Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 1070: Fox Friends

The sky is dark, the stars gleam, the slightly cooler sea breeze blows over the calm sea surface, and the reflecting starlight emits a blurry beauty. There are many sea fish leaping out of the sea and spying on other worlds beyond the sea water.

Two luxurious passenger liners, capable of accommodating hundreds of people, park quietly on the surface, adorned with colorful lights, as if two colorful gems were embedded on the surface.

On the bow deck, there is a long table with all kinds of fruits and refreshments in a beautiful dish. And the wine in that crystal glass is as red as blood. Two handsome young men, also blonde and eye-catching, are raising their glasses and drinking.

“William, I'm sure God is asleep to see you in this Pacific Ocean. You Ordo companies seem to have been destroyed by the pyramids a long time ago. Rumor has it that you also went to the gods of Satan for a drink, but why are you here?” Angel Doron had a smile on his face, and the words were even more intriguing.

Wearing red pajamas and spreading long blonde hair, PowerArt shrugged his shoulders and drank all the wine out of the crystal glass, so he picked up the white handkerchief and wiped away the wine trail at the corner of his mouth, slowing Slow Sly's smile: “I don't know if God is asleep, but I do know that the Satan gods don't like me very much. Angel Doron, how can you summon me if you are so despised by the gods of Satan that he hasn't even found you? ”

Angel Doron's smile converged a lot and said, "Dear PowerArt, you know my personality very well, you don't like to turn around with people, answer my question, how did you get to the Pacific Ocean? Are you also trying to get false information about the treasure? ”

"People die for wealth, birds die for food, and since there are legends that there are treasures here, of course I'm here to take a chance. Of course, after confirming the news, the treasure was deliberately fabricated by the people of the Tianxi family, so I was too lazy to look for it. Let's take this opportunity to relax. Wine, delicious, beautiful, not far from Saipan Island, I am happy with the leisure time here. ”

Angel Doron said, "So you're on vacation now? ”

"I didn't say I was on vacation, I was looking for treasure," said William. Aha... my old boss, he can't help but squeeze all my time, like a bank printer to make him money, I'm tired! ”


He turned his head and raised his voice several beats, “Tell me, are you tired? ”

“Not tired. ”

That platoon of big men drank aloud.

PowerArt turned a white eye and stretched his lazy waist, humming: “They are a bunch of hypocritical bastards. They follow me everyday to run to work for money. I can't believe I'm not tired of screaming. Looks like I'm going to have to use this bunch of mules as horses to make the call. ”

Angel Doron laughed out loud: "William, my dear friend, you are truly defenceless! My people, when I say they are tired, they are tired; when I say they are not tired, they are full of energy. ”

William waved and said, "All right, stop being such a jerk. I got some nice models from the Cavillon brokerage company this time, and they'll be waiting for you at the party. Don't take it personally, even though I've played them all before, they're very good at their skills. ”

Angel Doron smiled softly and said, "Let's talk about women later. I was going to meet you later. I didn't expect to meet you here. So, let's get down to business, and when we're done, we're having fun together. ”

PowerArt frowned and said directly: "Don't be told I'm busy after Christmas until Christmas, I'm tired like a snow dog every day, now! I'm just trying to figure out how to play comfortably and how to do it happily. ”

Angel Doron said oddly: "Dear Mr. Powiat, I believe your family's intelligence might have known well in advance about the robbery of the African Dante diamond mine? I don't think there's any need to hide it from you, because the man who robbed Dante Diamond Mine is one of our Doron family. However, we and some of the groundsnakes on the other side of Africa have a deep contradiction that would be very troublesome if I were to solve it by the Doron family alone. ”

Violet's face changed slightly and looked deeply at Angel Doron, saying word for word: "Your proposal sparked my interest. Go on, if I think your offer is good, I'll think about it. ”

Angelo Doron said confidently: "I'm sure no one will refuse to take the advantage of falling out of the sky like a pie, unless there's something wrong with his brain. I need your family to help me solve the poverty and backwardness of Africa, the stiff-minded groundsnake, and I'm willing to give you 20 percent of the proceeds, okay? ”

PowerArt's eyes flashed through a fine light, and after a few minutes of meditation, he slowly reached out and said, "Forty percent, I need forty percent. ”

Angel Doron glanced and shouted in anger: "We Doron family have suffered a huge loss in order to grab the 'Dante Diamond Mine’, now you're telling me to make 40% of the profit? Are you crazy or is the world crazy? Impossible, even if I promised you, the elders of the Dorons would not agree. ”

"Don't be so sad," said Violet. "Those who grabbed the 'Dante Diamond Mine' did not suffer any losses at all. This information can still be investigated by the Ate family. Well, I don't have a lion's big mouth either, 30%, and we in the Art family need 30% profit. Otherwise, find someone else to work with. ”


This share of Angel Doron is acceptable, but the situation on the African side is very complicated, let alone 30 per cent, even at the cost of half the proceeds. Of course, in this negotiating situation, the higher the price, the higher the profits for his Doron family, and naturally he would play a little trick.

“Deal. ”

Angel Doron and Miliat looked at each other and both smiled satisfactorily.

PowerArt slapped his hands and a big man stepped into the passenger cabin. A few minutes later, the four blondes were taken out of the front and rear recesses of their bodies. William looked at Angel Doron, hey, smiling: "Are we playing together? Or two for each? ”

Angelo Doron likes women, especially these female models who often throw their heads outside, because perhaps one day, some of the female models he's played with will suddenly catch fire and become a giant star. But there was something in his mind, so he shook his head and said, "As I said earlier, let's talk about serious things first. A friend of mine will be here later. We'll talk when we see him. ”

William was surprised: "Friend? What people?”

Angel Doron laughed: "Weird old devil. ”

PowerArt suddenly stood up from the chair, his face showing a strong sense of consternation, and he hurried, “My old friend, my dear Angel, are you out of your mind? Why did you call the old geek? He's a lunatic, dealing with dead people almost every day. Damn, I knew the pie wasn't falling out of the sky. I just thought we had a big deal going on. I didn't know it was going to happen. ”

Angel Doron said weirdly, "Do you seem scared of the old devil? Was it him who missed you? Or is there some grudge between you? ”

William waved, “There's no grudge, it's just that he pitched me once before and took one of my family's treasures. Goddamn it, I did want to beat him up and get him to give us our baby back. ”

Angelo Doron pointed to the nearby elite big guy, and hey, hey, smile: "Can you take care of the weird old devil?" ”

PowerArt flashed a different color under his eyes and said proudly: "Even if you can't get rid of that guy, you won't lose. ”

“Young master. ”

A beautiful woman, twisting Yang Liu's waist, dressed in her professional suit and wearing golden silk-edged glasses, stepped out of the cabin and bowed down beside Angel Doron, whispering: “A few nautical miles away, a passenger ship was found heading our way. ”

Angel Doron picked out his eyebrows and grinned: “Huaxia has an old saying called: Speak of Cao Cao arrives. If I had guessed correctly, it would have been the devil who brought his men here. ”

"I wish I hadn't seen him," whispered William. "Every time I see him, it's no good. ”


A luxury passenger ship approached slowly, and when Angel Dorone and Mighty Art had a good look at the weird old devil standing on the bow deck, Angel Dorone stood up and opened his arms and laughed out loud: "Welcome, weird old devil. ”

The luxury passenger ship stopped and the old devil had a different color on his face. "Angel Doron, I see you can't wait to meet the Great Satan God! I'm so happy to welcome you. Am I going to tell you how honored I am? ”

Angel Doron's smile solidified on his face, then frowned and said, "Weird old devil, this joke is not very good. ”

“He is not joking. Today you will meet your magnificent god Satan.” Tang Xiu walked out of the cabin with Tang Guang and others and came to the strange old devil. The strange old devil bowed slightly and retreated behind Tang Xiu.

Angel Doron's eyes revealed caution, and even some shock in his heart. He knew the weird old devil, that the old devil was an untamed character, and that his heart was not only harsh, ruthless, but also arrogant. But who is that young man? Why is the old devil so respectful in front of him?

“Who are you? ”

Angelo Doron took a few steps backwards and asked with a gloomy face as his men quickly approached him.