interrupted by a rushed cell phone ring. Tang Xiu handed Yuan Zhengxuan an an apologetic look, took out his phone and looked at the number that appeared to be displayed by the electricity. Then he made a gesture to Yuan Zhengxuan and stood up and answered the phone: “Brother Shao, do you need me? ”

In the phone, Shao Ming's impatient voice was heard: “Tang Xiu, something happened to Miao Wentang. ”

Tang Xiu changed his face and quickly asked: “What's wrong with him? ”

"I don't know exactly why," said Shao Mingzhen, "but Miao Wen Tang's assistant just called for help at Kanas Longquan Bay on the west side. ”

Tang Xiu seriously said, "Brother Shao, where are you now? ”

"Blue City," said Shao Mingzhen. ”

Tang Xiu said: "Brother Shao, you wait for me at Lancheng Airport, I will bring someone to meet you immediately. Since Brother Miao is in danger, we must save him. By the way, you should contact each other again to find out exactly why. ”


Shao Mingzhen answered and hung up directly.

Tang Xiu put away his phone and walked to Yuan Zhengxuan. He said: "Uncle Yuan, I'm afraid there's no way to continue drinking with you. A friend of mine is in some danger. I have to hurry up. I'll come back and make amends when I'm done over there. ”

Yuan Zhengxuan made it clear that Tang Xiu would not exorcise the word. His wife and children had also been rescued by Tang Xiu once. Naturally, knowing that saving people was like fighting fire, he immediately said: “Tang Xiu, is there anything I can do to help? ”

"My friend was in Kanas," said Tang Xiu. ”

Yuan Zhengxuan shook his head and laughed bitterly: “Then I can't help it. Western region, I don't have anything… etc. ”

Yuan Zhengxuan spoke in half, suddenly grabbed the phone, quickly found a phone, quickly called each other, after a few words, he hung up the phone, looked at Tang Xiu and said: “You write down this phone number. His name is Jeffrey, my former comrade, and although we haven't heard from him in years, he's still in touch. I just spoke to him on the phone, and when you get to Kanas, call him directly, and he'll pick up the plane himself. ”

“Thank you, Uncle Yuan. ”

Don Hugh Fei quickly wrote down the number and grabbed his jacket and rushed out. Even more so, he summoned the departed Moabu back and drove the wind towards Blue City. On the way, he called his parents, Kansas, and Mu Yi, the director of the institute.

Lancheng Airport.

After Tang Xiu arrived with Mo Awu and ten others, he saw Shao Mingzhen and the six bodyguards he was carrying in the terminal.

“Brother Shaw, have you reconnected there?” Tang Xiu asked quickly.

Shao Ming smiled bitterly: “I've already reconnected, Miao's assistant said it unclear. After she and two bodyguards were placed in Kanas Longquan Bay, Brother Miao left with a group of people. But two days later, Brother Miao fled back alone. After meeting his assistant, because of the serious injuries, he said my name and passed out. He has not yet woken up. ”

Mindful of the seriousness of the breakdown, Tang Xiu quickly said: "Have you bought all our tickets? ”

Shao Mingzhen said: "When I received the information you sent me, I booked tickets for all twelve of you. We're two and a half hours away from takeoff. ”

Two and a half hours?

Too long.

Tang Xiu called Aunt Tang Min and asked her to help arrange a passenger plane. Only seven or eight minutes later, the head of Lancheng Airport arrived personally and told Tang Xiu and others to wait a half hour before a passenger plane with no take-off mission could take them west.

Tang Xiu knew that it would take time to redirect the route, communicate everything, and even refuel the passenger plane, so he waited forcefully, despite his anxiety. Miao Wendeng Tang was his friend and partner. Miao Wendeng Tang helped him once. He always remembered this affair.

4: 20 pm.

The plane took off from Blue City Airport and headed west. Upon arrival at the western airport, there was a stopover, which culminated at 9: 50 p.m. at Kanas Airport.